
Displaying items 5,561 to 5,580 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. David Elentukh memoir

    Contains David Elentukh's handwritten memoir, in Russian. In the memoir, Mr. Elentukh describes his pre-war life in Minsk, being drafted into the military in 1941, and escaping to return to his family and move with them into the Minsk ghetto. Elentukh was transferred from the ghetto for forced labor in Minsk, escaped to return to the ghetto, and went into hiding in a cellar. After emerging from hiding, Elentukh and his family were rounded up and marched outside of Minsk to be shot. He managed to run from the column and escape, joining the partisans with his brother-in-law. In 1944, Elentukh...

  2. German Air Force collection

    Consists of interrogation reports, target assessments, and translations of training manuals collected by American military intelligence, specifically the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS), in 1945-1946. The reports contain information regarding medical issues related to the German Air Force [GAF or Luftwaffe], including equipment manuals and interrogations of doctors. Report 3A details the cold water experiments conducted by Dr. Sigmund Rascher in the Dachau concentration camp.

  3. Leon Leiberg collection

    Consists of a handwritten note, dated September 16, 1944 consisting of addresses and short messages written by captured British soldiers Leon Leiberg, Max Lampel, Sam Frayman, and Lucien Gottlieb as they were being transported to Mauthausen. They gave the note to a German soldier, Erich Bottcher. Also includes a letter, dated May 17, 1950, which was written by Erich Bottcher and sent to Leiberg (along with the note) in which Bottcher claimed to have befriended the British soldiers and was interested in what happened to them.

  4. Repatriation of POWS: airfield; rations; grooming; clothing; trains

    Repatriation of Russian POWs in Bari and Florence, Italy. Reel 4: Bari: display of pharmaceutical supplies, Russians receiving supplies. Trucks loaded with Russians leaving camp. Men entering and leaving supply house with bags and new clothing. Russians playing cards, others watching. Officer explaining bulletin board to group. Men shaving, combing beard, mustache, and hair. Young Russian soldier laying out new clothing and supplies. Men entering shower room after discarding old clothing, admiring new clothing and disposing old clothing. Train pulling into siding, Russians departing, lining...

  5. Afrique du Nord. Congrès Juif Mondial. Maroc--pays étrangers.

    Contains records about the activities of the World Jewish Congress in North Africa, antisemitism in the French army, the delegation from Tunisia at the War Emergency Conference, the Cremieux Decree, the German seizure of Jewish assets, German atrocities, the postwar activities of Adolf Eichmann, the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and the interrogations of the International Tribunal in Nuremberg.

  6. Archives de Nuremberg : Juives de Riga

    Contains documentation about the German occupation authorities in Latvia, the expropriation of Jewish property, and the head of the Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete, Alfred Rosenberg. The documents that comprise this collection were selected by the source repository, the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, following the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, from documents that had been collected as potential evidence during the trial of Alfred Rosenberg.

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- French refugees, German prisoners, bombing of Paris

    The French army in action: tanks, soldiers shooting, dead horses by the side of the road. German prisoners behind barbed wire. Close-ups of individuals as they are questioned and registered by their French captors. Scenes of destroyed buildings shot from a moving vehicle; French soldiers attempt to shoot down a plane. Refugees traveling along a road. Women and children are helped from a truck. One woman is carried on a stretcher. Paris being bombed. Burning buildings, dead cows in a field. Badly destroyed houses, shops and cars. People pick their way through the rubble; a woman runs past a ...

  8. Drawing of Judges and Defendants at the Nuremberg trials

    1. Rolf Wartenberg collection

    One of 18 drawings of defendants and judges at the Nuremberg Trials and blank sheet of paper. Drawn at the trial by artist Peis in pencil and traced over with ink. Total collection includes 18 drawings on 10 sheets of paper with one additional blank sheet.

  9. Exhumation of bodies massacred in the Katyn Forest

    Exhumations of bodies of 12,000 Polish army officers massacred by Soviets. Pan of forest edge from river. MLS pans of men digging in separate areas (cordoned off like archeological sites). Quick flashes of bodies meshed together in a ditch. Slow pan around. CU bodies caked with mud, piled up. CU on individual bodies. CU on the 4-star uniform of corpse. Hands tied behind backs. Bodies laid out, lifted up to camera. Carrying bodies out on stretcher. Shots of belongings of victims: money, cigar (taken from pocket of uniform), family photos, "Carte Celonkowski." The narrator explains that the p...

