
Displaying items 6,161 to 6,180 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Shawcross closing statement at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 323) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 27, 1946. MS, brief, Chief British prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross making final plea for conviction (speech only partly recorded). HMS, showing left side of prisoners' dock - Goering, Jodl, and others speaking with their attorneys during recess. HMS, von Papen and Seyss-Inquart during recess. 01:50:15 HS, MLS, MS Shawcross making his final plea for conviction of the defendants. 01:50:49 "12 million men, women, and children have died thus, murdered in cold blood." 01:51:07 "What right has any man to mercy who has played a part, howeve...

  2. Child Welfare Center, Cologne; Jewish service

    (LIB 6893) Military Government, Cologne, Germany, May 31- June 2, 1945. Children in yard of Child Welfare Center. MCU, young boys playing soccer, brick wall in BG has damaged roof and holes. MS, woman holding soccer ball with children gathered round in yard of Child Welfare Center; she divides them into teams. LS, children working in garden. MS, girl and boy picking weeds. MS, children watering neatly ordered rows of plants. MS, three girls kneeling down tending to rows of plants. CU, girl at work in garden bed. MS, woman teaching six girls to sew as they sit around her outside. VS, CU, wom...

  3. DPs boarding truck

    Displaced persons getting onto truck, boy with a guitar being lifted onto truck, female servicewoman nearby. Children on truck waving goodbye to camera. Side view of truck.

  4. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Consulate General in Frankfurt Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej we Franfurcie nad Menem (Sygn.635)

    Correspondence, passports, photographs, questionnaires, certifications related to the establishment of Polish citizenship, and issue extension of passports to Jews born in Poland but living in Germany.

  5. Political prisoners' concentration camp

    Political Prisoners' Concentration Camp, Langenstein, Germany, April 18, 1945. MSs, sick prisoners are removed on litters from barracks and placed in ambulance. MSs, CUs, unburied bodies of the dead lie in an open pit. MSs, Maj Gen Raymond S. McLain, CG of the XIX Corps, looking into the pit. VS, group of US officers and Gen McLain inspect camp. MS, Pan, deceased prisoners lying in open pit. MSs, several thin, starved-looking prisoners talk to US officer and a doctor. VS, sick prisoners on litters are carried from ambulances to the 20th Field Hospital tents in Halberstadt. CUs, medical offi...

  6. American soldiers in Paris; Louvre Palace

    From left to right: Hymie Green, his older sister Zelda Blatt (wife of Julius Blatt) and their mother Ada Green. Zelda wearing a fur coat speaks. Large ship with steam rising from its two funnels. Pans right along the dock. Hill with various buildings. Views of the sea from a boat. 01:20:33 Julius and friend talking and laughing along the edge of the boat. Julius lifts a cigar to his mouth. Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel in front of the Louvre Palace. A young girl in winter clothing leans on a stroller. A bearded man sits on a bench in the garden feeding the birds food from his pocket. Anothe...

  7. First free vote in Berlin; salvaging remains from the Cap Arcona; mushrooms; furniture donation to needy Germans

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 75 Title: Der Wahltag in Berlin [Voting day in Berlin]. People pass out election literature in the run-up to the first free vote in Germany in 14 years. Election posters and signs (Wahlpropaganda) for the SPD and the SED on buildings, including on the Reich Chancellery. Sign reading: You are Leaving the American Sector. People stand in line to vote and inside a polling place. The vote is observed by Allied military representatives. Voting in a hospital. Shots of the candidates voting. The ballots are counted and the results displayed on a large board. 02:27:52 Title:...

  8. Jack Moses papers

    The Jack Moses papers consist of correspondence, identification papers, and photographs documenting Jack Moses, his family’s immigration to the United States, his military service during and after World War II, and the fate of relatives who remained behind in Europe. The bulk of the collection is comprised of Nazi-era newspapers and booklets. The collection also includes an SS membership booklet and a Nazi Party membership booklet for unrelated men.

  9. Activation of the Volkssturm

    DW 738/1944 (October 25, 1944) Men of the Volkssturm march down the street. Posters and newspaper articles about the Volkssturm (People's Assault), which was the militia activated near the end of the war to defend Germany from the approaching Allies. The Volkssturm consisted of those males previously considered unfit for military service, including boys younger than 16 and men up to age 60. Shot of a crowded recruiting station for the Volkssturm. Men fill out paperwork and speak to recruiters. A boy staffs the station where 16-18 year olds should register. Himmler speaks about Hitler's decr...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- Embassies in Rio de Janiero

    MTT 672 N October 20, 1938: Entering Rio de Janeiro harbor in SS Brazil (tendered by the US Maritime Commission to North and South American diplomats, bankers, and businessmen to initiate the "Good Will Service" to South America). Rain. City. 02:13:00 Crowds and reception committee on dock waiting, including Ambassador Caffrey and brass band. 02:14:10 Unloading cargo. Sign on crane, "Deutsche Maschinenfabrik A.G. Duisburg." 02:15:15 Ship turning. INT, SS Brazil at official reception with Ambassador Breckinridge Long, President Vargas, and Admiral Emory S. Land, dining, foreign ships. 02:17:...

  11. Piece of black, white and red striped ribbon awarded to a Jewish German veteran

    1. Alfred and Meta Mayer Levy family collection

    World War I medal awarded to Alfred Levy for his service in the German Army during the First World War (1914-1918). Alfred, a judge, his wife Marie, and their children Marie-Louise and Theo moved from the Saar region when it voted to reunify with Germany in 1935. They resettled in Luxembourg which was occupied by Germany in May 1940. Restrictions were placed on the Jewish population to segregate them from other citizens and Marie-Louise, 15, had to leave school. In December 1940, the family was deported to Vichy France, and escaped the internment camps to live in Villefranche-de-Rouergue. I...

  12. World War I blue and white ribbon awarded to a Jewish German veteran

    1. Alfred and Meta Mayer Levy family collection

    World War I ribbon awarded to Alfred Levy for his service in the German Army during the First World War (1914-1918). Alfred, a judge, his wife Marie, and their children Marie-Louise and Theo moved from the Saar region when it voted to reunify with Germany in 1935. They resettled in Luxembourg which was occupied by Germany in May 1940. Restrictions were placed on the Jewish population to segregate them from other citizens and Marie-Louise, 15, had to leave school. In December 1940, the family was deported to Vichy France, and escaped the internment camps to live in Villefranche-de-Rouergue. ...

  13. Regis Gignoux papers

    The Regis Gignoux papers include a three-page typed letter and three photographs documenting Buchenwald concentration camp immediately following liberation. The letter was written by Gignoux’s commanding officer, a pilot who flew reporter Percy Knauth and photographers Marguerite Higgins, Margaret Bourke-White, and Lee Miller to the Buchenwald concentration camp in April 1945. The letter describes their arrival at the camp and the conditions they found there. The photographs depict victims in Buchenwald.

  14. Justices provide summary, judgement and verdicts at Nuremberg Trial

    Judgments rendered on Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg IMT, Nuremberg, Germany, 30 September 1946. Pan of courtroom from tribunal to prisoners' dock. LS, prisoners' dock and their attorneys sitting in FG as Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence reads from the Nuremberg Charter. MSs, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Karl Doenitz, Erich Raeder. MS, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg. Albert Speer and Fritz Sauckel sitting behind them. MS, Alfred Jodl, Hans Frank, Franz von Papen, Wilhelm Frick. Pan, von Papen, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Julius Streicher, Speer, Walter Funk...