
Displaying items 6,761 to 6,780 of 10,858
  1. Drawing

    1. Stefan Horn collection

    Drawing created by interpreter during Trial 3, the "Jurists Trial," of the Nuremberg trials.

  2. Drawing

    1. Stefan Horn collection

    Drawing created by interpreter during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg.

  3. Drawing

    1. Stefan Horn collection

    Vintage copy of drawing created by interpreter during the Nuremberg trials.

  4. Drawing

    1. Stefan Horn collection

    Drawing created by interpreter during the Nuremberg trials.

  5. Drawing

    1. Stefan Horn collection

    Drawing created by interpreter during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg.

  6. Drawing

    1. Stefan Horn collection

    Drawing created by interpreter during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg.

  7. Колекція листівок, закликів та оголошень німецьких установ періоду окупації.

    • Collection of leaflets, appeals, and announcements of the German institutions of the occupation period.
    • Kolektsiia lystivok, zaklykiv ta oholoshen nimetskykh ustanov peroidu okupatsii

    These leaflets, appeals, and announcements were produced by various branches of the military and civil German authorities in the city of Chernihiv and surrounding areas, as well as by local municipalities and rural area administrative bodies. Some of the items in the collection can relate to the Holocaust. File 1. Orders, decrees and instructions of the Chernihiv district board, 20 pages. File 2. Orders, decrees and announcements of the joint-district board and district board of Chernihiv, 15 pages. File 4. Orders of Chernihiv city board, 56 pages. File 5. Announcements of Chernihiv city bo...

  8. Policejní ředitelství Praha II - evidence obyvatelstva

    1. Policejní ředitelství Praha II
    • Prague Police Directorate II - population records
    • Polizeipräsidium Prag II - Personenregistratur
    • Národní archiv
    • 1420_5
    • English
    • 1914-1953
    • The subfonds consists out of 848 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. All material is accessible. The subfonds consists out of a card register of any person who was registered in Prague.

    The material of the subfonds contains the registration cards of all people registered between 1914 and 1953 in Prague including the refugees who fled from Nazi Germany and after 1938 also from Austria and the Czech border region (Sudeten). These registration cards contain information about the parents of the registered person, it´s place and date of birth, religion, profession, place of living, date of marriage. The registration cards from the time of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia include also the form field "of Jewish descend". For foreigners if or if not of Jewish descend exist a s...

  9. Global Structures Convocation panel discussion on peacekeeping

    Panel Discussion: "Peacekeeping versus Peacemaking" Global Structures Convocation, Crystal City, VA. February 3-6,1994. (tape 23 in conference series) Panelists include: Ambassador H. Sardenburg (to United Nations from Brazil), Erskine Childers (dedicated life's work toward strengthening peace), Michael Stopford (director of UN Information Center; respresentative to UN Secretary General in Washington, DC), Phyllis Bennis (UN and Middle East correspondent for Pacifica radio), Louis Sohn (distinguished professor of law at Harvard, director of Peace Institute), and Harold Stasin (the only livi...

  10. Swiatlowski-Koronczyk family. Collection

    This collection contains photocopies of : Berek Swiatlowski's Polish military booklet ; Berek Swiatlowski and Pesa Koronczyk's Polish passport ; a postcard thrown from the Transport X by Berek Swiatlowski on 13 September 1942 ; administrative documents of the Swiatlowski-Koronczyk family ; war-time work permits of Abram Swiatlowski ; pre-war photos of Swiatlowski and Koronczyk family members in Poland and in Belgium.

  11. Ministerial Council.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Departmental relations. Situation of the Jews in Romania. The problem of bringing back the deported Jews from Transnistria. Acute need for all kind of craftspeople. The Centrala Evreilor requests that the Jews from Dorohoi home from deportation, be allowed to settle also in other places of their convenience. Return of some 4,000 orphans from Transnistria. List of cities where these orphans will be settled. A letter by the Swiss representative of the International Red Cross mentions the districts with the number of orphans to be taken out from Transnistria. Reorganization of the evidence and...

