
Displaying items 7,441 to 7,460 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Testimony of Smuel Levin, born in Vilna, Poland, 1912, and Fajvel Mosnicki, born in Semeliskes, Lithuania, 1924, regarding their experiences in Semeliskes, Zeliwe, Trakai, Krasnapolis, with the partisans and other places

    1. O.71- Koniuchowsky Collection: Testimonies Regarding the Holocaust of Lithuanian Jewry, 1945-1981

    Testimony of Smuel Levin, born in Vilna, Poland, 1912, and Fajvel Mosnicki, born in Semeliskes, Lithuania, 1924, regarding their experiences in Semeliskes, Zeliwe, Trakai, Krasnapolis, with the partisans and other places Life before the war in Semeliskes. German occupation, 24 June 1941; abuse of Jews by Lithuanian collaborators led by Alisaukas Jones, Makunas and Audukonis; restrictions on the Jews; looting of Jewish owned property; arrest of Jews; murder of Jews; deportation to forced labor; abuse of the students of the Baranowicze Yeshiva, the yeshiva was moved to Semelskes in 1940; “Akt...

  2. Kießling, Günther

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Günter, Hans-Joachim, Klaus Kießling, Generalleutnant geb. 20.10.1925, gest. 28.08.2009 1940 - Eintritt in die Wehrmacht 01.04.1941 - Heeres-Unteroffizier-Vorschule, Frankenstein 01.02.1943 - Heeres-Unteroffizier-Vorschule, Hohensalza bei Kriegsende Leutnant in einem Infanterieregiment 1947 - Reifeprüfung, anschließend Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Promotion an der Universität Bonn 08.05.1953 - Diplom Volkswirt 1954 - Eintritt als Leutnant in den Bundesgrenzschutz 18.12.1954 - Oberleutnant im Bundesgrenzschutz Beförderungen 01.07.1956 - Oberleutna...

  3. Norman Keith Holloway photograph

    1. Norman K. Holloway collection

    The Norman Keith Holloway photograph is a photocopy of a photograph of Norman Holloway taken in Weimar, Germany on April 9, 1945. It was taken a day before he and the United States 6th Armored Division liberated Buchenwald concentration camp on April 10, 1945.

  4. Records of interrogations of the former prisoners of KL Majdanek Protokoły przesłuchań świadków byłych więźniów KL Majdanek (Sygn.VII /135)

    Contains 258 transcripts of interrogations related to KL Lublin, KL Auschwitz-Birkenau, death camps in Sobibór, Bełżec and Treblinka, labor camps in Kalilow and Budzyń, Janów Lubelski and other Nazi camps and prisons. The interrogations were taken of former prisoners of KL Majdanek by the Polska Misja Wojskowa w Berlinie (Polish Military Mission), Prokurator Wojewódzki w Warszawie (Provincial Prosecutor), Specjalny Sąd Karny w Lublinie (Special Criminal Court ), and other commissions in charge of documentation of Nazi crimes. Includes testimonies of German and Russian prisoners of war, test...

  5. Grazi konzulátus iratai, 1928-1945

    • Records of the Hungarian Consulate in Graz, 1928-1945

    Records of the Hungarian Consulate in Graz, the capital of the federal Austrian state of Styria contain considerable material concerning Hungarian Jews, especially from the months following the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany in March 1938. The bulk of the material documents the efforts of Hungarian authorities to secure the assets of the Hungarian Jews living in Nazi-occupied Austria. These records include various registries and reports concerning the property of the Hungarian Jews in Styria, documents on German-Hungarian negotiations on the wealth of Hungarian Jews and other anti-Je...

  6. Alexandre Stein. Collection

    This collection contains correspondence between Alexandre Stein, the Anglo-Palestine Bank in Tel Aviv and the Barclays Bank in London regarding deposits and bank accounts ; three shares of the Erez Israel (Palestine) Foundation Fund ; a share in the Palestine Theater in Tel Aviv.

  7. Ferdinand Topper. Collection

    This collection contains : two photos of Ferdinand Topper; Ferdinand Topper's Belgian army ID booklet, two pre-war documents issued by the Belgian army regarding the new address of Ferdinand Topper, Ferdinand Topper's call for civil duty in March 1940 and a post-war declaration of the death of Ferdinand Topper.