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- VE Day in London

    Huge crowds in Parliament Square in London. Flags of the victorious nations fly from the Office of Works building. Shots of the people in the crowd, some of whom hold British flags. Police attempt to keep back the crowds, which surge to surround a vehicle carrying American soldiers. They are followed by a parade and a double-decker bus trying to get through the crowd. People climb up on the railings outside the House of Commons. The crowd listens to Churchill declare the unconditional surrender of Germany. His speech is intelligible in parts, but the sound is bad. After the speech the crowd...

  11. Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer-SS (NS 19)

    This collection contains files relating to the functions of Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff, who served as his chancellery, adjutant’s office, and transmitters of orders to the SS, Waffen-SS, and police forces. The subjects covered in this fragmentary collection include Himmler’s personal interests such as Das Ahnenerbe and the Lebensborn association, as well as population transfer issues and economic and legal/court matters. Himmler’s functions and interests in the state and military sectors are underrepresented here.

  12. Karoly Deme von Zadorgalva diary

    The Karoly Deme von Zadorgalva diary includes typed excerpts from a diary Karoly kept from May to November 1942 while in Hungary and on the Eastern Front as a surgeon with the Royal Hungarian Army 20th Division. In his diary, Karoly describes his experiences and expresses his thoughts about the ongoing war. The diary also includes photographs from his time in the military as well as pressed flower petals.

  13. Ukrainian crimes against humanity

    Ukrainian Newsreel and Documentary Film Footage about the crimes committed by Ukrainian fascists--bourgeois nationalists-who murdered Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, and Jews in September 1942 near Lake Pisotska in the Vollin area. Shots of criminals and the commandant of Ukrainian police. It is forty years since their crimes, but since there is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity, the Soviets bring the Ukrainian fascists to trial. Trial footage, including testimonies, witnesses, and shots of civilian audience. Narration argues that Zionists and the Jewish Defense League trai...

  14. Parade in Pancevo town square

    German soldiers, ethnic German civilians, Bund deutscher Maedel and Hitler Youth members in the town square in Pancevo. The BDM girls carry Nazi flags and the civilians give the Hitler salute. A band plays "Deutschland ueber Alles." The BDM girls parade by, followed by women in ethnic costume and children. Members of the Infanterieregiment Grossdeutschland march through town. Footage becomes color at 01:18:23.

  15. Odessa Oblast Archive records from the collections of Yad Vashem

    Contains documentation of the Romanian occupation of Transnistria and the fate of the Jews on that territory. Subjects include the evacuation of Jews from Odessa; Aryanization; the activities of the gendarmerie; the forced labor of Jews, including physicians, pharmacists, and dentists; transports to ghettos, with name lists; support for Jews in Transnistria from the Jewish community in Bucharest; and public health matters.

  16. Honor Cross of the World War 1914/1918 combatant veteran service medal awarded to a German Jewish soldier

    1. Erna and Otto Stein family collection

    Das Ehrenkreuz des Weltkriegs 1914 1918 [The Honor Cross of World War 1914/1918) awarded for serving in combat in the German Army during the First World War. The award was established by President Paul von Hindenburg, on July 13, 1934. This was the first official WWI service medal of the Third Reich, often referred to by an unofficial name, Hindenburg Cross. Hindenburg, Field Marshal of German forces during WWI, appointed Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933, and soon a Nazi dictatorship ruled the country.

  17. Selected records relating to concentration camps from the National Archives and Records Administration

    Contains camp registration name lists, transport name lists, camp arrival registers, death lists, lists of Jews who emigrated, personal property lists, medical records, death certificates, prisoner biographical data cards, postwar questionnaires, and other camp records. Included is information about the Buchenwald, Dachau, Sandbostel, Flossenbürg, Mauthausen, Hinzert, Natzweiler, Gross-Rosen, and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps. The collection also contains documents relating to various Gestapo branches and to the Jewish Agency.