
Displaying items 5,521 to 5,540 of 7,748
  1. John and Alice Morawetz papers

    1. Alice and John Morawetz collection

    The papers consist of 58 photographs, certificates, identification cards, and correspondence concerning the experiences of Alice Tauscher and Hans Morawetz [donors] in Austria, Trinidad, and the United States from the 1920s through the 1940s.

  2. UNRRA selected records AG-018-027 : Sweden Mission

    Cables, miscellaneous correspondence, statistics, lists of unaccompanied children, search requests, minutes of meetings, and status reports from the UNRRA Swedish Mission Office relating to efforts to assist the Displaced Persons camps in Sweden after the war.

  3. "An unpublished chapter in the history of the deportation of foreign Jews from France in 1942"

    Consists of a copy of "An unpublished chapter in the history of the deportation of foreign Jews from France in 1942" written by Roswell McClelland, a representative of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), in 1942 or 1943. The "Unpublished chapter..." is McClelland's personal account of the round-up of foreign Jews in France during 1942 under the direction of the Germans, including a deportation from the Les Milles camp in August 1942. Included in the piece are descriptions of various French concentration camps, the treatment of Jewish children, the division of age groups for depor...

  4. Cuba's Forgotten Jewels. Collection

    This collection contains: the uncut version of the interview of Marion Finkels-Kreith by Beret Strong, 2013 ; the uncut version of the interview of Felicia Rosshandler by Judy Kreith, 2015 ; the transcript of both interviews ; the published memoires of Felicia Rosshandler ; an interview with Judy Kreith and Robin Truesdale on the film’s creation process conducted by Kazerne Dossin, 2019 ; an administrative file on the organisation of the screening at UGC Antwerp, 27 January 2019 ; a research report on the wartime and post-war migration of Jews from Antwerp by dr. Veerle Vanden Daelen conduc...

  5. Gunhild Tegens samling

    • Archive of Gunhild Tegen

    The collection contains a rich assortment of records related to the experiences of Jewish survivors of concentration camps, compiled by Gunhild and Einar Tegen as part of their post-World War II documentation project. The documentation was gathered at the initiative of the Swedish Joint Committee on Democratic Reconstruction (Samarbetskommittén för Demokratiskt Uppbyggnadsarbete), of which professor of philosophy Einar Tegen, the author Gunhild Tegen’s husband, was president. The interviews were conducted by Swedish psychologist Valdemar Fellinius and polyglot Dory Engströmer and carried ou...

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Arrival of Romanian refugees

    Arrival of 600 Romanian Jewish refugees (liberated by Russians) near Haifa [coming from concentration camp in Trans-Dniestrie]. LS ship docked. MS refugees wave handkerchiefs. Authorities go aboard. LS ship with soldiers carryng arms; ambulances in FG. Unloading baggage with Commandant Morgan, Sea Transport Naval Officer, in FG. Refugees exit ship down gangplank; elderly, mothers with children. Filled baggage wagon passes in front of ship. Young refugees dance the "Hora" on the bridge of the ship. Refugees pass crowded train and board another. Arrival of train in Athlit camp. Members of the...

  7. Selected records of the Comité inter-mouvements auprès des évacués (La Cimade)

    This collection contains selected records of the Comité inter-mouvements auprès des évacués (La Cimade) (Inter-movement Committee for Assistance to Refugees) related to rescue of Jewish refugees in France.

  8. Evian Conference on Refugees

    With voiceover. EXT, buildings and homes overlooking Lake Geneva. Architecture of the Hotel Royal, the conference center for the committee. CU, Myron C. Taylor, the spokesman for the United States and the initial president of the committee, walking with a group of men including James McDonald (seen clearly at 06:57:58 - the tall man with white hair). French senator Henry Béringer and Great Britain’s Lord Winterton outside the Hotel Royal. Pan around the large conference room and delegates. Taylor addresses the committee members.

  9. Morris Kornberg collection

    The collection consists of photographs of Morris Kornberg and his friends; an identification card for the Jewish Community of Wuerttemberg (Israelitische Kultusvereinigung Württemberg); and a commemorative album with tipped-in photographs by Alexander Fiedel of the "Jidiszer D.P. Center UNRRA - P.C. IRO in Stuttgart" written by M. Kornberg.

