
Displaying items 8,281 to 8,300 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A civil party testifies regarding the UGIF raid and her subsequent deportation

    15:50 Vergès asks the witness whether he has a relationship with prosecutor Ryan; the witness replies that they had one long conversation 15:51 Vergès questions the witness as to why he left the French Army and joined the U.S. Army during the war; Cerdini interjects that the question is irrelevant to the trial 15:53 President Cerdini suspends the hearing 16:23 Cerdini resumes the hearing and introduces a new witness, Gilberte Jacob née Levy 16:25 The witness testifies; she worked at the UGIF as an assistant at the time of the raid; she recalls working at her desk in the early afternoon, whe...

  2. German siege of Warsaw, Sept. 1939

    The first days of September 1939, Warsaw, Poland under siege: MCU of German soldiers who are prisoners of the Poles, talking, smoking, cutting one cuts another's hair. It is believed that the soldier who is seated in the shot is a German Jewish soldier, according to Julien Bryan's accounts of this footage. This is NOT a confirmed fact. VS of destruction; people climbing over rubble, looking for their belongings that may remain in the wreckage of their homes. A young boy with a pet canary in a cage that survived the bombings. CUs of the dead and wounded. A woman plants a memorial of branches...

  3. UNRRA selected records AG-018-011 : European Regional Office (ERO). Subject Files

    Selected files relating to displaced persons operations in British Zone (BAOR) and the Australian United Jewish Overseas Relief Team: correspondence, statements of accounts.

  4. "Courier: a memoir"

    1. Leah Silverstein collection

    Describes Leah Silverstein's reactions to the Holocaust.

  5. Leah Silverstein memoirs

    1. Leah Silverstein collection

    Contains two versions, typescript, circa 200 pages each of the donor's memoirs.

  6. Hoexter family collection

    1. Hoexter family collection

    The Hoexter family collection consists of photographs, postcards, documents, and glass slides related to the Holocaust experiences of Herbert Hoexter, originally of Frankfurt, Germany. Includes pre-war and wartime family photographs; information about his internment in Dachau concentration camp in 1938; his emigration to England, where he was imprisoned in the Kitchener internment camp from August 1939-April 1940; and information regarding his work in the United States from 1940-1942. Also includes photographic negatives and glass slides.

  7. British World War II public travel time recommendation poster

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    Text only, lithographic wartime poster used in Great Britain to promote public travel between times that would not interfere with the commutes of workers essential for the war economy. After the fall of France, in June of 1940, Great Britain was left alone to withstand the full force of the German military. The country needed every citizen to do their part and assist in national defense. The poster was issued by the Ministry of Labour & National Service and the Ministry of War Transport for publication by Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (HMSO). The Ministry of War Transport was created ...

  8. British World War II home front travel time advisory poster

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    Small wartime poster used in Great Britain to promote public travel between times that would not interfere with the commutes of workers essential for the war economy. After the fall of France, in June of 1940, Great Britain was left alone to withstand the full force of the German military. The country needed every citizen to do their part and assist in national defense. The poster was issued by the Ministry of Labour & National Service and the Ministry of War Transport for publication by Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (HMSO). The Ministry of War Transport was created to control shippin...

  9. American World War II poster promoting the purchase of war bonds to prevent bondage

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    World War II war bond advertisement poster depicting a man with half of his body in bondage while the other half is free. The poster implies that buying war bonds supports the war effort as well as the American ideals of freedom and free enterprise, while the alternative is barren oppression under Nazi rule. Giving ten percent of your earnings references the practice of tithing, giving ten percent of one’s earnings to the church or charity. War bonds were offered by the United States government for purchase by the public, who would then keep the bond and be reimbursed for its return at a la...

  10. Barry Spanjaard papers

    The collection contains Holocaust survivor Barry Spanjaard’s manuscript "Those Unforgetable [sic] Years." The manuscript was written in 1946, but not published until 1981 as Don’t Fence Me In! An American Teenager in the Holocaust. It describes the Holocaust experiences of Barry, born in the United States, and his Dutch-born parents Alfred and Abigail Spannjard in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, including their deportations to the Westerbork transit camp, Amersfoort concentration camp, and the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; their release from Bergen-Belsen as part of a prisoner exchange in J...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 105 -- Servatius re-examines Eichmann

    Session 105. There is some overlap from Tape 2185, where Eichmann is being read a passage to which he is attributed, Eichmann said that he never had any special positions, but always followed orders, and Eichmann quotes a man named Miller saying, "Had we had 50 Eichmanns, we would have automatically won the war," insisting that this was not about Eichmann's effectiveness, but rather his ability to follow orders. Eichmann says that while he cannot attest to the accuracy of every word, he says that he did say something to that effect. 00:01:33 Dr. Servatius asks what the ranks were of the peo...

