
Displaying items 7,161 to 7,180 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Orphans of Buchenwald; Ex-Prisoners Coming Home

    (LIB 7016) Orphans of Buchenwald, Buchenwald, Germany, June 19, 1945. LS, large crowd at Buchenwald outdoors on hillside. UNRRA official (woman) handing out papers. 01:46:51 Lilly Engelman (from Hungary and previously at Auschwitz) with the bandage on her face, prepares to board the train to Switzerland. Her sisters, Renee and Piri, appear later in this footage. Children at Buchenwald concentration camp are divided into small groups by UNRRA personnel. MS, American military truck taking the orphans to railroad cars. CUs, climbing off truck with belongings/luggage. US soldiers present. LS, w...

  2. Photograph collection from the Russian State Archive of Film, Video and Photo Records

    Contains 57 photographs and 11 film negatives depicting Nazi atrocities in the Soviet Union and Europe, war crimes, liberation of concentration camps by the Red Army, corpses of Soviet prisoners of war, Russians and other people tortured by German solders; Judicial proceedings in the trial of the German criminals.

  3. Bequest Theo Berger

    The Fritz Bauer Institute acquired the bequest of Theo Berger from one of Berger's nieces in 2008. Theo Berger was born on January 8, 1925. His parents were Theo Berger senior and Margarete Berger. The family lived in Frankfurt (Main), initially in the district Rödelheim, then after the Second World War shortly in the district Sachsenhausen and later in the district Bornheim. Theo Berger trained to be a precision engineer at Hartmann & Braun AG. In 1942, he was conscripted into the Reich Labor Service. On March 15, 1943, he became a member of the Waffen-SS. He then stayed at the SS case...

  4. Parade; Krosno town square; ship to America

    Parade with elaborate floats and crowds of spectators. CU, three children and their elders. Toddler with bowlegs. MS, portraits of families outside village homes (still in Krosno?). 00:12:55 Polish troops marching in the street. Banner in Polish above the street. A man with white beard and hat holds a Torah scroll behind gentlemen in formal dress. The American visitors and friends wave at the camera. Locals. 00:14:08 Synagogue (?) in Krosno. MS of a Polish soldier in uniform. The Krosno town square, local children, Jewish men, and crowds. 00:16:16 The large group of Mahler family and Krosno...

  5. Zeilsheim DP Camp

    Life at Zeilsheim DP camp (a small German town converted into a DP center), including a protest march and Robinson family members in various settings. All footage shot in camp. Fay and Alice play in snow, houses in BG. Joseph (born in Zeilsheim on August 25, 1946) in the baby carriage. Children play near house. Children and adults march, carrying flag of Star of David, in celebration of Lag B'Omer. Robinson family, including parents Ephraim and Sarah and children Fay, Alice, and Joseph, walk past sign "Zeilsheim Assembly Center, UNRRA Team." Robinson family entertains visitors. Children pla...

  6. Westerbork Camp: paper factory; carpentry hall

    MS, men cleaning a freight car floor with shovels. Group of men pulling small wagon filled with empty cans? Pressing cans, separating and cutting metal pieces. 01:34:28 Westerbork's paper factory. Men and women separating sheets of paper. MS, piles of white paper sheets. Large hall packed with women working on sewing machines, using dark colored textiles (for military uniforms?). Men cutting through layers of fabric. Making toys. Shelves filled with beautiful handmade toys (stuffed animals, wooden cubes, etc.) 01:45:05 MS, sign on brick building: TISCHLEREI, HIER MELDEN. Carpentry hall. Sig...

  7. Our advance in the East, Facts Against Lies German propaganda poster showing a colored map of Eastern and Northern Europe

    1. David and Lucinda Pollack collection

    Propaganda map of Northern and Eastern Europe distributed by the National Propaganda Office of the Nazi Party showing previous German territorial boundaries compared with their military expansion as of 1941. The map shows German occupied territory in red overlaid with the German borders before and during WWI. The poster was published by the National Propaganda Office, which controlled the film, radio, theater, and press and chose what information to distribute to the public. By 1941, Germany had made alliances with Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, and Hungary and had conquered France, Norway, and ...

