
Displaying items 1,261 to 1,280 of 7,748
  1. Gabrielle Simon Edgcomb collection

    1. Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges oral history collection

    The Gabrielle Simon Edgcomb collection consist of files documenting Gabrielle Simon Edgcomb’s project to document refugees from Nazi‐occupied Europe in the 1930s and 1940s who were hired by traditionally black colleges and universities in the United States; research files about those colleges, universities, and refugee scholars; and general research files about refugee scholars, traditionally black colleges, anti‐Semitism in Nazi‐occupied Europe, racism in the United States, and the aid organizations, primarily the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced European Scholars, that helped refug...

  2. Volume XI 34/4 GFZ - Etablissement d'un camp en zone française d'Allemagne pour des réfugiés sélectionnés du Moyen-Orient, janvier 1948 34/4 Lebanon - Polonais réfugiés au Liban, décembre 1947 - mars 1948 34/5 MEA - Documents concernant l'opération "Cherry" (réinstallation des Polonais réfugiés en Afrique orientale et en Rhodésie), février - mai 1948 34/5 Egypte - Transfert de réfugiés d'Egypte en Italie, février - mars 1949 34/5 India - Transfert de réfugiés hors de l'Inde, notamment transfert de Polonais au Liban, octobre 1947 - mai 1948 34/5 Lebanon - Protestations contre le transfert de réfugiés polonais du Liban en Allemagne et en Italie, janvier - novembre 1948 Volume XII 34/5 - Transferts de réfugiés se trouvant en Afrique orientale, au Liban et en Turquie 1er novembre 1948 Possibilités de réinstallation en Cyrenaïque des Polonais et des Yougoslaves non rapatriables. Conférence du 13 novembre 1944 Opération "Cherry", transfert de réfugiés en zone française d'Allemagne, janvier - avril 1948 Discussions sur le transfert en Italie des réfugiés du Moyen-Orient, juillet 1948 Transfert au Liban des Polonais de Palestine, 1947 - 1949 Volume XIII 35/1 à 7 - Questions médicales, août 1947 - avril 1949 Volume XIV 36/1 et 2 - Emploi des réfugiés. Rapport et statistique sur les professions des Polonais réfugiés en Afrique orientale, août 1948 - mars 1949 Volume XV 37/1 à 7 - Enseignement des réfugiés et formation professionnelle, octobre 1947 - juillet 1948 Volume XVI 38/1 à 5 - Assistance sociale : activités récréatives, réunion des familles, vêtements d'hiver, septembre 1947 - octobre 1948

  3. Gertrude G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gertrude G., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1931. She recalls hostility from local Nazis after the Anschluss in March 1938; anti-Jewish restrictions and violence; expulsion from school; her father's arrest prior to Kristallnacht; public humiliation of her mother and grandmother on Kristallnacht; learning her father was in Dachau; his release, based upon a promise to leave Austria; their emigration to Italy; living in Milan with assistance from the Joint; attending a Jewish school; her father's internment as a political refugee; joining him, with her mother, in Cas...

  4. Michael M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael M., who was born in Apa, Romania in 1917. He recalls attending cheder; his mother's death when he was thirteen; learning shoemaking and working in Seini until 1939; service in the Romanian army; Hungarian occupation in 1940; transfer to a Hungarian slave labor battalion; forced labor in Baia Mare (Nagybánya), Dej, Budapest, Poland and the Carpathian Mountains; deserting in 1944 and hiding for three weeks; recapture in Pribeník, and placement in another battalion; the commander's efforts to protect "his" Jews; marching to camps including Graz, Eisenerz, Mauth...

  5. Rose W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose W., who was born in Sandomierz, Poland, in 1921. Mrs. W. recalls the sizeable Jewish population and considerable antisemitism of her home town; the outbreak of the war; traveling throughout Poland as a non-Jew, doing trade in order to support her family; her deportation, along with two siblings, to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; working first in Werk B in a HASAG munitions factory, where she was aided by a Polish girl, and later in Werk A, where she witnessed the deterioration and disappearance of her brother; and her transfer to Cze?stochowa and slave labor there. She spe...

