
Displaying items 6,241 to 6,260 of 10,858
  1. Hitler's visit to Rome, May 1938

    A group of Italian school girls, escorted by nuns, followed by a group of young boys in uniform. Uniformed men with feathered hats march down the street. Women in native costume. A panning shot shows a huge building surrounded by Nazi flags and a crowd of spectators behind a barricade. Uniformed young girls march down the street. Uniformed boys, some with rifles and some playing drums. Long shot of men on motorcycles as they perform some kind of routine on a large field. More marching men on the streets of Rome, followed by Hitler's motorcade. Hitler is briefly visible, as is Goebbels, who ...

  2. Festival in Bayreuth; House of German Art in Munich

    “Ufa Schmalfilm Magazin” / UFA film logo / “Nr. 43” “Beute im Werte von hunderten von Millionen Mark.” Rows and rows of small carts in a field, some covered. A pile of soldiers helmets. Aerial view of a city. Smokestacks. Nazi officers walk alongside piles of weapon parts. INT weaponry facility. Men pour water from a metal cylinder. Steel rods. Neatly stacked rows of German bombs. 01:01:43 Intertitle, “Friedliche Leben in Deutschland.” Bayreuth Festspielhaus. People walk under banners that read, “Herzlich Willkommen in Bayreuth,” and “Suheee! Deutschland bist Du!” Nazi flags. More people wa...

  3. Filming feature films; Cardinal Faulhaber; Eisenhower in Germany; commemoration for victims of fascism in Berlin

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 72 Title: Filmstart in der Britischen Zone: Die beiden ersten Spielfilme [Beginning of filming in the British zone: the first two feature films]. A crowd watches as filming gets underway in Hamburg. The director describes the first scene before the action starts. The camera rolls along a track fillming the scene. The next film involves young people sailing in kayaks along the Weser river between Karlshafen and the sea. The camera, mounted on a raft, follows the boats on the river. The narrator names the stars of the film. The young stars are shown eating lunch and ta...

  4. "My Story"

    Consists of one memoir, 55 pages, entitled "My Story," by Sol Graf (also known as Zoltan Grof or Shlomo Graf), originally of Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary. He describes pre-war life, the invasion of Hungary, being sent to the Moson ghetto and from there to the ghetto in Gyor. At the beginning of June, he was deported to Auschwitz and describes the selection process and being placed in the children's barrack in the so-called "Gypsy camp." He was transferred to Auschwitz I and later to the Sachsenhausen, Lieberose, and Mauthausen concentration camps. He was liberated from Gunskirchen in May 1945 a...

  5. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A previous expert witness asks to give additional testimony and is questioned; a witness testifies

    13:40 President Cerdini opens the hearing; asks for the accused to present himself; Barbie refuses to appear 13:41 Cerdini asks a bailiff to summon Barbie 13:41 Another bailiff reads the list of witnesses set to appear; identifies those who are absent 13:44 Cerdini suspends the hearing until the bailiff returns from summoning Barbie at the jail 14:05 Cerdini resumes the hearing; the clerk reads the bailiff's report; Barbie refuses to appear 14:08 Cerdini reads a decree stating that the trial will continue in Barbie's absence 14:09 German Attorney General Streim, a previous witness, asks to ...

  6. Displaced persons camp at Funk Caserne and Dachau; ruins

    01:00:00 Sign: “Funk Caserne, Emigrant Assembly Center, Repatriation Center, Infiltree Center.” Soldier in front of a gate. Signs: “Deutsche Ungaren Rumanen Bulgaren Dürfen das Lager nicht betreten,” and “Übernachtungen von Gasten und Enzelnen durchreisenden im Lager sind nicht erlaubt.” Displaced men, women, children, one carries a funeral wreath. Men and women in uniform smile for camera. WS, ambulances, bombed out buildings in a city (Munich?), piles of rubble next to remains of buildings. A woman in uniform looks at the camera. Man with hat shakes her hand. VAR, several people waiting w...

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Postwar Germany, puppet show depicting Goering being hanged

    Men working on a badly damaged building in postwar Munich. People and horse-drawn carriages on the streets. A crowd of people gather to buy newspapers. The dope sheet indicates that this footage was filmed on the day after the executions at Nuremberg. A woman looks at a poster advertising a performance of "Die Schoene Helena" by Offenbach, a Jew whose works were forbidden under the Nazis. Men looking at more advertisements for entertainment, some of them in English. A huge billboard advertises a Loretta Young movie, "Roman einer Taenzerin," also with Konrad Veitd. Scenes from a stage perfor...

  8. Polish refugee children

    Title: "P.I.C. Films, Inc. Presents: Children in Refuge" "A film dedicated to children who suffer because of war" American children in classroom. Ruins in Warsaw (Julien Bryan footage from "Siege" of Warsaw in 1939). Relief packages for Polish children. National War Fund. Polish War Relief. American children reading thank you letters from Polish children. Scenes from refugee camps in Iran, Palestine, South Africa, Kenya, military school in Scotland. Unique shots include footage of emaciated boys in tattered clothing (at 01:11:13 and 01:11:27). These are Polish children deported to the Sovie...

  9. Joffe family papers

    Consists of documents, correspondence, and photographs related to the pre-war and wartime experiences of Szymon Joffe (later Paul or Sam Jaffe), originally of Łódź, Poland. In May 1938, Mr. Joffe was able to immigrate to the United States, where he joined the American Army and spent the last months of the war as part of the American occupation of Paris, France. Includes wartime correspondence from family members who remained in Poland and perished during the Holocaust, documents related to his experiences in the American military, and extensive photos related to his wartime experiences and ...

