
Displaying items 6,341 to 6,360 of 7,748
  1. Dan G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dan G., who was born in Wu?rzburg, Germany in 1928. He describes the family move to Munich in 1932; anti-Jewish laws; two older siblings' emigration to Yugoslavia and one to Palestine; loss of the family business in 1936; placement in a Jewish boarding school; his parents' deportation to Poland in 1938; his mother arranging for his illegal entry into Yugoslavia; living with his brother in Zagreb, then his sister in Subotica; learning his mother died in ?o?dz? in December 1939; correspondence from his father until June 1941; Hungarian occupation; his brother-in-law's d...

  2. Hella R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hella R., who was born in Adamów, Poland in 1926, the oldest of six children. She recounts moving to Warsaw when she was four; summers with her maternal grandparents in Adamów; attending a Jewish school; German invasion; her mother and siblings returning to Adamów (she never saw them again); ghettoization; studying with a tutor; smuggling food into the ghetto; a Polish friend bringing a letter from her mother; hospitalization for typhus; escaping from a round-up; factory work with her father; hiding in a bunker during the uprising; discovery; deportation to Majdane...

  3. Zvi S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zvi S., who was born in Komaro?w, Poland in 1931 one of nine children. He recalls German invasion; the murder of a friend; the outpouring of mourning at the funeral which still haunts him; killings whenever Germans entered town; his family hiding; ghettoization; digging a bunker under their room; hiding when Germans came; being attacked by a German dog; hiding with his family during the final liquidation; escaping one at a time; meeting one brother, one sister, and his father in the woods (the rest of the family was killed); hiding in a village; receiving food from Po...

  4. Barbara G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Barbara G., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924. She describes her happy childhood; attending a private Jewish school; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; her brother fleeing to Soviet territory; traveling to Cze?stochowa via Warsaw in December 1939; ghettoization; learning from her mother's letter about her grandparents' deaths from starvation in the ?o?dz? ghetto; losing contact with her parents in May 1942; deportations from the Cze?stochowa ghetto; her marriage; forced labor in a factory; public executions; the small ghetto's liquidation; transfer with h...

  5. Regina P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina P., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1925. She recalls her comfortable childhood; German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations; ghettoization; working in a brush shop; one sister's deportation to Treblinka; a Passover seder; hiding in bunkers during the uprising; deportation with her family to Majdanek; separation from her father; transfer ten weeks later with her sister to Auschwitz (her mother remained in Majdanek); digging ditches; separation from her pregnant sister (she never saw her again); her emotional state during selections; working in potato fields and ...

  6. Simon D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Simon D., who was born in Vitebsk, Byelorussia in 1892. He recalls moving to ?o?dz? as a child; studying in Moscow; returning to ?o?dz? in 1923; marriage; working as an accountant for the Bund; increasing antisemitism from 1933 onward; German invasion; fleeing to Warsaw, then Bia?ystok (in the Soviet zone) with his son while his wife and daughter remained in ?o?dz?; working as a factory accountant in Orsha; and arranging for his wife and daughter to join them in December 1939. Mr. D. recounts his denunciation and arrest as a Bund member in 1941; interrogation and rele...

  7. Mayer Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mayer Z., who was born in Piotrko?w Trybunalski, Poland in 1912, one of five children in an impoverished family. He recalls working as a tailor from age eleven; living in ?o?dz?; starting a business with his brother-in-law in Piotrko?w; increasing antisemitism; German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations; escaping to the Soviet zone in December; encountering his wife in Brest; moving to Hantsavichy; arrest with his brother-in-law; imprisonment in Luninet?s? and Pinsk; deportation to a Soviet concentration camp; forced labor for a year; transfer to Solikamsk after German ...

  8. Werner C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Werner C., who was born in Essen, Germany in 1921. He recalls his parents' German patriotism; social barriers between German and "eastern" Jews; anti-Semitic incidents in school; expulsion in 1938; attending a Jewish school in Cologne; destruction of their home on Kristallnacht; imprisonment, then transfer to Dachau; help from a cousin; and release due to the intervention of a friend who was an influential Nazi and his promise to emigrate (his mother obtained a commitment from Erich Klibansky for Mr. C. to accompany a children's transport). He recalls studying in Lond...

  9. Abraham S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham S., who was born in Chorzo?w, Poland in 1926, one of two brothers. He recounts attending public school; his bar mitzvah; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; his brother fleeing to Krako?w; deportation of his father and uncle for forced labor (they never saw them again); forced relocation to Sosnowiec; his brother's return; forced labor in a German uniform factory for two years; public executions; deportation to a labor camp (he never saw his mother and brother again); slave labor constructing roads; transfer to Graeditz, Laurahu?tte, and Chorzo?w; corresp...

  10. Sara M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara M., an only child, who was born in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland in 1938. She recounts early memories of fear; living among many relatives; constant hunger; her mother soothing her; being smuggled to a non-Jewish family friend during a round-up in about 1943; being smuggled back to the ghetto two weeks later (her mother was gone); being cared for by her mother's half-sister; a painful separation from her father when forced to board cattle trains; her aunt caring for her in Ravensbrück; sexual abuse by guards on Christmas; a female SS guard giving her extra food ...

