
Displaying items 1,601 to 1,620 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. [War Crimes III]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains copies of Microgram Summary Sheets compiled by the European Section of the British War Crimes Executive in 1946. It was part of preparatory material for the Nuremberg trials. The file is the third of 5 subsections containing exhibit catalogues by Great Britain and the US (complete) as well as France and the USSR (incomplete) The various Microgram Summary Sheets list the items, provide a short description and inform about their frame numbers. Among the documents listed on the various sheets are copies of political agreements, speeches by Nazi officials, diplomatic notices, ...

  2. [Eichmann trial, Witness statement Dr. Max Merten II]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the third part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany, on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial from May 29th and 30th, 1961 at the district court Tiergarten, Berlin. The witness is Dr. Max Merten (Military administration counselor) and he answers questions about his acquaintance with Eichmann in Thessaloniki in 1942/43. He explains in detail his encounters with Eichmann and his deputies Rolf Günther, Dieter Wisliceny and Alois Brunner through anecdotes, character assessments and personal opinion. The file also ...

  3. [Eichmann-trial, Witness statement Dr. Wilhelm Höttl]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the first part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial from April 28th, 1961 at the district court of Bad Aussee, Austria. The witness is Dr. Wilhelm Höttl (Sturmbannführer) and he mainly answers questions about his acquaintance with Eichmann in Vienna in 1938, and later about Eichmann's presence in Budapest in 1944. He repeats his testimony from the Nürnberg trial, whereas Eichmann in a conversation about the number of Jews killed, answers "6 Millions". He broke the numbe...

  4. Avant-Propos de L'Expert Loosli

    1. Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto collection 1926-2018

    Foreword to the testimony of C. A. Loosli. The foreword is a letter to the judge concerning the pseudoscience of antisemitism and the danger of Nazi Germany. The author, perhaps Loosli himself, discusses the dangers of Nazism and the calls for annexing to Germany all German-speaking parts of Europe, including German-speaking Switzerland. He shows the absurdity of the antisemitic doctrine that all Jews by dint of being Jews are criminals who want to exterminate the people with whom they study, live and work.

  5. Avant-Propos de L'Expert Loosli

    1. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    Foreword to the testimony of C. A. Loosli. The foreword is a letter to the judge concerning the pseudoscience of antisemitism and the danger of Nazi Germany. The author, perhaps Loosli himself, discusses the dangers of Nazism and the calls for annexing to Germany all German-speaking parts of Europe, including German-speaking Switzerland. He shows the absurdity of the antisemitic doctrine that all Jews by dint of being Jews are criminals who want to exterminate the people with whom they study, live and work.

  6. Falkenhorst, Nikolaus von (Generaloberst)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Geb. 17.Januar 1885 in Breslau; gest. 18. Juni 1968 in Detmold. 1939 Kommandierender General XXI. Armeekorps während des Polenfeldzuges; 1. Oktober 1939 Beförderung zum General der Infanterie. März 1940 Oberbefehlshaber der bei der Besetzung Norwegens einzusetzenden Bodentruppen (Gruppe XXI); 19. Juli 1940 Beförderung zum Generaloberst. Am 25. Juli Ernennung zum Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Norwegen, Ablösung am 18. Dezember 1944 durch General Lothar Rendulic. Januar 1945 Versetzung in die Führerreserve; 1945 britische Kriegsgefangenschaft. August 1946 Verurteilung ...

  7. [War Crimes IV]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains copies of Microgram Summary Sheets compiled by the European Section of the British War Crimes Executive in 1946. It was part of preparatory material for the Nuremberg trials. The file is the fourth of 5 subsections containing exhibit catalogues by Great Britain and the US (complete) as well as France and the USSR (incomplete) The various Microgram Summary Sheets list the items, provide a short description and inform about their frame numbers. Among the documents listed on the various sheets are copies of political agreements, speeches by Nazi officials, diplomatic notices,...

  8. [Eichmann-trial, Witness statement Dr. Max Merten I]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the second part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany, on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial from June 7th, 1961, at the district court Tiergarten, Berlin. The witness is Dr. Max Merten (Military administration counselor) and he answers questions about his acquaintance with Eichmann in Thessaloniki in 1942/43 and orders he signed (which he denies, or claims have been altered or are not the original). The orders are mentioned in the book "In Memoriam: Hommage aux Victims Juives des Nazis en Grece - publie sou...

  9. [Eichmann-trial, Supreme court judgement]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is part of a collection of files of the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem in 1961/62. It is the protocol of session 7, the supreme court judgement rejecting the appeal of Adolf Eichmann's verdict and a confirmation of the judgement of the lower court. It is an uncorrected, unedited protocol of the synchronized translation and therefore not in the right form and style, and not official.

  10. U.S. Army regulation uniform shirt worn by a Signal Corps photographer for the war crimes trials

    1. Ray D'Addario collection

    U.S. Army issue tan dress shirt worn by Ray D'Addario, presumably while a US Army Signal Corps and then contract photographer at the postwar trials of war criminals held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Germany. Ray was assigned to photograph and film the defendants, prosecutors, and other attendees during the courtroom proceedings. The best known trial, Major German War Criminals, was held in Nuremberg. The 24 defendants were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit those crimes. The verdicts were delivered on October 1...

