
Displaying items 7,241 to 7,260 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Esther B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther B., who was born in Pabianice, Poland in 1927, the youngest of five children. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; experiencing daily discrimination as a Jew; her oldest brother's draft into the Polish military; German invasion; ghettoization; her brother's return, then deportation; knitting gloves to sell for food; her other brother volunteering for a labor camp (she never saw him again); transfer with her parents and sisters to the ?o?dz? ghetto in spring 1942; forced labor in a factory; hiding her parents during a round-up; one sister's deportation; deportat...

  2. Helga G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helga G., who was born in Berlin in 1929 to a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother who had converted. She recalls futile efforts in the 1930s to emigrate due to anti-Jewish laws; her father fleeing to Italy; moving with her mother to Krosno Odrzańskie; attending school; joining her father; illegally entering France in 1938 following the introduction of Italian antisemitic laws; living in Nice; attending school and learning French; the outbreak of war; her father's French military conscription; incarceration with her mother in Gurs; Spanish POWs giving the Jewish child...

  3. Pavel E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pavel E., who was born in Opava, then the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, in 1911. He recounts his affluent, assimilated parents; registering to study law in Prague in 1930; theater study in Vienna; working in theaters and studying law; compulsory military service; working as a lawyer in Prague in 1937; German occupation; being fired due to anti-Jewish laws; marriage in March 1939; planning to emigrate, but staying due to family pressure; deportation with his wife to the Łódź ghetto in October 1941 (he never saw his parents again); a privileged position as a streetcar dr...

  4. Yasha M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yasha M., who was born in Szczuczyn, Poland (presently Shchuchyn, Belarus) in 1920. He recounts attending school in Vilna; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Soviet occupation; being sent to Lida to work in a factory; German invasion; fleeing with a friend to Baranovichy; traveling on a train with other Jews to the Warsaw ghetto; escaping; returning to Szczuczyn via Hrodna; forced agricultural labor; a round-up and mass killing of the Jews (he, his father and stepmother were selected for work); transfer to Lida in May 1942; working as a carpenter; escaping to the fore...

  5. Marlies G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marlies G., who was born in Breslau, Germany in 1919. She recalls growing up in Katowice, where her father was the Brazilian consul; pro-Nazism in school; attending school in Montreux; living in England; pre-medical studies in Paris; returning to Katowice in 1939; German invasion; attending dental school in Danzig; registering as a Brazilian citizen; her father and brother's arrest; her arrest and release; living with a friend's family in Okarben; re-arrest; traveling in a prisoner train to Katowice with Jews and Romanies; friendly Wehrmacht guards; imprisonment en ro...

  6. Sam S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam S. He recalls German invasion of Be?dzin; forced labor; his sister's escape to the Soviet zone (he never saw her again); being sent to a labor camp in March 1942 (he never saw his parents again); transfer to Blechhammer a year later; being tattooed; Allied bombing raids; a death march in January 1945; briefly staying in Gross-Rosen; train transport to Buchenwald, then to Zweiberge; a death march in April; an SS guard who helped him obtain extra food; sharing it with fellow prisoners; being left behind after telling an SS officer he was German; liberation by United...

  7. Walter P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter P., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in approximately 1919, the oldest of five children. He recalls their abject poverty; apprenticing to a tailor at age ten; pervasive antisemitism; military draft in 1939; German invasion; desertion; local farmers saving him from Germans; traveling to Lublin; imprisonment; transfer to Majdanek; transfer a year and a half later to Birkenau; privileged jobs as a tailor, then a barber; realizing he could be killed at any moment; exchanging his yellow symbol for a red triangle, to which he attributes his survival; transfer to Majdan...

  8. Alter W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alter W., who was born in Chrzano?w, Poland in 1926. He recalls his family's affluence; his mother's death when he was four; his father's remarriage; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; fleeing east with his stepmother, older brother, and younger half-brother; returning home three months later (his father had disappeared in their absence); finding his father's corpse when it was exhumed from a mass grave; his older brother's deportation in 1941; his deportation to Blechhammer; meeting his brother there; slave labor; transfer to Brande; separation from his brother...

  9. Ernest K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernest K., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1919. He recounts his father had been born in the United States and retained his U.S. citizenship; speaking Esperanto at home; attending an Esperanto conference in Vienna with his younger brother and parents when he was five; speaking German, Hungarian, and Slovak; leaving gymnasium due to increased antisemitism; participating in Maccabi (wrestling and gymnastics); his father's efforts to obtain visas to the U.S.; arrest with his father and brother for defending themselves from an antisemiti...

  10. Shoshana K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shoshana K., who was born in a village near Buchach, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1934, the youngest of three children. She recounts celebrating the Sabbath and Jewish holidays with her extended family; attending a Polish school; German invasion; one brother's deportation to a labor camp (she never saw him again); her other brother and uncle fleeing to the forest; hiding in a bunker; being found; the shooting of one of their group; her father encouraging her to escape when they were being transferred by foot; returning home; finding her grandmother's corpse; hiding i...

