
Displaying items 6,601 to 6,620 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Soldiers relax at the French Riviera

    In color, the coast of the French Riviera comes into view from the plane. Street scenes on the Riviera. Murray poses in front of the beach. People sunbathing on rock beaches. “Positively no whistling or stamping allowed.” Various shots of the Riviera from different perspectives. American flag waving. Murray on a boat. More coastline scenes on the beach. Murray in a canoe. Street and beach scenes of civilians. Grass. Planes take off. View from mid-flight on the return to Pilsen.

  2. American soldiers return home

    Soldiers line up on a dock and board a ship. The ship from afar. A parting view of the dock. Smoke stacks on board the ship. Murray and fellow soldiers at the deck’s railing. A soldier shows off his American money. Ocean shots. Scenes of soldier life on the ship: playing cards, smoking cigarettes, reading, laughing, sleeping, getting sick over the side of the boat. Murray poses for the camera. More ocean shots. Shot of buildings on the coastline. A smaller rowboat by the side of the ship. Soldiers jump off this boat and swim in the ocean. More coastline shots. “The End.”

  3. Street barricade in Stuttgart; Russian POWs hold May Day ceremony

    04:40:48 (LIB 6127) Stuttgart, Germany, April 29, 1945. SEQ: German civilians carry bricks and rubble and build a barricade around French MG position at street intersection. CU, French soldier directs work of Germans. 04:44:13 (LIB 6128) May Day - Stalag #6, Hemmer, Germany, May 1, 1945. HAS, MS pan Russian POWs hold May Day celebration in POW camp Stalag 6, after liberation by US forces. CU, Russian soldiers carrying sign in Russian and English: "Long live the American Army which liberated us from Nazi captivity." Cut-ins, still portraits of Stalin, Truman, Churchill, Lenin, Zhukov. LS, sp...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Arrival of SS Brazil in Uruguay, 1938

    "Brazil" sign on SS Brazil boat (tendered by the US Maritime Commission to North and South American diplomats, bankers, and businessmen to initiate the "Good Will Service" to South America). LS, MS, view of Montevideo, Uruguay from boat. Shots of harbor, steamship, boats, people. 02:01:49 Flags on building. 02:02:13 Officials on patio at government house, including Admiral Emory S. Land, Ambassador Breckinridge Long, Alberto Guani (Minister of Foreign Affairs), Don Fermin Carlos de Yereugi, and Leslie Reed (US Charges d'Affaires). Suited men talking. In garden at the President's residence: ...

  5. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Independent State of Croatia

    Documents on the Jews in the Ustaša state, including papers of German police official Hans Helm and of German military units. Subjects include the changing of Jewish surnames, the designation of Jews and Jewish-owned businesses, the prohibition of Jews in public places, the prohibition of work by Jews in “Aryan” households, the compulsory labor of Jews, the emigration of Jews to Palestine in 1943, Jews arrested in the Daruvar district in 1942, records of the Kraljevice camp from 1942, and further regulations against Jews and “Mischlinge” in 1943.

  6. Taylor remarks on German High Command at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 488) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 7, 1946. Telford Taylor of the US prosecution makes opening remarks to the court. He states that he will show that the High Command Group of the German Army had a major part in the commission of war crimes and atrocities. CU, chart of the Wehrmacht from 1938-1945. 04:46:38-04:47:54 Taylor reads to the Tribunal directly from orders signed by Hitler which discuss the purported actions of allied "commandos": "From captured orders it is divulged that they [the commandos] are directed not only to shackle prisoners, but also to kill defen...

  7. Liberation: Ludwigslust; US press at Dachau; Buchenwald

    Concentration Camp, Ludgwigslust, Germany, May 5, 1945. LS, concentration camp area. MSs, barracks of camp with bodies of camp victims crowded in open doorway. Screen left-several survivors standing idly about. CU, bodies stacked in doorway of building. CUs, bodies on ground outside of hospital building. MSs, CUs, surviving inmates in courtyard cooking around open fire. Getting water from well. VLSs, camp buildings. VAR shots survivors. American Newspapermen inspect Concentration Camp, Dachau, Germany, May 7, 1945. CU, US newspapermen and party are sprayed with delousing powder. (LIB 6349) ...

  8. Goering testifies; Luxembourg occupation discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    02:09:59 (Munich 53) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. 03/18/1946 MLSs, defense attorney asks Hermann Goering, "What orders had you given to take care of property found in occupied countries?" Goering says that all Army commanders received their orders directly from him concerning what was to be done with property found in occupied countries. Dr. Horn, counsel for Ribbentrop, asks Goering whether Hitler concerned himself with the details of foreign policy. 03/18/1946 LS, rear view, Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson (US) interrogates Goering. Goering expounds on the Fuehrerprinzip. Jac...

  9. Doctor and Gestapo prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Thomas J. Dodd, US prosecution, introducing witness Dr. Franz Blaha. Dodd reads Dr. Blaha's signed affidavit telling of his career as head of a hospital in Czechoslovakia and his experiences as a Gestapo prisoner. The affidavit reveals that the Germans used healthy prisoners for various medical experiments. If the prisoners did not die in the experiments they were later killed. Additional trial footage missing from NARA original documentation: (Lieutenant Breshnen?) Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone de...

  10. Eva Sekules papers

    School report cards, correspondence, ration books, embarkation papers, identification card, travel permits, and related documents, documenting Sekules' schooling in Vienna from 1932-1938, her subsequent life in Great Britain from 1940 onward, and in particular, her service in the British military during and following World War II. Also includes ration books for food and other goods in postwar Britain, and travel permits issued by the Allied occupation forces in Austria, permitting her to enter that country on several occasions between 1949 and 1954.

  11. Records of United States Army commands War crimes cases not tried

    Consists of case files containing information about war crimes allegedly committed in various European countries during World War II. The 189 cases file relate primarily to events in concentration camps. Other files deal with prisoners and prisoner of war camps. The earliest war crimes cases were investigated by war crime sections under the Staff Judge Advocates of the 1st, 3rd, and 7th U.S. Armies and under the commanding generals of the Eastern and Western Military Districts. The war crimes program was centralized in the Office of the Theater Judge Advocate, US Forces European Theater in ...

  12. Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers SS - SD Leitabschnitt Kattowitz (Katowice) (Sygn.169)

    Contains reports about the public opinion in various towns in the vicinity of Kattowitz from circa 1941 to circa 1944. The reports contain information about public opinions on economic matters, political matters, Russians, and members of the National Socialist's Russian movement in Germany; the "Day of German Domestic Music"; and recruitment of women into the air defense service.

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- An expert testifies

    13:40 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:41 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session; one witness has not yet arrived 13:41 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:28 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:30 Cerdini reads the Court's decision regarding the Defense's exception taken to an earlier ...

  14. World War I veterans take a trip

    Street scenes with well-dressed civilians and shops (this could be another day-trip taken by Johannes Vosskamp and his contemporaries from Duisburg). Signs show "Schenkwirtschaft Theod. Hünnekens", "Dortmunder...", and "Tivoli Beer". 01:06:15 Johannes Vosskamp, in a dark suit and bowtie, smoking, exits a building with others, including women and a uniformed soldier. Buses line the streets of the unknown city/village with a river. The well-dressed day-trippers (men and women) walk through a park and sit at a long table having refreshments with coffee. The group boards buses, with Vosskamp at...