  8. Swastikas; Boycott of Jewish shops; Parade; Nazi soldiers

    Intertitles: “W L Film- Nr. 3.” “Leipziger Fahresschau,” “Ein Bild-Bericht von Walther Lenger,” “Camera…. Bearbeitung Walther Lenger Projektor….” “1933,” “März 1933: Sieg der nationalen Revolution: Schwarz-weiss-rote Fahnen und Hakenkreuz-Banner wehen überall.” Shot of a grid of Hakenkreuz side by side. A Nazi flag flies in the street. Then the flag of Germany. Flags fly from buildings in Leipzig. A woman eats a spoonful of something. 10:19:16 Intertitle: “1. April 1933. Boykott. Jüdischer Geschafte.” A newspaper reads, “Boykott! Wir Kampfen, bis Juda kapituliert!” There is a cartoon that s...

  9. Charles Paul Kogel collection

    The Charles Paul Kogel papers include biographical materials and photographs documenting Charles Kogel from Antwerp, Belgium; his prewar, wartime, and postwar experiences in Belgium; his wartime alias in France; and his immigration to the United States in 1952 with his second wife, Sara Kahan, and their son Henry. Biographical materials include military papers, a 1942 letter on behalf of the King of Belgium, false French papers in the name of "Andre Ravaux," Charles and Sara's wedding booklet, a certificate awarding Charles a war medal, a Belgian passport, an American naturalization certifi...

  10. USHMM-edited version of the German propaganda film on the Warsaw ghetto

    ***This footage is from a roughly ninety-minute propaganda film that was never finished or shown publicly. It was created by a German propaganda camera team in the spring of 1942.The Nazi regime created these ghettos and imprisoned Jews within them, subjected them to these conditions of starvation and disease and overcrowding. And yet, with a film like this, they hoped to suggest that these conditions were chosen by the Jews, that they were natural Jewish living conditions. This film is considered propaganda because it is heavily staged, omits selective information, attempts to establish gr...

  11. Schellenberg questioned at Nuremberg Trial by Defense Counsel, re. Kaltenbrunner and "the Jewish Question"

    (Paris 476) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 4, 1946. Defense counselors for Baldur von Schirach, Franz von Papen, and Alfred Rosenberg question Walter Schellenberg, the Chief of Security Police and SD (in German). Schellenberg confirms that Kaltenbrunner was his immediate superior from January 1943 until the end of the war. Answering the question of the defense counsel, he says that he never talked to Kaltenbrunner about "the Jewish question" or important issues of Nazi doctrine, so he can only defer Kaltenbrunner's personal views on these from a few personal observations and...

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 13 -- Victims testify

    14:56:05 Sabina Zlatine is a naturalized French citizen from Poland who founded the Izieu home in 1942 after losing her job as a military nurse because she was Jewish. About 80 Jewish children were smuggled to safety in Switzerland from Izieu. She speaks about her involvement in the Resistance, Izieu, and Jews in Vichy. 14:57:10 Turning to the empty dock, she screams, "Barbie said he was only concerned with the Resistance and enemies of the German Army. I ask who were those 44 children? Where they Résistance fighters? They were innocents. There can be no pardon, no forgetting this odious cr...

  13. Baby takes first steps in Dahlem

    Moving train, railroad tracks. Ethel sits by the window next to another woman (Piepers?) and smiles. The family stands by their car and stows their belongings in the vehicle. The residence in Dahlem, Germany. The children play in the yard. A toddler, probably Peter, takes some of his first steps. He occasionally receives help. He falls over and recovers.

