
Displaying items 7,741 to 7,760 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Cunningham, Alan Gordon, Sir, 1887-1983

    1. Biographical press cuttings collection (1945-1970s)

    General Sir Alan Gordon Cunningham was a British Army officer, noted for victories over Italian forces in the East African Campaign during the Second World War. Later he was the seventh and last High Commissioner of Palestine in the years 1945-1948. In this position he at first reinforced the reduction of Jewish immigration into Palestine as a means, as he believed, of calming down the tension between Jews and Arabs, but later he supported the UN's partition plan for Palestine and tried to calm down conflicts by negotiations. On the other hand he introduced fist policy towards Jewish extrem...

  2. Vier Jahre Aussenpolitik des Deutschen Faschismus

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains two summaries of the foreign policy of Nazi Germany from 1933 till November 2nd in 1936, when the reports were completed. Both reports explain objectivly the development and establishment of the foreign policy of the Nazi regime. One report is devided into five parts, starting with the prehistory and point of departure of Germany and Europe generally. In January 1933, when Hitler was named as chancellor of Germany the international labor organization and several european ministries were under shock, as the concept of a resettlement of Germany in the 'European concept of di...

  3. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange and Eduard Roschmann. The file also contains extensive correspondence with Jewish organisations in Sweden, Great Britain and Germany trying to find survivors from the...

  4. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  5. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  6. England and the English German Appreciation

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains numerous typewritten extracts of books and articles published on England and English culture between 1900 and 1939 in Germany. The extracts reflect German author's, intellectual's, diplomat's, and politician's appreciation for the English mentality and its military and imperialist politics. Furthermore, the file contains extracts of speeches, lectures, and articles on the German-British relations published during the Nazi period, highlighting the similarities of both nation's cultures and mentalities as a basis for an imagined joint action against the Soviet Union. The ext...

  7. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the verdict of Wenzel Daniel (born on 2 February 1900 in Wapenka), son of a gypsy couple, who received no formal education growing up. Before joining the military he used to travel in the countryside with his father to help him craft and sell metal goods. In the years 1920 and 1926 he served as a soldier in the Czech army. After his discharge he worked in a sawmill and tried to keep his head above the water doing occasional jobs. He was convicted 18 times due to robbery and fighting. In the end of March 1942 he watched a knacker bury a dead pig. After ensuring that the kna...

  8. [Personal Correspondence of Heinrich Himmler]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains correspondence either written as a response by Heinrich Himmler or subordinates to letters addressed to him by SS personnel, Nazi party and SS members such as Oskar Dirlewanger asking for the permission to volunteer in frontline combat duty once the war broke out in late 1939, the Gauleiter of Hannover (Mutschmann) asking for the imprisonment of a university professor for making derogatory statements about Reichsmarschall Herman Göring, the treasurer of the NSDAP requesting the punishment of a high ranking SS member for the embezzelment of official party funds and collecti...

  9. [World Jewish Congress on antisemitism, 1962]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The document gives an overview of anti-Semitism in France. Different aspects are mentioned: anti-Semitic and collaborationist organizations, incidents in connection with events in Algeria (outside contacts of the O.A.S., the actions against O.A.S. and its reaction, young supporters of O.A.S. and fascism), anti-Semitic and collaborationist publications (journals and periodicals, books, publishers and booksellers), leaders and persons associated with the anti-Semitic campaign, some anti-Semitic incidents, the Nazi international (in France, meetings abroad), film, theatre, radio, television (f...

  10. [War workers and war industry in Germany]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This file contains a collection of reports by Paul Anderson and James Norman. In the "decree NO. 10 or design for total slavery" as James Norman calls his work, he reports about August 22nd 1942, a 'date which wont be forgotten by the common people in Europe'. At that day Hitler's Supreme Labour Dictator Sauckel put his signature to a new government order by which every fit man or woman is liable to be conscripted to work for Germany's war industry and thus for Germany's victory. The new order is called 'Decree No. 10' and layed down the law that workers in all occupied countries were subje...

