
Displaying items 6,441 to 6,460 of 7,748
  1. [Actions of governmental and privat organizations in regard to refugees]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains correspondences between privat and governmental organizations in regard to refugees. Memoranda, reports, letters and plans of action can be seen. The principle of these organization is to protect the human victims of great political upheavals and especially of the intolerance of arbitrary governments. The 'League of Nation Union', for example, published an aide-mémoire concerning the problem of the refugees. Topics mentioned in the aide-mémoire are the coordination and cooperation to assist the German and Austrian refugees, as well as refugees from Czechoslovakia. Weather ...

  2. Bulletin D'Informations

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains bulletins of the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations published in Brussels in 1946. The association aims to "defend, study and develop Jewish values ​​in Belgium and the world. In 1984, the institution renounced its initial name and became known as the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations. The CCOJB commissioned a research about the Jewish communities in the former occupied countries, especially in Belgium. The research showed that the economic situation for Jews was horrible, also the antisemtism was still part of everyday live. So the...

  3. The Germans in Warsaw - September-October 1939 -Bulletin No. 2

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This bulletin was intended to publish the work of the Committee for collecting material about the destruction of the Jews in Poland, describing the German siege and occupation of Warsaw. The bulletin consists of fragments of various testimonies of Jews from Warsaw collected by the committee, together with some committee remarks in between quotations. It states that the German bombardment targeted Jewish quarters of Warsaw specifically, and describes the mass of casualties from bombs and fires in the city. The bulletin describes the dispersal of the self-governing Jewish community and the es...

  4. Sbírka Československé školy ve Velké Británii

    • Collection of the Czechoslovak school in the United Kingdom
    • Národní archiv
    • 1578
    • English
    • 1941-1945
    • 1,3 linear metres of which 1,3 linear metres inventoried. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The collection consist of originals and copies of the various documents, such as copies of identity documents, birth certificates, writing pads, textbooks, school certificates, photographs, messages from teachers to parents (or to the legal representatives of children), memoirs, school notes, presentations and newspapers. These materials also relate to more than 670 mostly Jewish children saved by the Kindertransporte organised by Nicolas Winton and other rescuers.

  5. Berni követségi iratai

    • Records of the Hungarian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland

    The collection of materials from the Hungarian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland includes miscellaneous documents. It contains information on the Swiss policy towards foreigners and the concrete measures adopted to control them, including the operation of refugee camps. More concretely, there are documents on Hungarian citizens residing in Switzerland and Hungarian Jewish migration to Switzerland as well as on the internment of Hungarian citizens as well as references to their deportation by Nazi Germany. The collection also contains official reports on Swiss internal affairs, foreign policy and...

  6. Correspondence with Cohen, David

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Containing numerous handwritten letters by Cohen and covering professional as well as personal matters the correspondence documents the long-term and amicable association between correspondents. It centres on various Library related issues including: a restitution related enquiry on the salary of C.C. Aronsfeld at the JCIO (1954); a trip of Alfred Wiener to Belgium and The Netherlands to detect or compile eyewitness accounts for the Library’s eyewitness testimony project (1955); or a German language paper by Cohen on the history of the JCIO (1959). Particular reference is made to archival m...

  7. Michael R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael R., who was born in Felso?ce?ce, Hungary in 1914 and grew up in Abau?jsza?nto?. He recalls a comfortable childhood within a large, extended family; moving to Miskolc in 1930; marriage in 1938; war mobilization; anti-Semitic regulations; his son's birth in 1940; compulsory service in a labor battalion in 1942 (two of his brothers perished); returning to Miskolc; German occupation in 1944; his parents' deportations; ghettoization; avoiding deportation by enlisting, with a brother, in a labor battalion; working under a protective commander in Jo?svafo? and on the...

  8. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of K. G., who left Warsaw on November 7th, 1939. K. G. describes his return to Warsaw with the evacuee-trains from Łomża, the bombing of trains and the destruction of train-stations along the way. In Warsaw, K. G. formed part of the Jewish Citizen's committee, a body that was responsible for the Jewish population of Warsaw and the upcoming war. The committee conducted several meetings, all under fire, and coordinated with other organizations in Warsaw both receiving and giving philanthropic aid. The heavy bombardments and destruction of buildings city-wide have, however, disrupted...

  9. The Destruction of Brok - Bulletin No.6

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This bulletin was intended to publish the work of the Committee for collecting material about the destruction of the Jews in Poland, describing the destruction of the town of Brok. The town before the war is described as peaceful, with good relations between Jews and non-Jews, including the ethnic German population of the area. The bulletin describes how, at the beginning of the war, aerial bombardment damaged the town, and refugees flooded it. Jewish youth fled east. At first the Germans appeared friendly, although they took goods with no payment, but after a short while they drove the pop...

  10. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of S. L., a yeshiva student from Goworowo, who studied in yeshivas in Bialystok and Ostrow Mazowieck, b. April 28, 1918. He tells of how he returned to Goworowo to be with his parents the day before the war. When the Germans entered town they took upward of 500 young men, Jews and Poles, first to Ostrow Mazowiecki, and from there by train to Germany, to Hohenstein in Ostpreußen where the prisoners were put to work in a camp situated near the WWI memorial. He describes the difficult conditions in the camp, the lack of food and water while they were in transport, and the brutal shoo...

