
Displaying items 8,141 to 8,160 of 10,857
  1. The Hyphen Social Club: Records and other papers

    The bulk of the material in this collection comprises the records of 'The Hyphen' social club (1159/1), which the depositor, Peter Johnson, was instrumental in forming and who subsequently became the chairman. Also included are papers relating to the depositor's time in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, as military interpreter for the British occupying forces in the immediate postwar years (1159/2). In addition there is a file of correspondence relating to Peter Johnson's involvement with the issue of the admission of German airmen to Great Britain for technical training and the dangers thereof (11...

  2. Portrait photograph by Judy Glickman of Danish man, courier for resistance

    1. Judith Ellis Glickman collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn41815
    • English
    • 1992
    • overall: Height: 17.000 inches (43.18 cm) pictorial area: Height: 9.500 inches (24.13 cm) | Width: 6.250 inches (15.875 cm)

    Black and white photographic print taken by Judy Glickman in 1992 of Mogens Kofod-Hansen, a courier for Jewish rescue operations in Denmark. Mogens traveled to Sweden to deliver vital information to the British military during World War II. Germany occupied Denmark on April 9, 1940, but allowed the Danish government to retain control of domestic affairs. Jews were not molested and the German presence was limited. After the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 and began to face military setbacks, a Danish resistance movement developed. On August 29, 1943, the Germans declared martial law...

  3. Walter Lubran papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Walter Lubran, originally of Sebnitz, Germany, including his immigration to the United States in 1938, his military career during World War II, and his restitution cases against the German government regarding property claims, insurance, and pensions. Included is a small amount of biographical material related to Walter and his father Benno Lubranitzki, letters from Walter to his wife Pearl while he was overseas with the Army, restitution paperwork, and a small amount of pre-war family photographs. Biographical material includes the ...

  4. Service recognition card for British commemorative medals and ribbons issued to an Austrian Jewish woman in the British Auxiliary

    1. Dorit B. Whiteman collection

    Entitlement card for medals awarded to Lilly Feldmann by the British government for her military service during World War II in Africa and Palestine. In late 1938, 18 year-old Lilly felt forced to leave Vienna, Austria, because of anti-semitism and Nazi fervor. In her diary, her heartbreak is clear: “It is a curse that I shall miss this home in spite of the fact that it hates and rejects me…I shall cry for you, you stupid, pitiful country.” She escaped to England where she joined the British Army and served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service Division.

  5. War Crimes Commission: Leipzig and Penig Concentration Camps

    Title: "Nazi Concentration Camps" Foreword: "This is an official document made by U.S. military photographers as they advanced into Germany," etc. Two exhibited affidavits attesting to the authenticity of scenes in the film are shown, one signed by Lt Col George E. Stevens and the other by Capt John Ford. A map shows the location of concentration camps in Germany and Europe. "Leipzig Concentration Camp" MLS, empty field, barbed wire, remaining foundation of burnt out building. Three men stand near bloody and burnt corpse. CUs, piles of burnt bodies by barbed wire. At the Leipzig camp more t...

  6. Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrzych (A. 9)

    Consists of selected records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Polish government-in-exile. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Polish government-in-exile between 1940-1949 was overseen by four ministers: Stanisław Kot (1940-1941), Stanisław Mikołajczyk (1941-1943), Władysław Banaczyk (1943-1944), Zygmunt Berezowski (1944-1949). These documents relate to the re-creation and reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in France: correspondence, dispatches, notes and information received from diplomatic posts, emissaries and posts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, corres...

  7. US Third Army report poster for May 1945 received by a unit soldier

    1. James A. Romberger collection

    Third Army Final Report poster received by 23 year old James Romberger, an American soldier, illustrating the combat location of the Corps and Divisions of the US Third Army in Germany in May 1945. Romberger was a military policeman with the Third Army under General George S. Patton. He was deployed in Europe by July 1944 and fought with his unit through France and Germany. He participated in the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp on April 11, 1945.

  8. Deutsche Arbeitsfront fringed sash with swastika and cog wheel acquired by a US soldier

    1. James A. Romberger collection

    Die Deutsche Arbeitsfront [German Labor Front] red fringed sash acquired by 23 year old James Romberger, an American soldier, in Germany in spring 1945. The sash would be displayed hanging vertically over a pole so that both topside ends were visible. After the government abolished trade unions in 1933, the DAF was the only trade union allowed in Nazi Germany. Romberger was a military policeman with the Third Army under General George S. Patton. He was deployed in Europe by July 1944 and fought with his unit through France and Germany. He participated in the liberation of Buchenwald concent...

