
Displaying items 1,101 to 1,113 of 1,113
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Le grand rabbin Herzog au cardinal Maglione

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • The Great Rabbi Herzog to Cardinal Maglione

    The Great Rabbi of Jerusalem Herzog informs Cardinal Maglione about news from Spain concerning the treatment of from Germany recently immigrated Jews. These people were reportedly arrested, and, without special authorisations, would be deported back to Germany. Herzog requests Maglione to pay the due attention to this topic.

  2. Mgr. Tardini au nonce à Bucarest Cassulo

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • Mgr. Tardini to the Nuncio in Bucarest Cassulo

    Tardini inform Cassulo that the Spanish Government refuse the project of the company « Sarocego » about transferring Romanian Jews to Spain.

  3. Gesamtverband Deutscher Antikommunistischer Vereinigungen

    Writings, reports, and clippings, relating to the international communist movement and to Jews.

  4. Hryhorij Nestor Rudenko-Rudolph Papers

    Writings, pamphlets, serial issues, and miscellanea, relating to the history and philosophy of anarchism. Includes a book-length study by H. N. Rudenko-Rudolph, expounding anarchism, and tracing the nineteenth and twentieth century history of the movement, especially in the United States, Russia and Spain.

  5. Namenslisten von Auswanderern

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Listen von Flüchtlingen des Spanien-Transports vom 7. August 1941 nach Kuba und Argentinien mit Angabe von Namen, Heimatadresse, Geburtsdatum und Geburtsort auf der Liste der Reisegenehmigungen sowie des Ziellandes auf der Abfertigungsliste; // Liste von Auswanderern 1941 mit Angabe von Namen, Heimatadresse, Geburtsdatum bzw. Geburtsjahr, Zielland und Monat der Auswanderung //

  6. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Abfertigung; Auswanderung USA via Spanien (in der IKG eingelangte Telegramme, Erklaerungen der Betroffenen ueber die Annahme der von der IKG gestellten Bedingungen und an diese gerichtete Mitteilungen ueber die Aufgabe eines die Visaerteilung durch das amerikanische Konsulat in Barcelona erbetenden Telegramms, nummeriert);

  7. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Abfertigung; 5. Spanientransport;

  8. Booklet edited by Tilly Spiegel, a member of the Austrian Resistance movement, regarding activities of Austrians in the Belgian and French Resistance movement during World War II

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Booklet edited by Tilly Spiegel, a member of the Austrian Resistance movement, regarding activities of Austrians in the Belgian and French Resistance movement during World War II Also in the file: - List of names of Austrian Jews who served in the International Brigade in Spain, 1936-1939; - Material regarding Austrian Jews who volunteered to serve in the British Army during World War II.

  9. Communications report regarding the attitude of the International Commission of Jurists that acts as an advisory body for the United Nations and UNESCO in Geneva towards legislative changes regarding freedom of the press and communications in Spain, 1966

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Communications report regarding the attitude of the International Commission of Jurists that acts as an advisory body for the United Nations and UNESCO in Geneva towards legislative changes regarding freedom of the press and communications in Spain, 1966 The notice was published by the Union of Austrian Volunteers in the Spanish Republic, 1936-1939 and Friends of Democratic Spain (Vereinigung Oesterreichische Freiwiilger in der Spanischen Republik 1936-1939 und Freunde des Demokratischen Spanien).

  10. "Urlisten": Ursprüngliche Effektenverzeichnisse von Häftlingen des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme

    1. Verwaltungsamt für innere Restitutionen, Stadthagen
    2. Bestandsaufnahme von Effekten von Verfolgten des NS-Regimes

    Enthält: Schleswig-Holstein, Land: Other valuable articles identifiable, non-monetary gold-articles unidentifiable, non-monetary gold-articles identifiable, List of entvelopes and contents found at Neuengamme Camp but not included in lists compiled by Land Schleswig-Holstein, Inventory of articles received from Neuengamme Concentration Camp and not listed by Land Schleswig-Holstein - France, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Esthonia, Chzechoslowacia, Yugoslavia, Serbien, Kroatien, Germany, Spain, Greece, Norway, America, Brazil, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Ukraine, Rumania; List of ...

  11. Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0008

    1. World War II

    De geïnterviewde werd geboren op 22 maart 1918. Gedurende de oorlog raakte hij via zijn vrouw betrokken bij de verzetsactiviteiten van de zogeheten Westerweel/Loosdrecht Groep. Hij verzorgde bonkaarten aan ondergedoken Joodse kinderen en hielp Joodse kinderen via België naar Spanje te vluchten. Over zijn werkzaamheden voor deze groep vertelt de geïnterviewde uitvoerig. Hij is vanuit deze groep tevens betrokken geweest bij de ontsnapping van een Joodse vrouw uit Westerbork. In Amsterdam was hij getuige van een executie van een groep mannen nabij het Weteringcircuit. The interviewee was born ...

  12. Collection of Ilya Ehrenburg, author and member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC), 1941-1967

    In the Collection there is original documentation including articles, testimonies, photographs and letters regarding the Holocaust within the Soviet Union; some of the documentation appears in"The Black Book". The Collection also contains letters from Jews written after the war regarding displays of antisemitism in Soviet policy.