Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,201 to 20,220 of 55,889
  1. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 100 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 100 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  2. Leipzig Concentration Camp

    Mass Murder, Leipzig, Germany, April 20, 1945. HSs, burned building in concentration camp with bodies lying in wreckage. CUs, two escaped prisoners from the camp. CUs, partially burned bodies entangled in electrified barbed wire fence. CUs, partially burned bodies in a shed and burned barracks. MCUs, Russian women, enforced laborers, crying near barbed-wire fence. Summary: A detachment from Leipzig concentration camp was assigned work in the nearby aircraft factory. When the US invasion of the city was imminent, the Waffen SS guards prepared to leave the city. Those prisoners who were in go...

  3. Soviet soldiers dead in field

    Tanganng?, USSR. Bright, expansive sky, wide vista, flat. MS many dead horses. Low embankment on dirt road. 40-50 bodies of Russian soldiers scattered around. Wind blowing through grass. Soviet POWs walk down road, 3-4 across, around and past the bodies, looking at them. More horses, dead men, cart wheels. The narration indicates that almost 658,000 prisoners have been taken.

  4. German Army and Russian women prisoners

    Russian villagers (women and kids) stand outside their log cabin homes, hands up, while Germans search the house.

  5. Mr. Martin Strauss papers

    Martin Strauss papers consist of a German passport issued to Martin Strauss, January 13, 1939, including a visa for Palestine issued by the British Consulate in Dresden, Germany. Also includes a U.S. alien registration card issued in April 1947 to Martin Strauss (c/o Hugo Freund) by U.S. Dept of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service; establishes that Martin Strauss registered in New York under the Alien Registration Act, #6647577.

  6. Romani traveling wagon from prewar Czechoslovakia

    Wooden traveling wagon made for a Lovari family, a Romani people, who specialized in horse dealing in the Czech and Slovak regions. The wagon with metal hoops for a canvas covering was custom-made for members of the group in the mid-1930s. In 1939, there were about a million Roma in Europe. The Roma were judged as racially inferior by Nazi ideology and singled out for persecution by Germany, in ways that paralleled the treatment of Jews. The Lovari were imprisoned, made to perform forced labor, sent to concentration camps, and killed outright en masse. About 220,000, or one quarter of the R...

  7. Roehm and Himmler

    September 23 and 24, 1933. Ernst Roehm, Heinrich Himmler and others at (outdoor) military event (Reichsfuehrer Day?). Many flags with the German Cross. Parade in Hannover. Jodphurs and big boots. Lots of MS, MLS, LS. Happy atmosphere of soldiers. MS of participants. Nazi entourage walks up to podium, Roehm in center, Himmler behind him. Franz Seldte speaks (man with glasses). Roehm and Himmler on viewing stand. Kronprinz Wilhelm signing autographs.

  8. Nazi Party Rally, Nuremberg, 1937

    CUs Nuremberg stadium stands with saluting BDMs, RAD and civilians. Good MS and CUs of Hitler standing in car in Nuremberg stadium watching parade of work corps. CA to BDM. Good goosestepping RAD. Informal shots of young men in uniform seated on stadium ground, drinking from canteens. LS of stands. Longer shot, POV stands, Hitler watching parade, shots of marchers, band from various angles. Shots of various members of audience in stands, including military, SS, BDM, SA, civilians. POV stands, officials enter stadium in cars. Himmler climbs stadium steps as SS line walk way. POV high in stan...

  9. Bruening speaks

    Title: "Germany can pay no more, says Dr. Bruening - Chancellor with dictatorship powers makes an important statement on reparations." Heinrich Bruening, seated at a desk, reads a prepared speech in English. He speaks of the hardships suffered by Germany and the punitive nature of Versailles. He ends with the statement that the war will never truly be over until "the account is closed and payment has been made in full." Bruening, the leader of the Catholic Center Party, served as German Chancellor from 1930 -- 1932.

  10. Deportation of Bessarabian Jews to Transnistria

    Low aerial shots from a plane show the destroyed city of Balti. Pan across dead bodies, with the narration that the KPU and their "Jewish helpers" had perpetrated the murders. The next shot shows the forced march of Bessarabian Jews in the area of Balti, Romania, part of the deportations to Transnistria, late fall, 1941. The narration describes how these "eastern Jewish types" overran Europe after the World War I and attempted to destroy the culture of the non-Jews. Long line of impoverished people moving along a country road and over a low wooden bridge. Some are barefoot. Most carry bundl...