  12. Landrat (District Councillor) of Krnov

    The fonds contains the documents of the German administration, including the policee, personnel, education, cultural and military matters, population card files, registers of foreign workers, Arbeitsbuch (labour book), personal documents, and more. The fonds also includes documents concerning the appointment of forced administrators of Jewish property and further disposal of former Jewish property, proposals for issuing ID cards to Jews, instructions for terminating the concession of persons of Jewish origin, lists of names of Jews and those with Jewish ancestry from Krnov, and the schoolin...

  13. Landrat (District Councillor) of Karlovy Vary

    The fonds includes documents of the political administration of Karlovy Vary and partly of Jáchymov from the period of the Nazi occupation. Jewish issues can only be found sporadically: an official record of the request of Berta Kreisl to manage the Villa Josefa bathhouse the owner of which, Dr. Max Eidinger, a Jew, fled to London (1938) (inv. No. 15), the escape of a Jew and a Czech, two teachers from the driving school in Karlovy Vary (1938) (inv. No. 18), the records of Jewish returnees who left the Sudetenland before the Nazi annexation, a regulation (1938) (inv. No. 21), the escape of ...

  14. Landrat (District Councillor) of Nejdek

    The fonds includes archival materials of the political administration of Nejdek from the period of the German occupation. Jewish issues can be found in the following files: decrees and regulations relating to Jews and Jews of mixed origin (1938-1940) (inv. No. 257), lists of Jews and Jews of mixed origin in municipalities of the district of Nejdek - reports of individual municipal officials (1938-1940) ( inv. No. 258), a list of Jews residing in the district of Nejdek (1939) (inv. No. 259), a list of Jews and Jews of mixed origin residing in the town of Nejdek (1939) (inv. No. 260), keeping...

  15. Protektoratskriminalpolizei (Protectorate Criminal Police) – Kriminaldirektion (Criminal Headquarters) of Brno

    The fonds contains documents of the Police Headquarters in Brno from the period of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, inter alia material concerning transports to the concentration camp in Auschwitz, in the year 1942–1944; searches for persons accused of crimes, for escaped Soviet and English prisoners of war, also material concerning escapes of prisoners and escapes from Labour camps – establishment of searches, searches for missing persons, searches for military prisoners 1943–1945; Lists of persons intended for transports to Auschwitz near Katowice; Persecution of Gypsies and "anti...

  16. Bomb destroyed Europe

    Aerial shot from airplane with bomb craters very apparent. VS from lower altitude of bomb craters. Bill Mellor in plane, underexposed shot of another unidentified man in the plane. Aerial views of unidentified town and river.

  17. Visiting Berlin

    Hans Lindemann stands by the garden in front of The Reichstag in Berlin. Berliner Dom. Altes Museum. A man speaks from the passenger seat of a car. The Preußisches Staatstheater in Gendarmenmarkt. “Markgrafen Str.” Busy streets of Berlin. Trolleys and cars drive past. Double-decker bus. The corner building, “HACIFA.” A man standing near factory. “PATHEX”

  18. Nazi propaganda: anti-US

    The prologue indicates this film shows authentic American documentary footage from the 'paradise of freedom'. The film starts with images of the Statue of Liberty as narration tells that it was erected on a field of gallows. President Franklin D. Roosevelt is accused of preaching the 'phrases and slogans' of freedom, democracy, and religion while practicing oppression. Police squads and army troops are shown fighting with teargas, clubs, and pistols against strike riots in this 'freest democracy of the world'. The fate of millions of honest and poor American workers and peasants is contrast...

  19. Jasenovac Memorial Area collection

    This collection contains records created by the camp memorial administrations of Jasenovac, Lobor-Grad, and Stara Gradiška, including registers of artifacts and documents; testimonies by surviving inmates of the camps; copies of files relating to Croatian war crimes investigations and trials; documents relating to the camps and the activities of the Croatian government ministries during the period 1941‒1945; name lists of people who were displaced, deported, interned, and/or murdered; translations of German documents relating to the activities of German military units in Croatia; testimonie...