
Displaying items 1,801 to 1,820 of 2,734
  1. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case - Taylor explains medical experiments in indictment

    (Munich 479) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Brig. General Telford Taylor continues the reading of the indictment and tells of the torture and death of concentration camp inmates during the so-called "scientific experiments." HS, MS defendants in the prisoners' dock. Pan of the courtroom from defendant to Gen. Taylor reading the indictment. 04:11:06 "The victims who did not die in the course of such experiments, surely wished that they had. A long report written in July 1942 by Rascher, and by the defendants Ruff and Romberg, desc...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Courtroom and closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius sits. The Judges are not in the courtroom. 00:05:19 Judges enter and tell Dr. Servatius to continue. 00:06:03 Tape jumps. Dr. Servatius talks about the skeletons that Eichmann gave, saying that the entire request is peculiar. He refutes the accusations of Einsatzgruppen shootings with affidavits, as well as the cooperation of Eichmann with the Einsatzgruppen in the Baltics and the Soviet Union. 00:11:03 Dr. Servatius admits that Eichmann was in charge of deportations and relocations of Jews, but had no idea that death was the fate of these Jews. They were shot by ...

  3. Jackson speaks about Nazi organizations at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 16) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. HS, Front view, a defense attorney, Dr. Martin Horne, speaking to Tribunal. Horne repeats the request of the defense to admit Winston Churchill as a witness - the court had already decided against that before the defense could bring it up. 01:39:43 LHSs, MSs, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson delivers the prosecution's case against certain organizations in the Nazi Government and emphasizes their criminality. 01:43:29 Jackson says, "A thousand little Fuehrers dictated, a thousand imitation Goerings strutted, a thousand Schirachs incited...

  4. Gestapo Brno (B 340)

    Investigative and arrest files as well administrative records of the Gestapo Brno. The investigative and arrest files concern mostly Czech individuals arrested on a variety of charges such as making anti-German remarks, listening to foreign radio broadcasts, sabotage, malingering, anti-social behavior, possession of arms, miscegenation, and other charges. The records also contain documentation pertaining to Gestapo actions against Czech resistance groups and Jews, the disbandment of Czech organizations, the confiscation of properties and assets, and situation reports including from Czech in...

  5. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 2: Pusch continuing testimony. Prosecutor giving justification of Strasser's evidential guilt; pan to Commissioners listening; Pusch continuing. Witness Johann Reichl testifying. Spectators; prisoner, counsel entering. Back view, spectators...

  6. County Command of the State Police in Olkusz Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Olkuszu (Sygn. 1048)

    Reports and information from police informers relating to political, social and labor organizations. Includes police statistics, registers of crimes, and orders.

  7. Documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war crimes in Cherkassy region, dated 1944-1947

    Documentation regarding the investigation of Nazi war crimes in Cherkassy region, dated 1944-1947 Included in the collection is documentation regarding the persecution and murder of Jews in Sukhoy Yar, and the number of people who perished in Uman; documentation regarding the persecution and murder of Jewish and non-Jewish residents in the Zolotonosha district; murder of Jews during 19-22/09/1941 and on 02/11/1941; murder of residents of the Zolotonosha district, 25-31/07/1942, and murder of disabled people, 27/03/1943; lists of people who perished; information regarding the number of peopl...

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Petain trial

    Exterior shots of the Palace of Justice, where the trial of Marshal Henri Phillipe Petain is taking place. Several shots of a police van arriving at the palace while French police watch. A policeman patrols the roof of the palace of justice; interior and exterior shots of Petain's barred windows. Judge Mongibeaux speaks with another man outside the palace. Spectators show their credentials to the police at the gate. Interior shots of the building; a man holds a movie camera. Lawyers or judges in robes enter; Petain watches as Attorney General Morney walks past him (we see Petain entering th...

  9. Selected records of the Prison in Łódź Więzienie Łódzkie (Sygn. 197) : Wybrane materialy

    Contains the personal files of prisoners: admission order, prisoners description, a visit permit, an exemption order, a list of penalties, petitions and complaints. The prisoners were convicted mailny for crimes like as: organizing illegal border crossing, distributing communist materials, polygamy and financial fraud, belonging to the Communist Union of Polish Youth, and organizing bomb attacks on Jewish enterprises.

  10. War Crimes Trials: Ministries Case (Case #11)

    (Munich 663) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 11 (Ministries Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 20, 1947. CU, judge announcing that the court will hear the arraignment of the defendants. CU, an officer states that the defendants will rise when their names are called and answer the questions put to them by the Tribunal. MSs, CU, Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor at lectern. MCU, CU, Dr. Elisabeth Gombel, Bohle's assistant defense counsel, explains that the defense counsel, Dr. Ernst Achenbach, cannot attend due to the death of his secretary and chauffeur. She speaks in both En...