
Displaying items 7,701 to 7,720 of 10,858
  1. Pogroms, gold fillings, murders in Latvia and Lithuania described in Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 443) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, December 13 & 14, 1945. RVs, Major Walsh, US prosecutor, reading original Nazi letters which describe pogroms and other actions taken against the Jews in Latvia and Lithuania. He further reads documentation on the removal of gold teeth and fillings from the mouths of Jews before their annihilation. "Actions," burning of synagogues, etc., in Riga and other areas. LS, courtroom, waiting. Reading of memo by SS Brigadefuehrer Stahlecker to Himmler (10/15/41) reporting a pogrom, "Aktion Gruppe" : "To our surprise, not easy at fi...

  2. Battle for Kharkov

    Map showing the "southern sector of the front." Troops marching in the area of "Donez" (Donets'k) and "Ckarkow" (Kharkov). Odessa and the Dnieper River also appear on the map. German troops marching and riding bicycles along a road. Shots of horse-drawn carts and soldiers on horseback from a ground-level perspective. A German soldier rides a camel down the road, because "the Asian border is not far away." A plane flies overhead; we see the line of horse-drawn carts and a gasoline storage facility from its perspective. From the perspective of the ground again, we see German soldiers rolling ...

  3. German soldiers in Germany

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. "Mit dem Stab der 257. Inf. Div. im Krieg (schwarzweiss film)” “Tankabwehr an der Strasse Einod-Gersheim nordl. Von Webenheim” Trucks driving. A tank is buried into the side of a hill. “Offene Feuerstellung einer 10 cm Kanonenbatterie Nordausgang Herbitzheim.” A cannon at the base of a tree in a field. “Auf der landstrasse im Bliestal.” A soldier gets into a car on the road. “Gesprengte Eisenbahnbrucke bei Breitfurt.” A soldier walks ac...

  4. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria", Vienna, Austria, 1938. German Narration. German army motorcade up country hill road, people salute from roadside (wearing swastika). POV car, into Vienna. A procession of cars and trucks enters Vienna. The Nazis are cheered and saluted as they pass public buildings. Crowds, HJ. Civilians parade also, chanting Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer. HAS crowds at city center, German soldiers control crowd, CUs, children wave small Nazi flags. Hitler rides in open car through the streets with Seyss-Inquart in some shots, in other shots Seyss...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Ship launching at Swedish harbor; Red Cross ships with POWs

    1021 V (09:06:25): Managing Director Heden in office. Gothenburg ship-building and launchings: Tug attending launching. Bows of ship. LS, stern of ship and harbor. Deck of a newly-built ship, waiting to be put to sea since the outbreak of war. View along the deck. Ship entering floating dock. Ship-building yard showing lower deck plates of ship. Director Heden and his wife ascending stairs prior to launching. Ship's side with flag decorations. Launching platform with ship's bows. View of shipyard. MS, launching platform. Mrs. Heden coming down steps with bouquet. Launching of the ship. Gene...

  6. General Władysław Anders collection Kolekcja Generala Wladyslawa Andersa (KGA.11)

    Contains papers of Władysław Anders, General of the Polish Armed Forces in Exile. Also includes a journal of the activities of General Anders, 7 August 1941-27 March 1945, and speeches, orders, statements, studies, notes and correspondence.

  7. Stanisław Paprocki collection Stanisław Paprocki (Kol. 30)

    Contains fragments of addresses of Prime Minister Sikorski of November 14, 1940, the list of Jewish journalists and reporters abroad, letters from and to President of the New Zionist Organization in London, the report of the World Jewish Congress, and press clippings.

  8. Overview of Germany, the German character, and lust for conquest

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 1 shows panoramic views of the German countryside, its people, music, schools, offices, and factories ('a modern, educated, musical, industrious nation'); dead and living victims of Nazi concentration camps; crematoria, gas chambers, victims' clothing, and articles made of human skin; and victims of Nazi atrocities in Rome, Lublin, Belgium, and Malmedy. Describes the lack of democracy in medieval Germanic states through World Wars I and II focusing on an ideal German soldier named Karl Schmidt. Shows...