  11. U.S. Army regulation uniform shirt worn by a Signal Corps photographer for the war crimes trials

    1. Ray D'Addario collection

    U.S. Army issue tan dress shirt worn by Ray D'Addario, presumably while a US Army Signal Corps and then contract photographer at the postwar trials of war criminals held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Germany. Ray was assigned to photograph and film the defendants, prosecutors, and other attendees during the courtroom proceedings. The best known trial, Major German War Criminals, was held in Nuremberg. The 24 defendants were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit those crimes. The verdicts were delivered on October 1...

  12. US Army regulation uniform shirt worn by a Signal Corps photographer for the war crimes trials

    1. Ray D'Addario collection

    U.S. Army issue tan dress shirt worn by Ray D'Addario, presumably while a US Army Signal Corps and then contract photographer at the postwar trials of war criminals held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Germany. Ray was assigned to photograph and film the defendants, prosecutors, and other attendees during the courtroom proceedings. The best known trial, Major German War Criminals, was held in Nuremberg. The 24 defendants were charged with crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit those crimes. The verdicts were delivered on October 1...

  13. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author Erich Schon, who was born in the village of Vsetin, Moravia (today in the Czech Republic), 18 February 1911, and died in Jerusalem, 12 July 1995, was the son of Malvina and Siegbert Schon. After World War II Schon changed his last name to Kulka, the last name of his first wife, Elly Kulka, who did not survive the Holocaust. The history of the arrests of Erich Kulka began in July 1939, first with arrest by the Gestapo in Brno and afterwards with imprisonment in the Dachau, Sachsenhausen and Neuengamme camps until November 1942...

  14. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- Two experts testify

    15:52 Witnesses Streim and Holtfort, both German attorneys with experience evaluating Nazi documents and strong understanding of the Nazi and particularly SS command hierarchies, testify as to their knowledge of the SS officer school where Barbie received training in 1935-1937. Holtfort explains that a principal objective of the school was to inculcate an understanding and adherence to Nazi ideology. 15:58 The attorney asks Streim and Holtfort to testify to their understanding of the rules SS members had to obey in their day-to-day lives, as well as punishments handed out for disobedience. ...

  15. German invasion, territorial expansion

    Reel 4: Text superimposed on screen re: Norway and Germany. "9 April 1940" Aerial shots of parachutes. Civilians watch silently as troops march by, some frightened, women running (quick), very soft, street chaos, streets in flames, crowds piling into trucks, fearful faces, some weeping. Troops. Text superimposed on screen re: invasion of Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg. 05:30:18 "10 May 1940" Troops, night shots. LS, silhouettes of buildings on fire. Text superimposed on screen re: invasion of Yugoslavia. 05:31:15 "6 April 1941" Planes dropping bombs, explosions. Soldiers running down country ...

  16. War-time and post WW II trial records of soldiers and civilians, accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity during WW II

    Selected trials of members of the Gestapo and the SD, soldiers, people who collaborated with Germans, high-ranking members of the French armed forces, and civilians accused of war crimes against humanity during WWII. The trials took place at the Military Tribunals in several places, e.g. Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Metz, Paris,Tunis, and others, and consider following subjects: Camps, Criminales de Guerre (Individuals tried for war crimes); Gestap-SD; Massacres. The trials did not necessarily took place in the geographical region where the crimes were committed. On the contrary, the trials a...

  17. Selected records of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Radom Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Radomiu (Sygn. GK 179)

    This collection contains selected files of the District Commission in Radom and its agencies in Busko Zdrój, Iłża, Jędrzejów, Kielce, Końskie, Kozienice, Lipsk, Opatów, Ostrowiec, Pińczów, Skarżysko-Kamienna, Starachowice-Wierzbnik, Staszów and Stopnica and includes correspondence, circular letters, ordinances, reports, indexes and reports of investigations. The records consist of questionnaires concerning executions and mass graves; statistics concerning loss of civilians by individual counties; lists of the murdered and places of crimes; investigations related to camps (of young male labo...

  18. Promoting need for war crimes trials; bookburning

    Film promoting the need for war crimes trials in Nuremberg. Narration explains the various trials established to prosecute war criminals. Opening shot, statue of Thomas Jefferson in Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC. Ext CUs, Adolf Hitler addressing German people at Nuremberg rally (translated into English). CU, concentration camp victims; weeping relatives/civilians. Piles of corpses, atrocities. CU, documents. US soldiers shot in back, victims of Nazi persecution. Wagons loaded with corpses moving through streets. Marching with swastikas. 12:10:50 Book burning (all familiar images, good d...

  19. Supreme National Tribunal Sprawy organizacyjne Najwyższego Trybunału Narodowego (NTN), (Sygn.196)

    This collection contains selected records relating to the general organization of the Supreme National Tribunal (NTN), including are lists of completed cases, official correspondence of the NTN Secretariat, reports, minutes, and the logbook of correspondence.

  20. Early Nazi Party history, events, leaders

    Reel 2: Jackson continues with the reading of Count 1 at Nuremberg trial. HS, in court, prisoners' dock. CU, "Mein Kampf," text superimposed. In Munich, burgeoning Nazi party, following the lead of Adolf Hitler, instigate street riots with the aim of gaining the highest degree of control over the Germans by any means. HAS, mobs/crowds running through wide street, chaos. Nazis marching with flag, elite members posing on stairway, more marching. Goebbels at desk, on telephone, in leather coat shouting. Nazis parading, Germans heiling. Hitler. Nazis on horseback rushing down street. Newspaper ...