Romani traveling wagon from prewar Czechoslovakia
Extent and Medium
overall: Height: 108.000 inches (274.32 cm) | Width: 57.000 inches (144.78 cm) | Depth: 149.000 inches (378.46 cm)
Archival History
The wagon was acquired by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1991.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection
Scope and Content
Wooden traveling wagon made for a Lovari family, a Romani people, who specialized in horse dealing in the Czech and Slovak regions. The wagon with metal hoops for a canvas covering was custom-made for members of the group in the mid-1930s. In 1939, there were about a million Roma in Europe. The Roma were judged as racially inferior by Nazi ideology and singled out for persecution by Germany, in ways that paralleled the treatment of Jews. The Lovari were imprisoned, made to perform forced labor, sent to concentration camps, and killed outright en masse. About 220,000, or one quarter of the Roma, were killed during the Holocaust.
Conditions Governing Access
No restrictions on access
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Weathered, custom made, four spoke-wheeled wooden wagon with decorative carving. The each side of the wagon body is formed by three horizontal slat panels with thicker planks on the exterior vertically at approximately 1 foot intervals to reinforce the sides. Three large, metal hoops are bolted to the top edges of the wagon sides arch over the wagon to act as frames for a canvas covering. There are round poles attached to the front and back sides to which the canvas covering wood have been nailed. Some poles have canvas remnants and nails. There are worn footrests along the right and left sides. There are traces of dark olive green paint inside the carving that decorates the body of the wagon. There are traces of lighter bluish green paint on the legs and mud splashes above the wheels. Many metal fittings are rusted. Some boards are replacement boards. There is a 13'1" wooden pole to attach the horses. a: wagon b: metal bolt from wagon, stored separately c. metal piece with chain from wagon, stored separately d. metal piece from wagon, stored separately
- Romanies--Czechoslovakia--Social life and customs.
- World War, 1939-1945--Czechoslovakia.
- Romani Genocide, 1939-1945.
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Czechoslovakia.
- Object
- Tools and Equipment