  6. Daniel A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daniel A., who was born in Radom, Poland in 1923, one of five brothers. He recalls German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish violence; forced labor; ghettoization in 1941; conversion to a labor camp after mass deportations; slave labor in a munitions factory; a death march in 1944; assisting his brother and future wife; train transport to Auschwitz; separation from his future wife; transfer with his brother to Vaihingen; slave labor in an underground factory; Italian POWs providing them with extra food; liberation by French troops in April 1945; recovery in a nea...

  7. Testimony of Fritz Beer, born in Brno, Czechoslovakia, 1911, regarding his experiences in Poland, with a Czechoslovakian Army unit in France and England, and in combat in Dunkirk

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Fritz Beer, born in Brno, Czechoslovakia, 1911, regarding his experiences in Poland, with a Czechoslovakian Army unit in France and England, and in combat in Dunkirk Born in Czechoslovakia; activities of Jewish Communists in Brno and Prague, 1930-1939. Organizing escapes to Poland, 1939; formation of the Writers and Journalists Aid Committee in Krakow; cooperation with Herman Field, the British Refugee Committee representative; struggle to obtain refugee visas to England; Communist infiltration of liberal refugee organizations in London; Communist influence over liberal refugee...

  8. Goldfarb family papers

    1. Goldfarb family collection

    Contains one song booklet given to students in the Kassel displaced persons camp, sixty-six black and white photographs of the Goldfarb family in Kassel and Ziegenhain displaced persons camps, eight postage stamps given to children in the Kassel displaced persons camp, and twenty-two documents pertaining to the experiences of Elimelech, Roza, and William Goldfarb in the Ziegenhain and Kassel displaced persons camps.

  9. Helen G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen G., who was born in Poland in 1912. She recounts her mother's death; her father's remarriage; his death when she was ten; living with her sister in Krako?w; German invasion in 1939; anti-Jewish measures; obtaining false papers from a non-Jew; returning to her hometown in 1940; hiding during round-ups; assistance from non-Jewish neighbors; traveling to Krako?w, then Tarno?w, using false papers; volunteering for forced labor in Germany; working in Berlin in 1942, posing as a Ukrainian laborer; returning to Krako?w; working as a domestic for a Polish family, then a...

  10. Joseph M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph M., who was born in Poland in 1922. He recalls German invasion; the bombing of his home on his birthday, September 25, 1939; anti-Jewish regulations; his family's decision that he should escape to the Soviet zone; seeing his mother for the last time on October 19th; being hidden and guided to the Soviet border by a peasant woman; working in Borisov; learning of his father's and brother's escape to the Soviet zone; and losing contact with his mother and sister after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Mr. M. recounts fleeing by train to Smolensk, th...

  11. Edith Newton (née Kramm) collection

    This collection comprises mostly correspondence between Edith Newton née Kramm, a Jewish refugee from Austria, and Paul Newton, formerly Neugröschel, also a Jewish refugee probably from Austria. In addition there is some general correspondence including official correspondence related to Naturalisation and a collection of photographs.

  12. [Newspaper extracts and Tracing Service correspondences regarding Lebensborn from 1947]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains 5 different documents. Page 1-3 are newspaper extracts (1947) in English and German about the Lebensborn homes and project. Page 4 is a letter from the International Refugee Organisation in Arolsen to the Office in The Hague regarding the Frankfurter Rundschau extract and the testimony of the children of Lidice (following documents)(9.12.1947). Page 5 is a letter from the International Refugee Organisation in Arolsen to the office of the Red Cross Netherlands in Berlin regarding cooperation between them (28.10.1947). Page 6 is a letter from the International Refugee Organi...

  13. East Prussia, Breslau

    Several short documentaries with titles on East Prussia, Silesia, Transylvania, Refugee Camp in Denmark

  14. Keith Suter interviewed by Clare McNamara

    Interview with Dr. Keith Suter from the Trinity Peace Research Institute. Host: Clare McNamara Suter discusses immigration and the refugee program, United Nations reform, world citizenship, World Federation, Miskito Indians, and the US election.