  11. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of a rabbi from a town in Galicia, b. 1910. He tells of the entry of the Germans into his city. At first they seemed well-intentioned, but soon started taking Jews, including women and girls, for forced hard labor. Jewish shops were robbed while Christian shops and businesses were untouched. The rabbi received a summons from the city military governor, and was ordered that the city must be free of Jews within several hours; any Jew remaining in the city will be shot. The soldiers drove the Jews out of their homes toward the Russian border and photographed the struggling crowd. The...

  12. [<> Vichy-government]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a programme of a lecture hold on thursday, May 29th, 1941. The speakers where Mr. Hedges and Mr. Anderson. Mr. Hedges was speaking about the Vichy-government and Mr. Anderson about the economic imperalism, in reference to the German economic expansion. The Vichy regime (French Régime de Vichy) refers to the government of the État français ("French state") after the military defeat against the German Reich recognized by the ceasefire on 22 June 1940. With the constitutional law of 10 July 1940, the Vichy regime replaced the Third French Republic. It existed until 1944 and w...

  13. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Chaim Leib D., 21 year old weaver from Pabianice. He describes leaving Pabianice for Warsaw at the beginning of the war with most ale-bodied men, leaving behind only the weak and elderly. In Warsaw he was involved in the civilian effort against the German invasion in building barricades in the streets. He describes the deprivation and lack of products and supplies during the later days of the way, and the expulsion of refugees from Warsaw by edict. Returning to Pabianice he encountered severe antagonism from the Polish population, who refused to sell him food even for money, an...

  14. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  15. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga". The file also contains extens...

  16. Kerch city council

    Inventory 1 – 37 files. File 1. Enactments. November – 16 December 1941. 2 pages. File 2. Printed materials. Enactments and directives of the city council and police. 1 November – 10 December 1941. 26 pages. File 3. Printed enactments and orders of Kerch city council and police. 1941. 18 pages. File 4. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 1-2. 1941. File 5. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 3. 1941. File 6. Notebook of registry of the outgoing papers of the Kerch city council No. 4. 1941. File 13. Lists of employee...

  17. Претура Ландауського району, с. Ландау Ландауського району Березівського повіту

    • District Pretura of the Landau District, Landau Colony (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; these include copies of Governorate of Transnistria orders halting the use of Jews as Ukrainian language translators (1942); on setting up ghettos for the Jewish population and using Jewish specialists for work in institutions and enterp...

  18. Префектура Балтського повіту, м. Балта Балтського р-ну Одеської області

    • County Prefecture of the Balta County, City of Balta, Governorate of Transnistria

    The fond’s inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are orders, circulars, and instructions of the Governorate of Transnistria and the Romanian Army command, and correspondence with various institutions on restrictive measures regarding Jews and their conscription in forced labor. Among these are reports of police praetors and agents on living conditions of Jews in the camps of Balta county (f. R-2358, 1942); etc. A considerable portion of the documents consists of lists of the Jewish population, including of Jewish specialists of Ovidiopol’...

  19. Претура Березовського району, м. Березівка Березовського р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura of the Berezovka District, City of Berezovka (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. These include official correspondence of Governorate of Transnistria preturas and prefectures forbidding the issuance of passes to visit camps (f. R-2377, 1942). Documents of the Romanian authorities regarding the conscription of Jews into ...

  20. Претура Любашівського району, с. Любашівка Любашівського р-ну Одеської області

    • District Pretura of the Liubashevka District, Village of Liubashevka (Golta County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. Among these are decrees of the Governorate of Transnistria forbidding Jews to mail packages and letters or use a Romanian-language greeting, and on rights granted to Jewish doctors; orders of the Liubashevka county prefecture barring correspondence and telephone communications between the Jews of Transnistria and Romania ...