
Displaying items 5,741 to 5,760 of 10,320
  1. The Jewish Question in Japan

    1. Bern Trial, Bern, Switzerland, 1934-1935

    A document written by Tetsu Kohno entitled The Jewish Question in Japan covering a time span from the turn of the 20th century till 1986. He mentions Captain Norihito Yasueof who translated the Protocols into Japanese in 1924; the antisemitic article of Kaho Ohba, 1917, in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper; the retranslation of the Protocols in 1938 by Eikichi Kubota; the publishing of two antisemitic books, 1986, entitled 'If You Know the Jews You Will Understand the World' and 'If You Know the Jews You Will Understand Japan' by Masami Uno

  2. [Correspondence between British and Czech Jewish relief organizations]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Several letters have been written by Dr. Frischer, Chairman of the Central Jewish Committee in Prague, by Mr. Stephany, Joint Secretary of the Central British Fund and by Mr. Passman, of the American Joint Distribution Committee in the middle east. The Correspondence treats the situation of Czechoslovakian Jewry in August and September 1945. Furthermore the Committee in Czechoslovakia and its members are introduced. In this Mr. Benes serves as a Chairman in Prague and Mr. Revesz in Bratislava.

  3. ITS, Yearly Report 1948 / Registration Form / Program of Action for rescue of Jews in Nazi occupied territories

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains of a yearly report from 1948 which shows statistics from the UNRRA and IRO about missing and unaccompanied children. Furthermore it includes a document called "Program of Action for Rescue of the Jews in Nazi occupied territories, proposed by the joint Emergency Committee on European Jewish Affairs" ( not dated). The next document is a letter by the ITS informing about the increasing numbers of solved cases of missing and unaccompanied children from October 1949. The last document in a registration card for unaccompanied children from the ITS Child Search Branch for Barbar...

  4. [DALJEWCIB correspondence regarding transit-visa Problems for Emigrees from Germany traveling via Poland or the Soviet Union by land/train to Mandchukuo]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    DALJEWCIB correspondence regarding transit-visa Problems for emigrees from Germany traveling via Poland or the Soviet Union by land/train en route to Mandchukuo. Especially the intransigence of Polish and Soviet border authorities is mentioned as one of the hindrances in reaching Mandchukuo by train.

  5. Aus der Emigration II

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the continuation of Curt Rosenberg's account of his life in Scotland after his flight from Nazi Germany including his legal struggles with his landlord. He describes life in London in 1942 and his work in the German Refugee Center in Glasgow. He also recounts a court hearing, the differences between German and British jurisdiction, and the difficulties refugees face when settling in foreign surroundings.

  6. [Liste des Israélites libérés de camps de concentration d'Allemagne at arrivés en Belgique]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains two lists of liberated Jews from German concentration camps. One list gives informations about former Jewish citizens of Belgium, who immigrated back to Belgium from the 31st of March till the 31st of July 1946. An other list shows Jewish transits who passed through Belgium to an other destination. This list shows transits also from the 31st of March till the 31st of July 1946. Both lists include first and last names, informations about the native town, birthday and their nationality if they had one.

  7. Judenbewegung

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains several documents dealing with regulations and procedures against Jews by the Nazi military commanders in France. Information and telegrams about confiscations of Jewish property and aryanizations are given. The confiscation of emigrant property in Nantes were arranged by the Verwaltungsstab-Verwaltungsabteilung of the Militärverwaltungsbezirk B. Documents relating to buying permits and the regulations regarding wholesale and retail prices are attached. Precise instructions for the management of the confiscated objects can also be seen. The Amt Rosenberg is responsible for...

  8. [A letter regarding important points of Bentwich's talks with Myron C. Taylor]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    A letter regarding important points of Bentwich's talks with Myron C. Taylor, such as dealing with the problem of refugees from Germany and Austria rather than with the large Jewish problem of Eastern Europe. The conference should be urged to adopt a definite practical program of enlarged emigration. A committee should be set up to deal with the German government. Topics that should be discussed at the Evian conference

  9. [ITS case file, 1947-1948]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Case about the guardianship of a findeling boy named Peter, born 1945. Several parties claimed guardianship over the orphan and the identification of such took over 2 years. It was unclear to the authorities whether the boy was Polish or German. Documentation includes declarations regarding the boy from the German court, and correspondences between the parties in German, English and polish.

  10. [Labor and Refugee Camps in Switzerland during World War II]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains various memoranda concerning the treatment of and legal rules of behavior for war and Nazi prosecution victims seeking refuge in Switzerland for the duration of World War II, while being interned in labor and refugee camps.

  11. United Restitution Organization (URO)

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains four circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from April and July 1969. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1612, no. 1603, no. 1605, and no. 1604. They mainly deal with recent court judgements made by the German Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof) on questions of restitution after Nazi persecution, especially regarding newly established juridical regulations and proceedings for claims within the Federal law for restitution („Bundesentschädigungsgesetz”). Furthermore, the issues focus on the status of being recognized as a re...

  12. Jews in Sweden III

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the third part of a collection of lists compiled by the Jewish community of Sweden. It is a continuation of the previous compilation of group 2 (Jews who arrived after June 26th, 1945). The lists are in alphabetical order (first and last name, date of birth, city and identity card no.) and grouped by nationality.

  13. Circulars and reports by the United Romanian Jews of America

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Circulars and reports by the United Roumanian Jews of America and letter exchanges with state offices concerning the plight of the Jews in Transnistria. Circulars, letter exchanges and news bulletins concerning the rescue efforts of sailing Jews from Constanza to Palestine via Turkey. Other issues are the hardship of Romanian refugees. Among the documents a witness report about the situation of the Jews in Romania. The file also contains requests for help for Romanian Jews that could escape to Palestine by the Romanian Jewish Organizationin Palestine and prove of assistance by the United Ro...

  14. Tracing in the Soviet Zone

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This file contains a letter from the Central Tracing Bureau to the Netherlands Red Cross regarding cooperation to trace children of nationalities which belong to the United Nations in the Soviet Zone in Germany in 1947. This includes analysis of personal data of the missing children and interrogation of personnel at former Lebensborn homes in Dresden, Leipzig und Chemnitz. Added to the letter is a list of children insured by the Berliner Verein which states the present name of the child, birth date, names and addresses of forster parents and the transfer date from Lebensborn institutes to f...

  15. [Letter about the American delegation to Evian]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    American delegation to Evian: A letter regarding the late arrival of the American delegation to Evian. It has not been possible yet to get an agreement of the Jewish Organizations represented on the Council about a memorandum concerning the refugees. Bentwich sends Taylor a book he wrote about the Jews.

  16. [Letter of a DALJEWCIB staff member in Japan, asking the adressee to refrain from disclosing his identity]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Letter of a DALJEWCIB staff member in Osaka/Kobe, Japan, asking the adressee in Germany, an emigree to not reveal his identity to the customs staff in Osaka harbour, in order not to disclose the ongoing rescue efforts for Jewish emigrees from Germany to Japan and the organisation behind it

  17. Third circular report of the International Tracing Service at Arolsen on the establishment, nature and purpose of DP-Documentation

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    This Circular report by the ITS is regarding the establishment, nature and purpose of DP-cards for official and private agencies that are in co-operation with the ITS. The purpose is to evaluate the DP-Camp documentation.