  10. Central British Fund for Germany Jewry. Agreement.

    Contains a printed legal form from the Central British Fund for German Jewry, four pages, spelling out the relationship between the Central British Fund and those who would act as guarantors to bring persecuted Jews from Germany to the United Kingdom. Undated, circa 1933-1939.

  11. Records of the Danish Jewish Community : Refugees, travel of emigrants, postwar support (Group 10411)

    Selected records of the Danish Jewish Community. This contains the following collections from the Group No. 10411: The Secretary for Jews Post-War Support, including records relating to: address searches and refugee questionnaires, 1945-1950, various correspondence relating to postwar assistance, Hechaluz, and stateless persons, unaccompanied Jewish children youth Aliyah, as well as a list of Jewish who arrived in Sweden. 1945; The Committee for Jewish Agricultural Trainees: consisting of student lists and accounting statements, 1939-1942; The Chief Rabbi Max Friediger records consisting of...

  12. Eric Bergtraun papers

    1. Eric Bergtraun collection

    The Eric Bergtraun papers consist of biographical materials, photographic materials, log books, and scrapbooks documenting Bergtraun’s participation in Boy Scout activities as a Jewish refugee in Shanghai during and after World War II.

  13. Portrait

    1. Miriam Davenport Ebel collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn4568
    • English
    • overall: Height: 14.500 inches (36.83 cm) | Width: 19.500 inches (49.53 cm) pictorial area: Height: 10.000 inches (25.4 cm) | Width: 7.620 inches (19.355 cm)

    Portrait of Miriam Devenport Ebel created by Bil Frier.

  14. JDC response to Nazi advance in Europe

    Fundraiser showing international refugee assistance programs of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Rights of Jews in the United States contrasted to the plight of Jews in Europe during the 20th century. "Jude" painted on store window. Focus on Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Images of pre-Nazi times with Jews celebrating, dancing, etc. develop into images of confinement to ghettos, refugees, and post WWII restoration. Focus on Lithuania, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, and France. Shots of Nazi occupation and refugees. Focus on Balkans includes statistics of Je...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees in Switzerland

    December 5-6, 1938. Jewish refugees in Zurich, Switzerland. All refugees at the camp are Austrians. VS of the kitchen with cooks at work. 04:20:42 LS of the dining room with refugees helping themselves and eating. Mountains in BG, visible through window. 04:21:28 Group of men and women carrying bags, etc, walking/escaping through the woods [staged]. LS of man peering through bush. 04:22:31 VS of group arriving at camp and being welcomed by everyone. 04:22:45 VS of them listening to radio. 04:23:17 VS in dormitory playing ukelele and singing. CU, man chopping wood and refugees arriving at ca...

  16. Cyrus Bernstein papers

    1. Cyrus Bernstein collection

    The papers include a carbon copy of a letter from Major Cyrus Bernstein (G.S.C.) to Chaplain Shubow regarding the treatment and condition of displaced persons as well as United States Army leadership attitudes toward those refugees. Specific mention is made of Lt. Col. J. P. Abbott, chief of the Displaced Persons Branch, Prisoner of War and Displaced Persons Division, OMGUS (Office of the Military Governor--United States). Also included are three gelatin silver photographs of a group of individuals (displaced persons as well as members of the United States Army) at the dedication of the syn...

  17. German supplies and relief work during and after the campaign in France

    Line of German tanks on country road. Animated map traces German advance from Sedan to Abbéville in France, which was rapid despite what French newspapers predicted would be halted by fuel shortage. Fuel drums are loaded onto trucks in long line, unloaded from Junker planes and transported by Deutsche Reichsbahn trucks with trailers over bridge, past Wehrmacht signposts to Kraut, Mecheln, Krankensammelstelle [casualty center] and Brussels. Convoy passes Belgian traffic policeman in town and continues along country road. Lack of fuel foiled the attempted flight by "Jewish warmongers and Pari...

  18. Die Moorsoldaten The Soldiers of the Moor

    1. "Music of the Holocaust" web exhibition

    The 5,000 inmates of the Börgermoor concentration camp, mostly political prisoners, labored in the wetlands near the Dutch border, extracting peat (a fossil fuel) from the marshy soil. To add to their ordeal, Nazi guards would force the prisoners to sing cheerful songs during their two-hour march to and from the moor. A group of prisoners retaliated by writing a song that truthfully reflected the workers' situation. Introduced in August 1933, The Soldiers of the Moor, with its catchy melody and evocative lyrics, became an immediate hit among camp inmates. The camp guards also enjoyed the so...