
Displaying items 6,621 to 6,640 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Chef der SIPO und des SD Umwandererzentralstelle Posen (UWZ) (Sygn. 68)

    Contains information about evacuations of Poles and Jews in the Poznań (Posen) areas and the resettlement of Germans in their place; transports of evacuated persons; camps for evacuees in Poznań and Łódź; removal of Jews and Poles to make room for military training grounds; evictions of Poles and Jews; population statistics in the areas of Poznań and Łódź; and Germanization of eligible Poles. Also contains case files of SS personnel and Umwandererzentralstelle employees.

  2. Records of der Kreishauptmann Radom-Land (Sygn.157)

    Contains applications, death notices, petitions, and various other documents relating to general administration matters in Radom, Poland, handled by the Kreishauptmann including applications of businessmen to serve German military personnel, permission for telephone lines, and petitions to send money to prisoners in Auschwitz; death notice for Józef Deugoszek, a partisan shot by the SS; death notice for Kasimir Jaslan, prisoners of Oranienburg.

  3. Gouverneur des Distrikts Radom records (Sygn.158)

    Contains correspondence, reports, criminal case records, and various other documents relating to water management in Radom, Poland; economic matters in the Radom district; the military and political situation in Radom; the defense of Lublin; regulation of work time for General Gouvernement offices; the criminal case of Wladyslaw Stefanski; police protection of prisons; and leaflets prepared by the German Army to entice Poles to fight the "Jewish Bolsheviks."

  4. George Blau collection

    The collection includes Blau's certificate of discharge from Les Milles (dated 18 September 1939); a photograph of Blau taken at an unknown time; a letter from the police of Marseille vouching to Blau's good conduct; a document from the consulate general of Siam granting Blau permission to emigrate to Siam (dated 28 Sep 1940); a document from a Dr. Monteux that stated Blau was medically ineligible for military service; and documents granting Blau permission to emigrate to the Dominican Republic if the United States did not allow him to enter (dated 30 May 1941). The collection also includes...

  5. Abwehra Lublin records (Sygn.182)

    This collection contains counter-intelligence investigation protocols of arrests, agents' reports, correspondence, instructions for agents issued to units with the code names "Einheit Lichtenstein" and "Meldekopf Spesser," and agents' notes. Subjects include Polish underground movements, the attitudes of the Ukrainian population, the Red Army on the Eastern Front, arrests and investigations of members of partisan groups and parachute groups in the Lublin area, Soviet espionage in the Lublin area, and arrests and investigations of Soviet agents.

  6. Inscribed postcard expressing contempt for Jews

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    The text uses the name “Kleine Cohn” (sometimes “Kleinen Cohn” or “Kohn”) meaning Little Cohn, which was a pejorative term for Jews used in Germany around the turn of the twentieth century. The term is thought to have originated in an 1893 German military pamphlet. It was popularized after German humorist Guido Thielscher sang a satirical song about the character in 1902, and quickly became ubiquitous in Germany. The term, often accompanied by antisemitic images of Jews, was featured on postcards and other ephemera throughout the first decades of the twentieth century. This postcard is one ...

  7. Oral history interview with Kurt Klein

    1. Testimony oral history collection
  8. Oral history interview with Harry Alexander

    1. Testimony oral history collection
  9. Nazis parade in Berlin

    Parade of Nazi soldiers marching on Unter den Linden in Berlin. Crowds line the streets waving Nazi flags. They stop in front of the Neue Wache building. 01:01:22 Dignitaries arrive and walk from right to left (perhaps including high Nazi officials). Wreath-laying ceremony (possibly February 25, 1934/5 for National Mourning Day or Heroes Day).