  8. Passport of Heyman Roet and Catharina Freso. Collection

    A Dutch passport issued in October 1940 by the Vice-consul for the Netherlands in Toulouse, France, to Heyman Roet and his wife Catharina Freso. The document contains a photo of both spouses and visa for Spain and Portugal as well as for the United Kingdom

  9. René de Chambrun Papers

    Depositions, correspondence, and printed matter, relating primarily to political conditions in France under the government of Marshal Philippe Petain and Premier Pierre Laval, 1940-1944. Translations of a portion of the documents are published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944 (Stanford, 1958). Comte Rene de Chambrun is Pierre Laval's son-in-law and has attempted together with his wife to clear Laval's name. The sections pertaining to the Jewish question are: Envelope #99: Monier, Georges, Deposition on Jewish policy of the Laval government, March l948; Envelope #ll9: Delpey...

  10. Council of Ministers.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Ministry of Justice. Prosecutor’s Office Court of Appeals Galaţi. Activity of the Commission of inquiry of a number of 33 Jews in Galaţi. The inquiry was ordered by the Marshall for the control of the wealth of these people and the way they made it, following a denunciation by a Dr. Bizamcer. A nominal list of the wealth is attached. Various problems with the forced labor of the Jews: bribing of commanders for release from duty; Jewish specialists sent to work in the liberated territories; Jewish architects working at the Council of patronage. Jewish technicians and draftsmen are sent to wo...

  11. Records of the Central Endorsement Committee No.1-2 of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County, 1945-1947

    • Pest Vármegye I.-II. sz. Központi Igazoló Bizottságának iratai, 1945-1947

    The collection holds the survived records of the Endorsement Committees established after the end of World War II in Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County. Endorsement procedures were initiated against employees of municipal and state administration, military and law enforcement officers and intellectuals, including lawyers, teachers, physicians and pharmacists. The material provides specific insight into various aspects of the political, social and economic life in Pest-Pilis-Solt –Kiskun County. It contains plenty of information on antisemitic policies and incidents, the implementation of Jewish ...

  12. Records of the Pest District Law Court, 1945-1950

    • Pestvidéki Törvényszék iratai, 1945-1950

    The collection holds the records of Pest District Law Court including the records of the civil court and the records of criminal court as well as administrative records of the Court (presidential, secret and classified records). XXV.1. 3. General administrative records I.A./17. holds records pertaining to war crimes trials, including legal procedures of Holocaust perpetrators from all walks of life, including employees of municipal and state administration, military and law enforcement officers and intellectuals. It contains plenty of information on antisemitic policies and incidents, the i...

  13. Αρχείο του Εμπορικού και Βιομηχανικού Επιμελητηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    • Archeio tou Emborikou kai Viomechanikou Epimeleteriou Thessalonikes

    The archive consists of listing of companies and businesses that have been established in the city of Thessaloniki since 1919. From 1992 and onwards, the registration is digital. Its physical form which is handwritten is divided into three periods: i. 1919 - 1935 (58 inventory books) ii. 1935 - 1970 (46 inventory books with approximately 12,000 entries) iii. 1970 -1990 Greek Jewish activity consists of a significant part of the archive, when in March 1943, all Jewish businesses were banished, under the orders of the Supreme Military Governor of the North Aegean.

  14. Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare (SISMI)

    1. Commissione parlamentare di inchiesta sulle cause dell'occultamento di fascicoli relativi a crimini nazifascisti
    • Italian Intelligence Office

    Documenti pervenuti dal Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare, SISMI; Copia del verbale di acquisizione documentale del 20 aprile 2006 ( pp. 1- 2) relativo alla richiesta dalla Commissione con nota 2005/1630/SG-CIV-1924 datata 26 ottobre 2005. Il servizio consegna numero sette (7) atti (da p. 3 a p. 55). A parziale scioglimento della riserva formulata in data 2 febbraio 2006 il Servizio rende la sottoindicata documentazione: - foglio senza numero datato 9 aprile 1979 e registrato al n. 476/bis del fascicolo 8013 (allegato 14 del verbale del 27 aprile 2005). Appunto secondo no...