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Expulsion and repatriation of Germans from Sudetenland

    Expulsion of Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia (3 million). US Zone. Shots of German citizens wearing armbands as identification on the streets of Usti, Sudetenland. Committee of Allied representatives meeting to decide the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia. LS members over map on table: Dr. Kuchera, plenipotentiary of the Czechoslovak government; American Col. J.H. Fye, liasion offier; Lt. Col. Messick, executive officer of CAX in Berlin; a Czech doctor; and Czech Col. Monzer, from the Ministery of National Defense. MS same. CU Col. Fye, Kuchera, Messick. CU Kuchera and Fye. CU Me...

  15. Schaaps visit their rescuers after the war

    Title card with graphic of baby in stroller, text "Onze Baby". Maurits Schaap and his family visit the home of the Naeije family who hid him during the war. INT, family home in Axel near Zeeuws-Vlaanderen in the Netherlands. The Naeije infant is fed from a bottle and plays with multiple people. 00:01:50 CU, Salomon Schaap smoking pipe, reading letter, playing with baby. 00:04:05 Geleijn Naeije shows off a piece of art inside his home. The painting is of a woman seated at a table with her hands clasped as if in prayer. 00:04:44 Sister of Mrs. Naeije in a black embroidered top. 00:04:56 EXT, ...

  16. Union des femmes françaises portfolio

    1. Vice President Henry A. Wallace collection

    The collection contains a portfolio of documents, fliers, leaflets, newsletters, photographs, and publications collected by a group of former partisans called the Union des Femmes Françaises and presented to Vice President Henry A. Wallace during a trip he made to France in April 1947. The collected materials were presented to him as mementos of the French Resistance during World War II, and wrapped in ribbon in a small Hermes suitcase. Also includes two poems by Louis Aragon and Paul Eluard; a letter and photograph of Jacqueline Quatremaire, a woman who was imprisoned in the Fort de Romain...

  17. Hans and Ethel get married in Philadelphia, 1929

    Open outdoor area. Car with license plate “D617” pulls up and parks. Hans Wolfgang Lindemann and Ethe McGloclin smile and kiss. CUs, Ethel sitting on a concrete planter with bare trees behind her. She smiles as her beau joins. They kiss again. In Philadelphia city, “RITTENHOUSE,” the couple wed in 1929. The newlyweds consult with their wedding party - men have flowers on their suit jacket lapels, and women hold bouquets and wear cloche hats. They meet with the priest, everyone shakes hands, the women joyously throw rice. The couple is getting married. They kiss once again. More hand-shaking...

  18. Hugo Zulawski papers

    Consists of photographs, a photograph album, documents, and correspondence, owned by Hugo Zulawski, originally of Vienna, Austria. Mr. Zulawski immigrated to the United States in 1939 on a transport organized by Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus (the "50 children" transport). Prewar, wartime, and postwar family photographs include those Hugo took while in the United States military (1944-1947) and images of his parents while they were at the Kitchener Camp in England. Documents include restitution paperwork for property confiscated in Poland.

  19. Nazi propaganda: anti-Soviet

    Images of the Dnieper River and a forest, excavations of corpses in advanced degrees of decay with visible bullet wounds. Swedish narration claims that the victims shown are Polish officers murdered by the Soviet secret police GPU in the forest of Katyn. The corpses are examined by an European commission including the former minister president of Poland Prof. Koslowski and coroners said to be from Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, and Bulgaria. Piles of dead bodies are pictured, most of them hardly identifiable. Remnants of the Polish Gen. Smorawinski are shown. Relatives try to identi...

  20. American World War II beat the promise poster prompting workers to beat production quotas

    1. Suzanne Herskovic Ponder poster collection

    Large wartime poster with an anthropomorphized wine bottle, encouraging the reader to not be a bottleneck that was part of RCA Victor’s “Beat the Promise” worker incentive poster series instituted in September 1941, shortly before the United States entered World War II. A bottleneck is a person whose slow work effort reduces the production capacity of the entire chain or process in which they are involved.The poster was part of RCA Victor’s Beat the Promise worker incentive campaign instituted in September 1941, shortly before the United States entered World War II. The promise refers to th...