
Displaying items 1,381 to 1,400 of 10,160
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Cast iron dutch oven pot from cafe used as rendezvous point by French resistance

    1. Cafe Beylier collection

    Dutch oven from cafe-coiffeur (cafe-hairdressing salon) of Mere Beylier in the village of Chateau-Cherviz, in the Limosin region of France. The cafe was near two orphanages operated by the Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants [OSE: Children’s Aid Society], Chateaus Chabannes and Montintin. Both homes sheltered Jewish children and other young refugees from deportations during the German occupation of France. The cafe, which was the town gathering place, also served as a resource center and temporary refuge for Jews and others who opposed the German occupation and the pro-German Vichy government. In...

  2. Stephanie Mayer collection

    The Stephanie Mayer collection consists of three photographs with inscriptions. The photographs show Stephanie Pringheim Mayer with friends on board the MS St. Louis in May 1939.

  3. Association of Immigrants from Poland, Tel Aviv (J20)

    Contains records of the Association of Immigrants from Poland that was active in Israel, 1942-1961. Includes meeting protocols, various name lists, questionnaires, and newspaper clippings relating to assistance to Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors by giving out loans, finding work, and reuniting families after the war. In addition, the organization created name lists of Holocaust survivors still remaining in Europe, and of those who immigrated to Palestine/Israel.

  4. Selected records from the Portuguese National Archives

    Contains selected records of Portuguese agencies under António Salazar's regime. Included in this collection are correspondence, reports, mostly relating to Jewish refugees and trade relations with other nations, the question of sending German Jewish refugees to Portuguese colonies, and the Salazar’s personal archives.

  5. Beatrice Maier papers

    The Beatrice Maier papers contains correspondence and a deposition. The correspondence consists of two letters, written by "Gerda," May and June 1939. The first letter, addressed to "Else," was written aboard the MS St. Louis; the second was written after arrival in Mirebeau, France. The letters describe experiences aboard the ship, their arrival in Havana and Florida. The deposition was prepared by Hugo Zivi of New York, addressed to the Badische Staatsanwaltschaft in April 1947, in which he describes events he witnessed during Kristallnacht in Mühlheim, Germany, and identifying by name th...

  6. David Reisfeld papers

    Documents pertaining to the efforts of David Reisfeld of New York City, who working with an American aid organization, the Humane Refugee Aid Society, Inc., sought to facilitate the immigration of several Jewish refugees from Austria to the United States in 1938-1939. Includes documentation about efforts to assist Karl Friedenthal (Vienna), Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hornstein (Vienna), and Hermann Singer (originally of Vienna, writing from Kitchener Camp, England).

  7. Records relating to the international settlement in Shanghai, China

    Documentation of German foreign office response to Japanese reception of Jewish refugees in Shanghai. Collection also includes documents on the embargo on weapons for the republicans during the Spanish Civil War and the policies of various countries toward Jewish refugees. The latter contains significant material on George Rublee, the Evian Conference, and its aftermath.

  8. Records of the Organisation Internationale pour les Réfugiés

    Contains records of the Organisation Internationale pour les Réfugiés (International Refugee Organization), and other supra-national institutions, allied in the effort to repatriate or immigrate refugees to safe havens. The bulk of the materials concern refugee Jews during the years immediately following World War II.

  9. Deportees; scenes suggesting Warsaw Ghetto in flames; rubble

    Wartime. VLS from ceiling rafters of enormous barn-like room filled with refugees/ deportees (?) and their bundles. Soldiers in action, various locations (probably including USSR, Berlin, many countries), edited to represent the attack on the Warsaw Ghetto during the Uprising, and intercut with contemporary shots of smoke blowing across closeup portions of Rappaport sculpture commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Night time shot of buildings on fire (various locations; unclear if any is actually the Warsaw Ghetto). Expanse of rubble after the ghetto was destroyed and razed, likewise int...