
Displaying items 5,741 to 5,760 of 10,858
  1. Reichsluftschutzbund house marker

    1. University of Mary Washington Galleries collection

    Plaque identifying membership in the Reichsluftschutzbund [National Air Protection League], a civil defense corps in Germany under the Nazi regime. The plaque would have been mounted on the door to identify the home of a member. The membership consisted of civilians trained to assist the public in the event of an air raid.

  2. Erich Priebke extradition files from the Federal Court of Bariloche Erich Priebke extradición files (Juzgado Federal de Bariloche)

    Contains documents relating to the Italian government's request for the extradition of Erich Priebke, including newspaper clippings, documents from the Military Tribunal in Rome, Priebke's arrest, and records from the Federal Appeals Chamber.

  3. Ferencz interviewed by Richard Hudson

    Interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Richard Hudson, executive director of the Center for War/Peace Studies. Sponsored by the Center for War/Peace Studies. Series discusses ways of enabling the United Nations to seek a world of peace with justice. Interview focuses on the Center's proposal of a binding triad system for global decision-making (included in Ferencz's book, "A Common Sense Guide to World Peace," 1985). Ferencz describes two defining elements of his book: a) the bridge to peace involves three interlocking components: law, courts, and enforcement; b) if people are better inform...

  4. US soldiers search houses in German town; capture Cologne

    (LIB 3784) Attack on Meschernich, Germany, March 6+8, 1945. LS, MS 23rd Regt, 2d Div, soldiers move along street in deserted town, rainy. Civilians watch. CU, soldiers break down door of house with guns and enter. VS, soldier directs civilians and German officers by wave of hand. CU, woman unlocks door of house and soldiers enter. MS, CU, German soldiers surrender, being searched by US soldiers. CU, officer speaking with German civilian. LS, rolling hills, village. MS, soldiers crossing field and entering Meschernich. Civilians stand at edge of a square, fork in road. MS, soldiers entering ...

  5. Kaiserliche Reichskriegsflagge (Imperial Reich War Flag) during reign of Kaiser Wilhelm II

    1. Nazi Germany propaganda collection

    Kaiserliche Reichskriegsflagge (Imperial Reich Flag) was the official flag used by the Wehrmacht, the Armed Forces of Germany from 1871 to 1921. It displays an Iron Cross and an Imperial Eagle, crowned with a sceptre,

  6. "The Man of a Thousand Faces: The Story of Tibor Slezák"

    Consists of a Hebrew copy and an English language translation of "The Man of a Thousand Faces: The Story of Tibor Slezák," 124 pages, by Avivah Even Hen. Tibor Slezák was a medical student and member of the Czech resistance in Brno at the beginning of the war, assisting those attempting to flee Czechoslovakia to Palestine. After the German invasion, he returned to his hometown of Źilina briefly before escaping over the border to Hungary. He lived in Budapest and was able to acquire the stamp of a military officer which allowed him to create false orders to be able to save people from dep...

  7. Atrocities - reburial of slave laborers

    Reel 2: MS German civilians digging up dead slave laborers that were buried in woods. Trees in BG. CU Two German civilians remove a corpse from grave. German civilians look at the dead slaves that were dug up and laid in lines under trees. MS German civilians in Nuremberg, Germany make coffins for the dead slave laborers. MS German load coffins on carts. German civilians walking from Nuremberg to the area where the corpses are. The dead are placed into coffins and German civilians carry them to cemetery. MS Various scenes of German civilians carrying coffins to cemetery in Nuremberg. MS, re...

  8. Portepee and the silver cap cords

    1. Otto Aders collection

    Found by a U.S. GI, the donor, while billeted in a house in Bad Godesberg, Germany. Sent to parents in Decorah, Iowa. The dagger and accoutrements may have belonged to an Offizieranwärter (officer candidate) in the German Army of Oberfeldwebel rank (battalion sergeant-major or senior Non-Commissioned Officer). A portepee is a sword knot and usually indicates a soldier's rank. This decorative feature was worn in peacetime Germany and in stable areas of the Greater German Reich. It was also a feature of the Parade and Walking-out uniform. The German Army Portepee was worn by all ranks from Fä...

  9. Translators; Russian prosecutor addresses Nuremberg Trial

    20:00:40 (Munich 70) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 26-27, 1946. MLSs, MSs, translators' section: Voice of witness is heard testifying in French as civilian interprets in English; voice heard speaking in German, translated to English by same man. References to Lord Halifax, Goering. 20:03:09 A woman translator is heard interpreting into Russian. German translator speaks into microphone. 20:04:24 Silent scenes: MSs, sailor operates console where sound is mixed and routed to different headsets. MSs, translators at work. MCUs, defense attorney at speaker's stand places headphones...

  10. Visiting prewar Athens

    [Problem with film scanning at head of film reel, likely due to shrinkage or broken splice] MS, friends. They bid farewell at a train station. Large group of young children elders. A friend on a busy city street in Athens tips his hat to the camera. Cars in the BG. Sam H. Elias in dark suit walks in a paved garden, waving at the camera. His friend returns, sitting against a flowerbed. MS, Sam Elias again, smoking by a statue. He walks up the steps of a columned government building in Athens. Three Greek soldiers walk by [film transfer problem, some shots repeat]. A sailor and two other men ...

