
Displaying items 1,361 to 1,380 of 10,858
  1. Russian troops celebrate liberation; conferences; invasion of Normandy; Allied troops

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 6: (1943-44) Russian troops, guerrillas, and citizens celebrate their victory. Marines land and fight on Tarawa. FDR and Churchill meet with Chiang Kai-shek at Cairo and with Stalin at Teheran. Shows Tito and Yugoslav guerrillas. Normandy is invaded; Allied troops and French guerrillas battle Germans.

  2. Olympic Contests

    Military riders from Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain jump their mounts over various types of rural hurdles and obstacles on the second day of the events for military riders in Berlin in 1936. With intertitles. Horseback riding, jumping, outdoors, "cross country." Horse and rider descend step. Crowd stands along edge of hill, watches competition. Struggle to get horse out of ditch. Horse into pond. Titles at beginning: Olympia vielseitigkeits prufung (military). Berlin 1939. Tag: Prufung in Gelande Hqtm. Stubbendorf Deutschland, auf nurmi Sieger der Vielseitgkeitsprufung Der Reiter ...

  3. Polish and English POWs

    Views of extremely long line of Polish POWs trudging along road, including CU of bare and booted feet. LS of POW camp, POWs getting sandwiches. CUs of prisoners lying on ground, looking tired, CU faces. General views of camp, English POWs and Polish POWs. English military officer POW makes statement (in English, synch sound) on the good treatment he has received as a POW. Ethnic Germans in Poland identifying Polish prisoners, with some kind of confusion and angry finger-pointing. 02:07:15: Narrator says that one man recognizes another as the murderer of his brother.

  4. Russian News (1944, No. 1)

    Russian troops, tanks, and motorcycles cross the Dvina River on rafts and reach Vitebsk. Artillery fires on the city. Troops march through its ruins. Germans surrender and are marched to the rear. Citizens berate them, and embrace Russian soldiers. Rockets and artillery are fired. Russian planes pass over. Shows German dead, abandoned equipment, and German prisoners. Five German generals are interrogated by Russian troops.

  5. Scheldt Islands; Eisenhower; liberation of Bucharest; Yugoslavia and Tito

    02:01:43 "Allies Clear Scheldt Islands" Allied troops invade the Scheldt Islands. 02:03:22 "Eisenhower honors Allied Air Chiefs"General Eisenhower honors General Spaatz and British Generals Arthur Harris and Leigh-Mallory. 02:04:05 "Bucharest Liberated" Citizens of Bucharest cheer liberating Russian troops. 02:05:32 "Balkan Patriots Aided by Allies" Yugoslav patriots receive supplies by air. They drill and are reviewed by Marshall Tito. Wounded patriots are evacuated.

  6. Skiiers; US army maneuvers; West Point

    Skiers on a slalom course, a crowd is watching. This is a race, or competition of some sort as all the skiers are wearing large race numbers on their vests. VS, skiers taking the chair lift up to the top of the slopes. 01:02:04 Oceanside, there is a small wooden dock that juts out from the beach into the water's edge, waves, crashing against the dock, VS waves hitting the shore. MCU flagpole in the sand, camera pans up to show American flag. Large wood frame house on beach front, camera pans house and surrounding beachfront property, including CUs of flowers in bloom. 01:04:13 "Mechanized C...

  7. [Nazi Justice]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains a personnel record of Dr. Otto Schweinsberger with various documents dating from 1935 to 1943 regarding his legal career in Nazi Germany and his role as a military judge for the Wehrmacht. The documents include the judgement of the military court against Alwin Weisheit in 1942. Weisheit had been accused of having executed 75 Jewish people near the Russian village of Balabanowka, of attempted rape, of abuse, and of animal cruelty. Otto Schweinsberger refused to serve as military judge in the trial against Weisheit. His refusal was followed by a conflict with another militar...

  8. Der Nationalsozialismus vor amerikanischen Militärtribunalen

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen
    • 4. Folge: Die Nürnberger Prozesse gegen die Generäle

    Sendung 1985 im Sender Freies Berlin;Mschr., Druck.

  9. Jodl und das Ende 1945

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen
    • Der Chef des Wehrmachtführungsstabes - Jammer und Tragödie des absoluten Gehorsams

    Sendung des Senders Freies Berlin am 28. April 1985;Mschr., Druck.

  10. In Zivil und Häftlingskleidung.

    1. Manuskripte
    2. Rundfunk- und Fernsehsendungen
    • Die Zwangsarbeiter in der Kriegswirtschaft

    Sendung des Westdeutschen Rundfunks am 7. Mai 1966.Mschr., Druck.

  11. Fall IX - Teil 2: Protokolle

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Ohlendorf, Otto
    3. IMT Fall IX

    Vernehmungsprotokoll Ohlendorf vom 08., 09., 14. und 15. Oktober 1947 (190 Seiten); Mschr., Ds..

  12. Fall IX - Teil 11: Schriftsätze der Verteidigung

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Ohlendorf, Otto
    3. IMT Fall IX

    "Plaidoyer für den Angeklagten Otto Ohlendorf" Teil II (Seite 67 - Seite 104 a); Mschr., hekt.

  13. Fall IX - Teil 12: Schriftsätze der Verteidigung

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Ohlendorf, Otto
    3. IMT Fall IX

    "Plaidoyer für den Angeklagten Otto Ohlendorf" Teil III (Seite 105 - Seite 144); Mschr., hekt.

  14. Fall IX - Teil 13: Schriftsätze der Verteidigung

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Ohlendorf, Otto
    3. IMT Fall IX

    "Eine Würdigung der Tatsachen und Rechtsfragen im Einsatzgruppenprozeß (Fall IX) vor dem amerikanischen Militärgerichtshof II in Nürnberg" von Rudolf Aschenauer (133 Seiten); o.D. Mschr., hekt.

  15. Aufzeichnungen "Why they confess" und "How mad was Rudolf Hess?"

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Heiden, Konrad
    3. weitere Skripte u. Varia

    "Why they confess" Aufzeichnungen Heiden über Angaben Hans Fritsch vor Internationalem Militär Tribunal Nürnberg betreffend seine Erlebnisse in russischer Haft und russische Vernehmungsmethoden (englisch); 25 S.; "How mad was Rudolf Hess?" (englisch); 30 S., Dazu: handschriftliche Entwürfe.

  16. SD-Inland, McCarthy, Walter Reder

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Aschenauer, Rudolf (IMT VI und IX)

    Masch. Aufzeichnungen zum SD-Inland, dt. und engl., o.A.; masch. Auszug einer Rede Senator McCarthy innerhalb einer Debatte über "Kriegsverbrecherprozesse im amerikanisch besetzten Europa", o.A.; Urteil im Prozess gegen Walter Reder in Bari (Italien), August 1980 [ital.].

  17. Nürnberger Nachfolge-Prozesse Fall XII (OKW) Rechtsgutachten

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Keller, Rupprecht (Verteidigerakten IMT und Folgeprozesse)

    Verteidigerunterlagen Rupprecht v. Keller: hier Verteidigung des ehem. Generaloberstabsrichters Rudolf Lehmann: Rechtsgutachten von Reinhart Maurach für die Verteidigung im Fall XII v. 12.05.1948.