Licco Haim and friends swim in pools in Sofia

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 2015.360.2
  • RG-60.1758
Level of Description
  • Silent
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

Licco Max Haim (1910-2002), an amateur filmmaker, was asked by the military commander of the 4th Construction Company of the 1st (Jewish) Labor Battalion to make a film of their activities and deliver it to him. Licco did so, but managed to hide one 8mm roll (Film ID 4115), shot in the summer of 1941 to build a road in Lakatnik as part of the forced labor battalion. Most of the Jewish men in the unit had resided in Sofia, mostly in the neighborhood of Iuchbunar. After the summer of 1941, Licco was summoned to work on the repair of cars in Sofia, as he was expert as a mechanic. He married Berta on December 18, 1941.

Scope and Content

Slow-motion swimming in pools in the Dianabad beach in Sofia (still exist today). High diving and playing in the pool. Man running laps around the pool. Woman with cap swims. 01:10:08 Title with 10 August date and names of friends, Anny, Licco, Hans, Kete, Telko, Rene. The group swims, dives, and plays with objects in the pool. One of the men attempts to balance on a large water wheel in the pool; sign in Bulgarian painted on a building in BG, "Middle depth pool ... for beginners." Diving. AGFA 8 [8 distinguishes the film gauge of 8mm].


  • Anny could be the name of Licco's cousin who did the matchmaking between Licco and his wife Berta.

  • In early March 1941, Bulgaria joined the Axis alliance and, in April 1941, participated in the German-led attack on Yugoslavia and Greece. In return, Bulgaria received German authorization to occupy most of Greek Thrace, Yugoslav Macedonia, and Pirot County in eastern Serbia. Beginning in July 1940, Bulgarian authorities instituted anti-Jewish legislation that excluded Jews from public service, restricted their choice of places of residence, and restricted their participation in many occupations. However, during the war, German-allied Bulgaria did not deport Jews from the core provinces of Bulgaria. All male Bulgarian Jews were sent to forced labor camps in Bulgaria to build roads and bridges. In 1941, the Bulgarian military oversaw the labor camps and under their rule the treatment of Jewish nationals was harsh, but not completely unhuman. Males aged 20-46 were drafted. Later, the security forces took over managing the labor camps, and conditions worsened. Still, most of Bulgaria's Jews survived the war; in fact, the Jewish population remained the same as it was in 1939 (roughly 50,000), though almost 90% left the country by 1950.




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