
Displaying items 1,501 to 1,520 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Joseph Crane collection

    The material relates to Joseph Crane's experiences and relationships with people he met at Civilian Internment Camp #5. The collection consists of photographs of SS personnel, a statement given by an internee of Civilian Internment Camp #5, a letter of protest from some internees regarding the delay in their release, two poems, a report about war criminals and war crimes trials, and an arrest report.

  2. Karl Bodenschatz testifies at Nuremberg Trial for Goering's defense

    (Munich 35) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 8, 1946. LSs, MLSs, Karl Bodenschatz, former member of the Reich Air Ministry in 1935, is cross-examined by US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. The witness speaks of two elderly Jews who had helped Goering when he was wounded in the 1923 putsch attempt in Munich. Jackson in subsequent testimony traps him into admitting that they were arrested simply because they were Jews (20:33-20:34). LSs, prisoners' dock and attorneys seated in front of dock. Pan from dock to Bodenschatz testifying.

  3. Charles Kremer collection

    Contains an autobiography about Charles Kremer's experiences as a Nazi hunter, with an introduction by Simon Wiesenthal. Documents Kremer's thirty-seven year pursuit of Viorel Trifa, Iron Guard commandant turned Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Other items include a copy of a July 1982, "Reader's Digest" magazine article; a copy of an article from "Esquire" magazine written by Howard Blum; a program from a banquet honoring Dr. Simon Wiesenthal and Dr. Charles H. Kremer; an article from "Health Affairs" at the University of Pennsylvania; a copy of a proclamation from the Office of...

  4. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case

    (Munich 617) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Shots of defendants pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. The defendants rise and plead to charges in the following order: Carl Krauch, Hermann Schmidt, Georg von Schnitzler, Fritz Gajewski, Heinrich Hoerlein, August von Knierien, Fritz ter Meer, Ernst Buergin, Paul Haefliger, Max Ilgner, Friedrich Jaehne, Hans Kuehne, Walter Duerrfeld, Heinrich Gottineau. The other defendants standing trial but not answering to pleas are visible in the prisoners' dock: Christian Schneider, Otto ...

  5. Selected records from the National Archives of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

    Records relate to the Fünfbrunnen concentration camp. Included are name lists of Jews deported from Luxembourg to Poland, Sipo reports on arrested Jews and resistance members, investigation files and survivor accusation statements against Gestapo man Fritz Hartmann, and excerpts from the trial of Gestapo man Klöker and many others charged with war crimes in 1948.

  6. Jodl interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    05:17:48 (Munich 216) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 7, 1946. British prosecutor G B Roberts interrogates Alfred Jodl. His answers are translated and heard in English. MS, Jodl on stand, as Roberts reads an article on Norway from document book 7. Jodl speaks about the invasion of Norway. LS, prisoners' dock showing MPs in BG and FG. 05:23:18 (Munich 221) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 10, 1946. Dr. Gustav Steinbauer, Seyss-Inquart's attorney, speaking (translated into English). MCU, Seyss-Inquart being sworn in. MS, Seyss-Inquart is questioned by Dr. Steinbauer. MS...

  7. Nuremberg courtroom; Palace of Justice; Alan Brooke

    (Paris 346) Nuremberg Trials. US Army officer makes statement to court. Civilian reads statement to court. Correspondents listen to statement; clerks, interpreters record remarks. EXTs of the Palace of Justice where Nuremberg trials are held. MS, British guards in front of entrance. CU, sign on Palace of Justice in English and German: "No Loitering" [Verboten]. Local children peer into gated opening. CU, pass for Raymond D. Addario to enter the Palace of Justice on November 10, 1945. Street scenes. Soldiers' and civilians' passes are checked beofre entering courthouse. 05:35 Field Marshal S...

  8. Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Records from Yad Vashem collection

    Contains samples of Main Commission documents relating to war crimes and war crimes investigations from file 2848 in the collections of Yad Vashem.

  9. Drawing of Judges and Defendants at the Nuremberg trials

    1. Rolf Wartenberg collection

    One of 18 drawings of defendants and judges at the Nuremberg Trials and blank sheet of paper. Drawn at the trial by artist Peis in pencil and traced over with ink. Total collection includes 18 drawings on 10 sheets of paper with one additional blank sheet.

