
Displaying items 6,721 to 6,740 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Male, born 1925

    1. Interviews
    2. Social Anthropology of filling the Void: Poland and Ukraine after World War II

    An interview with a native resident of the village Rydvanivka, Rohatyn district in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast who comes from a Polish-Ukrainian family. The relatives of his mother, Polish by nationality, and father, Ukrainian, didn’t approve of the interethnic marriage. The man lost his parents as a child and was brought up by his sister. He was arrested in 1947 and returned to Rohatyn in 1954 after serving his sentence. The conversation abounds with details, names of peers and fellow villagers. The narrator tells in detail about the pre-war life of the village, rural life, aggravation of the P...

  2. Closing ceremony

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    INT, conference room, audience sits, panel prepares to speak. 01:07:02 Rabbi introduces concluding ceremony. 01:10:00 Miles Lerman pays tribute to all those who died. 01:14:11 Moment of silence. Bugler plays taps. 01:15:11 to 01:20:45 Liberator's names are read by Mark Talisman, in recognition by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. 01:21:55 Hank de Jarnet (sp?), a Dachau liberator, accepts scroll in memory of Walter J. Felenz (sp?), Rainbow Division. 01:22:46 Brig. Gen. James L. Collins, Jr. 01:24:10 Cantor Isaac Goodfriend, survivor, member of USHMC, and Malca Swartz (sp?), survivor, perf...

  3. Arthur Rosenberg, historian, politician, writer Nachlaß Rosenberg, Arthur (1889-1943); historiker, politiker, schriftsteller (Fond 641)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Arthur Rosenberg's correspondence with German publishing houses regarding payment for his articles, January 1 to July 1, 1932. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  4. Historical Commission of the SS Reich-Leader Historische Kommission des Reichsführers SS (Fond 701)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    This collection contains miscellaneous documentation on Austrian Foreign Minister William Wolf, correspondence with SD there, press clippings concerning political activities in Austria, reports of SD sectors "Ost" and "Züd West," situation reports from SS officials about the mood of the Austrian population, correspondence of Reichsführer-SS Himmler with the Chief of Security Police Heydrich and others concerning the Historical Commission, and copies of books and other publications. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  5. Collection of materials received from the Pushkin State Museum Materialien, die aus dem Puschkin-Museum übergeben wurden (Fond 1524)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Entire collection at the source archive consists of the list of materials from a Wittenberg archive and catalogs of the Dresden museums as well as documents on the confiscation of art works during WWII; files on the "Führermuseum Linz"; correspondence with the Reich Governor in Vienna (1941-1943); correspondence of Hans Posse with Reich Chancellery (1941-1942) and the Foreign Office (1941-1943). Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  6. Alliance Israélite Universalle, Belgian Committee, Antwerp Alliance israélite universelle, comite d'Anvers (Fond 156)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Records in this collection include minutes of committee meetings, 1921, 1927-1939, financial statements, 1931-1939, lists of committee members, correspondence with the Alliance committee in Paris and other Jewish agencies regarding organizational and financial issues, a register of membership dues payments, 1924-1940. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  7. Federal Chancellor's Office, Vienna Bundeskanzleramt, Wien (Fond 515)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Reports by Austrian envoys abroad in Prague, Berlin, Cairo, and Stuttgart on various subjects; reports by the Viennese police; letters and reports to Kurt Schuschnigg (chancellor of Austria, 1934-1938); a draft law on Austrian/German border issues; correspondence regarding Austrian refugees; surveys of the German press; illegal German bulletin "Deutscher Nachrichtendienst", 1936-39; and correspondence regarding biographical data for Hitler and his relatives. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  8. Jewish Sports Club "Hakoah" Jüdischer Sportklub "Hakoah," Graz (Fond 676)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Source archive holds Club newsletters, financial statements, letters and correspondence between club members, other organizations and insurance companies; includes an appeal to the club members to assume a broader role in defending Jews from persecution. Also includes the issues of the club bulletin, 1936-1938, and an issue of the Vienna sport Magazine "Stadion", 1933. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  9. Women's Zionist Organization of Austria, Vienna Organisation "Zionistischer Frauen Österreichs", Wien (Fond 1192)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Handwritten meeting minutes and printed reports on the organization's activities. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  10. People's Court and other German Courts Justizeinrichtungen Deutschlands (Sammlung) (Fond 1361)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Court files of investigation of people charged with state treason, sabotage, listening to foreign broadcasts, and other treasonable acts involving the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Included are correspondence and orders regarding the investigation of Poles, Czechs, Jews, and Russians; excerpts from "highly treasonable" radio broadcasts printed in "Deutsche Volkszeitung" (October 1938) and broadcast over "German Freedom Station." Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  11. I'm An American Day 1943 part 2

    1. "I'm An American" NBC radio broadcasts

    On May 16, 1943, the I’m An American Day radio broadcast in Central Park continues with Bill Stein playing the violin, followed by a band. New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia introduces Maj. Raymond Massey of the Canadian Army. The military officer reads “A Prayer for Victory” by Maj Dick Diespecker of the Royal Canadian Artillery. Australian Soprano Marjorie Lawrence sings Alceste Aria (When Freedom Rings). 22-year old Pvt Vernon A. Eagle from Iowa, speaks to the crowd. He lost his leg in battle during a mission in Africa. Navy Lt. Lawrence Patrick Mooney, who served on the USS Vincent,...

