
Displaying items 5,781 to 5,800 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Flüchtlinge

    1. Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto collection 1926-2018

    The file contains documents written by Gorges Brunschvig, who was a Swiss lawyer and president of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG). Internationally, he is best known for representing the plaintiff in the 1934–35 "Berne Trial". Born in Bern to a family of Jewish horse traders, Brunschvig studied law at the University of Bern and passed the bar exam in 1933. In 1934, he founded a law firm on the Marktgasse in Bern. The documents are entitled as 'Flüchtlingsprobleme' - refugee (problems). Brunschvig speaks about refugee camps he visited as a refugee commissioner (Flüchtlingskom...

  2. Germany's position hopeless owing to situation in the Balkans

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file contains quotes from the memoirs of military leaders during the First World War. The main topic is the situation in the Balkans, and its negative impact on the German war effort. The quotes are by Erich Ludendorff, August von Mackensen and Paul von Hindenburg. All were aware that a continuation of the fight after the summer of 1918 in the Balkans was an unnecessary waste of human lives. Each quote lists the author, title, publisher, and date of publication.

  3. Nazi superiority and early victories

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file is a compilation of quotes from Nazi publications, books and speeches given by Joseph Goebbels. They mainly deal with the easy victories at the beginning of the war and the outstanding performance of Adolf Hitler as a politician and military leader. Each quote lists the title, name of publication, date and publisher.

  4. Underground Propaganda in Germany and Austria

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file is a confidential summary from around 1940 about clandestine operations to bring news and allied propaganda into Germany and Austria. The operation was supported by the French Deuxième Bureau of the General Command. It gives examples how information was smuggled into Germany and Austria, and how it was hidden and presented to avoid detection by German authorities. In addition radios were smuggled, and hidden messages were engraved on vinyl records.

  5. The Nazis on "British Decadence"

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file is a compilation of quotes from various German newspapers about the decline of British leadership, economic and military strength. The quotes mainly refer to British weakness, inner decay, declining birth rate and lack of motivation and leadership. It also claims that England is ruled by an incestuous upper class clique educated mainly in Eton and democratic elections are not able to change that. Each quote is on a separate page listing the newspaper, number, place and date of publication.

  6. Capt. Röhm and June 30, 1934

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    "Ernst Julius Günther Röhm (German pronunciation: [ˈɛɐ̯nst ˈʁøːm]; 28 November 1887 – 1 July 1934) was a German military officer and an early member of the Nazi Party. As one of the members of its predecessor, the German Workers' Party, he was a close friend and early ally of Adolf Hitler and a co-founder of the Sturmabteilung (SA, "Storm Battalion"), the Nazi Party's militia, and later was its commander. By 1934, Hitler had come to see him as a potential rival, and he was executed during the Night of the Long Knives." -- Wikipedia Extracts from books and newspaper articles.

  7. Nazis and Offensive Warfare

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file is a collection of quotes from various German newspapers, reports and books showing that the Nazis never intended to be defensive in the military strategy. Adolf Hitler, Josef Goebbels and Herman Göring are quoted from their speeches. Each quote lists the source, publisher, date and place of publication.

  8. Punishment of German War Criminals

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file is a compilation of quotations from books about the end of the First World War and its aftermath. The 'humiliating' demands by the Allied nations for the extraditions of its political and military rulers are discussed. Most of the publications were written before the rise of the National Socialists to power. The refusal of the Netherlands to extradite the German emperor is mentioned as the first step of the stand against the demand of the Allies. Each quotations lists a headline, title, author, publisher and date of Publication.

  9. Importance of Japanese entry into the war

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file contains quotes from various Nazi publications and books about the importance of Japan entering the war. It emphasizes the additional weight that is put on the British-American alliance in the Pacific theater. The potential fall of Singapore and its logistic implications are discussed. It also includes a thank you letter from the BBC to the Wiener library for their support on various queries. Each quote lists the title, publication and date.

  10. [Ludwig Dische Papers - Bukovina Population]

    1. The Ludwig Dische papers : Bukovina’s Jewish history

    The file includes handwritten notes about the professions and population groups in the Bukovina in the 19th and early 20th century. It contains a printed publication from the statistics office of the duchy of Bukovina, providing data for the various districts of the Bukovina from 1913 based on the census of 1910 (civil and military), by nationality and languages spoken. Robert A. Kann's "Das Nationalitätenproblem der Habsburgermonarchie : Geschichte und Ideengehalt der nationalen Bestrebungen vom Vormärz bis zur Auflösung des Reiches im Jahre 1918", 1964 mentions population statistics and t...

