
Displaying items 7,361 to 7,380 of 10,858
  1. Babi Yar, Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine

    Ukrainian narration. Title: "Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg speaks." He and several men, are seated around a large table having a discussion. Anniversary of Sholem Aleichem. Staged wedding in a kolkhoz. Jewish people, song in Yiddish. Intertitle in Russian reads, "Kiev met those who would surrender not an inch of our land". Prewar Kiev, before the arrival of the Germans. Red Army parade. Soldiers dancing with local women. The merriment is inter-spliced with shots of approaching German bombers for heightened dramatic effect. Bombardment of Kiev, AVs of city, bombs dropping (stock shots), explos...

  2. Two dog tags and a chain worn by a Jewish American soldier

    1. Henry Morgenthau family collection

    Two identical dog tags on a chain issued to Henry Morgenthau III, an officer in the United States Army, Second Cavalry, ca. 1941-1945. He served in combat in the European theater and was awarded a Bronze Star for meritorious service.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish services and market scenes in postwar Germany

    1248 G: 02:05:51:15 to 02:09:15:28: LS, man places poster announcing resuming of religious services on door of synagogue. CU. LS, reopening of synagogue: "Kottbuser Ufer Synagogue." One man, on a ladder, fixes the curtain on the altar. Two men bring flowers, another man fixes the lights, other men bring in the Torah. LS men bringing the Torah into the synagogue. LS, INT of Kottbuser Ufer Synagogue, while faithful put on Tallit. VSs, religious service, viewed from different angles. American soldier attends services. CUs, American GI talking with a German during the service. 1248 J: 02:09:18:...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Palestine, 1938

    01:05:52 In Jerusalem, Government House, residence and office of High Commissioner. 01:06:13 Sentry at guardhouse of Residence. View from guardhouse tower. 01:06:43 Courtyard of the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem. Scenes of the Old City from roof of Museum showing walls around Damascus. 01:07:01 Italian General Consulate in Jerusalem. Jaffa road, looking north in Jerusalem. Changing Army guard inside Old City gates, Banco Di Roma in BG. Street scenes in Old City, praying at the Western Wall. 01:08:16 Market scenes at Bethlehem. CUs, Arab peasants at market, buying fruit. 01:08:57 Western W...

  5. Goering at Krupp factory; Luftwaffe formations; Launching PRINZ EUGEN ship

    Reel 3: (Symphony music track accompanies this entire story.) 07:08:59:29 "Goering and his wife visiting the Krupp Works 1935" ; "Luftwaffe" Goering inspects troops as German planes fly overhead. Goering salutes. Luftwaffe formations. 07:10:01:08 "Der Schoepfer der neuen deutschen Luftwaffe, Generalfeldmarschall Herman Goering bei einem besuch der Gussstahlfabrik" Goering and his wife arrive in automobile, greeting other officials, saluting. 07:10:48:08 On far right, Josef Grohe, Gauleiter of Koeln-Aachen. 07:11:00 Goering walks toward camera in procession followed by other officers, wife E...

  6. Conference of fascist journalists; gathering of student soldiers; Hitler at the Reichstag

    Otto Dietrich, the German Press Chief, at a conference for fascist journalists in Venice. Dietrich arrives at the Dogen Palace with his Italian counterpart, Dr. Alessandro Pavolini. The narrator states that there are participants from thirteen European nations and Japan. Pavolini and then Dietrich are shown standing for their speeches and receiving the applause of the audience. 01:27:06 An international gathering of student soldiers (? many of the participants are older men) in Dresden The first shot is of the flag-and swastika-bedecked exterior of the Dresden Rathaus. Gauleiters Gustav Sch...

  7. Jeremiah (Jerry) Tax papers

    Correspondence from Jeremiah (Jerry) Tax to his wife, Deborah, and to his parents, Clara and Ben, while Tax was stationed with the 71st Infantry Division, U.S. Army, in the European Theatre, World War II. Includes correspondence describing Tax's impressions of occupied Germany and Austria and of liberated concentration camps, as well as newspaper clippings, a greeting card, and a booklet titled "The 71st Came to Gunskirchen Lager," commissioned by Maj. General Willard G. Woman, for which Tax authored piece titled "And Afterwards . . .." Also includes a map of the 71st Infantry Division's mo...

