
Displaying items 7,541 to 7,560 of 10,858
  1. Sara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara S., who was born in Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland in 1922, one of ten children. She recalls her father was a Ger Hasid; attending public and a Beth Jacob school; some of her brothers' military service; German invasion; fleeing with her mother and two siblings to Sandomierz; staying in Da?browa Go?rnicza; reunion with her father and two siblings in Krako?w; moving to Stopnica, her mother's hometown; her youngest brother going to Krako?w (she never saw him again); taking in a friend and her family; her father secretly acting as a shochet; deportation with a brother and sis...

  2. Roza S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roza S., who was born in Vinnyt︠s︡i︠a︡, Ukraine in 1924. She recalls her father's military draft; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; hiding in the cellar during a round-up in September 1941; being caught after leaving to check if the round-up was over; placement on a line for shooting in a mass killing; being asked if she was Ukrainian; being released when she answered affirmatively (she had blond hair); returning home; trading her family's valuables for food; hiding with her mother at a neighbor's during another mass shooting; living with an aunt until April ...

  3. Grigoriĭ D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Grigoriĭ D., who was born in Sunai, Belarus in 1922. He recalls living in a rural area; cordial relations with non-Jews; completing high school in Grozovo; attending the Polytechnic in Minsk; his father's arrest in 1938 as a spy because he had siblings in western nations (he was executed); his sister's medical practice in Lenino; German invasion in June 1941 while he was in Slutsk; joining his mother, sister, and brother in Lenino; obtaining a Soviet machine gun; giving it to partisans; solidarity in the ghetto; escaping with his brother with assistance from non-Jews...

  4. Erwin B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erwin B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1926, the youngest of seven children. He recounts his father's death in 1936; his mother's struggle to support the family; being accepted at the Korczak orphanage; German occupation; ghettoization; leaving the orphanage; watching Janusz Korczak's deportation with the orphans; smuggling food for his family; fleeing to the Wyszogro?d ghetto; joining his siblings in the P?on?sk ghetto; working as a non-Jew for a Polish farmer; deportation with his mother and siblings to Auschwitz in late 1942; separation from his mother and sis...

  5. Pierre B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pierre B., a Roman Catholic, who was born in Brussels, Belgium, in 1916. He recalls disenchantment with Rex, an extreme rightist political movement; marriage and birth of a daughter; military service; returning to Brussels when his regiment surrendered in May 1940; forming a Resistance unit; arrest; imprisonment in St. Gilles, Essen, Bochum, and Hameln; Allied bombings; praying to maintain his morale; prisoner discussions of food and recipes due to their hunger; transfer to Esterwegen, then Blechhammer, where he observed Jewish prisoners; Allied bombings; a trial in G...

  6. Irmgard K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irmgard K., who was born in Breslau (presently Wrocław, Poland), Germany in 1915, the youngest of five children of a Jewish father and Christian mother. She recounts attending synagogue and learning Hebrew; her father's death in 1924; antisemitic harassment; active participation in Social Democratic Party youth groups; her siblings' emigration to France in the early 1930s; her mother joining them; several arrests for anti-Nazi activities; engagement to a non-Jew; the Nuremberg laws prohibition against their marriage; her fiancé's arrest for anti-Nazi activities; one ...

  7. Peter S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter S., who was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1936. He recalls anti-Jewish restrictions; frequent military parades; deportation with his parents and younger brother to Latvia in November 1941; their privileged status because his father headed a team of skilled mechanics needed by the German army; living in and near the Ri?ga ghetto; transfer in February 1943 to the Eastern front; his father rescuing a German officer in a partisan attack; imprisonment in Ri?ga from October 1943 to January 1944; being smuggled into Germany, probably by the officer his father had saved...

  8. Eric N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric N., who was born in Holešov, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1910. He recalls a pogrom in 1918; his family fleeing to Vienna; his father's death in 1928; attending medical school; two years of Czech military service beginning in 1936; assignments in Prague and Brno; demobilization after the Munich agreement; marriage; living in Brno; German occupation; his brother's deportation; deportation with his mother. sister, and wife to Theresienstadt in April 1942; his privileged position as a doctor; his sister's voluntary deportation (he never saw her again); his son's b...

  9. Meir G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Meir G., who was born in Kaunus, Lithuania in 1929, an only child. He recounts attending a secular Jewish school; Soviet occupation; German invasion; his father's arrest by Lithuanians (they released him because he was a Lithuanian army veteran); ghettoization; attending a vocational school; deportation to Stutthof, then Landsberg in July 1944; separation from his father; transfer to Auschwitz/Birkenau; slave labor; a friend arranging to have his number removed from a selection list; a death march and train transfer to Mauthausen; observing cannibalism; a death march ...

  10. Maurice K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice K., who was born in Uz?horod, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1924, one of ten children. He recalls antisemitic harassment from age four; his observant home; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish laws; one brother's emigration to Switzerland; protection due to family political connections; German occupation in April 1944; anti-Jewish measures; his mother arranging hiding places for him and his siblings in May; hiding on a farm; ghettoization of his parents, two brothers, and sister-in-law (he never saw his parents and one brother again); taking food to other...