  11. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the typewritten copy of a court judgement issued by the Special Court Zwickau in July 1942. The Polish locomotive employee Tadeusz Wisniewski (born in 1913 in Dobrzelin) went to court for treason ("Hochverrat"). He had been a member of the Polish military organisation "Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza", whose goal it was to regain the the western Polish territories. Wisniewski was also accused of owning and transferring the magazine "Polska Zyje" and "Orlatka". Based on the "Polenstrafrechtsverordnung", Wisniewski received a seven-year prison sentence in a "Zuchthaus", so did the...

  12. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdicts of married couple Josef (born on 12 September 1897 in Wetzwalde) and Marie Nedorost (born on 3 January 1897 in Prague). In 1943 their son, also called Josef, deserted the German army to join the Soviet Union. The defendants were accused of encouraging their son to desert the army. The main evidence consisted of letters written by Josef and Marie Nedorost to their son, in which they imply that he should leave to the Soviet Union. The defendants were both found guilty. Josef Nedorost was sentenced to death in 1943. Marie Nedorost received a sentence of six years...

  13. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict Johann Schreiber (born on 25 January 1883 in Freilaubersheim). The defendant was accused of "Wehrkraftzersetzung", an offence meant to suppress criticism of the the Nazi party and military leadership. Johann Schreiber stated in a conversation that Hitler was to blame for the war. Furthermore, he said that Germany was losing the war but radios and newspapers were not publishing information on the matter. Schreiber was found guilty and sentenced to five years of penitentiary.

  14. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict of Georg Konrad (born on 17 March 1913 in Prague), Wenzel Konrad Sr. (born on 1 July 1884 in Prague) and Wenzel Konrad Jr. (born on 4 January 1915 in Lissolej). Georg Konrad was found guilty of possessing a useable Czech military rifle with 184 rounds of ammunition and a revolver with ten rounds of ammunition. Wenzel Konrad Sr. and Wenzel Konrad Jr. were found guilty of helping Georg Konrad to hide his weapons.

  15. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict of Josef Hocke (born on 1 May 1894 in Prag). In 1938 Josef Hocke got to know Ulrich Hlavin, a former major of the Czech-Slovak military staff, through mutual friends. They met again in 1939 and 1941 – that's when Ulrich Hlavin told the defendant that he was being searched for. In early 1942 Josef Hocke allowed Ulrich Hlavin to hide in his warehouse twice. In January and December of 1943 he showed up again – however, Josef Hocke declined his request out of fear of the Gestapo. The defendant was found guilty of not notifying German authorities about a wanted pers...

  16. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Nazi Justice collection

    The file contains the verdict of Franz Klapec (born on 30 November 1877 in Schlesisch-Ostrau). He was found guilty of illegally possessing a military pistol and 25 rounds of ammunition. He was sentenced to death.

  17. [Pis'ma o kharaktere i svidetel'stve di︠u︡ Shaĭla] [Письма о характере и свидетельстве дю Шайла]

    1. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    Series of letters from Erfurt to and from two generals of Vrangel''s Don army, living in Brussels and Sofia, Abramov and Arkhangelskiĭ concerning Count du Chayla's conduct during the Russian Revolution. The letters wish to invalidate his testimony concerning Sergei Nilus at the Bern trial due to his apparently been subject to a military court. A return letter from Gen. Abramov confirms this accusation in a vague fashion, stating du Chayla was accused of inciting to treason.

  18. Falkenhorst, Nikolaus von (Generaloberst)

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Geb. 17.Januar 1885 in Breslau; gest. 18. Juni 1968 in Detmold. 1939 Kommandierender General XXI. Armeekorps während des Polenfeldzuges; 1. Oktober 1939 Beförderung zum General der Infanterie. März 1940 Oberbefehlshaber der bei der Besetzung Norwegens einzusetzenden Bodentruppen (Gruppe XXI); 19. Juli 1940 Beförderung zum Generaloberst. Am 25. Juli Ernennung zum Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Norwegen, Ablösung am 18. Dezember 1944 durch General Lothar Rendulic. Januar 1945 Versetzung in die Führerreserve; 1945 britische Kriegsgefangenschaft. August 1946 Verurteilung ...

  19. [Eichmann-trial, Witness statement Dr. Max Merten I]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the second part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany, on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial from June 7th, 1961, at the district court Tiergarten, Berlin. The witness is Dr. Max Merten (Military administration counselor) and he answers questions about his acquaintance with Eichmann in Thessaloniki in 1942/43 and orders he signed (which he denies, or claims have been altered or are not the original). The orders are mentioned in the book "In Memoriam: Hommage aux Victims Juives des Nazis en Grece - publie sou...

  20. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Shmuel Grossbard, 19 year old yeshiva student from Suwałki. He describes aerial bombardment and German planes flying over the city, and fire from the Polish military, as well as panic among the civilian population. The Germans entered the city the following day, and several of the neighboring cities that same day, but did no special harm. Here the testimony cuts off. Protocol No. 21 is an extract from a volume of protocols /statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists who fled to Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1939 they formed a committee to collect e...