
Displaying items 781 to 800 of 1,140
  1. German "Revision- and Trust Company" Corporation, Berlin Deutsche Revisions- und Treuhand-AG, Berlin (Fond 1466)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    The complete collection at the source archive contains audit reports of the financial condition of companies, banks in Germany and in the occupied territories, treaty between the USSR and the company "Siemens Apparate- und Maschinenbau GmbH" on the supply of weapons and correspondence on the state guarantees. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  2. Collection of J. G. Van Niftrik, an activist in the Netherlands and Switzerland in the transfer of intelligence and the smuggle of underground people and Jews from the Netherlands to England during 1942-1945

    Collection of J. G. Van Niftrik, an activist in the Netherlands and Switzerland in the transfer of intelligence and the smuggle of underground people and Jews from the Netherlands to England during 1942-1945 Van Niftrik was an activist in the Dutch underground who was forced to escape from the Germans; he arrived to Switzerland and established the Zwitserse Weg B, for the purpose of smuggling people in the underground to England and other destinations, and he helped Jews who escaped from the Netherlands to arrive to shelter in other countries; upon his return to the Netherlands after the wa...

  3. Ernest Chambré postcards

    Three (3) postcards sent to Ernest Chambré in Tel Aviv, Palestine (now Israel), from multiple authors in France. The postcards are dated January 23, 1945, September 24, 1945, and September 23, 1946.

  4. [Welt-Dienst propaganda world wide]

    1. Bern Trial, Bern, Switzerland, 1934-1935

    This file contains 9 reports and some letters published by the Welt-Dienst in Erfurt, Germany. The documents are published in German, English, Russian and French in 1938. The Welt-Dienst was an anti-Semitic Newspaper, published twice a month in Germany and in several other countries, as well as in 8 different languages. The news bureau was founded in 1933 by Ulrich Fleischhauer in Erfurt and a the magazine of the same name was published first in December 1933 by Fleischhauers U. Bodung-Verlag. The editors of the magazine also organized international anti-Semitic congresses and Fleischhauer ...

  5. [Paul Anderson around Europe]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a collection of informations reagarding post-war Europe by Paul Anderson. Paul Anderson wrote reports based on his experiences in several European countries. After the war he visited (working class) families from all over Europe, talked to them, got an imgage of their homes and their lifes. Mostly how their lifes had changed after the war regardless of their social background. In this file reports are contained concering England, France, Sweden, Spain, Ireland, Yugoslavia and Italy. It can be seen, depending from which country the interviewees are from, that the social and...

  6. Wie geht es ihnen, Herr Nachbar?

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several scripts written by Paul Anderson for the Norddeutschen Rundfunk (NDR). Since 1948, he regularly provided political commentary for the Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR), for which he eventually became head of the program "Aus der Alten Welt". In this file scripts of the show "Wie geht es ihnen, Herr Nachbar" are attached. The first of this episodes was broadcasted in Hamburg, 7th April 1965. It is about Karl Sjoelund, a Swedish painter, but at the first look he seemed more German than Swedish. This is what the show is about, getting to know your neighbors. In this case i...

  7. [Welt-Dienst propaganda world wide]

    1. Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto collection 1926-2018

    This file contains 9 reports and some letters published by the Welt-Dienst in Erfurt, Germany. The documents are published in German, English, Russian and French in 1938. The Welt-Dienst was an anti-Semitic Newspaper, published twice a month in Germany and in several other countries, as well as in 8 different languages. The news bureau was founded in 1933 by Ulrich Fleischhauer in Erfurt and a the magazine of the same name was published first in December 1933 by Fleischhauers U. Bodung-Verlag. The editors of the magazine also organized international anti-Semitic congresses and Fleischhauer ...

  8. [Welt-Dienst propaganda world wide]

    1. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    This file contains 9 reports and some letters published by the Welt-Dienst in Erfurt, Germany. The documents are published in German, English, Russian and French in 1938. The Welt-Dienst was an anti-Semitic Newspaper, published twice a month in Germany and in several other countries, as well as in 8 different languages. The news bureau was founded in 1933 by Ulrich Fleischhauer in Erfurt and a the magazine of the same name was published first in December 1933 by Fleischhauers U. Bodung-Verlag. The editors of the magazine also organized international anti-Semitic congresses and Fleischhauer ...

  9. Miniature dictionary, The Tiny One, English-French, used by the Weidhorn family

    1. Weidhorn family collection

    Miniature dictionary, The Tiny One, English-French Dictionary, used by the Weidhorn family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940. The dictionary was published in Paris. The dictionary is part of a collection documenting the experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940 and went to Paris and Spain before settling in New York.

