Valtiollisen poliisin II arkisto
- Archive of the State Police II
Scope and Content
The archive includes personal cards, personal files, interrogation minutes, case files, reports, photos, and journals, among other things. The Holocaust-related records are only a small part of this vast collection. They are described as child collections.
In 1948 some parts of the archive were deliberately destroyed.
Archivist Note
Description was made by Filip Sikorski, on the basis of "Arkistojen portti" [The Gates of the Archives] website,
Rules and Conventions
EHRI Guidelines for Description v.1.0
- Finland
Valtiollisen poliisin II arkisto
Scope and Content
Arkisto sisältää mm. henkilökortteja, henkilömappeja, kuulustelupöytäkirjoja, asiamappeja, ilmoituksia, valokuvia ja kirjediaareja. Holokaustiin liittyvä aineisto on vain pieni osa tätä isoa kokoelmaa ja se on kuvailtu alakokoelmissa.
1948 osa aineistoa hävitettiin.
Archivist Note
Kuvauksen on tehnyt Filip Sikorski "Arkistojen portti" internettisivun perusteella,
Rules and Conventions
EHRI Guidelines for Description v.1.0
Dates of Descriptions
Other Connected Items
Both Valtiollisen poliisin I arkisto and Valtiollisen poliisin II arkisto are archives of the Finnish State Police. However, technically they are considered two different fonds. The difference reflects the political change that took place in Finland at the end of 1944, when Finland signed armistice with the Soviet Union and broke the alliance with Germany.