  12. Jewish family at leisure

    Pan, farm/field and manicured gardens. People on the balcony of house wave at the camera. 01:30:12 Sally Isenberg waves to camera. Train pulls into station. Group disembarks and walks along streets. INTs of train, Erna reads newspaper. 01:32:00 In city, Sigmund and Erna approach the camera. Sally takes off his hat. Traffic officer stands in the middle of a busy intersection (maybe Zurich), bikes and cars pass. Pan of city life with shops, cars, pedestrians, trees lining the street. Sigmund and Erna walk past the camera and wave. 01:32:48 View of train tracks from the train window. Signs: "F...

  13. Visiting Frieder Films, Incorporated in the Far East

    Alex Frieder and two men smoke cigarettes by a doorway with movie posters. Pan up to "Frieder Films. East Indies, Inc, Distributors of Republic Pictures In The Far East" sign. The men walk past the building and turn a street corner. Alex takes a ride in a rickshaw. The Frieder family and children relax at a swimming pool. Note the film camera case and yellow Kodak box on the coffee table. Farms. The South Bali Airport. Alex shakes hands with a women and two men. CUs, locals in colorful traditional dress wading into the water and riding in boats. A cock fight. Views of green landscape. Farme...

  14. Selected records of the Der Landrat Des Kreises Litzmannstadt Starosta Powiatu Łódzkiego (Sygn.2122) : Wybrane materialy

    The collection contains: announcements and orders of superior authorities, personal files of employees, reports on the escape of Poles from works and prosecution of fugitives, information about deceased Poles in concentration camps, population traffic statistics, lists of taken over Polish and Jewish property by communes, requests of Poles for return of property, taking over church property and general matters of the Civil Registry Office, rules and regulations regarding entries and granting DVL groups, statistics according to the assigned groups, minutes of management meetings, issuing cer...

  15. Hans Frank's newborn son

    Brigitte Frank (age 44) lays in bed at a hospital in Munich with a newly born son, Niklas, born in March 1939. Dark interior shots, flowers in the room. 02:01:09 Brief shot of grandmother Magdalena Frank. 02:01:31 Brigitte stands outside of the Frank family's vacation home in the snowy mountains, pan of the landscape. A man and the nanny Hilde play with a still photograph camera. Train passes by.

  16. Facsimile of a 70th anniversary Stolperstein for a Jewish Italian teenager

    Facsimile of a plaque created in 2012 to honor the memory of Amelia Levi, age 17, who was deported from Saluzzo, Italy, to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in German occupied Poland and murdered. The plaque was created by students of the Art Institute G.Solei-Bertoni, in Saluzzo, as a Stolperstein [stumbling block] for possible placement at the site of the home where Amelia had lived. Stolpersteine were originated by Gunter Demnig as an ongoing art project to memorialize victims of National Socialism in front of their last place of residence. On January 26, 1944, Amelia was arrested by...

  17. Efrem Ostrowsky family papers

    The collection primarily consists of wartime photographs taken by Efrem Ostrowsky and others as well as liberation photographs taken at the Dachau concentration camp by Ostrowsky. The photographs depict Allied troops in Austria, France, and Germany, captured German soldiers, liberated concentration camp survivors, cannons, tanks, and aircraft. The captured German soldiers include Major Wilhelm Oxenius, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, and Colonel-General Alfred Jodl. Documents primarily relate to Efrem’s father Samuel Ostrowsky’s art career, including clippings, a program from a Spertus Museum...

  18. Dr. John D. Singer correspondence

    The Dr. John D. Singer correspondence consists of letters sent from John D. Singer, M.D., during the period when he served in Europe with the United States Army, Third Army, 773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, as a surgeon and commanding medical officer, 1944-1945. The letters, addressed to his wife Genise in Illinois, describe various experiences, including the first post-liberation Jewish new year's celebration at a synagogue in Nancy, France, in September 1944; and his experiences visiting and working as a doctor at the newly-liberated camp of Buchenwald in April 1945. Collection also contai...

  19. Sieraczek family papers

    The Sieraczek family papers include biographical material, correspondence, and photographs relating to Henryk Sieraczek and his son Jerzy Sieraczek’s (Jerome Sears) experience living in the Warsaw ghetto, going into hiding, and living in the Zeilsheim DP camp. The collection also includes papers relating to their immigrating to the United States. Biographical materials include Henryk’s passport for stateless persons and identification card as well as Jerzy’s identification card for his school in Lodz. Correspondence include letters from Henryk to his family about his experiences during the ...

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 88. Eichmann, under direct examination, answers the question posed by Servatius about whether he talked to Theo Grell of the Foreign Office about the number of Jews being exterminated. Servatius asks Eichmann to comment on Grell's recollection that Eichmann said he had six million deaths on his conscience. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2117 (at 00:59:17) and Tape 2119 at (00:00:37). The footage resumes later in the session with cross-examination by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. Judge Landau warns Eichmann that he must answer Haus...