  8. US generals; DP camp; Boxcar near Seeshaupt; Prisoners marching

    01:18:49 (LIB 6194) General Meets General, Delitzsch, Germany, April 28, 1945. SEQ: Maj Gen Terry Allen, CG of the 104th (Timberwolf) Div, meets Russian Maj Gen Sohonov, Division Commander of the 118th Div, 34th Corps, 5th Russian Army. The officers speak to one another through an interpreter. 01:20:00 (LIB 6195) Displaced Persons Camp, Camp Kray, Germany, May 1, 1945. VS, displaced persons unload loaves of bread from truck. The distribution is made by ARBN troops. LS, buildings and grounds of camp. (Campsite is a former German barracks). LS, MSs, CUs, DPs listening to loudspeakers set up o...

  9. Swimming; family takes a train in June 1940

    Eva is slightly older now, her hair in braids, she walks towards the camera with her mother Lilly and another young boy holding her hand. They play with a small terrier dog. The dog runs through a field. Large building. A girl jumps over a rope. Others practice handstands, backbends and cartwheels on the grass. The group picks up the little girl with braids. 01:02:37 Intertitle “Svábhegy 1940. Julius~ augusztus.” (film slightly damaged) Toy sailboat in water. People go down a water slide. Eva cries, and then relaxes on a float with a young boy. Everyone plays in the water. CU of Eva stickin...

  10. Zoo; baths in Budapest, parade in Vienna or Budapest

    Views of animals at a zoo including deer, a seal, lions. 01:27 People dancing on a small stage giving some sort of performance. 02:03 A horse race, the men riding them wield swords. 02:47 Views of a chic outdoor café, waiters wearing tuxedos stand by. 03:17 Views of a crowded outdoor pool and of the bathers lounging beside it. A woman in a bathing suit poses for the camera, walks towards it. This is possibly Gellert Bath in Budapest, Hungary. 4:09 Views of a large, possibly religious, procession of people in the street, a large crowd observes. CUs of the people in the procession as they wal...

  11. Wedding in Brussels

    Albert Günther Hess and Ilse Sobel getting married at the courthouse in Brussels. Film shows the couple entering and leaving the courthouse (probably the municipal building in Uccle) and a wedding party hosted by friends.

  12. Goering, Hess, others at Nuremberg War Crimes Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 1946. 02:16:05 CUs, Hermann Goering. Goering looks directly at camera, then away; blinking; speaks to man to his left (off camera) calmly; inattentively grins; smiles as if there was a joke. 02:16:24 CUs, Hess. Stares at the camera, then downward; grim expression. 02:17:03 CU, Goering nervously tugging at scarf tied beneath collar of uniform. 02:17:28 CU, Goering resting his chin on his hand. 02:18:00 CU, Hess stroking his face with his hand. He is looking downward, pulls at his lip, rubs face, squashes cheek, picks at his cheek. 02:19:10 CU, Wilhe...

  13. Linz; Vienna

    Hitler's motorcade drives through the streets of Linz. Spectators wave Nazi flags. Aerial shot of Hitler's car as it crosses a bridge decorated with large swastikas. Medium shot of a crowd of children waving flags. Another aerial shot reveals the huge crowds that have come to greet Hitler. 02:00:32 Shot of a flag in a forest setting. The camera pans down to reveal Hitler walking at the head of a large crowd, surrounded by spectators. He salutes a group of civilian men holding shovels. The crowd salutes and a group of men follow Hitler to some open railroad cars. Hitler shovels dirt into one...

