
Displaying items 1,761 to 1,780 of 10,857
  1. Anschluss and Austrian enthusiasm

    Starting with a map showing the borders between Germany and Austria fading, this footage illustrates the occupation of Austria by German military forces on March 12, 1938 and the enthusiastic welcome by the Austrian population shouting 'Heil' and 'Hitler,' waving flags, and giving the Nazi salute. Special occasions include the crossing of the border at Kufstein, the destruction of the turnpike at Passau, the occupation of Salzburg and Graz, the fraternization between German and Austrian troops in Villach, and Hitler waving from a balcony in Linz. Most of the film is shot in Vienna, showing:...

  2. Sightseeing in Paris; German officers

    More tourist-y views of Paris streets, including Eiffel Tower and the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde. The camera sometimes focuses on individuals, such as the woman seen before, the elderly man, and the German officer leading the map meeting with the glasses (in Story 4414). 01:09:55 SEQ: German with dark-rimmed glasses with three French women (not seen before). Street scenes, signs, buses, pedestrians and German soldier, cars, "Café de la Paix" restaurant on corner. Policeman looks directly into camera briefly. Man with glasses in previous map scene walks across the city streets with ...

  3. GIs; German landscape

    Underexposed INT shot of American soldiers. Aerial shot of river running between mountains. VS, aerial views of mountains with wing of military plane in FG of shot.

  4. Osobyi Archive records relating to Romania

    Contains records relating to the activities of the Council of Ministers; the military and economic effects of the General Staff of the Army’s 1940 evacuation of Bessarabia; and the General Staff’s response to an order from Ion Antonescu dated December 4, 1943. Also included are reports by the Military Cabinet on partisan activities, the treatment of Jews, anti-Soviet propaganda, the disposition of Romanian property in Bessarabia and North Bukovina in 1940, Romanian prisoners of war in the USSR, and SSI correspondence with military organs relating to conditions in Transnistria, Bessarabia, B...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- French discuss Czechoslovakia's problems; parade

    French Army Commission discusses Czechoslovakia's problems at a special meeting. General view of committee listening to its president expose the problem of Central Europe. Committee President, Miellet, deputy of Belfort, points to Czechoslovakia on the map and stresses the gravity of the present situation. CU, President Miellet. The members discuss measures to safeguard France and agree to ask the government to increase French armaments. General shot of Czechoslovak officers surrounding their chief Colonel Kalina, Military Attache at the Legation (wearing spectacles). Colonel Kalina convers...

  6. Postwar retrospective: Germany, war in Europe

    US propaganda/documentary film about World War II. A post-war U.S. narrative of intentions in Germany. Berlin's war ruins, rubble, "Unter den Linden" street sign laying on ground. Allied victory celebrations in Paris and London. Lots of waving, happy crowds, parade. Scenes of soldiers marching. Flashbacks to war scenes show Allied planes bombing enemy cities, parachutists, plane crashes, amphibious landings. 04:46:11, cut to Gens. Eisenhower, Bradley, Patton, and others visit a concentration camp and see German atrocities. Former prisoner (survivor) with scarf describes scenes at camp. Libe...

  7. Коллекция документов (август 1942 – январь 1943 гг)

    • Collection of documents (August 1942 - January 1943)

    Воззвания, приказы, объявления германских властей о новом порядке землепользования, к населению Кавказа, о взятии на учет нефтепродуктов, о введении табачной монополии, наставление бургомистру. Сообщения Совинформбюро, написанные от руки и распространяемые майкопскими партизанами во время немецкой оккупации Адыгеи Сообщение военного трибунала Северо-Кавказского фронта о расстреле немецких пособников (служивших в полиции, гестапо, разведке и пр.) по г. Майкопу.

  8. Nuremberg trial papers

    This collection comprises mostly copy and draft typescript documents pertaining to 'The High Command' case, No. 12 in the Nuremberg Trial Subsequent Proceedings

  9. German Writers and Effectiveness of US Intervention

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains typewritten extracts of German sources published after 1918, dealing with the impact of the American intervention on the course of World War I. The quotes refer mainly to the years 1917 and 1918, but were published only later in books and articles on the history of World War I. The contemporary quotes by German politicians and military officials reveal the various German attitudes towards an American military intervention in Europe during the last years of World War I. Although German military officials questioned the American military effectiveness, other sources document...

  10. Infantery Regiment

    An infantery division consists out of several infantery regiments, and these regiments consist out of several battalions.

  11. Sonderstab F

    • Special Staff F

    A special military mission called Sonderstab F, after its commander General Felmy, was sent to Iraq in 1941-05.

  12. Polska Ludowa Akcja Niepodległościowa

    • Polish People’s Action for Independence
    • PLAN

    Polska Ludowa Akcja Niepodległościowa was a Polish underground group.

  13. Gustave Mark Gilbert

    Gustave Mark Gilbert was an American psychologist best known for his psychological diagnoses of high ranking Nazi leaders and officials during the Nuremberg Trials.

  14. Yitzhak Stone

    Nuerenberg Trials

  15. IDF - Israel Defense Forces

    • צה"ל - צבא הגנה לישראל

    Israel's military force

  16. Hermann Mueller-John

    A German military musician who commanded the murder of about 50 Polish citizens, among them Jews, on 18-19/9/1939

  17. Vilniaus miesto policijos vadas

    • Stadtpolizeiführer Wilna
    • Chief of Vilnius City police

    Chief of Vilnius City police was subordinate to the German Military administration.

  18. Max Merten

    • מקס מרטן

    Military Administration Counselor in Thessaloniki, took part in persecution and deportation of Jews

  19. Johann Friedlaender

    A senior Austrian military officer of Jewish origin

  20. Otto von Stuelpnagel

    • אוטו פון שטולפנגל

    German Military Commander in France 1940-1942