  9. GIs; battered corpses; Dachau camp victims

    Campfire burning. Hamilton, Stevens and others on ground cooking, drinking coffee. Change of scene, jeep Toluca covered with snow. Stevens in front of jeep Toluca shakes hands with crewcut American (Major Dick Cahoot). CUs, they are smoking, dressed in winter parkas (handwritten annotation to LoC cataloger's notes indicates that this footage was shot in Belgium). At Dachau, by a railroad track, empty boxcars, some snow on ground. Frozen corpse lying in coal beside track. Gruesome CU of snow covered huddled corpse by boxcar. Several gruesome shots of battered corpses of German SS. Frozen bod...

  10. The Furman family visits London en route to relatives in Poland

    The ocean. A man on a ship deck walks towards the camera several times, a big smile on his face. Ocean waves. A child runs around on the ship deck. A woman runs with her. They continue playing, holding hands. Small waves in the ocean. A ship with two funnels moves past, its deck crowded with people. Another large liner. A seagull flies. A man struggles with a large rod. People walk through city streets in London, officers, buses, and officers on horseback for annual The Lord Mayor's Show on November 9 to introduce the city to it's new Lord Mayor. The filmmaker stands opposite The Royal Cour...

  11. Documents and letters from Solomon Golbrikh Archives

    Contains a copy of the personal file (lichnoe delo) of Solomon Golbrikh from the Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, that includes ID’s and membership cards, background information attesting his service as a cameraman who participated in the creation of several documentary movies during the war (Stalingrad, Battle for the Soviet Ukraine; Liberation of Budapest, etc.), Golbrikh’s autobiography, copies of the travel authorizations assigning to Golbrikh work at the front line, etc. Also includes letters of Solomon Golbrikh from front (1943-1944) addressed to his wife (nee Kucherov...

  12. Letters of Jewish writer Isaak Nukhimovich Kipnis from Gulag

    Consist of 62 letters written by Isaak Kipnis to his relatives from a gulag in 1952-1953 as well as appeals to the Soviet government and judicial authorities to review his case. The correspondence provides information about his imprisonment, describes circumstances of Kipnis’s arrest and attempts of his relatives to free him from the imprisonment.

  13. Personal documentation belonging to Josef and Erika (Friedmann) Sidon from Vienna from the period before their emigration from Austria in 1938

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Personal documentation belonging to Josef and Erika (Friedmann) Sidon from Vienna from the period before their emigration from Austria in 1938 - Certificate from the Vocation School in Vienna given to Josef Sidon on completion of his furrier studies, 10 March 1927; - Lehrvertrag (Articles of Apprenticeship) signed with the father of Erika (Friedmann) in Prein an der Rax, Austria, 05 January 1930; - Driver's licenses of Erika and Josef Sidon issued in Vienna, 12 December 1935; - Ketubah (Jewish Marriage Contract) of Yosef ben Avraham (Josef Sidon) and Rachel bat Yisrael Moshe (Erika Friedman...

  14. Testimony of Ervin David Berger, born in Sumice, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding the history of the Jewish community in Uhersky Brod

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Ervin David Berger, born in Sumice, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding the history of the Jewish community in Uhersky Brod Born in Sumice; works in the Jewish community in Uhersky Brod; member of the Council of Jewish Communities in Prague of which philanthropist Albert Schweiger [and not Albert Schweitzer, as written on the English summary page that appears in the multimedia] is also a member; history of the community in Uhersky Brod: community life 1938-1949. At the outbreak of the war, prominent Jews are deported to Nazi concentration camps; Jewish Youth Defense activities; you...

  15. Testimony of Leopold Drucker, a certified engineer, born in Brno, Czechoslovakia [then Austria-Hungary], 1895, regarding his experiences as a local Maccabi activist, a Zionist activist in Theresienstadt, in Auschwitz, as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Leopold Drucker, a certified engineer, born in Brno, Czechoslovakia [then Austria-Hungary], 1895, regarding his experiences as a local Maccabi activist, a Zionist activist in Theresienstadt, in Auschwitz, as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in Poprad and more Military service as an officer in the [Austro-Hungarian] Army during World War I; an active Zionist and of the Maccabi leaders in Brno from 1919; cooperation between Maccabi and Hashomer Hatzair in the prepapration of Jewish youth for aliya to Eretz Israel, 1935; help provided by the movement to 2,000 Jewish refugees from Au...