  9. Brown leather burse and sheet of prayers used by US Army chaplain

    1. Edward Henry collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn43120
    • English
    • 1964
    • a: Height: 4.125 inches (10.478 cm) | Width: 4.375 inches (11.113 cm) | Depth: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm) b: Height: 8.125 inches (20.638 cm) | Width: 5.375 inches (13.653 cm)

    Satin lined leather burse, or case, used to carry ceremonial items used for Mass by Father Edward Henry, a chaplain in the United States Army in Europe during World War II. A sheet with prayers and the Rite of Eucharistic Devotion from 1964 was later stored in the burse. As a Catholic priest, Father Henry carried a portable Mass kit to administer last rites, to offer communion, and to perform mass for the troops. His unit took part in the liberation of Paris on August 25, 1944. He was one of the first American priests to hold mass in the Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris after liberation.

  10. Brown leather laced burse with embroidered satin pockets, a purificator, and a small cloth used by a US Army chaplain

    1. Edward Henry collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn43121
    • English
    • 1944-1945
    • a: Height: 3.500 inches (8.89 cm) | Width: 4.500 inches (11.43 cm) | Depth: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm) b: Height: 16.375 inches (41.593 cm) | Width: 11.625 inches (29.528 cm) c: Height: 5.000 inches (12.7 cm) | Width: 3.500 inches (8.89 cm)

    Leather burse, or case, with laced side flaps and two pockets, used to carry ceremonial items used for Mass by Father Edward Henry, a chaplain in the United States Army in Europe during World War II. As a Catholic priest, Father Henry carried a portable Mass kit to administer last rites, to offer communion, and to perform mass for the troops. He also carried a purificator, used to wipe the chalice after each use during communion, and the small cloth, which may have been used as a finger towel. A chaplain's Mass kit may include many other items, but it is adapted depending on where it may be...

  11. Personal documents of Zhak Avram Aslanov, from Varna, attesting to his experiences before the outbreak of the war and during the war

    1. O.13 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Bulgaria, mainly from the Holocaust period

    Personal documents of Zhak Avram Aslanov, from Varna, attesting to his experiences before the outbreak of the war and during the war Included in the documentation: - Matriculation certificate of Zhak Avram Aslanov, born in Varna, Bulgaria, 14/06/1906, issued by the Industrial-Trade School in Varna, 1924; - Certification of the family status of Avram Aslan, issued by the Varna municipality, 10/06/1925; - Certificates regarding the work of Zhak Avram Aslanov during his service in the Bulgarian Army reserves, 1927-1934; - Insurance certificates given to Zhak Aslanov in Varna by the Ministry of...

  12. Proceedings of People's Court Session No.16 in Sofia, 24 March 1945

    1. TR.6 - Documentation of the People's Court in Bulgaria, 1944-1945

    Proceedings of People's Court Session No.16 in Sofia, 24 March 1945 Testimonies of 55 witnesses: 1. Stoil Stefanov - appointment of Stomanyakov as director of the Commissariat for Jewish Questions (KEV), 1943; 2. Nili Shpeter - the clerk Peyu Draganov and his treatment of the Jews; 3. Dabev Druzhelyub - economic crimes committed by Ignat Vasilev, Pavel Traykov and Zlatev; 4. Ignat Anev; 5. Adolf Haimov - assistance provided by KEV agent Kozarov to Buko Levi who was hidden at the home of Adolf Haimov; 6. David Lidzhi - treatment of the Jews by Stomanyakov; 7. Boris Bozukov - deportation of t...

  13. Survey of the situation in various countries as reported in the Nazi and local press and from letters, with emphasis on the situation of the Jews, November-December 1942

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • צרור רשימות - חומר להרצאה על מצב היהודים בארצות הכיבוש הנאצי - מס. 16

    Survey of the situation in various countries as reported in the Nazi and local press and from letters, with emphasis on the situation of the Jews, November-December 1942 Poland: Orders regarding the establishment of ghettos in the Generalgouvernement and putting the ghettos into use; division into 53 ghettos in the 5 districts: Warsaw; Lublin (assuming that the Lublin Ghetto has already been liquidated); Krakow; Radom and Galicia; granting of freedom of choice of ghetto in the district to the Jews; exemption of Jews working in war-related occupations from living in the ghetto; imposition of...