  11. Bruno G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bruno G., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1925. He recalls an assimilated life in the Friedrichshain district; antisemitic harassment after January 1933; feeling secure because his father was a decorated war veteran; his parents' divorce; living with his mother; expulsion from school in 1935; attending a Jewish school; Kristallnacht; his brother's emigration to England in April 1939; outbreak of war; apprenticeship as a blacksmith; forced labor for Siemens-Schuckertwerke; sabotaging his work; his grandfather's deportation to Theresienstadt; his mother's and aunt's ...

  12. Hila B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hila B., who was born in Jędrzejów, Poland in 1919, the seventh of eight children. She recounts her family's move to Łódź when she was six months old; their orthodoxy and relative affluence; participating in Gordonyah and Maccabi; her father's death in 1936; working to help support the family; marriage in March 1939; her brothers' and husband's military draft; German invasion; return of three brothers and her husband; visiting her injured brother in Skierniewice; his return; several of her siblings moving to Warsaw and her mother to Piotrków Trybunalski; joining ...

  13. Maliette W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maliette W., who was born in Strasbourg, France in 1929, one of two children of Polish e?migre?s. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; visiting her grandmother in Poland and other relatives in Germany; attending a French school; vacationing with relatives, but without her father, in Paris-Plage when the war broke out; her father bringing a few possessions from Strasbourg after its ordered evacuation; moving to Vichy; attending school; her relatives leaving for Spain; her family's departure for Marseille; obtaining visas to Martinique; interdiction of their ship by the...

  14. Dina G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina G., who was born in Zolochiv, Poland in 1921, one of four children. She recalls her family's Zionism; Soviet occupation in 1939; her older brother's draft into the Soviet military (she never saw him again); German invasion; a mass killing of Jews; round-up with her mother, sister-in-law, and infant nephew (her father and brother hid); a soldier brutally killing her nephew; removal from the deportation train by a German solider; returning home; forced labor in a nearby camp; meeting her future husband there; bringing her father and brother food; ghettoization; a m...

  15. Rachel F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel F., who was born in Skarz?ysko-Kamienna, Poland in 1924. She describes attending public and religious schools; orthodox observances in her close, extended family; German-Jewish refugees arriving in the early 1930s; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization in 1941; volunteering to go to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna labor camp in June 1942; slave labor at the munitions factory; public executions; learning the ghetto was liquidated in October; a brief visit with her brother in 1943 (she never saw him again); transfer to Cze?stochowa in summer ...

  16. Rubin P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rubin P., who was born in Dyatlovo, Poland (presently Dzi?a?tlava, Belarus). He describes his Orthodox family; attending yeshiva in Dvorets; antisemitic incidents in 1938; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in June 1941; anti-Jewish laws; a mass killing on July 15, 1941 including his parents and younger sister; ghettoization in November; Alter Dvoretski, a Judenrat leader, organizing partisans; smuggling arms into the ghetto; hiding with his older sister during a mass killing on August 6, 1942; their escape; learning Dvoretski was murdered by non-Jewish partis...

  17. Jacobo B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacobo B., who was born in Ma?kow Mazowiecki, Poland in 1926. He recalls attending Jewish and secular schools; stoning by Polish children; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; work in a forced labor camp, then with his father in the Mako?w ghetto; transfer to the M?awa ghetto; some relatives' deportation to Treblinka; deportation to Auschwitz with his mother, father, and sister; gender separation upon arrival (he never saw them again); digging canals in Birkenau; separation from his father upon transfer to Auschwitz; hospitalization; help from a Polish doctor; r...

  18. Judith C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith C., who was born in Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1938. She recounts a large extended family; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; a non-Jew offering to hide them; escaping with several relatives with assistance from a forest ranger; hiding in the forests; receiving food from the ranger; leaving when the ranger's wife threatened exposure; hiding in a barn, then living in forests; escaping a German raid carried by her father (they were separated from her mother); encountering partisans; reunion with her mother; living in the forests with a partisa...

  19. Dasha R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dasha R., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1929, one of six children. She recalls her father was a Gerer Hasid; antisemitic violence; close relations with her brothers' children; German invasion; being sent to relatives in a small town; the town burning; fleeing to her brothers' home in Wodzis?aw; returning home after a few weeks; learning her cousin perished when the Germans burned the synagogue; a public hanging; caring for her brothers' children; hiding the children during round-ups; her parents escaping from a round-up; being taken to Sosnowiec; crying constantl...

  20. Aviva U. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aviva U., who was born in Warsaw, Poland after her father's death. She recalls attending a Polish school, the only Jew in a quota; staying with her grandparents in Otwock; German invasion; returning to Warsaw; ghettoization; attending school; escaping a mass killing when her mother's body knocked her down and she feigned death; obtaining false papers from her mother's friend; escaping from the ghetto; posing as a Russian refugee; exposure by a Jew; denying her Judaism under torture; a priest attesting she was Catholic; transport to Germany for forced labor; working fo...