  10. World War I scenes

    Panning shot of destroyed buildings. People walking in the background. Soldiers wearing Prussian helmets run through a street. Some carry buckets and some are on horseback. Soldiers ride their horses up to a line of carts, to which they hitch the horses. Men in civilian clothes walk down a street. Some carry bundles. They are accompanined/guarded by soldiers and uniformed men wearing armbands with crosses (medical personnel). Soldiers look at trenches (from bombs?). Several horse-drawn carts bearing cross banners ride down a road. LS of soldiers running across a barren field. Some of them d...

  11. Small, yellow warning pennant with a skull and crossbones acquired by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Goldberg collection

    German military issue, poison gas warning pennant brought back from Germany by Harold Goldberg, an American soldier who served in the European Theater in 1945. The pennants were attached to a thin, iron rod and staked into the ground. They were used to mark off areas contaminated with dangerous gas, and later repurposed to warn against hidden landmines. The pennants were part of a set that included 20 flags, each attached to a 60-cm-long iron rod, painted with red anti-rust paint, a roll of yellow tape, and a carrying pouch. Harold B. Goldberg lived in New York City, where he attended City ...

  12. Licco Haim and friends swim in pools in Sofia

    Slow-motion swimming in pools in the Dianabad beach in Sofia (still exist today). High diving and playing in the pool. Man running laps around the pool. Woman with cap swims. 01:10:08 Title with 10 August date and names of friends, Anny, Licco, Hans, Kete, Telko, Rene. The group swims, dives, and plays with objects in the pool. One of the men attempts to balance on a large water wheel in the pool; sign in Bulgarian painted on a building in BG, "Middle depth pool ... for beginners." Diving. AGFA 8 [8 distinguishes the film gauge of 8mm].

  13. The poetry of Yehuda Amichai

    Adapted from Yehuda Amichai's "Poems" published in English by Harper and Row Publishers, Inc. This film is a mood film set to the poetry of Yehuda Amichai that shows scenes of contemporary life in Israel. Views of ruined cemetery in Jerusalem. Man walking among graves, walking along seashore. Waves washing over still pictures of the Holocaust. Ruins of Caesarea. Children playing, wife bidding farewell to her soldier husband. Stills of wounded soldier, soldiers resting on ground during exercise, then on the move. Mother bathing baby. Still of children and young couples. People bathing in riv...

  14. Selected records from the French Protectorates of Morocco and Tunisia, Syria and Lebanon under French mandate after WWI until after WWII, and the French Embassy in Madrid.

    This collection consists of selected administrative records from the former French protectorates of Morocco and Tunisia and related files from the “Syria-Lebanon” collection and from the French Embassy in Madrid. The documents originate from a variety of sectors of the colonial administration including the departments of the interior, immigration, public health and welfare, religious affairs, and foreign affairs, as well as police, public works, postal, military, and municipal records. Military records relate to internment camps, prisoners of war, and censorship. Municipal records document ...

  15. German Army, Jager Regiment, Brandenburg Division, sleeve insignia with embroidered oak leaves acquired by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Goldberg collection

    German Army dark green wool badge with a spray of oak leaves brought back from the war by Harold Goldberg, an American soldier who served in Europe, circa 1945-1946, during and after World War II. The patch was worn on the upper right sleeve by Jager (light infantry) Regiments, Panzer-Grenadier Division, known as the Brandenburg Division. For most of the war, this was an elite commando unit specializing in saboteur campaigns. In July 1944, several Division members were implicated in the failed assassination plot on Hitler. It was redesignated as a conventional unit and sent into action on t...

  16. Luftwaffe KRS shoulder board with gold piping acquired by US soldier

    1. Bernard B. Cohen collection

    Luftwaffe officer's Kraftfahrschule [KRS, Motor Transport School] shoulder strap with gold piping brought back from the war by Bernard B. Cohen, a soldier with the United States Third Army. The shoulder board appears to have been cut off a German uniform. Cohen was in combat with the Third Army from the fall of 1944 through the end of the war in May 1945.

  17. Luftwaffe flak artillery shoulder strap with red piping acquired by US soldier

    1. Bernard B. Cohen collection

    Luftwaffe flak artillery uniform shoulder board with red piping brought back from the war by Bernard B. Cohen, a soldier with the United States Third Army as it fought its way across Europe from fall 1944 through the end of the war in May 1945.

  18. Luftwaffe KRS shoulder board with gold piping acquired by US soldier

    1. Bernard B. Cohen collection

    Luftwaffe officer's Kraftfahrschule [Motor Transport School] shoulder board brought back from the war by Bernard B. Cohen, a soldier with the United States Third Army as it fought its way across Europe from the fall of 1944 through the end of the war in May 1945.

  19. Luftwaffe KRS shoulder board with gold piping acquired by US soldier

    1. Bernard B. Cohen collection

    Luftwaffe officer's Kraftfahrschule [KRS, Motor Transport School] shoulder strap with gold piping brought back from the war by Bernard B. Cohen, a soldier with the United States Third Army. The shoulder board appears to have been cut off a German uniform. Cohen was in combat with the Third Army from the fall of 1944 through the end of the war in May 1945.

  20. Luftwaffe KRS shoulder board with gold piping acquired by US soldier

    1. Bernard B. Cohen collection

    Luftwaffe officer's Kraftfahrschule [KRS, Motor Transport School] shoulder strap with gold piping brought back from the war by Bernard B. Cohen, a soldier with the United States Third Army. The shoulder board appears to have been cut off a German uniform. Cohen was in combat with the Third Army from the fall of 1944 through the end of the war in May 1945.