
Displaying items 1,021 to 1,040 of 7,748
  1. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Report sumitted by A. Studer Auer, director of Caritaszentrale in Luzerne, Switzerland, regarding a trip to UNRWA refugee camps in Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, Syria and Jordan, 1961

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Report sumitted by A. Studer Auer, director of Caritaszentrale in Luzerne, Switzerland, regarding a trip to UNRWA refugee camps in Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, Syria and Jordan, 1961 The trip, made on behalf of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, 03-13 November 1961, included Dr. Hans Keller. - Report opens with a general review of the situation of the refugees, describes aid activities on their behalf, and points out that, to date, Switzerland has not participated in these activities; Studer-Auer then gives a detailed daily account of what he saw, and itemizes aid proposal...

  2. Letter written by Simon Zuskind in London, a Jewish refugee from Belgium, to the New York Forverts editorial board requesting help in locating relatives and passing the letter on to them, 17 October 1940

    1. O.22- The Mecker Collection: Letters and newspaper clippings from the "Forverts" newspaper published in New York regarding the search for relatives, 1940-1951

    Letter written by Simon Zuskind in London, a Jewish refugee from Belgium, to the New York Forverts editorial board requesting help in locating relatives and passing the letter on to them, 17 October 1940 The letter includes a request to locate his relatives and to pass the letter on to them; relatives of Simon; request for help from his relatives.

  3. Prayer book for the First and Second Day of Passover with the Ashkenazi translation Prayers for the Passover with German translation Gebete für das Pessachfest mit deutscher Uebersetsung Hebrew prayer book, carried to Ecuador by a German Jewish refugee family

    1. Ilse and Horst (Harry) Abraham collection

    Machzor l'Yom Rishon v'Sheni shel Pesach im tirgum ashkenazi book, owned by a member of Ilse Brilling or Horst Abraham’s family, and carried from Germany to Ecuador in the late 1930s. Following Adolf Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor of Germany in January 1933, anti-Jewish decrees and persecution made life in Germany increasingly difficult. Horst Abraham immigrated to Ecuador from Leipzig, Germany, in 1937, after hearing a rumor that he might be arrested. His parents, Nanette and David, and one of his two brothers, Kurt, joined him there later. In 1939, Ilse Brilling left Rastenburg, Germa...

  4. ha-Torah v'ha-Lashon The Torah and the Language Prayer Hebrew prayer book, carried to Ecuador by a German Jewish refugee Das erste Buch Moses The first book of Moses Sefer Breishit The Book of Genesis

    1. Ilse and Horst (Harry) Abraham collection

    Die Thora und die Sprache book, owned by Horst Abraham and carried from Germany to Ecuador in the late 1930s. Following Adolf Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor of Germany in January 1933, anti-Jewish decrees and persecution made life in Germany increasingly difficult. Horst Abraham immigrated to Ecuador from Leipzig, Germany, in 1937, after hearing a rumor that he might be arrested. Horst's parents, Nanette and David, and one of his two brothers, Kurt, joined him there later. In 1942, Horst met Ilse Brilling, who immigrated to Chambo, Ecuador in 1939 with her parents, Hedwig and Isidor, an...

  5. Prayer book for Prayers for the Year Gebetbuch für die neue Synagoge in Berlin Prayer book for the new synagogue in Berlin Hebrew prayer book, carried to Ecuador by a German Jewish refugee family

    1. Ilse and Horst (Harry) Abraham collection

    Siddur Tefilot Kol ha-Shanah book, owned by a member of Ilse Brilling or Horst Abraham’s family, and carried from Germany to Ecuador in the late 1930s. Following Adolf Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor of Germany in January 1933, anti-Jewish decrees and persecution made life in Germany increasingly difficult. Horst Abraham immigrated to Ecuador from Leipzig, Germany, in 1937, after hearing a rumor that he might be arrested. Horst's parents, Nanette and David, and one of his two brothers, Kurt, joined him there later. In 1939, Ilse Brilling left Rastenburg, Germany and immigrated to Chambo,...

  6. Documents and certificates belonging to Erich Weiss, born in Vienna, Austria, 24 April 1919; he lived in Vienna until 1938, in Zurich, Switzerland and Nice, France, as an Austrian refugee; in England he served in the British military in the "Royal Pioneers Corps" from 1943

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Documents and certificates belonging to Erich Weiss, born in Vienna, Austria, 24 April 1919; he lived in Vienna until 1938, in Zurich, Switzerland and Nice, France, as an Austrian refugee; in England he served in the British military in the "Royal Pioneers Corps" from 1943

  7. Dan und Gad Zweiter Teil: Hebräisches Lesebuch von W. Neier Dan und Gad Part Two: Hebrew Reading and Textbook for Second and Third School Years Dan und Gad Part Two: Hebrew Reading Book by W. Neier Hebrew reader carried by a Kindertransport refugee

    1. Ina Felczer collection

    Part two of the Hebrew reader "Dan und Gad," carried by 10-year-old Ina Felczer on a Kindertransport [Children's Transport] to Leeds, England, in late June 1939. Before the war, Ina lived with her parents, Victor and Hannah, in Berlin, Germany. Both were Polish Jews who had lived in Berlin since the 1920s. Victor was a chemist, and Hannah co-owned a dressmaking shop. On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany, and authorities throughout Germany quickly began suppressing the rights of Jews and boycotting their businesses. In the late 1930’s, Victor lost his job, an...

  8. Prayer Book for the Holidays Prayer Book for the Evening of Reconciliation (Maariv Yom Kippur) Prayer Book for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) Gebetbuch für den Versöhnungstag Evening of Reconciliation prayer book inscribed by the brother of a German Kindertransport refugee

    1. Baer family collection

    Prayer book for Yom Kippur that belonged to Lore Baer’s brother Max and is inscribed with his name. Lore was living with her father, Hellmuth, and mother, Hedwig in Mannheim, Germany, when on November 10, 1938, during the Kristallnacht pogrom, German SS officers entered the family’s apartment, destroyed their belongings, arrested Hellmuth, and sent him to Dachau concentration camp. Lore’s mother secured his release in December 1938, and got him passage to Shanghai. In May 1939, Lore was sent to England on a Kindertransport. Lore’s brother Max was studying in Italy, and came to visit her in ...