  16. Testimony of Alois David Elefant, born in Vinkok, Czechoslovakia, 1915, regarding his experiences in Katowice, in the Soviet occupied area and as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Alois David Elefant, born in Vinkok, Czechoslovakia, 1915, regarding his experiences in Katowice, in the Soviet occupied area and as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier Experiences of the Carpathian Ruthenian Jews during the Czechoslovakian mobilization, 1938; experiences of the Carpathian Ruthenian Jews at the beginning of the Soviet occupation,1939; establishment of a refugee center at Katowice; experiences of German speaking Czechoslovakian Jews; life under the protection of the British consulate; impact of the Soviet-German treaty; refugee life in Soviet occupied territory; priv...

  17. Testimony of Arthur Fleischmann Hanak, born in Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding his aliya to Eretz Israel within the Maccabi framework, 1939, his experiences as a volunteer in the British Army and his deployment to England via France, his further

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Arthur Fleischmann Hanak, born in Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, 1912, regarding his aliya to Eretz Israel within the Maccabi framework, 1939, his experiences as a volunteer in the British Army and his deployment to England via France, his further deployment to a Czechoslovakian Army unit in Sadagura via the Soviet Union and combat in Dukla Life in the Moravian Jewish communities: Olomouc, Prostejov, Hranice and Frydek, 1925-1939; active membership in Maccabi. Experiences of Jewish officers during mobilization, 1938; arrangement of a transport to Eretz Israel by Maccabi, 1939; sailin...

  18. Testimony of Max Kriegel Kral, born in Moravska Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, 1903, regarding his experiences in Krakow, in Czechoslovakian Army camps in Lesne and Bronowice, in Soviet camps, as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in Buzuluk and in combat in Sokolo

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Max Kriegel Kral, born in Moravska Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, 1903, regarding his experiences in Krakow, in Czechoslovakian Army camps in Lesne and Bronowice, in Soviet camps, as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in Buzuluk and in combat in Sokolovo and Dukla Born in Czechoslovakia. Escape to Poland; attitude of Czechoslovakian consulate in Krakow toward Jewish refugees, 1939; Jews in Czechoslovakian military camp Bronowice and Lesne, 1939; fighting as allies of the Polish Army; retreat with the Polish Army, 1939; detention of the Czechoslovakian Legion in Soviet camps in Kamenets P...

  19. Testimony of Vilem Urban Ueberreich, born in Moravska Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, 1915, regarding his experiences in Nisko, in Soviet forced labor camps, and in combat as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in Buzuluk, Sokolovo, Belaya Tserkov and Dukla

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Vilem Urban Ueberreich, born in Moravska Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, 1915, regarding his experiences in Nisko, in Soviet forced labor camps, and in combat as a Czechoslovakian Army soldier in Buzuluk, Sokolovo, Belaya Tserkov and Dukla Service of Jews from Ostrava in the Czechoslovakian Army, 1938; deportation to Nisko, 1939; escape to Lwow; return to German occupied Ostrava; arrest upon second escape; deportation to labor camps in the Archangelsk region, 1940; Soviet amnesty, 1941; life in the Soviet Union; work in factories and a kolkhoz, 1942; enlistment in the Czechoslovakian ...

  20. Proceedings of People's Court Session No.11 in Sofia, 19 March 1945

    1. TR.6 - Documentation of the People's Court in Bulgaria, 1944-1945

    Proceedings of People's Court Session No.11 in Sofia, 19 March 1945 Testimonies of 13 witnesses: 1. Yako Baruh - regarding the events that occured in Kyustendil and Sofia, March 1943, rescue delegation, activities of Dimitar Peshev and others in the Parliament, reactions of Gabrovski and cancellation of the deportation in Kyustendil, arresting the Jews in Pazardzhik, Plovdiv, and Sliven; activities of Stomanyakov in Kyustendil; 2. Nastya Isakova - Popov and Slavi Pantev, the clerks in the Commissariat for Jewish Questions (KEV); 3. Ivan Rokov; 4. David Isak Yeroham - Somovit camp and Lom to...