
Displaying items 121 to 140 of 10,320
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees to Canada

    Refugees to Canada. Good scenic shots, mountains, trains and wheat fields. 04:31:24 Title: "Great Four-Engine Freights Creep Up the Wilderness Grades" 04:31:28 Train, title: "Twilight" 04:32:00 Title: "Wheat" 04:32:35 Title: "Wheat - Dim Horizons Across Endless Prairie"

  2. Green leather wallet used by Jewish refugees

    1. Josef Pistiner family collection

    Green leather wallet used by Josef Pistiner or a family member. Josef left Berlin, Germany, with his parents Aron and Taube and brother Max in 1939 for the United States.

  3. About the Peninsular Refugees in France

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The document is a summary of the situations of the Peninsular refugees in France after an agreement between the Vichy regime and the Mexican Government to take the refugees under Mexican protection. It gives details about the situation of the refugees in occupied France, under German and French pressure, the different treatment of communists and humanitarian issues.

  4. [Interministerial Commission for German Refugees - Protocols]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file deals with the outpouring of political and economic refugees from Germany from 1933 onwards as a result of the takeover of the NSDAP party under Adolf Hitler. Therefore an interministerial commission had been convened in the Belgian capital, Brussels, in order to address the refugee crisis and deal with the influx of refugees from Germany. The file contains the protocols of those sessions, including delegates named, topics discussed as well as assessments made of the overall political and economic situation in Germany after the Nazi government had come to power in early 1933.

  5. [British Committee for Refugees from Czecho-Slavakia]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Conditions for entering Great Britain are shown in the notification which the files contain. Where to apply and which kind of rights or duties the applicants have are mentioned. If the conditions have been fulfilled the permits can be obtained through the committe for refugees from Czecho-Slovakia.

  6. [Interministerial Commission for German Refugees - Protocols]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file deals with the outpouring of political and economic refugees from Germany from 1933 onwards as a result of the takeover of the NSDAP party under Adolf Hitler. Therefore an interministerial commission had been convened in the Belgian capital, Brussels, in order to address the refugee crisis and deal with the influx of refugees from Germany. The file contains the protocols of those sessions, including delegates named, topics discussed as well as assessments made of the overall political and economic situation in Germany after the Nazi government had come to power in early 1933.

  7. [Arrival of destitute Jewish refugees in Dairen]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Report of DALJEWCIB regarding two groups of Jewish refugees arriving via the landroute from Siberia in Dairen and Shanghai and the warm welcome these refugees received from DALJEWCIB and rescue committee members.

  8. Treatment of refugees in the United Kingdom

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several informations from different organizations regarding the topic of the treatment of refugees in the United Kingdom. British organization collaborate closly with each other and represent all of their practical experience in dealing with refugees. A coordinating Committee for refugees in the United Kigdom has also been formed. Besides that there is a close cooperation between British and other organizations. The information given by other organizations are all regarding the refugee question. For example how they can organize themselves better, how they can help and rea...

  9. The Institute for Care of Refugees

    • Ústav pro péči o uprchlíky

    1938 - 1940

    The Institute took care of refugees from Czechoslovak territories occupied by Nazi in 1938 and also of those people (mostly foreigners) who were fleeing before Nacism from 1933. The Institute helped with finding a temporary accomodation, food and medical care. It also provided financial help and tried to integrate refugees in the society again.

  10. Jewish refugees leave Germany for Marseilles, 1948

    Platform in train station in Germany. Jewish refugees and officials and a truck in front of the passenger railcars. CU women and children waving and looking out of a train car: “PWA Reserve Zug 72” written on the side. CU refugees wave out of the open door of a train car. Door with sign: “nicht öffnen bevor der zug balt.” 01:08:10 A few men direct trucks. A truck is loaded with luggage and people. Second truck from the back, being loaded with luggage and people, License Plates: “Marseille B de R.A” and “5988 C n 5”. Trucks full of people driving down a road on a rocky, snowy hillside, heade...

  11. Press cuttings re the internment of refugees

    Collection of press cuttings regarding the internment of aliens and refugees c1940

  12. Reports re Jewish refugees in Great Britain

  13. League of nations: papers re refugees

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of documentation deals with the role of the League of Nations, in particular with regard to the problem of Jewish refugees in Nazi Germany, c1938-1939. The papers include minutes, agenda, reports and memoranda of the Refugees Committee of the League of Nations.Documentation on the role of the League of Nations Refugee Committee with particular regard to the fate of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany including the following.Memorandum re treatment of refugees in Great Britain,...

  14. Jewish refugees in Portugal: various papers

    This miscellaneous collection of reports document the situation of German Jewish refugees in Portugal in the 1930s. Reference is made to the Committee for the Aid of Jewish Refugees and to its founder Augusto d'Esaguy.

  15. Flyktingsektionen

    1. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm
    • Sections on Refugees
    • Riksarkivet
    • 03/05
    • Swedish
    • 1920-1980
    • 45.6 Hyllmeter.

    Vid årsskiftet 1940/1941 ombildades den sedan 1933 verksamma Hjälpkommittén till ett inom församlingen integrerat organ, Flyktingsektionen, inom församlingens understödsnämnd. Understödsnämndens övriga verksamhet bedrevs av dess allmänna sektion. Flyktingsektionen bestod av församlingens föreståndare och rabbiner samt fyra av församlingen valda ledamöter. Sektionen hade till en början två avdelningar: emigrations- och understödsavdelningen samt barnavdelningen. I början av 1945 tillsatte församlingens fullmäktige en "Kommitté för utlands- och efterkrigshjälp", som i sin tur tillsatte ett ar...

  16. Övriga register över flyktingar

    1. The Jewish (Mosaic) Congregation of Stockholm
    2. Flyktingsektionen
    3. Register och Liggare
    4. Register över flyktingar i Sverige
    • Other registers of refugees
    • Riksarkivet
    • C
    • Swedish
    • 1944-1948
    • Serien i kortlådor.

    Danska flyktingar på Lidingö; 1946-1948 ankomna flyktingar; Fackarbetare.

  17. Jugoslavenski zbjeg u Italiji

    • Yugoslav Refugees to Italy
  18. Jugoslavenski zbjeg u Egiptu

    • Yugoslav Refugees to Egypt

    Fleeing the German offensive in late 1943 and early 1944, when Germany occupied Dalmatia, a large number of civilians (over 30,000), fearing reprisals, took refuge on the island of Vis. As Vis already housed the General Staff of the Partisan army and the allied British army, it was not able to accept and feed so many people. Therefore it was decided that the non-combatant population of the island be evacuated as refugees to South Italy, first to Bari and then to Taranto. Refugees mostly consisted of people from the Makarska area (around 6000), as well as from Vodice, the islands of Hvar, Vi...

  19. Centralna Komisja Uchodźców

    • Central Commission for Refugees
    • CKU

    The Area Associations set up the Centralna Komisja Uchodźców with sections for welfare work, provisioning, kitchens, craft production, clothing, housing, individual assistance, sanitation, and finance. One of the tasks of CKU was to help deportees find work and income. The CKU also acted as an arbitration tribunal.