
Displaying items 5,961 to 5,980 of 10,858
  1. Selected records of the commune Pacanów Akta gminy Pacanów (Sygn. 2519)

    The registry of residents of Pacanów, Poland from 1932-1948 with personal and residency information: surnames and names; parents' names and mother's maiden name; date and place of birth; a name of the main tenant and family members; occupation and position, the main source of income; confession; marital status and name of the spouse; attitude towards universal military duty; ID card; nationality; previous place of residence; a legal residence; a date of residence in the commune; the next place of residence; a date of leaving the commune; annotations about penalties; and comments.

  2. The Striker, May 1934, 12th year 1934 Der Stürmer (Nuremberg, Germany) [Newspaper]

    1. Seth Goldberg collection

    One issue of the antisemitic newspaper Der Stürmer, from May 1934 with the headline: Die Juden sind under ungluck! [The Jew is our misfortune.!] The cover has a caricature of two stereotypical Jews, one holding a knife and one holding a bowl into which blood flows from Aryan people with cut throats.

  3. Asna Hirschman Lutwak and Max Lutwak Collection

    The collection consists of documents, photographs, correspondence and artifacts illustrating the experiences of Asna Hirschmann, born 1922, Pinsk, Belarus and Max Lutwak born 1922 in Dortmund, Germany. Collection documents their individual experiences during and after the Holocaust. Asna was interned in the Kovno Ghetto, the Vaivara camp in Estonia in August 1943, then Stutthof concentration camp in Poland, and liberated January 1945. After the War, Asna pursued her medical degree, earning it June 1948. Max studied in Rennes, France and moved to Marseilles to study in 1940. He immigrated to...

  4. Leonard Montefiore collection

    Leonard Montefiore collection comprising draft writings, correspondence, printed material and press cuttings documenting his life and work

  5. The history of the Jewish community of Gleiwitz

    This account of the history of the Jewish community in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, during the Nazi era bears the original reference P.II.a. No.850 indicating that it was originally intended to be included in the Wiener Library eyewitness testimony series. In fact another account by the same author with slight variations already exists within this series bearing the reference P.II.a No.90. The report commences with an overview of the Jewish community in Gleiwitz replete with statistics. It then proceeds to detail the affects of increasing antisemitic measures, providing information on the fate ...

  6. Copy papers re Zyklon 'B'

    Copy photographs of Zyklon ‘B' canisters; copy correspondence between the War Office and the London Fumigation Company re the manufacture and use of Zyklon ‘B'; military passbook of SS Gruppenführer and Generallleutnant Jakob Sporrenberg.Former references WO.208.2169; WO.309.1602; WO.311.423

  7. 10th Mountain Division tab worn above the divison's uniform patch

    1. Gerald Schwab collection

    Rectangular, blue fabric tab for the 10th Mountain Division, which would be worn above the division's patch on a uniform.

  8. Luis Goldstein collection

  9. Harold Lawrence collection

    Documents and photographs relating to Harold Lawrence’s experiences of Kitchener Camp. These include the transcript of an interview conducted by Lawrence’s son.

  10. Asna Hirschman Lutwak and Max Lutwak papers

    1. Asna Hirschman Lutwak and Max Lutwak Collection

    Documents, photographs and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Asna Hirschmann, born 1922, Pinsk, Belarus and Max Lutwak born 1922 in Dortmund, Germany. Collection documents their individual experiences during and after the Holocaust. Asna was interned in the Kovno Ghetto, the Vaivara camp in Estonia in August 1943, then Stutthof concentration camp in Poland, and liberated January 1945. After the War, Asna pursued her medical degree, earning it June 1948. Max studied in Rennes, France and moved to Marseilles to study in 1940. He immigrated to the USA in 1941-42, working on his de...

  11. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von den Stellungen an der Narwa. Nach der Schlacht (version 2)

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Krautschdlyn, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "From the positions at the Narwa After the battle." Dramatic description of the battlefield during the Battle of Narva. Becker describes a young Estonian soldier, looking across the river at the Soviet positions, and how this battle for him is all about Heimatboden [homeland]. Detailed description of engagement between the Soviets and the Germans that ends with the death of the Estonian soldier.

  12. Medal with ribbon, case

    1. Doris Rauch and Norbert Troller collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn561100
    • English
    • a: Height: 4.750 inches (12.065 cm) | Width: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm) b: Height: 5.000 inches (12.7 cm) | Width: 2.500 inches (6.35 cm)

    WWI Cross for Military Merit 3rd Class medal (a) with attached red and white ribbon folded into a triangular shape. There is a second pin with crossed swords attached to the ribbon. Also includes original case (b) that housed the medal. The words "Militaer Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse" are printed on the lid of the box.

  13. Stern family: First World War letters from the front

    Stern family correspondence including letters from Rudolf Stern from the front during World War I to his father, Robert and sister, Hedwig (1911/1); letters from Fritz Bernstein to Robert and Hedwig Stern (1911/2); translations of this correspondence (1911/3)  

  14. Josef (Sepp) Dietrich and Michael Lippert: Copy Trial verdict

    Josef (Sepp) Dietrich and Michael Lippert: Copy trial verdict 

  15. Gestapo Sonderkommando, Lehrter Strasse Prison: Admissions book

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilmed copy document was produced when the original was still at the Royal United Service Institution, London. It is now at the Imperial War Museum.A note which precedes the list, dated 19 July 1945, from the director of the Lehrterstrasse prison, after it was taken over by the British Military authorities, states that he found the list and that it contains the names of those allegedly involved in the 20 July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler. He also states that those who were transported to...

  16. Prayer book

    1. Bernard Kupferman collection

    Siddur received by 24 year old Bernard Kupferman from Holocaust survivors in Łódź, Poland, on February 17, 1945, after his release from a German prisoner of war camp, Stalag IIIC, on his way to the US military mission in Moscow. Bernard was a sergeant in the 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division, United States Army. While crossing the Meuse River in Belgium, Bernard and his battalion were attacked and captured on September 5, 1944. He was wounded and imprisoned in Stalag IIIC in Kustrin, Germany, and liberated by Soviet forces in January 1945. He and a group of fellow prisoners walk...

  17. Book

    1. Adolph Blau family collection

    Book of poetry about Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp owned by the Blau family, Adolph, his wife, two children, and mother-in-law who were deported from Vienna, Austria, in 1942. They lived in the camp until the International Red Cross took over administration of the camp from the Germans on May 2, 1945. The family then was transferred to the Deggendorf displaced persons camp in Germany where they lived until their immigration to the United States in 1948.

  18. Book

    1. Adolph Blau family collection

    Book of poetry about Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp owned by the Blau family, Adolph, his wife, two children, and mother-in-law who were deported from Vienna, Austria, in 1942. They lived in the camp until the International Red Cross took over administration of the camp from the Germans on May 2, 1945. The family then was transferred to the Deggendorf displaced persons camp in Germany where they lived until their immigration to the United States in 1948.