
Displaying items 9,061 to 9,080 of 10,857
  1. Архівне управління Полтавського окружного виконавчого комітету рад робітничих, селянських та червоноармійських депутатів

    • Collection of Archival Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in Poltava oblast (region)
    • Arkhivne upravlinnia Poltavskoho okruzhnoho vykonavchoho komitetu rad robitnychykh, selianskykh ta chervonoarmiiskykh deputativ

    Opys 20 (Inventory 20). Reference lists about members of political parties, White Guard members, gendarmes, Red Army deserters, and persons employed in the authorities during the German-Fascist occupation. Selected files related to the Nazi occupation period: File 1 – Clergy who served German occupiers in the churches of Poltava region, 8 pages. File 4a – Germans who lived in the region during the occupation of 1941-43, 17 pages. File 5 – Staff of gendarmerie during the German occupation, 10 pages. File 6 – Employees of district (raion) and agricultural commandant's offices, 38 pages. File ...

  2. Полтавський обком Компартії України, м. Полтава Полтавської області

    • Poltava Oblast Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, city of Poltava
    • Poltavskii obkom Kompartii Ukrainy, m. Poltava Poltavskoi oblasti

    Opys 2 contains information on 242 files. Selected files containing data on the occupation and local administration, Nazi population politics, population losses, and the Holocaust: File 110 - Activities of the department to execute orders of the Central Committee (of the Communist Party of Ukraine) and of the Council of the People’s Commissars. Budennyi’s address to the population. Notes, memos, reports by the Oblast Party Committee, city committees, and district committees about the railway cars needed for evacuation. File 123 – Information items, memos by the Oblast Party Committee about ...

  3. Ministerstvo vnitra - Londýn

    • Ministry of Interior - London
    • MV - L
    • Národní archiv
    • 828
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 53,25 linear metres from which 53,25 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and 0,0 linear metres are unprocessed. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The fonds consists of documents of the Ministry of Interior and its departments. The state-security department kept records of all Czechoslovak citizens living in the Great Britain during the WWII and provided passports and visas and also their extension or verifications. The administrative and juristic department edited standpoints of the Ministry to the bills. The educational department took care about all matters of the Czechoslovak schools in Great Britain and also in foreign countries. The Ministry of Interior also cooperated with Czechoslovak intelligence service in the matters of sec...

  4. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 107]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of L. B-ca., 38 year old social worker from Lodz. She describes the entry of the Germans into Lodz, and the evacuation of men, Jewish and Christian, of military age, preceding it. The local German ethnic population greeted the German army with joy, and the Jews avoided them, and generally avoided the streets for fear of persecutions. The commandant of the city called to him the two rabbis and after they were beaten they were brought into the synagogue and ordered to burn the Torah scrolls. They refused and were beaten again, their beards torn. The Germans issued orders forbidding ...

  5. Forschungsamt der Luftwaffe

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Der Bestand war zuvor als sogenannte Kleine Erwerbung ins Bundesarchiv gelangt und trug die Bestandssignatur KLE 272. Nach Auflösung der Bestandsgruppe Kleine Erwerbungen sind die Unterlagen der Provenienz entsprechend zunächst im Bestand RL 1 (Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe / Oberkommando der Luftwaffe) verzeichnet worden. Danach erfolgte die Umsignierung in den jetzigen eigenen Bestand RL 44. Bestandsbeschreibung Bei den Unterlagen des Forschungsamtes handelt es sich um Ausarbeitungen zur Geschichte und Arbeitsweise sowie um...

  6. Dienststelle für Auslandsvermögen

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die Dienststelle für Auslandsvermögen (DfA) verwaltete zentral die Anmeldungen nach dem Gesetz Nr. 53 der MilReg., beriet die Eigentümer und wirkte bei der Freigabe deutscher Vermögenswerte mit. Von Schweden zur Verfügung gestellten Unterlagen über deutsche Vermögenswerte in Schweden sowie Unterlagen über beschlagnahmte bzw. liquidierte deutsche Vermögenswerte im Ausland waren weitere Grundlagen ihrer Arbeit. Bestandsbeschreibung Bestandsgeschichte Die gemäß Gesetz Nr. 53 der MilReg. abzugebenden Anmeldungen (MGAX-Formulare) aller im Ausland befindlichen deut...

  7. Pozdnjakow, Vladimir: Sammlung zur Wlassow-Bewegung

    Bestandsbeschreibung Die Sammlung von Herrn Oberst a.D. Pozdnjakow über die Wlassow-Bewegung wurde in den Jahren 1972 und 1973 angekauft. Inhaltliche Charakterisierung Die Sammlung enthält umfangreiches Material zur Wlassow-Bewegung, darunter Erinnerungen von Angehörigen der Wlassow-Armee, Ausarbeitungen und Korrespondenzen von Herrn von Pozdnjakow sowie Zeitungen, Flugblätter und Rundbriefe in russischer Sprache aus der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit. Die Sichtung, Ordnung und inhaltliche Erschließung der überwiegend russischsprachigen Unterlagen wurde von Herrn Dr. Hoffmann vom Militärgeschic...

  8. Transporteinheiten Todt/Speer

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Bestandsgeschichte Unterlagen von der einstmals riesigen Organisation Todt sind so gut wie kaum überliefert. Die in West-Berlin nach 1945 sichergestellten Materialien wurden bereits 1947 der Oberfinanzdirektion Hamburg übergeben und dort mit anderen OT-Unterlagen vereinigt. Aufgrund einer Anordnung der britischen Militärregierung führte seit August 1948 die Finanzbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg die Abwicklungsgeschäfte der ehemaligen OT. 1957 wurden aus Hamburg Unterlagen der Organisation Todt, welches auch Materialien der Transporteinheiten Speer e...