  10. Miniature dictionary, Le tout-petit dictionnaire Deutsch-Franzosisches, used by the Weidhorn family

    1. Weidhorn family collection

    Miniature dictionary, Le tout-petit dictionnaire Deutsch-Franzosisches, used by the Weidhorn family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940. The dictionary was published in Paris. The dictionary is part of a collection documenting the experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940 and went to Paris and Spain before settling in New York.

  11. Miniature dictionary, Le tout-petit dictionnaire Francais-Espagnol, used by the Weidhorn family

    1. Weidhorn family collection

    Miniature dictionary, Le tout-petit dictionnaire Francais-Espagnol, used by the Weidhorn family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940. The dictionary was published in Paris. The dictionary is part of a collection documenting the experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940 and went to Paris and Spain before settling in New York.

  12. Miniature dictionary, Le tout-petit dictionnaire Francais-Allemand, used by the Weidhorn family

    1. Weidhorn family collection

    Miniature dictionary, Le tout-petit dictionnaire Francais-Allemand, used by the Weidhorn family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940. The dictionary was published in Paris. The dictionary is part of a collection documenting the experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940 and went to Paris and Spain before settling in New York.

  13. Deck of cards about the American presidents received by Manfred Weidhorn in the U.S.

    1. Weidhorn family collection

    Cards about the American Presidents with biographies and pictures that was obtained by Manfred Weidhorn soon after his arrival in the U.S.. The deck of cards is part of a collection documenting the experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940 and went to Paris and Spain before settling in New York.

  14. Children's book, Félix et Zizi, used by Manfred Weidhorn

    1. Weidhorn family collection

    Children's book, Félix et Zizi, used by Manfred Weidhorn as a child. This French language book was written by Pat Sullivan and published by Hachette in 1939. The book is part of a collection documenting the experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940 and went to Paris and Spain before settling in New York.

  15. Children's booklet, Blanche-neige et les septs nains, used by Manfred Weidhorn

    1. Weidhorn family collection

    Children's booklet, Blanche-neige et les septs nains, or Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, used by Manfred Weidhorn as a child. The French language booklet depicts Disney's adaptation of the fairy tale and was partially filled out by Manfred by the time Antwerp was invaded on May 10, 1940. The booklet is part of a collection documenting the experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his family after they escaped Antwerp in 1940 and went to Paris and Spain before settling in New York.

  16. Friedman family collection

    Consists of identity cards, photographs, and documents related to Willem and Helene Ginsburg Friedman, originally of Antwerp, Belgium. They were able to emigrate through France to Portugal, using visas provided by Aristides de Sousa Mendes, and then to escape to the United States in 1940. Includes pre-war passports, safe conduct passes, pre-war, wartime, and post-war family photographs.

  17. John and Alice Morawetz papers

    1. Alice and John Morawetz collection

    The papers consist of 58 photographs, certificates, identification cards, and correspondence concerning the experiences of Alice Tauscher and Hans Morawetz [donors] in Austria, Trinidad, and the United States from the 1920s through the 1940s.

  18. "An unpublished chapter in the history of the deportation of foreign Jews from France in 1942"

    Consists of a copy of "An unpublished chapter in the history of the deportation of foreign Jews from France in 1942" written by Roswell McClelland, a representative of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), in 1942 or 1943. The "Unpublished chapter..." is McClelland's personal account of the round-up of foreign Jews in France during 1942 under the direction of the Germans, including a deportation from the Les Milles camp in August 1942. Included in the piece are descriptions of various French concentration camps, the treatment of Jewish children, the division of age groups for depor...

  19. Český svaz protifašistických bojovníků – ústřední výbor, Praha

    • Czech Union of Anti-Fascist Fighters - Central Committee, Prague / NAD 1786
    • Národní archiv
    • 1786
    • English
    • 1969-1990
    • Textual material 353,65 linear meters

    The documents of the Czech Union of Anti-Fascist Fighters (ČSPB) are an important source concerning the resistance and resistance of Czechs and Slovaks in 1914-1918, domestic and foreign anti-Nazi resistance in 1939-1945, including Jewish resistance, and the victims of racial and political persecution, prisoners of Nazi prisons and concentration camps. The fonds has a complicated internal structure, consisting of several separate parts: registry; membership records; documents of the publicity department of the Central Committee of the ČSPB; a memorial, documentary and historical competition...