
Displaying items 6,321 to 6,340 of 7,748
  1. Rena B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rena B., who was born in Lv?ov, Poland in 1925. She recounts an affluent childhood; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; round-ups and mass killings, including her uncle and sister; forced labor; ghettoization; public hangings; working outside the ghetto; her father's death; purchasing false papers; leaving with her mother for work and not returning; a non-Jew taking them to his aunt in Warsaw; feeling they had come from hell into heaven seeing people living normally; observing the Warsaw ghetto burning from afar; hiding with another non-Jew in Jelonki; be...

  2. Albin W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Albin W., who was born in Opato?w, Poland, in 1914, the oldest of three children. He recounts attending a Jesuit high school; becoming a civil engineer in Warsaw; German invasion; his brother's death in the infantry; fleeing to Lut?s??k, in the Soviet zone; teaching mathematics in Sofii?vka; German invasion; being compelled with others to dig a large trench; a mass killing at the trench; escaping into the forest; obtaining weapons to join the Soviet partisans; blowing up German trains; working as a non-Jew in Lut?s??k, then teaching in Rivne; liberation by Soviet troo...

  3. Rosalie S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rosalie S., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1922, the oldest of three children. Ms. S. recounts her family's orthodoxy; German invasion; her father fleeing east (he did not return); briefly moving to a nearby town; ghettoization in Krako?w; deportation of her family (she never saw them again); marriage; daily forced labor; hiding her grandmother (she was discovered and deported); frequent murders of Jews; her husband's transfer to P?aszo?w; her deportation to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; slave labor in a munitions factory; public hanging of a friend who had helped her; a b...

  4. Erika H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erika H., who was born in Schivelbein, Germany (presently Świdwin, Poland) in 1921. She recounts the birth of her twin sisters in 1923; summers with grandparents in Kolberg (Kołobrzeg); her family's sabbath observance; antisemitic harassment by other children; her father's bankruptcy in 1930; attending gymnasium; their landlord forcing them to leave their apartment in 1934; moving to the same building as her grandmother in Berlin; attending Jewish schools; working as a tutor; membership in a leftist youth group; men asking for her father on Kristallnacht; non-Jews hi...

  5. Dov E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dov E., who was born in 1925 in Vasil'kovtsy, Poland (presently Ukraine). He recounts living in Husi︠a︡tyn; his mother's death; his father's remarriage; the birth of a half-brother; attending Polish and Hebrew schools; participating in Gordonyah; spending holidays with his grandmother; Soviet occupation; fleeing to cousins in Kopychynt︠s︡i; returning home; attending a Soviet school; German invasion; fleeing to a nearby village; living with his grandfather in Vasil'kovtsy; returning home; slave labor clearing roads and in a warehouse; working in Probezhna; round-up and...

  6. Amelia B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Amelia B., who was born in Khust, Czechoslovakia in 1929. She recounts her happy childhood; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions in 1940; attending a Jewish school; ghettoizaton following German occupation in 1944; transport to Auschwitz; separation from her parents upon arrival; the importance of remaining with her sister; the value of friendship and helping each other; frequent selections, starvation, lice, and constant death; moving from one barrack to another to find a safer place; transfer to a work camp in Breslau; receiving bread from a Yugoslav civil...

  7. Emanuel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emanuel S., who was born in Sa?rospatak, Hungary in 1929. He recalls his first day at religious school on his third birthday; antisemitic harassment by children; his father's death in 1941; his bar mitzvah in 1942; membership in a Zionist group; German invasion on March 20, 1944; anti-Jewish laws; transfer with his family to Sa?toraljau?jhely ghetto on April 19; deportation to Auschwitz in June; separation from his mother and aunt upon arrival; separation from his brothers three weeks later when he was transferred to Mauthausen, then Gusen; slave labor in a quarry and...

  8. Lily M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lily M., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1924. She recalls an assimilated, affluent home; antisemitism beginning in 1935; her father losing his state job; moving to a village; her mother's death from cancer; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; ghettoization with her father and sister and other relatives in Vilna; obtaining essential jobs; attending music and poetry performances; a woman who escaped mass shootings in Ponary (she went mad); singing partisan songs at work at Porobanek airfield; deportation with her aunt, sister, and cousins to Kaiserwald; s...

  9. Lucille M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lucille M., who was born in Zboro?w, Poland (presently Zboriv, Ukraine) in 1930. She recalls Jewish communal life and Zionism; her affluent family; antisemitic harassment by children; German bombardment in 1939; Soviet occupation; confiscation of her father's business by Soviet authorities; German invasion in June 1941; her father and uncles hiding during a mass killing of Jewish men; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; having extra food and protection due to her father's membership on the Judenrat and his non-Jewish associates; incarceration in the Zboro?w labor ...

  10. David P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David P., who was born in Šiauliai, Lithuania in 1924. He recalls attending a Hebrew gymnasium; participating in a Socialist-Zionist youth group; Soviet occupation; transformation of his school from Hebrew to Yiddish; joining a clandestine Zionist group; German invasion in 1941; fleeing east with his family; capture by Lithuanians; imprisonment in Šiauliai; separation from his family; forced labor digging ditches, which he later learned were mass graves where his father was killed; release; ghettoization; living with his mother and sister; working in a factory; brie...