  11. [Public manifastation of gratitude to the Belgium nation]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several information about a public manifastation to show respect to the Belgium nation. There was a huge festivity to thank the Belgium nation for there generosity and the help regarding the Jewish population. Queen Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Belgium honored this ceremony, alongside with Cardinal Jozef-Ernest van Roey, Family members of the Van Cauweleart and Chaim Perelman. Also representatives of the Belgium Government were invited by the Jewish Relief organisations. Further important representatives from several nations and from all over the wold showed their respec...

  12. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of G., a woman from Kutno. She describes the bombings and the ruin of the town, which was burnt completely leaving not a single house whole. The casualties were so numerous the hospitals and public buildings were packed with them. Gąbin and Plock, the neighboring towns, were also destroyed. She describes how after the occupation of Kutno by the Germans the local Jewish intelligentsia was arrested and conscripted to forced labor with the assistance of the local Poles, and Yom Kippur services were forbidden. She and her 2-year-old child left Kutno to find her husband who was in the ...

  13. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of A. K., b. 1908, a mill worker from Wyszków. He describes the bombings and the flooding of refugees from Mlawa, Przasnysz and Pultusk, and the panic which caused the residents of Wyszków to flee into the forests, where they lost their way. They were overtaken by the German occupation in the city of Stoczek, where men, both Jews and Poles, were taken and marched out into the forest and to a camp at Ostrów Mazowiecka where military and civilian personnel were separated. He describes discrimination between Jews and Poles along the way, and the hunger in the camp. Eventually the Jew...

  14. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of M. T., a 22 year old baker from Poręba-Kocęby, a small town oin the Ostrow Mazowiecka district. According to the author of the testimony, the town was not damaged by bombardment, and no local casualties fell. The Germans entered the town and looted the Jewish homes; in some homes they even broke down the walls. Then they ordered men to come with them, saying they were going to work, and held them in a church for several days without food. The Poles that were held with them were fed, and abused the Jews, taking from them money and their watches, together with the German soldiers...

  15. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Statement No 109]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of H. M., 33 year old trader from Hrubieszów. The city was taken over by the Germans, and then by the Russians, who arrested people as provocateurs. The Russians left the city after only a short time, returning it to German control. The Germans executed Jews in town and kidnapped Jews for conscript labor. After the German reentry, the Polish population attempted to dismiss the Jews from the civil guard and city authorities, until the guard had been dismantled by the Germans and replaced with a Ukrainian contingent. With which the Polish population cooperated against the Jews. The ...

  16. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of J. F., 27 years old lacemaker from L'viv. After initial bombardments, he describes the German control of L'viv, and the sabotage of efforts to establish Jewish civilian authorities after the invasion. He describes the welcome of the Ukrainian population and their actions against the Jews of the city by serving as informers. Likewise, he described the fleeing of the Jewish population from the neighboring city of Krystynopol, and the temporary retaking of it by the Polish military. The Jews of Krystonopol received the Poles with joy and resisted the Germans with Molotov cocktail ...

  17. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland: Record No. 18]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Ezriel Kruk was a jewish soldier in the Polish army, a member for the jewish comittee in Lipna and a member of the Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeter Bund in Lite, Poyln un Rusland (General Jewish Labour Bund in Lithuania, Poland and Russia. He depicts how on the 5th of September 1939 the civil population and the army were evacuated from Lipna. Although the Germans and the Jews of his unit were not put on guard anymore, he stayed with the unit and testified how the Polish army arrested german civilians. He also describes lynching of German civilians by the Polish population. During heavy air raids...

  18. Die Neue Welt Revue

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several newspaper editions of 'Die Neue Welt Revue' published at the end of April and beginning of Mai 1935. 'Die Neue Welt Revue' (The New World Revue) was a newspaper issued from Alsace, France. Between 1933-1934 Hans Mayer, a German-Jewish refugee and cadre of the Communist Party of Germany (Opposition), was an editor of 'Die Neue Welt'. During Mayer's editorship, the newspaper took a more anti-fascist approach, at the expense of Alsatian autonomism. Furthermore numerous reports rearding the life in Palestine, migration to there and advertisments for possibilities to mi...

  19. Jews in several countries 1939

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file contains a month by month survey of the Jews' situation in several European countries as well as in Palestine and of the refugees' problem all over the world. The first files are letters from the Jewish Central Information Office about the Jews in Italy. The other documents report about the Jews in Romania, the Jewish emigration policy and the official measures taken in favor of or against the Jews ; in the Baltic States and especially in Lithuania, about the virulent traders' anti-Jewish propaganda despite the official government position against anti-Jewish steps, the deteriorati...

  20. Die Neue Welt Revue

    1. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    The file contains several newspaper editions of 'Die Neue Welt Revue' published at the end of April and beginning of Mai 1935. 'Die Neue Welt Revue' (The New World Revue) was a newspaper issued from Alsace, France. Between 1933-1934 Hans Mayer, a German-Jewish refugee and cadre of the Communist Party of Germany (Opposition), was an editor of 'Die Neue Welt'. During Mayer's editorship, the newspaper took a more anti-fascist approach, at the expense of Alsatian autonomism. Furthermore numerous reports rearding the life in Palestine, migration to there and advertisments for possibilities to mi...