  11. Henri M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri M., a non-Jew, who was born in Saverne, France in 1920. He recalls attending school with Jews; his family's strong French patriotism; learning German in Berlin; studying in Strasbourg and Nancy; German invasion; military draft in June 1940; capture; escape from a POW center; traveling to Paris and Dijon; living in Saverne; studying in Heidelberg; arrest and escape; returning clandestinely to France with the help of French and Austrian Resistance members; studying law in Clermont-Ferrand; anti-Petain sentiments among students; Resistance work in the unoccupied zo...

  12. Claude L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Claude L., who was born in Paris, France in 1926. Mr. L. recalls his family's varied eastern European origins; his paternal grandfather's service and injuries in World War I, for which he received high military distinctions; his father's service and subsequent gassing; his mother's difficult childhood; his parents' arranged marriage; their separation when he was nine; his lack of a traditional Jewish upbringing; and awareness of his Judaism resulting from World War II. He describes his father's intuition that the German occupation would result in tragedy; his father's...

  13. Henryk P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henryk P., who was born in Go?ra Kalwaria, Poland in 1916. He recounts his father's death when he was a baby; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending six years of Polish school; participating in Hapoel Hamizrachi; apprenticing as a tailor; working for a Catholic; military draft in November 1937; serving in an elite unit in Suwa?ki; becoming an officer; transfer to Raczki; German invasion; skirmishes in Cimochy and elsewhere; transfer to Hrodna; capture by Soviet troops in Shchuchyn in September; forced labor; release in December; returning home via Warsaw; forced l...

  14. Hans L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans L., who was born in Stralsund, Germany in 1926 to a Christian mother and Jewish father. He recounts his father's service in World War I; his family's assimilation (they celebrated Easter and Christmas); moving to Potsdam in 1936 due to antisemitism, hoping to be anonymous there; relatives who were Nazis, including his maternal aunt; expulsion from school in 1937; attending a Jewish school; observing the destruction in Berlin after Kristallnacht; his mother's refusal to divorce his father despite official pressure; being assigned to work in a Borsig munitions fact...

  15. Sara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara S., who was born in Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland in 1922, one of ten children. She recalls her father was a Ger Hasid; attending public and a Beth Jacob school; some of her brothers' military service; German invasion; fleeing with her mother and two siblings to Sandomierz; staying in Da?browa Go?rnicza; reunion with her father and two siblings in Krako?w; moving to Stopnica, her mother's hometown; her youngest brother going to Krako?w (she never saw him again); taking in a friend and her family; her father secretly acting as a shochet; deportation with a brother and sis...

  16. Roza S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roza S., who was born in Vinnyt︠s︡i︠a︡, Ukraine in 1924. She recalls her father's military draft; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; hiding in the cellar during a round-up in September 1941; being caught after leaving to check if the round-up was over; placement on a line for shooting in a mass killing; being asked if she was Ukrainian; being released when she answered affirmatively (she had blond hair); returning home; trading her family's valuables for food; hiding with her mother at a neighbor's during another mass shooting; living with an aunt until April ...

  17. Grigoriĭ D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Grigoriĭ D., who was born in Sunai, Belarus in 1922. He recalls living in a rural area; cordial relations with non-Jews; completing high school in Grozovo; attending the Polytechnic in Minsk; his father's arrest in 1938 as a spy because he had siblings in western nations (he was executed); his sister's medical practice in Lenino; German invasion in June 1941 while he was in Slutsk; joining his mother, sister, and brother in Lenino; obtaining a Soviet machine gun; giving it to partisans; solidarity in the ghetto; escaping with his brother with assistance from non-Jews...

  18. Erwin B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erwin B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1926, the youngest of seven children. He recounts his father's death in 1936; his mother's struggle to support the family; being accepted at the Korczak orphanage; German occupation; ghettoization; leaving the orphanage; watching Janusz Korczak's deportation with the orphans; smuggling food for his family; fleeing to the Wyszogro?d ghetto; joining his siblings in the P?on?sk ghetto; working as a non-Jew for a Polish farmer; deportation with his mother and siblings to Auschwitz in late 1942; separation from his mother and sis...

  19. Pierre B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pierre B., a Roman Catholic, who was born in Brussels, Belgium, in 1916. He recalls disenchantment with Rex, an extreme rightist political movement; marriage and birth of a daughter; military service; returning to Brussels when his regiment surrendered in May 1940; forming a Resistance unit; arrest; imprisonment in St. Gilles, Essen, Bochum, and Hameln; Allied bombings; praying to maintain his morale; prisoner discussions of food and recipes due to their hunger; transfer to Esterwegen, then Blechhammer, where he observed Jewish prisoners; Allied bombings; a trial in G...

  20. Irmgard K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irmgard K., who was born in Breslau (presently Wrocław, Poland), Germany in 1915, the youngest of five children of a Jewish father and Christian mother. She recounts attending synagogue and learning Hebrew; her father's death in 1924; antisemitic harassment; active participation in Social Democratic Party youth groups; her siblings' emigration to France in the early 1930s; her mother joining them; several arrests for anti-Nazi activities; engagement to a non-Jew; the Nuremberg laws prohibition against their marriage; her fiancé's arrest for anti-Nazi activities; one ...