
Displaying items 1,941 to 1,960 of 10,320
  1. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Diplomatic Legation in Bern Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Bernie (Sygn.495)

    Reports, correspondence, publications, notes and other documents related to the condition of national minorities in Poland, Switzerland and Europe, many records refer to Polish Jews. Also included are records related to condition of refugees and internees, as well as social relief and its organization by the Polish and International Red Cross, taking care of Polish citizens in Switzerland, passport documentation, matters related to searches for individuals and determining their whereabouts, political situation in Poland, registers of prisoners of war, and plans for Jewish emigration to Pale...

  2. MS St. Louis

    Fonds consists of one folder containing a metal pin commemorating the MS St. Louis (November 7, 2018) and an invitation to a live broadcast of the government’s statement of apology for the MS St. Louis incident, written in French and English

  3. 596. Italie. Mouvement de réfugiés d'Italie vers la France, juin 1945 - février 1946 603. Italie. Organisations bénévoles "Friends Relief Service" et "Friends Committee for Refugees and Aliens", novembre 1944 - janvier 1947 (2 dossiers) 604. Italie. Organisation bénévole "International Rescue and Relief Committee", août-1944 - mars 1945 605. Italie. Organisation bénévole "Hias-JGA Emigration Association" (H.I.C.E.M.), mai - juillet 1944 606. Italie. Organisation bénévole "Friends Ambulance Unit", mai 1944 - février 1946 607. Italie. Organisation bénévole "American Joint Distribution Committee" (A.J.D.C.), avril - décembre 1944 608. Italie. Organisation bénévole "American Friends Service Committee" (A.F.S.C.), mars 1944 - juillet 1945 697. Italie. Projet n° 2. Pêcherie à Bagni, septembre octobre 1945 803. Italie. Projet n° 3. Boutiques de coiffeurs, octobre 1945 804. Italie. Projet n° 4. Fabrication de savon à Bagni, octobre 1945 703, 864. Italie. Projet n° 5. Enseignement manuel dans la région de Rome, septembre 1945 - février 1946 866 et 867. Italie. Projet n° 6. Assistance aux Juifs dans la région de Florence, novembre - décembre 1945 701, 1797. Opérations du Comité intergouvernemental en Italie. Généralités, juillet - décembre 1945 et février - avril 1947 768. Italie. Maison de convalescents à la villa Sansoni à Rome, août 1944 - juin 1947 797. Italie. Avantages accordés à la délégation du Comité intergouvernemental, juillet 1945 - juin 1947 929. Italie. Eligibilité des réfugiés à l'assistance du Comité intergouvernemental, septembre 1945 - janvier 1947 940. Italie. Réfugiés qui ne sont pas sous le mandat du Comité intergouvernemental, novembre 1945 - juillet 1946 957. Italie. Maisons pour les Juifs âgés à Mantoue, janvier mai 1946 1800. Italie. Octroi de prêts, janvier - février 1947 1994. Italie. Prise de la responsabilité des camps par le Comité intergouvernemental, appel au personnel, mars - mai 1947 2014. Italie. Comité de criblage des réfugiés, mai - juin 1947

  4. VS 400 Fédération des Institutions internationales, 1949 1950 VS 401 - Union internationale des Ligues féminines catholiques, 1949 - 1950 VS 402 - Canadian Arts Council, 1949 VS 403 - Union des Invalides de guerre russes résidant en Belgique, 1949 -1950 VS 404 - Comité intérimaire des Organisations consultatives non gouvernementales, 1948 - 1950 VS 405 - Centre quaker international de Genève, 1948 - 1950 VS 406 - Association catholique internationale des Oeuvres de Protection de la Jeune Fille, 1949 VS 407 - Union libérale mondiale (Liberal International), 1949 VS 408 - Fédération mondiale pour la Santé mentale (World Federation for Mental Health), 1949 - 1951 VS 409 - Slovak Central Social Committee, 1950 VS 410 - Mouvement suisse pour la Fédération européenne (Sozialhilfe der Europa-Union), 1949 VS 412 - Free Citizens of Yugoslavia, 1949 VS 413 - International Committee of Political Refugees and Displaced Persons in Germany, 1949 -1951 VS 414 - Assemblée mondiale de la Jeunesse (World Assembly of Youth), 1949 -1950 VS 415 - Norwegian Refugee Committee (Europahjelpen 1949 - 1950 VS 416 - Polish Catholic Organisation in Holland, 1949 VS 417 - Service d'Entraide familiale (Rév.Père Pire) 1949 - 1951 VS 418 - British Council of Churches, 1949 VS 419 - Self Help for Emigres from Central Europe, 1949 VS 420 - Central Committee of Liberated Jews of Bavaria, 1947 VS 421 - Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, 1949 VS 423 - Service international de Recherches. Service de Recherches d'Enfants (International Tracing Service and Child Search Branch), 1947 - 1951 VS 424 - International Council of Women , 1949 - 1951 VS 425 - Serbian National Defense Council of America 1950 VS 426 - Croix-Rouge suédoise, 1949 VS 427 - Union des Intellectuels réfugiés, 1949 VS 428 - The Refugee's Housing Society, 1949 VS 429 - Centre d'Orientation sociale des Etrangers, 1949 VS 430 - Czechoslovak Federation of the Saved Political Prisoners, 1949