  11. Roger V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roger V., a Catholic, who was born in Bredene, Belgium in 1920. He recounts moving to Nieuwpoort in 1926; attending a Catholic, then a public school; working in his mother's store; military draft in 1940; service in Ghent for three months; transfer to Montpellier, France; the Nieuwpoort mayor bringing them home; working for the resistance recording truck and car traffic in Ostend to convey to the Allies; obtaining false papers indicating a younger age so he could travel freely; arrest in 1942 for black market activity; release six months later; arrest in April 1944 fo...

  12. Benno S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Benno S., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1937. He recounts his family's move to Paris during the Anschluss; his father's deportation to Pithiviers in 1941; his mother's friend bringing him and his older brother to live with a non-Jewish woman in Meudon in 1942; four or five other children living there; attending church (he did not know he was Jewish); his mother's sister retrieving them in 1945; reunion with their mother in Grenoble; learning his father had been killed in Auschwitz; his mother's remarriage; the birth of a half-brother; living with his aunt in Lond...

  13. Esther and Charles G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther G., who was born in Soko?y, Poland, in 1924, and her husband Charles, who was born in Lublin in 1916. Mrs. G. describes prewar antisemitism and pogroms in Poland; the German takeover in 1939; Soviet occupation and German reoccupation; the destruction of Soko?y, upon which she escaped to the forest and hid for several days; her transfer to the Bia?ystok ghetto, where she worked making military clothes; and her deportation to Auschwitz. She recalls in detail her arrival at Birkenau; her work in an ammunition factory; atrocities she witnessed in Auschwitz; her tra...

  14. Pepo S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pepo S., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1916, one of six children. He recalls attending French and Jewish schools; participation in Maccabi; his father's death in 1931; leaving school to work in the family business; German invasion; his brother's military service and resulting combat injury; working for the Jewish council; helping Jews escape; distributing food from the Red Cross in the Baron Hirsch quarter; observing abuses by the Jewish police, including Vital Hasson and Edgar Chounio; deportation to Birkenau; slave labor with one brother; witnessing his m...

  15. Haim G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Haim G., a prominent Israeli poet, journalist, and filmmaker, who was born in Tel Aviv, Palestine (presently Israel) in 1923. In addition to information included in a previously recorded testimony (HVT-1352), Mr. G. discusses attending a memorial service in the main Budapest synagogue in 1947; accompanying a group of survivors traveling to Vienna; observing poor conditions at the Rothschild Hospital displaced persons camp; training survivors in Czechoslovakia as future paratroopers for the Israeli military; returning to Israel to fight in the Arab-Israel War, often al...

  16. Stephen L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stephen L., who was born in Berlin, Germany to a Jewish father and Protestant mother. He recalls his mother's death in 1931; living in a Jewish orphanage; his father's two month incarceration in Oranienburg; his bar mitzvah; his father's remarriage to a Jewish woman in 1938; violent harassment by Hitler youth; Kristallnacht; his father losing his business; his parents sending him to France; attending public school; German invasion in 1940; Quakers transporting his group to unoccupied territory; assistance from OSE and ORT; learning from the Red Cross that his parents ...

  17. Jeannine A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jeannine A., who was born in Paris, France in 1932. She recalls the outbreak of war; her father's military draft; moving, with her mother and brother, to Avignon to join her father when he was decommissioned; being told not to reveal they were Jewish; assuming a false name; their parents placing them with a Catholic woman in Saint-Geniez-d'Olt, who was unaware they were Jewish; participating in Catholic services; attending public school; returning to their parents when the daughter suspected they were Jews; meeting their infant brother; their parents placing them in L...

  18. Israel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel G., who was born in Khmelʹnik, Ukraine in 1930, the older of two brothers. He recounts relatives emigrating to the United States and Palestine, including a great-grandmother who returned in 1929 and lived with them; attending school in a nearby village; his father's military draft in 1939; an influx of Jewish refugees; his father's return in 1940; attending a camp in Vinnyt︠s︡i︠a︡; German invasion in 1941; fleeing to Kiev; returning home; his father's remobilization in July; anti-Jewish restrictions; a mass killing in August; hiding with his family during a mas...

  19. Meir T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Meir T., who was born in Jonava, Lithuania in 1920, one of nine children. He recounts attending a Yavneh school; moving to Kaunas in 1937; joining Komsomol; attending school, taking voice lessons, and working; Soviet occupation; marriage in 1940; draft into the Soviet military; posting at Telšiai; German invasion in June 1941; fleeing to Jonava; meeting his wife there; futile efforts to flee east; detention with his wife by Lithuanians; escaping; assistance from a Lithuanian in the forest; returning to their residence in Kaunas; a German bringing them food; ghettoiza...

  20. Rebeka P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rebeka P., who was born in Bender, Romania (presently Moldava) in approximately 1918. She recalls growing up in Kishinev (presently Chis?ina?u); increasing antisemitism beginning in 1933; Soviet occupation in 1940; confiscation of her father's business; working in the agriculture department; Romania allying itself with Germany; fleeing east with her parents and younger brother by train; strafing by German planes; leaving the train with her father when he was injured; joining her mother and brother in Alma-Ata; moving to Zhambyl; marriage to a Russian Jew; her brother'...