  14. Alexandre Gourary. Collection

    This collection contains three issues of « La Voix Internationale de la Résistance » ; two photos of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen ; seven photos of tombstones of Jewish resistance fighters who were killed in action or executed and were buried at the Tir National (National shooting range) in Brussels ; 74 photos and photonegatives depicting the armed Mouvement national belge (MNB) liberating Antwerp, protecting the harbour and undertaking military exercises ; a Sten machine gun and a hand grenade used by Alexandre Gourary while guarding the port of Antwerp ; a jacket worn by Alexandre Gou...

  15. Еврейская религиозная община (г. Вена)

    • Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Wien); Jewish Religious Communit), of Vienna
    • Evreiskaia religioznaia obshchina (g. Vena)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. The inventories are arranged by structure and document type. The collection has charters of the Jewish religious community of Vienna — and of affiliated organizations: the Union to Aid Jewish Students, the Union for the Care of Orphans, Jewish Literary Association, the Mendelssohn Jewish Literary Union, and others. It contains the minutes of meetings of the community board for 1891-1938 as well as community financial documents — statements, estimates, summaries, income statements, cashbooks for 1928-37, and tax tables. The colle...

  16. Берлинское сионистское объединение

    • Berliner zionistische Vereinigung; Berlin Zionist Union*
    • Berlinskoe sionistskoe ob"edinenie

    The collection's contents are catalogued in one inventory; the inventory is arranged by document type. The collection includes the charter of the BZU; minutes of meetings of the BZU board for 1937; minutes of sessions of electoral caucuses, and materials on the election of delegates to the delegate assembly; minutes of the 1936 twenty-fifth congress of the Zionist Federation of Germany; minutes of preelection meetings of BZU members for 1938; circulars on admitting new members and on improving the work of Hebrew language courses; membership cards; and instruction booklets for new members. T...

  17. Центральное объединение немецких граждан иудейского вероисповедания (г. Берлин)

    • Centralverein deutscher Staatsburger judischen Glaubens; Central Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith (Berlin)*
    • Tsentral'noe ob"edinenie nemetskikh grazhdan iudeiskogo veroispovedaniia (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories arranged by structure and document type. Most of the materials in this collection originate from the 1920s and 1930s. The collection includes the charter of the Central Association and its local chapters; minutes of meetings of the Central Association's committee on drawing up a new charter (1926-28); minutes of the Central Association's board (1931) and of chapters (1932-38); reports by leaders of Central Association chapters on their activities; and reports on the state of the Jewish community in various German cities (1932-35)...

  18. Великая ложа Германии еврейского ордена "Бней-Брит" (УОББ) (г. Берлин)

    • German Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith (Berlin); Grossloge für Deutschland des Unabhangigen Ordens "Bne Brith" (UOBB) (Berlin)
    • Velikaia lozha Germanii evreiskogo ordena "Bnei-Brit" (UOBB) (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are described in three inventories; the collection has a geographical index. Deposited in the collection are the constitution of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith; charters of the Grand Lodge and of affiliated lodges in Germany and the United States; the charters of the order's committees on youth organizations and Jewish women's organizations; the charters of affiliated lodges' courts of honor; draft charters of youth organizations; the charters of the women's charitable society Schwesternbund, of the Eintracht lodge's women's organization, and of the women's ...

  19. Управление государственной тайной полиции (Гестапо) (г. Берлин)

    • Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Berlin); Office of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) (Berlin)
    • Upravlenie gosudarstvennoi tainoi politsii (Gestapo) (g. Berlin)

    A significant portion of the collection's contents was transferred to the German Democratic Republic in the 1950s-70s. (These materials are noted in the inventories and are not included among the collection's files.) The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. Documents in the collection contain information on communist, social-democratic, anti-fascist, religious, and Jewish organizations in Germany; reports on "unreliable" persons; information on Masonic lodges; police surveillance files (for example, on the conduct of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin); agents' dispatche...

  20. Центральное строительное управление войск СС и полиции (г. Аушвиц)

    • Waffen-SS und Polizei. Zentralbauleitung in Auschwitz; Waffen-SS and Police, Central Construction Office in Auschwitz
    • Tsentral'noe stroitel'noe upravlenie voisk SS i politsii (g. Aushvits)

    The Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police at Auschwitz (Oświęcim), subsequently renamed the Central Construction Office of the Waffen SS and Police, was created in 1940 with the commencement of construction of the concentration camp. Here, in October 1941, construction began on a prisoner of war camp. In 1943, the Auschwitz concentration camp was divided into three independent camps: Auschwitz I (the main camp), Auschwitz II (Birkenau), and Auschwitz III, subsequently renamed the Monowitz concentration camp. The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police at Auschwitz ...