
Displaying items 7,401 to 7,420 of 10,858
  1. Illustre du Petit Journal Le Petit Journal (Paris France) [Magazine]

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Illustrated supplement to the French magazine, Le Petit Journal, published in France from 1890-1920. The cover illustration is captioned: "Incident Esterhazy-Picquart." The Dreyfus Affair was a political scandal revolving around antisemitism that inflamed late 19th century France. Alfred Dreyfus was an army captain found guilty of treason in 1894 for selling military secrets. Antisemitic publications used Dreyfus as a symbol of the disloyalty of all French Jews. Emile Zola wrote a letter to protest the verdict, titled J'Accuse, in which he accused the French Army of covering up its unjust c...

  2. Portfolio

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    Album of color caricatures of Emile Zola by H. Lebourgeois. The scenes place Zola in the predicaments explored in his writings, such as the novels Germinal and Nana, or involved in the causes about which he was passionate, such as the unjust court martial for treason of a Jewish military officer, Alfred Dreyfus. The Dreyfus Affair was used by politicians and the press as evidence of the disloyalty and treachery of all Jews. Zola wrote a public letter to protest the verdict, titled J'Accuse, in which he accused the French Army of covering up this prejudiced conviction. Zola was charged with ...

  3. Poster stamp advocating war time assistance to Norway

    1. Forrest James Robinson Jr. collection

    American poster stamp advocating for public relief for Norway during World War II (1939-1945). Poster stamps were collectable stamps, slightly larger than postage stamps, with designs similar to posters. Although they were not valid for postage, poster stamps could be affixed to letters and envelopes as a means for fundraising, propaganda, and educational purposes. On April 8–9, 1940, Germany invaded Norway to secure naval bases for use against the British fleet in the North Sea, and to guarantee vital iron-ore shipments from neutral Sweden. Despite British military assistance, Norway surre...

  4. Nationalistic WWII American poster stamp

    1. Forrest James Robinson Jr. collection

    America First poster stamp encouraging the public to support American isolation regarding United States’ participation in World War II. Poster stamps were collectable stamps, slightly larger than postage stamps, with designs similar to posters. Although they were not valid for postage, poster stamps could be affixed to letters and envelopes as a means for fundraising, propaganda, and educational purposes. After World War I (1914-1918), the public felt that the United States should stay out of future foreign wars. The government agreed, taking a new isolationist stance regarding national pol...

  5. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Consulate in Nice Konsulat Honorowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Nicei (Sygn. 508)

    Diplomatic correspondence and the invitations of the Société Israélite to the Polish Council in Nicei to honor work of Jewish poet and novelist, Sholem Asch. In 1932 he was awarded by the Polish Republic's Polonia Restituta decoration.

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    EXT, main entrance to Labor headquarters in Tel Aviv. Filing paperwork. Laborers present passbooks, CUs, pass. Reading notices in hall. Entering labor restaurant, eating, CUs, typical dish in labor restaurant. 01:48:59 INT, Tel Aviv city hall, meeting of Executive Committee of Labor Federation in Tel Aviv following the attack on Hanuta. David Remez, one of labor leaders in Palestine, presides at the meeting. At his left is Mereminsky, in charge of labor disputes. Eliahu Golumb, veteran labor leader, reports on the attack. Other meeting scenes, speaker, chairman, showing woman member of the ...

  7. The German Face (continued) Second part of eugenics poster with photos of 3 Aryan facial types

    1. Nazi racial science instructional poster collection

    Educational poster with headshots of 3 men produced to show the ideal facial features of Aryan Germans. It is from a portfolio of teaching panels designed by Alfred Vogel, a school headmaster and Nazi Party member, to instruct students on the superiority of the Aryan race, the virtue of racial purity, and the burden that Jews, as well as the handicapped, mentally ill, and unfit, place on society. For Hitler's government, the indoctrination of children through the required teaching of Nazi ideology was a powerful tool. The teaching of eugenics and racial biology began in primary school. Voge...

  8. Stop it! Work! Don't chat! Nazi-era propaganda poster motivating the public to work

    1. German poster collection

    German propaganda poster designed by Künstlerbund, Karlsruhe A.G. and published by Gaupropagandaleitung Baden der NSDAP (District Baden Propaganda Line of the NSDAP) in 1934. The poster was designed O. Rinne, possibly a pseudonym for German Art Deco artist, Felix Rinne. The poster shows an oversized man wearing the shirt, jodhpurs, and armband from a Nazi Sturmabteilung (SA) uniform preparing to confront a group of affluent men at a table decorated with a Nazi banner. He is rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to work, while the men are leisurely talking at the table instead of working....

  9. Albert Einstein letter

    Letter hand-written in German by Albert Einstein datelined Princeton, October 10, 1938, addressed to his friend Dr. Michele Besso in Berne, Switzerland. In the letter, Einstein describes his attempts to help European Jews by issuing affidavits, his frustration over the fact that he can no longer issue affidavits for fear of endangering ones still pending, and his helplessness to further assist the Jews. He also discusses Hitler’s political and military actions taking place in Europe.

  10. Kan children perform skits; at the beach in Zandvoort

    Sign placed next to a pot of flowers. INT, Robert and Betsy perform skits, adults watch (presumably at the Villa Elsa in 1938). Robert wears a military style uniform with a hat and plume and a toy gun. He bows to the audience (not seen) and salutes the camera. CUs are not in focus. Betsy performs as a ballerina, wearing a costume with a flowered wreath on her head. 01:00:59 Betsy and Robert in costume. VAR shots of the children in other costumes with pans to show entire costume. Frits and a light-haired woman in evening attire. Others in costumes performing for an audience. Camera pans up a...