  15. Oberlandrat (Supreme District Councillor) of Kroměříž 1939–1940

    The fonds of the Oberlandrat of Kroměříž 1939-1940 contain these documents concerning Jewish matters and Aryanization specifically. Amendment to status of Jews 1940; Concentration of Jewish registers in Prague 1939; Acknowledging domicile right for Jews 1940; Half-Jews in autonomous offices 1940; Prohibition of acceptance of German pupils at Jewish private apprentice training colleges 1939; Prohibition of Jewish Children attending German schools 1939; Attendance of Jewish children at German schools 1939; Prohibition of Jews studying at German universities 1939; Pay of Jewish employees 1940;...

  16. Instructions et correspondance

    1. Préfecture de Constantine. Service des questions juives et des sociétés secrètes
    2. Statut des Juifs
    3. Professions interdites aux Juifs
    • Instructions et correspondence

    Civil servants and public service employees - Census and eviction of civil servants: prefectural circulars no. 4247 of 6 November 1940, no. 5062 of 10 December 1940, no. 5141 of 12 December 1940, no. 171 of 11 January 1941, no. 333 of 18 January 1941, no. 487 of 30 January 1941. Salaries and allowances of dismissed civil servants and public service employees: Prefectural Circular no. 5251 of 18 December 1940, instructions from the General Government and correspondence (1940–1943). Wives, widows, orphans, descendants and relatives of military personnel: Circular no. 5300 of 20 December 1940,...

  17. Verification-filtration point (camp) of the NKVD MSSR

    • Проверочно-фильтрационный пункт НКВД МССР
    • Proverochno-fil'tratsionnyy punkt NKVD MSSR

    Orders of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, circulars and instructions of the main quartermaster of the USSR Armed Forces and quartermaster of the Odessa military district on administrative issues for 1943-1946; documents on the issuance of travel allowance to repatriates sent from the Chișinău VFP to the place of residence for December 1944 and 1945; front-line notes on the presence and movement of the contingent in the Chisinau VFP and its branch for 1945-1946 (on the back of each note there is data on citizens of the USSR who were forcibly taken to Germany and other...

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Church patriarch elected; Exarcat leads mass at Church

    1150 W: Election of the patriarch of "Czech Church," Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 29, 1946. Priests and laymen elect patriarch of Czech Church. The liturgical service is sung in Czech. LS and CU of Christ hanging on the wall behind the altar. Several shots taken during the Office of three bishops who pray/sing in front of the Assistance. Several shots of the Assistance. MS lifting the host. CU lifting the ciborium and the host (the ciborium is the coat of arms of the Czech Church). CU the Holy Communion. LS and CU of the Assistance. Priests on the left and laymen on the right. LS of the Pre...

  19. Trial of Reichstag fire-setters; art exhibition; French POWs

    05:03:07 Title: "Verhandlung gegen die Reichstags-Brandstifter am Tatort. Senatspraesident Dr. Buenger eroeffnet im Hauptausschuss-Saal des Reichstages die Sitzung." Berlin. Reichstag building, dome, meeting room. The accused Reichstag fire-setters entering courtroom, public standing. Chief Judge Dr. Buenger (president of the Senate) presides over the trial (original sound). LS Reichstag. Proceedings continue, including listening to accusation and hearing evidence. Good lighting contrasts. Judge in formal robe. Spectators. Witnesses are admonished by Buenger (speaking for a long time). 05:0...

  20. Donald Q. Coster collection

    The collection contains two scrapbooks documenting the wartime experiences of Col. Donald Q. Coster, who served as an ambulance driver with the American Field Service in France in 1940, served with the Navy in North Africa, 1941-1945, and the Office of Strategic Service (O.S.S.) in Belgium in 1945. The first scrapbook documents his capture and eventual release by the German army near Amiens, France in 1940. Included are photographs, newspaper clippings, letters and telegrams, and other ephemera. The second scrapbook documents Coster's experiences in North Africa and the European theater, 19...