
Displaying items 1 to 20 of 35
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Anti-Jewish propaganda film: banking; government leaders

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 4 Another extract from the feature film "The House of Rothschild" showing R...

  2. Freizeitgestaltung

    1. Heřman´s collection

    Freizeitgestaltung. K0-K74. Podpisy Signatures of the members of the FZG

  3. Gerichte und Staatsanwaltschaften

    1. Bestände vor 1945
    2. Justizverwaltung

    Vorwort Gerichte 1794 war mit dem "Allgemeinen Landrecht für die preußischen Staaten" ein einheitliches Gesetzbuch geschaffen worden. Diese neue Rechtsordnung zielte auf Rechtssicherheit, Unabhängigkeit der Justiz, Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz und Schutz von Person und Eigentum. Prozess- und Militärrecht blieben ausgeklammert. Die zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts in Preußen eingeleitete Entwicklung setzte diese Reformen fort: Gemäß der Städteordnung von 1808 wurden gemeindliche und staatliche Aufgaben klar voneinander getrennt; die Verschränkung von Justiz und Verwaltung wurde beseitigt; Poliz...

  4. Immigration Division

    1. World Jewish Congress
    2. Relief and Rescue Departments

    Includes correspondence and reports of Ellen Hilb, Milka Fuchs, and Kurt R. Grossman. The majority of the material deals with applications and affidavits for individual immigration cases, especially for entry into the United States. Box D14. Folder 4. Grossman, Kurt R., 1947-1949 Box D14. Folder 5. Information sheets, no. 1-7, 1947 Box D14. Folder 6. Emergency visa correspondence, 1948 Box D14. Folder 7. Opportunities to Latin America, 1941-1946 Box D14. Folder 8. Hospital of Immigration, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1941-1942 Box D14. Folder 9. United States, Department of State, 1940-1944 Box...

  5. Index of names of nazis

    INDEX of Names: of Nazis (including collaborators and earlier ideologues) suspected, accused and/or convicted of war crimes; and of Nazi war crime trials (1955-2004)This INDEX was compiled from names mentioned in articles and reports on war crime trials (WWII), which were largely held in West Germany, but some took place in the East, all between 1955 and 2004. Most of these articles were contemporary with the actual trials, and most were written in German. These articles on microfilm are part of the Archive Collection of the Wiener Library, London. The articles are filed under sections: G5....