  12. Reports of the Detachment F1E2, 2nd ECAR of the Seventh U.S. Army in Mannheim, Germany, concerning displaced persons

    1. Albert Hutler collection

    Consists of copies of military documents (approximately 72 pages), principally weekly functional reports sent by Albert Hutler (then a First Lieutenant with U.S. Army occupation forces in the vicinity of Mannheim, Germany) to his commanding officer, then on to Seventh U.S. Army headquarters. Includes information concerning displaced persons camp population statistics, movements of displaced persons by railroad, rationing of food in the displaced persons camps, organization of labor in displaced persons camps, training programs for UNRRA personnel working in the camps, and the repatriation o...

  13. Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Generalbezirk Weissruthenien, 1941-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 12788573
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Article(s), list(s), text(s) Instruction List of collaborators List of residents Official documentation הודעה רשימות פושעים נאצים

    Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Generalbezirk Weissruthenien, 1941-1944 In the collection there is a savings bank pass book belonging to the Jewess Zuskovich; documentation of the District Administration in Krupki regarding the confiscation of Jewish property, 1941-1942; directives from the commander of the Borisov area on matters pertaining to Jews; announcement regarding the murder of the wife of a Jew in Smolevichi; an antisemitic propaganda article; directives issued by the Generalkommissar of Belorussia regarding the employment of Jews; documentatio...

  14. Collection of Besonderen Verwendung, the Gewerbliche Wirtschaft Department for Special Cases for the Administration of Industry in the Netherlands, 1941-1945

    Collection of Besonderen Verwendung, the Gewerbliche Wirtschaft Department for Special Cases for the Administration of Industry in the Netherlands, 1941-1945 The Gewerbliche Wirtschaft - GeWi department, under the administration of Schmidt, was subordinate on one hand to the Rüstungsinspektion, the military body responsible for the handling of matters of industry in the Netherlands, and subordinate to the Generalkommissar für Finanz und Wirtschaft (German Ministry of Finance and Industry) on the other hand; GeWi was divided to various groups (Gruppe), which dealt with various fields, includ...

  15. Hitler Marches into Purkersdorf; Field Exercises; Fundraising Campaign

    NSKK, part I. Caravan arrives in Purkersdorf, Austria. Driving through main street, passing retail shops and government. Well-dressed female onlookers and local men in uniforms. Official Nazi motorcade through streets: cars, trucks, tanks. Streets lined with people. Handmade “Adolf Hitler Platz“ sign. Rally in city center. NSKK, part II. Rural landscape, sheep grazing in field in Austria. Nazis in uniform. A group studies paperwork in field. Nazis in camoflauge train civilians how to load and shoot guns, march, crawl through grassy fields, hide in ditches, survey, study maps, etc. Airplanes...

  16. Franciszka Oliwa Collection

    Franciszka Oliwa Collection Estate of Franciszka Oliwa, the principal of the Jewish children's home in Otwock during the first years after the liberation; Included in the collection: 1. Summary report written by Mrs. Oliwa; 2. Summaries regarding the children - 15 in total; 3. Memoirs of children; 4. Various documents (school certificates/diplomas, lists of children, poems/songs, and other documents); 5. Photographs (transferred to the Photos Archive); Following the liberation in January 1945, Mrs. Oliwa arrived to Otwock to search for relatives, but she did not locate anyone. On the other ...

  17. Documentation of the German authorities in Belorussia, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the German authorities in Belorussia, 1941-1944 Included in the Collection: - Reports and instructions regarding the confiscation of Jewish property and the attitude of the local population towards the Jews; - Instructions given by the commander of the Military Home Front Commander, Major-General von Schenkendorff; - List of inmates in the Minsk prison, prepared in 1942; - Maps of Minsk; - Diagram of the Drozdy concentration camp; - Instructions regarding the confiscation and sale of property and the use of Jewish property; - Reports and orders given by the Generalkommissar...

  18. [Tödtli correspondence II]

    1. Bern Trial, Bern, Switzerland, 1934-1935

    The file contains the correspondence mostly between Boris Toedtli, the Welt-Dienst and Hans Jonak von Freyenwald. Most of the letters regarding the work of Toedtli. Some letters are involved in the prosecution of Boris Toedtli, one of the most important Welt-Dienst men in Switzerland, who was tried for espionage. Correspondences regarding this prosecution and Toedtlis assistance in organizing visa for fascist Russians or helping the Nazi regime generally are attached. The letters are thought to prove a link between the different Russian military organisations of conservative character and o...

  19. [Translations of documents for the Bern trial]

    1. Bern Trial, Bern, Switzerland, 1934-1935

    The file contains translated documents used in the Bern trial, for espionage and for the exchange of general informations. The translations are dated between 1934 and 1936. All of them are concerning different topics, for example military communications for Odessa, the anti-soviet risings in the Ukraine and correspondence between several people involved in the Bern trial and the Welt-Dienst, for example Toedtli. Furthermore translated circular letters based on the fight against Jews and the strategies in the Bern trial are contained, in addition those letters have been used in order to spre...