  10. Diary of Hans Frank

    Contains the diary (day book) of Hans Frank, governor of occupied Poland during World War II. The journal is in typed format, in chronological order, covering all aspect of Generalgouvernment (GG) administration from its seat in the royal Wawel castle in Krakau (Kraków). The entries reflect careful, thoughtful consideration of administrative matters, rather than the spontaneous thoughts or feelings usually found in a diary.

  11. Von Ribbentrop interrogated at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 79) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 2, 1946. LSs, Dr. Alfred Seidl, Hess's lawyer, questions Joachim von Ribbentrop on details of the Russian-German treaty. CUs, von Ribbentrop responds. MSs, Justices Lawrence, Birkett, and Biddle. MSs, Chief Justice Lawrence questions von Ribbentrop. LSs, MSs, CUs, Chief British Prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions von Ribbentrop about Hitler's policy toward the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia and about a meeting he attended that described Hitler's desire to wipe Czechoslovakia from the map of the world. CUs, von Ribbentrop. LSs,...

  12. Sentencing Fritzsche; Accusing Goering, Ribbentrop, Frank at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen, SOUND ONLY. Soviet voice at start, re. Funk. Adjournment for 10 minutes. "Hello, recording. Hello, recording." 02:25:40 Continuation of sentences pronounced by tribunal: 02:25:45 Hans Fritzsche: Not guilty Martin Bormann (fragment) 02:26:30 Resume of Goering's career in the Nazi Party. US Justice Fran...

  13. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection Interview transcripts

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Contains interview transcripts recorded in October 1981 containing the liberation testimony of six liberators and liberation witnesses. The transcripts include information about several concentration camps including Kossen, Ohrdruf, Mauthausen, and Dachau concentration camps. Also includes information about liberator-prisoner relations after liberation, medical services provided for concentration camp survivors, and women and children in the camps.

  14. Articles, clippings, and other materials relating to the UNRRA and displaced persons

    Consists of several newspaper and magazine articles concerning Jews and displaced persons and the activities of American and British armies in the occupied zones in Europe after World War II. Included are three issues of "UNRRA," which concern the work of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) with displaced persons after the Holocaust. Also included are issues of Jewish publications in Brazil containing articles about displaced persons and two issues of "Army talks."

  15. Copies of Hadamar photographs from the case of US vs. Alfons Klein et al

    Consists of copies of photographs from the war crimes case of the U.S. vs. Alfons Klein et al. The ten copyprints depict scenes at the Hadamar sanitarium, cemeteries in the vicinity, and autopsies performed at Hadamar by Dr. Hermann Bolker. Each photograph has a caption on the reverse side in English. Item #7 (Photo of autopsy) is missing from the file.

  16. Records relating to war crimes in Sachsenhausen

    Consists of two packets of copies. Among the documents in the first packet are microfilm copies of correspondence and testimony relating to the alleged war crimes of Dr. Karl Josef Fischer (Dr. Horst Fischer), Yad Vashem, JM 3791. The second packet included testimonies in related to the presence of Wilhelm Kugler in the Sachsenhausen camp, Yad Vashem, JM 3801.

  17. War crimes cases from the archives of the Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin

    Consists of copies of various West German war crimes trial cases. Among the cases are those of Richard Otto Bovensiepen, Stella Ingrid Gärtner, and Stella I. Isaaksohn. The records relate to alleged war crimes, the deportation of Jews, collaboration, and transports to concentration camps. See the RG list for titles for RG-06.009.0401 through RG-06.009.04*05.

  18. Articles and clippings relating to the war crimes trial of Klaus Barbie trial

    Consists of articles and clippings (some copies and some originals) from French and English periodicals relating to Klaus Barbie and his trial in Lyon, France. Among the topics discusses are the allegations against Barbie, the testimony of Barbie's victims, the children of Izieu, France, and the lawyers and judges involved in the case. Also included are materials relating to the courtroom art created during the trial by David Rose.

  19. Court documents relating to the investigation of the case of Anna Szenes and the sentence of Gyula Simon

    Contains information about the investigation of the case of partisan Hannah Szenes and about the case and sentencing of Gyula Simon, president of the military court responsible for the sentencing of Anna Szenes.

  20. Rundschreiben from the Frankfurt am Main office of the United Restitution Organization

    Collection consist of thermofax and mimeograph copies of United Restitution Organization (URO) Rundschreiben from the Frankfurt am Main office, 1961-1970; miscellaneous printed and mimeograph memorandums, statistical reports, etc. some are from the URO office in Berlin.