  14. History of 303rd Field Artillery

    Col. Redding chronicles the progress of the 303rd Field Artillery, primarily in Germany, includes DPs, POWs, and camps for Russian and Polish refugees. Map of Marienbad. Footage of the spa town around May 5, 1945. Newspaper headlines: VE Day; "Churchill, King George Speak Today." GIs on lawn in front of hotel. Radio. Roads with released German POWs. Unit camps in field. Eating at table in field, setting up generator, setting up tents, writing home, boxing up souvenirs, kegs of beer come in. 12:26:16 Nuremberg Stadium, WS. (May 29 sent to Le Havre, France), Red Cross entertainment in field, ...

  15. Seitel and Knoll families papers

    The Seitel and Knoll families papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the Seitel and Knoll families from Nadwórna, Poland, before the Holocaust and Chaim Eli and Frieda Knoll Seitel’s immigration to Palestine around 1939. Biographical materials include Frieda’s Nadwórna elementary school report cards, Chaim’s military document, their marriage certificate, a ketubah, receipts documenting the couple’s support of the Jewish National Fund and World Zionist Organization, and information about their baby boy, Eliezer. This series also includes a noteb...

  16. Teodor Diamant papers

    The collection documents the experiences of Teodor Diamant, originally of Turčiansky Svätý Martin (Martin, Slovakia), on the SS Pentcho, its shipwreck on the uninhabited island of Kamilonissi, while en route to Palestine, and his internment at a concentration camp on Rhodes and then the Ferramonti concentration camp in Tarsia, Italy. Included is a photograph album documenting his voyage on the ship and his internment in the camps. Other photographs document his military experience with a Czech unit in Great Britain, family and friends, and post-war experiences in London and the United State...

  17. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- The prosecution and defense question expert witnesses

    18:12 Prosecutor Jakubowicz asks the witnesses to comment on an argument of Barbie's defense, in which he claimed that the Jews declared war on Germany in 1939; the witnesses reply that this defense is 'stupid.' 18:13 Prosecutor Klarsfeld asks for a precision as to the date on which Barbie received instructions to arrest Jews. The witness says those instructions came the 14th of April, after the Izieu raid. 18:14 Prosecutor Welzer asks the witnesses to comment in a precise way on the 'Night and Fog' decree. 18:17 Defense attorney Vergès asks why, if the witnesses are so sure of Barbie's gui...

  18. Berlin ruins; US & German soldiers; rebuilding Germany

    Opening credits in German from the OMGUS censor's board: "Filmvorfuherungsschein / No.: 49-1012-85 / Es wird hiermit bescheinigt dass "Die Brucke" zur offentlichen Vorfuhrung in den amerikanisch besetzten Gebieten Deutschlands zugelassen ist. Bescheinigung ausgestellt im Auftrag der Amerikanischen Militarregierung / Zeit Im Film" Film title appears over an image of white puffy clouds in the sky: "DIE BRUCKE / Mit / ...blt. Lewis F. Droll [missing beginning title] / Joseph Muller [missing end of name] / Und Den Manneem der Luftbrucke" German language narration, but occasionally the voices of...

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- Presidium of Parliament in Belgrade; Committee meeting

    General view of the former Royal Palace, now Presidium of Parliament. General view of the courtyard in the middle of which is a candelabra, a remnant of the Kara Georgevich time. Same shot from another angle. Various shots of the Parliament (EXT) taken from the building opposite. In the Parliament, a meeting of the Committee for Peace Defense. Several general views. LS, MS, CUs of Milovan Djilas, secretary of the Communist Party. LS, MS, CUs of Petar Stambolic, President of the Serbian Government. LS, MS, CUs of Cedomir Minderovic, a writer and secretary of the Committee. CU sign behind Pre...

  20. Lenger at Koenigstein in winter

    “W.L. Film 62,” “ Kriegsjahre auf der Festung Königstein.” Walter Lenger in his uniform filming with his camera, the Elbe river in the background. Intertitle: “Winter.” A model train snakes along a train track. Walter Lenger in a train car. The landscape outside shot from the train window. People on an icy river. A handwritten sign reads “Eisübergang.” Men walk across wooden planks on the frozen body of water. Other views of the landscape. Walter Lenger explores a snowy forest. Men walk single file across the snow and towards the camera. Panoramic view of a winding river. Walter salutes ano...