  11. Tauba B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tauba B., who was born in Zamos?c?, Poland in 1918. She recalls German invasion; brief Soviet occupation; reversion to German authority; fleeing with her family to Hrubieszo?w, then Volodymyret?s??; Soviet authorities settling them in Dubno; marriage; her family's flight to Russia in 1940; her husband's draft into the Soviet military (she never saw him again); her daughter's birth; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; her baby's death; being smuggled out by a Ukrainian (her husband's family perished in a mass killing); traveling to Ternopil? as a non-Jew; working f...

  12. Raye D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raye D., an only child, who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1928. She recalls her large, extended family; attending a private Yiddish school with Gabriel Weinreich; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; her father's execution in July; ghettoization; hiding with her mother and relatives during round-ups; deportation to Kaiserwald with her mother and one aunt (her daughter had been taken); slave labor for Organization Todt (OT); German OT staff giving them extra food; transfer to Stutthof in late 1943, then to a subcamp of Dachau; ...

  13. Samuel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel G., who was born in Podhajce, Poland (presently Pidhai?t?s?i, Ukraine) in 1931. He recalls attending public school; one sister's emigration to the United States; attending high school in L?viv; antisemitic harassment; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; draft into the Polish military in 1936 for eighteen months; training to emigrate to Palestine in Khodoriv; military call-up in August 1939; posting to Nowy Sa?cz; German attack; being wounded; capture; hospitalization as a Polish POW; transfer to Stalag XIII-Nu?rnberg, then Stalag VIIIA; receiving mail and packag...

  14. Michael L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael L., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924. He recalls visiting his paternal grandmother in Bielowice; his brother's birth in 1933; pervasive antisemitism; attending a Jewish school; participating in No'ar ha-Tsiyoni; attending trade school in 1938; German invasion in 1939; gradual deterioration of living conditions; ghettoization in spring 1940; severe hunger and cold; forced labor in a metal working shop; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in August 1944; separation from his family (he never saw them again); transfer to Gleiwitz; slave labor in a wagon/auto s...

  15. Regina F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina F., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1931. She recounts German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations; ghettoization; her mother leaving to have a baby and not returning; hiding during a round-up; being found; selection into a group of children, sick, and elderly; running to the group with her father and brothers; making it to the group next to theirs; deportation to Klettendorf; slave labor; crying for her mother; stopping when she realized she was on her own; starvation; transfer to Ludwigsdorf; slave labor in a munitions factory; older prisoners caring for her ...

  16. Charles R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles R., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1927. He recalls his parents' divorce; the Anschluss; expulsion from school; observing violence on Kristallnacht; he and his mother smuggling themselves to France, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, but being apprehended and returned; illegally traveling to Strasbourg; arrest; his mother's brief imprisonment; moving to Paris; German invasion; living in a children's home in central France; transfer to Limoges; hiding during police searches; receiving correspondence requesting him to join his mother; going to Rivesaltes; learning...

  17. Simon F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Simon F., who was born in Ti?a?chiv, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in approximately 1920, the eleventh of sixteen children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; apprenticeship as a knitter; Hungarian occupation; one brother's emigration to Palestine in 1939; working in a sweater factory in Budapest beginning in 1939; evading draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion for eighteen months; slave labor in a parachute factory in 1943; marriage in August 1944; deportation to Ko?szeg in November; encountering a brother; slave labor digging ditches; receiving extra food...

  18. Jacob O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacob O., who was born in S?awko?w, Poland in 1921. He recalls growing up in an assimilated family; German invasion; mass killings; fleeing to Olsztyn with his family; returning to S?awko?w; ghettoization; forced labor; his brother volunteering to replace a young father for deportation in January 1940 (he was killed in a camp); arranging a hiding place for his parents with help from a non-Jewish friend; escaping with his family to Strzemieszyce; forced labor in Sagan; his sister arranging a privileged job in the kitchen for him with help from a German; working as a Bl...

  19. Jack O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack O., who was born in Sierpc, Poland in 1924, one of six children. He recalls his family's poverty; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; ghettoization in Sierpc, then Warsaw; escaping back to Sierpc; transfer to another ghetto, then M?awa; transport to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from his family; slave labor collecting corpses; sterilization; contact with his father; receiving food from him; assignment to a bricklayer's school; castration on one side in Josef Mengele's "experimental" hospital and, a year later, on the other side; a privileged position sortin...

  20. Michael R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael R., who was born in Dresden, Germany in 1926. He recalls leaving suddenly for Teplice right after he started school; moving to Prague; his grandparents, who remained in Dresden, emigrating to Palestine; his father obtaining Ecuadorian passports; the outbreak of war preventing their emigration; his father's death in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions, including expulsion from school and wearing the yellow star; deportation with his mother to Theresienstadt in 1942; living in a children's barrack, then a youth barrack; visiting his mother daily; several forced labor...