  5. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959

    M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959 There are 220 files in the record group, which includes various publications, such as bulletins, reports, letters and surveys, containing information regarding the condition of the Jews in occupied Europe during World War II. The information was gathered, collated and distributed by Jewish organizations in Eretz Israel, Turkey (Istanbul) and Switzerland during the war and the early postwar years. Some of the communications were intended for distribution solely among the members of the or...

  6. Relocation of displaced persons

    EXT, relocation of DPs and war refugees. Filmed in Linz [see US army truck with Linz painted on the back.] VS, camp from various angles. LS establishing shot of a large crowd of displaced persons- men, women, and children, milling about outside of a barracks-like building (processing center). MCU, refugees in smaller groups, talking to each other as they wait for entrance to the building. Some look directly at the camera, several avoid it. These are many groups of extended families. Julien Bryan's notes do not indicate the ethnicity, nationality, or religious preference of the DPs, but they...

  7. DPs; postwar rehabilitation

    A Crown Film Unit Production. Short film documenting the aftermath of the war, including the movement of refugees, Displaced Persons camps, rehabilitation, and going home. Young men crossing bridge. Women and men moving bushels of hay, guarded by a soldier. Labor in fields, railroads, factories. Liberation scenes: tanks moving through villages, people shaking hands, celebrating; men emerging from forests; crowds leaning out windows, cheering; beating a Nazi?; destroying buildings. Refugees moving on foot and truck with belongings/luggage. Destroyed bridge. More refugees, smiles beaming (sta...

  8. Evelyn Klein Altman papers

    1. Evelyn Klein Altman family collection

    The Evelyn Klein Altman papers include three printed menus from the Hamburg America Line’s ship the MS St. Louis; a Cuban immigration card for Evelyn Klein, May 27, 1939; and a photograph album containing images of the Klein family and other passengers in Hamburg, Germany and aboard the MS St. Louis, 1939.

  9. Selected records from National Archives of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan related to evacuation of civilians during WWII

    Records related to the evacuation of civilians to Kyrgyzstan during WWII. It includes information about resettlement, employment, food supplies and medical assistance provided by the local authorities to the evacuees and refugees resettled in Kyrgyzstan during WWII. This collection also includes lists of evacuees, statistical reports, correspondence, lists of evacuated communists, lists of evacuated Polish citizens and documents related to the repatriation of Polish refugees to Poland after WWII.

  10. Gerald Jayson, Edith Bown and Robert Sugar: articles re Jewish refugee farm

    This collection contains two articles relating to the Jewish refugee settlement farm in Millisle, County Down, Northern Ireland.Articles: the first article published in The Jewish Monthly (October 1990) was written by Gerald Jayson (formerly Jacobowitz). The second article in the Belfast Jewish Chronicle (September 2005) was written by another refugee, Robert Sugar. He was six years old when he arrived from Vienna. His parents survived the war.English

  11. Figurine of a man in folk costume playing an accordion brought to the US by a Jewish refugee from prewar Germany

    1. Hans Reinhardt collection

    Figurine that belonged to 23 year old Hans Rosenberg (later Reinhardt) when he emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1938 with his sisters, Ava and Gretl. His family decided that Hans and his sisters must leave Germany because of the dangerous anti-Jewish policies of the Nazi government. Hans and his sisters left Berlin in April 1938 for Cuba because they could not get US visas. They arrived safely in New York in May 1938.

  12. Figurine of a man in folk costume playing a clarinet brought to the US by a Jewish refugee from prewar Germany

    1. Hans Reinhardt collection

    Figurine that belonged to 23 year old Hans Rosenberg (later Reinhardt) when he emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1938 with his sisters, Ava and Gretl. His family decided that Hans and his sisters must leave Germany because of the dangerous anti-Jewish policies of the Nazi government. Hans and his sisters left Berlin in April 1938 for Cuba because they could not get US visas. They arrived safely in New York in May 1938.