  11. Irvin Wittwer photographs

    The collection consists of photographs depicting the Mauthausen concentration camp after liberation by the United States Army, as well as scenes from Gallneukirchen, Austria, Rodach, Germany, Bayreuth, Germany, and Cham, Germany.

  12. Molotov visits US; Sec. Hull; FDR at White House; women war workers

    Part 1, Soviet Commissar Molotov boards a plane at the Washington, DC airport (his secret visit to the US) Shows Secretary of State Hull. Part 2, Sec. Hull and Ambassador Litvinov sign a lend-lease agreement. Part 3, Grand Coulee dam is opened. Part 4, President and Mrs. Roosevelt greet King George II of Greece at the White House. Part 5, women war workers leave their children in nursery schools. Shows scenes at the schools and in industry. Part 6, U.S. bombers are ferried to Canada. Part 7, shows tin cans saved in scrap metal drives. Includes shots of aluminum being processed. Part 8, alli...

  13. Milton Frankel liberation photograph collection

    Consists of photographs taken at the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp as well as photographs of the V-2 rocket factory at the Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp. Also includes a still negative film strip of post-liberation Nordhausen concentration camp, acquired by Milton Frankel, a United States Military officer stationed in Germany. Multiple images on one uncut strip inside metal canister labeled "negatives of Milt's Holocaust pictures." Images Germany, negatives American.

  14. Defeat of Norway; arresting resisters; defeat of Denmark; Hitler's birthday in Copenhagen and Berlin

    German troops in a snow-covered Norwegian harbor. A German soldier receives a light for his cigarette from a smiling Norwegian civilian. Mountain troops [Gebirgsjaeger] unload munitions from a ship. A truck carrying German troops heads into the "inner part of the country" in pursuit of Norwegian resisters, who have been influenced by English propaganda (according to the narration). Shot of bus damaged by Norwegians who were then captured by the Germans. Norwegian prisoners of war being arrested, searched, and having their weapons confiscated while a light snow falls. The Germans are very po...

  15. Miscellaneous records relating to prisoner of war camps in Germany

    Contains prisoner of war (POW) camp reports prepared or collected by the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) regarding Allied POWs in German captivity. Most pertain to the needs and available supplies of religious, cultural, and recreational materials and facilities. Also contains correspondence of the German Red Cross that relates to various Allied civilian and military personnel held as political prisoners in German concentration camps and the mail that they were permitted to receive. Included is correspondence exchanged with other national branches of the International Red Cross and...

  16. Schmidt family collection

    Contains a letter of recommendation written by Prof. Gustav Embden for Dr. Gerhard Schmidt, dated 1929; a letter written by Joseph Sepp Grunbaum, Dr. Gerhard Schmidt's brother-in-law, in which he described his ordeal in the Dachau concentration camp after Kristallnacht, dated April 26, 1939; a letter from Dr. Gerhard Schmidt to Edith Strauss Horkheimer proposing marriage to her, dated December 20, 1938; correspondence between Dr. Gerhard Schmidt and different German Jewish scientists regarding finding employment in the United States; copies of documents certified by Nazi authorities 1939; a...

  17. Border between Pilsen and Prague; railcars

    Aerial view of Pilsen. Murray posing for the camera. Russian border checkpoint between Pilsen and Prague. Scenes from Prague, including St. Vitus Cathedral and the Hebrew clock at the Jewish Town Hall. Prague Castle. Soldiers on a boxcar with “Dachau” painted on the outside. They line up and board boxcars.

  18. Chart of Nazi party at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 22, 1945. Chart of Nazi party organization set up in front of courtroom. Ralph Albrecht, US assistant counselor, describes the different officers and positions of the National Socialist Party. "Hoheitstraeger," bearers of the sovereignty in the party, are pointed out in the chart. MS, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, and others in prisoners' dock. MS, Goering and Hess lean over prisoners' dock and look at chart in lawyer's hand. MS, Goering makes notes as he listens with one earphone. LS, people standing during recess. MS, Goerin...

  19. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case

    Otto Ohlendorf testifying, most likely in Munich. Ohlendorf talks about his work in the SD-Inland and his role as leader of Einsatzgruppe D. Brief shot of Telford Taylor. This is likely footage of Case 6, the I.G. Farben Case.

  20. Abraham Zemach papers

    1. Abraham Zemach collection

    Contains 36 photographs (some with captions) taken by unknown parties and the U.S. Signal Corps from 1942 to 1945 depicting Nazi atrocities witnessed by Abraham Zemach while serving as a Jewish chaplain in the 76th US Infantry Division during World War II and after the war while ministering to Jewish displaced persons; an Occupational Forces Travel permit with handwritten annotations; two pieces of Terezin currency; a memoir relating to the experiences of Abraham Zemach during the war; a facsimile of a birthday letter from General Mark Clark dated 5 Jan.1946; a memorandum dated 22 Jun.1945 ...