  9. Pommerin, Reiner

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners - Geboren 17. Juni 1943 in Rees am Rhein, Eltern: Erich Pommerin (Kaufmann), Hildegard Pommerin (geb. Ebeling) - Familienstand: verheiratet mit Ulrike Pommerin M.A. (geb. Pieper, Heirat am 13. Mai 1988), 1 Sohn (Frederic, geb. 19. April 1999) Schulischer und Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang: - 1951-1954: Volksschule Aerzen, Hameln und Kempen am Niederrhein - 1954-1961: Gymnasium-Thomaeum (Kempen am Niederrhein, kein Abschluss) - 1965: Prüfung zum Abschluss der Mittelschule beim Prüfungsamt für Fremden- und Ergänzungsprüfungen in Hamburg - 1965-1969: Abendgymnasiu...

  10. Zentrum für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Nachrichtengewinnung und Aufklärung - einschließlich der Auswertung - sind wesentliche Voraussetzungen für die militärpolitische und militärische Handlungsfähigkeit der Bundeswehr in Frieden, Krise und Krieg sowie bei Einsätzen im erweiterten Aufgabenspektrum. Aufgrund der Veränderungen im sicherheitspolitischen Umfeld und - daraus resultierend - einem erweiterten Sicherheitsbegriff hatten sich der Informationsbedarf und das Interessenprofil des Bundesministeriums der Verteidigung und der Streitkräfte in den zurückliegenden Jahren deutlich verändert und erwei...

  11. Hitler Adolf

    • Hitler, Adolf, 1889-1945
    • Hitler.
    • Hitler, Adolph, 1889-1945
    • Khitker, Adolf, 1889-1945
    • Hitler, Adolf
    • ...



    Führer and Reichskanzler, since 04.02.1938 Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht.

  12. Drawing of a couple in hiding reading a Bible

    1. Jacob Barosin collection

    Drawing depicting Jacob Barosin’s experiences while interned or living in hiding in southern France from June 1940 to August 1943. In June 1933, Jacob and Sonia Barosin (previously Judey) immigrated illegally to Paris, France, in order to escape the anti-Jewish laws passed following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in January. Jacob voluntarily enlisted in the French military following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. In May1940, Germany invaded France, Jacob and Sonia were arrested as enemy aliens, and Sonia was transported to Gurs internment camp. On June 2, Jac...

  13. Jacob Barosin drawing of men standing near the fence in a labor camp

    1. Jacob Barosin collection

    Drawing depicting Jacob Barosin’s experiences while interned or living in hiding in southern France from June 1940 to August 1943. In June 1933, Jacob and Sonia Barosin (previously Judey) immigrated illegally to Paris, France, in order to escape the anti-Jewish laws passed following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in January. Jacob voluntarily enlisted in the French military following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. In May1940, Germany invaded France, Jacob and Sonia were arrested as enemy aliens, and Sonia was transported to Gurs internment camp. On June 2, Jac...

  14. Pencil drawing

    1. Jacob Barosin collection

    Drawing depicting Jacob Barosin’s experiences while interned or living in hiding in southern France from June 1940 to August 1943. In June 1933, Jacob and Sonia Barosin (previously Judey) immigrated illegally to Paris, France, in order to escape the anti-Jewish laws passed following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in January. Jacob voluntarily enlisted in the French military following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. In May1940, Germany invaded France, Jacob and Sonia were arrested as enemy aliens, and Sonia was transported to Gurs internment camp. On June 2, Jac...

  15. Pencil portrait of an elderly man by Jacob J. Barosin

    1. Jacob Barosin collection

    Pencil portrait drawn by Jacob Barosin while he was in southern France from June 1940 to August 1943. In June 1933, Jacob and Sonia Barosin (previously Judey) immigrated illegally to Paris, in order to escape the anti-Jewish laws passed following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in January. Jacob voluntarily enlisted in the French military following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. In May 1940, Germany invaded France, Jacob and Sonia were arrested as enemy aliens, and Sonia was transported to Gurs internment camp. On June 2, Jacob was transported to Langlade, to s...

  16. Jacob Barosin drawing of people waiting in a town square

    1. Jacob Barosin collection

    Drawing depicting Jacob Barosin’s experiences while interned or living in hiding in southern France from June 1940 to August 1943. In June 1933, Jacob and Sonia Barosin (previously Judey) immigrated illegally to Paris, France, in order to escape the anti-Jewish laws passed following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in January. Jacob voluntarily enlisted in the French military following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. In May1940, Germany invaded France, Jacob and Sonia were arrested as enemy aliens, and Sonia was transported to Gurs internment camp. On June 2, Jac...

  17. Jacob Barosin drawing of three people walking

    1. Jacob Barosin collection

    Drawing depicting Jacob Barosin’s experiences while interned or living in hiding in southern France from June 1940 to August 1943. In June 1933, Jacob and Sonia Barosin (previously Judey) immigrated illegally to Paris, France, in order to escape the anti-Jewish laws passed following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in January. Jacob voluntarily enlisted in the French military following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. In May1940, Germany invaded France, Jacob and Sonia were arrested as enemy aliens, and Sonia was transported to Gurs internment camp. On June 2, Jac...

  18. Jacob Barosin drawing of a man hiding from the police

    1. Jacob Barosin collection

    Drawing depicting Jacob Barosin’s experiences while interned or living in hiding in southern France from June 1940 to August 1943. In June 1933, Jacob and Sonia Barosin (previously Judey) immigrated illegally to Paris, France, in order to escape the anti-Jewish laws passed following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in January. Jacob voluntarily enlisted in the French military following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. In May1940, Germany invaded France, Jacob and Sonia were arrested as enemy aliens, and Sonia was transported to Gurs internment camp. On June 2, Jac...