  11. Deportation of Jews

    Deportation of Polish Jews. Scenes of men, women, and children walking quickly towards train, and along a train platform with bundles, entering trains, views from inside railcars as people are loaded in. Doors are closed by uniformed German SS, Reichsbahn officials, and Polish Blue policemen. Many shots of women and children. People are wearing armbands. Close view of bar on closed railcar door, close pan along wooden car. NOTE: From 01:09:21 to 01:10:03 is black and white footage shot in 1955 at Auschwitz and Majdanek for the film "Night and Fog." The scenes shown in the film are in color.

  12. Gutmann family papers

    The papers consist of documents, correspondence, and photograph albums and are part of a collection documenting the experiences of Herbert Gutmann and the Gutmann family in Germany and their immigration to the United Kingdom and the United States before and during WWII.

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Vittel Internment Camp, France

    VSs, crowd of internees waving at passing armored vehicles. VSs, people waving to passing tanks. MLS, American women internees. CU, Polish woman and her baby grandaughter. 04:26:02 Aaron Rapoport (a furrier) with his three daughters, Malka, Bola, and Chana. VSs, Mr. and Mrs. Rymanowski and son, Teddy. VSs, three little girl internees hold American flag, one of them is giving the "V" for Victory, the one behind the flag is Rodi Glass (better CU at 04:26:58). VSs, Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin. Private Eldon Nicholas, who was a Red Cross aide, entertains internee children through the barbed wire...

  14. Spring in Germany; American fertilizer for Europe's fields; Commemoration of liberation of Dachau; Reichsbahn is rebuilt

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 50 (part) Title: Fruehling in Deutschland [Spring in Germany]. A woman smiles out of her open window at a blossoming tree. People sunbathe and enjoy themselves among the ruins of Berlin. People ski down a grassy slope in Garmisch. Celebration of a religious festival in Traunstein. People at a very crowded fair/carnival in Munich, with a ferris wheel and a puppet show. Title: Fuer die Fluren Europas [For the fields of Europe]. Workers mine phosphate in Florida for use as fertilizer in the fields of Europe. Shots of the phosphate as it is processed. Title: Dachau Geden...

  15. Synagogue in prewar Kastoria; local Jewish families; street scenes

    Façade of the synagogue in Kastoria (built in the 1800s and destroyed after WWII), inside there is a flag with the Star of David and a tablet with Hebrew writing/Ladino [plaque for Bocko Mayo with a poem that speaks to his qualities). A small child picks flowers off a bush. Isaac Elias, Sr. and his wife stand arm in arm and blow kisses to the camera. A young Maurice Russo at far right. Little girls wave at the camera. The outside storefront of Isaac Elias’s sewing machine shop (Isaac is the father of Jack Elias, the patriarch of the last remaining Jewish family in Kastoria today). Isaac sta...

  16. Berlin street scenes: park bench marked for Jews only

    Street in Berlin: uniformed Nazis salute guard at door. Edge of park at Olivaerplatz, wooden benches below stone columns & arbors, child. CU of signs: Top: Citizens are asked to keep their dogs on leash. Bottom: "Die gelben Baenke sind fuer Jueden." [The yellow benches are for Jews.] (One shot of the sign "for Jews" is upsidedown in the original film.) Various people sit on other benches in the small park. Different camera angles of park, none showing the actual sign in context. Note: J.Bryan's film lecture "Germany 1937" identifies this location as "Oliviaplatz" which is, in fact, Oliv...

  17. Romanian volunteers for SS; Christmas in Germany 1943; Goering; Rommel

    Romanian volunteers for the SS in Transylvania. Panorama of village. Young men exit building where young girls in native dress greet them with flowers. Young men wave goodbye. MS as they walk to train station with girls. Young boys with Nazi banners; young men stand in line and are reviewed by SS Obergruppenfuerher Werner Lorenz. LS of city street as Romanian and German troops march through. Wall to left, local flags, young men marching. People waving and throwing flowers and fruit. LS, WS crowd at train station. Young volunteers board train. MLS train crowded with volunteers and decorated ...

  18. World War I German medal awarded for Tapferkeit [Bravery]

    1. Ludwig Friedrich Sussman collection

    Medal awarded to Ludwig Sussmann for bravery during his service in the German Army during World War I. The Sussman family, Ludwig, his wife, Selma, and daughter, Lore, 10, emigrated from Germany to the United States, to escape the escalating anti-Semitism. During their first attempt to leave, the boat was forced to return because of preparations for the Munich Conference. This Conference, held on September 29-30, 1938, led to the agreement by representatives from Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy to the German annexation of the Sudetenland, a region of Czechoslovakia, in exchange fo...

  19. German soldiers move through Morsbach and Hornbach

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. “Am Divisions-Gefechtsstrand in Morsbach.” Soldier on a motorcycle, camera pans to the trees and hill beyond. A car moves along a dirt road, tree-covered hills in the distance. WS of a building at the base of a hill. “Morsbach und Umgebung” Morsbach and the surrounding area. Houses at the top of a hill. “Zugang zum Divisions-Gefechtsstand.” Soldiers at the Division Command Post. Two soldiers help a man get his motorcycle started by runn...

  20. Reprisal action by the Grossdeutschland regiment in Pancevo

    Color. Shots of the cemetery at night, followed by a sketch that Kessel drew showing how the partisans shot the Germans from hiding places in the cemetery. The next scenes show the gruesome executions of civilians in the cemetery. Members of the Grossdeutschland regiment and Serbian civilians inspect the corpses of men who were lined up against the cemetery wall and shot in reprisal for the killings of the Gemans. Several men are hanged in the cemetery. In his narration, Kessel points out that these are not partisans but civilians who are being executed as examples. Serbian civilians perfor...