  13. DPs; postwar rehabilitation

    Titles read: Um Resultado da guerra. Descito por aimbere. Short film documenting the aftermath of the war, including the movement of refugees, displaced persons camps, rehabilitation, and going home. Young men crossing bridge. Women and men moving bushels of hay, a soldier guards them. Labor in fields, railroads, factories. Liberation scenes: tanks moving through villages, people shaking hands, celebrating; men emerging from forests; crowds leaning out windows, cheering; beating a Nazi?; destroying buildings. Refugees moving on foot and truck with belongings/luggage. Destroyed bridge. Milit...

  14. Cultural Alliance of Emigrants in Zurich (1941-1945) : Historical Archive Kulturgemeinschaft der Emigranten in Zürich (1941-1945): Historisches Archiv

    Records pertaining to the activities of the Cultural Alliance of Emigrants in Zurich during World War II and the immediate postwar period. Association arranged cultural and recreational activities for Jewish refugees in holding camps; from summer 1944 devoted increasing attention to postwar concerns, including repatriation and onward emigration.

  15. Documentation regarding relief activities by the JDC organization with the OSE organization, TOZ organization and Red Cross organization, including newspaper clippings about TOZ activities in Poland, correspondence between Dr. Boris Tschlenoff - head of t

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation regarding relief activities by the JDC organization with the OSE organization, TOZ organization and Red Cross organization, including newspaper clippings about TOZ activities in Poland, correspondence between Dr. Boris Tschlenoff - head of the OSE in Geneva and Saly Mayer, and other matters, 1942-1945 - Issue of the "American OSE Review" publication, March-April 1942, including an excerpt regarding the cooperation between the Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants - OSE organization and the JDC, in the obtaining of medical help for Jewish refugees in Russia; - Newspaper clippings regar...

  16. Documentation regarding the transfer of relief to persecuted Jews in Poland, Polish Jews in Switzerland, and Polish Jews in the Soviet Union, 1940-1944

    1. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    Documentation regarding the transfer of relief to persecuted Jews in Poland, Polish Jews in Switzerland, and Polish Jews in the Soviet Union, 1940-1944 1) Documentation regarding the transfer of relief to persecuted Jews in the Generalgouvernement in Poland, mainly with the help of the Juedische Soziale Selbsthilfe - JSS (Jewish Social Self-help) organization in Krakow, 1940-1942, and with the help of the JUS-Juedische Unterstuetzungsstelle fuer das GG (Jewish welfare office in the Generalgouvernement) in Krakow, 1943-1944: - List prepared by Avraham Zilberstein - chairman of the RELICO Com...

  17. Magda Trocmé papers

    The Magda Trocmé papers comprise a letter and a framed photograph. The letter was written by Elizabeth Kaufmann Koenig in 1944 in New York after the liberation of France, describes how much Elizabeth misses the Trocmé family, and tells them about her experiences as a recent refugee to the United States. The framed photograph depicts Magda Trocmé's children, Nelly and Jean Pierre, and their dog Fido at the door of the Rectory in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon. Magda Trocmé described this door as "one that let through many refugees and was never closed."

  18. Swiss Federal Archives records

    Contains files concerning control of Jewish and other refugees coming into Switzerland; on activities of Swiss-Jewish rescue and charity organizations; on Swiss legations in various European countries reporting on relevant matters; on communications of the United States, Great Britain, and Germany; on establishment and operation of labor camps and homes for refugees, and the like. It includes material on Jewish self-help organizations in Switzerland, Jewish communities in Switzerland, and labor camps for Jews in Switzerland. Includes approximately 3,500 case files from the child refugee aid...

  19. Erwin Bensdorf papers

    1. Erwin Bensdorf collection

    The Erwin Bensdorf papers consist of manuscripts and photographs documenting German and Austrian child refugees including Bensdorf who escaped to England on Kindertransports and benefited from appeals for aid such as former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin’s and from the assistance and friendship of English people such as Max Haybrook. The manuscripts were written by Max Haybrook and document his work with child refugees supported by the Lord Baldwin Fund. They describe the arrival of the refugee children in England, the conditions of their housing, and their pastimes. One includes handwritte...

  20. André Waksman collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Jacob and Suzanne Waksman of Antwerp, Belgium including their flight from France to Italy and as refugees with their son André at Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York from 1944-1946. Included are identification documents, affidavits in lieu of passports, a telegram, documents granting visas for the Waksmans to enter the United States from Fort Ontario, and naturalization certificates. The bulk of the collection consists of materials related to André Waksman’s documentary film 1943, Le temps d’Un répit (A Pause in the Holocaust), including ba...