  11. Hindenburg and Wachtruppe

    Intertitle reads, "Aufnahmen aus dem Leben Kaiser Franz Josefs laesslich der 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstag." Hindenburg leaving building (Reichstag?), salutes camera. Other officers stand around. Intertitle reads, "Berliner Wachtruppe pfing den Besuch des Reichspraesidenten." Berliner Wachtruppe greets Hindenburg as he reviews the troops. Profile of Hindenburg as he walks back and forth, salutes an officer.

  12. American anti-Nazi protests

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 720. Release date, 11/15/1938. Contains various Universal Newsreel clips of anti-Nazi protest speeches of prominent US leaders. 01:54:28: "FDR Leads Nation in Protest Against Nazi Persecutions" Denouncing Nazism. FDR at desk, quick flash, ready to speak, waiting (FDR does not actually speak). Street scenes, broken windows (quick) in Czechoslovakia. Bald man giving testimony. 01:54:51: Herbert Hoover at Palo Alto, CA. CBS microphone MCU. "Americans should be indignant at terrible outbreak of Jewish persecution in Germany... brutal parallel; e...

  13. Siegfried and Alma Seligmann family papers

    The Siegfried and Alma Seligmann family papers consist of biographical materials, camp documents, and emigration and immigration records documenting the Seligmanns’ journey aboard the MS St. Louis, return to Europe and brief stay in Belgium, internment in France, and immigration to the United States via Lisbon. Biographical materials include identification papers, German and Belgian registration certificates, and vaccination certificates. Camp documents include lyrics to the Gurs and St. Cyprien camp song “Ich kann sie nicht mehr seh’n die Pyrénéen,” a summons to appear in Gurs, and a certi...

  14. Communists from election campaign

    Aerial shot of a street with flags flying and a banner showing an individual stepping on a swastika. Shots of pro-communist banners and posters, including several for Ernst Thaelmann, the KPD leader who ran against Hitler in 1932. Intertitles in Russian. An individual is shown constructing what appears to be a collecting box for the Communist party as a child watches. A star painted with a hammer and sickle and a photo of Thaelmann adorn the box, and a hand places coins into the box.

  15. Erwin Haber papers

    The Erwin Haber papers consist of correspondence written by Erwin Haber, brother of Kitty Goldberg, written in August 1942. The correspondence relates the experiences of Erwin Haber and include a letter he threw from a train as we was being deported from Malines (Mechelen), Belgium, in August 1942. The letter was found by a stranger and mailed to his family.

  16. Hitler at cathedral; SA honor guard

    Title: "Hitler follower buried in state - Germany's new chancellor leads 100,000 Berliners in official funeral for Nazi killed in inaugural riot." Bells toll as the camera pans across huge crowds of SA men. Hitler (in a Brownshirt uniform) is shown leaving the Berlin Cathedral, surrounded by SS men, as the narrator notes that this is the first time a state funeral has been provided for a private citizen. A brief shot of an SA honor guard, holding Nazi flags, switches to a bird's eye view, which includes the cross atop the cathedral, of the funeral cortege.

  17. FDR speaks

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 7, No. 327, Part 1. Release date, 02/11/1935. Roosevelt, wearing a bowtie, reads script in front of camera. Shot of boy scouts huddled around radio in uniforms (also shot from inside the radio looking out). CU of boy scout, VS of scouts grouped together. On the occasion of the National Scouting Convention to be held in Washington, DC. Roosevelt invites scouts from other countries to attend the convention, speaks of scouting as an activity that goes beyond barriers of "race or creed," an important activity in all civilized countries.

  18. Oral history interview with Jossi Harel

  19. Banners

    Archway with garlands woven into the frame to say "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer." Signs and banners saying "10 April: Ja" (ratification of Anschluss). Panning shots around city. Trolley cars, buses, cyclists. LS pan up street. Churches visible. Berliner Rathaus, Unter den Linden, Denkmal Humboldt statue, Friedrich des Grossen [Frederick the Great], Janowitz bridge, Teltow Kanal, Hallesches Tor, Pergamonmuseum, Hausvaerland, Messegelande, Pferderennen, Leipzigerstrasse. Train station. Olympic stadium. Marketplace.