
Displaying items 5,461 to 5,480 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Sergio DeBenedetti memoirs

    Consists of one unedited memoir, in Italian, entitled "Note Antifasciste," by Sergio DeBenedetti (approximately 520 pages) 1941, and the edited version of "Note Antifasciste," retitled "Between Fascism and Freedom: The Education of Sergio DeBenedetti," edited by Vera DeBenedetti Bonnet, in English, (approximately 100 pages), 2003. In this memoir, Sergio DeBenedetti recounts his experiences as a Jewish physicist in Mussolini's Italy and his experiences working in Paris in the months immediately preceeding the Nazi invasion in 1940.

  2. Robert Feinsod photographs

    The collection includes a photograph and copyprint of Robert Feinsod and Marc Shapiro, a Soviet soldier, in military uniforms.

  3. Testimony by Buhler, Gisevius at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 119) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 25, 1946. Dr. Alfred Seidl, counselor for Hess and Frick, questions Dr. Joseph Buhler. Pan from Buhler to prisoners in dock. Defendants, especially Kaltenbrunner, listen intently. MS, pan, Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, Doenitz, Raeder, and Schirach to prisoners' dock. Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Seidl. MS, Gisevius testifying. 18:36:20 Close view as he speaks. 18:36:50 MS of Gisevius testifying. SEQ: Justices enter courtroom and take their seats. Dr. Seidl continues to question the witness.

  4. Garry Pierce photograph collection

    The Garry Pierce photograph collection consists of 29 black and white photographs mounted on three album pages. The photographs were compiled by the Garry Pierce's uncle and show concentration camps after liberation, plus scenes in France and on a military ship. Notations made in white ink on the black album pages; dated 1944-1946.

  5. Photo at Dachau

    The photograph depicts Allen Cohen [donor] guarding SS prisoners at Dachau concentration camp after liberation.

  6. Henny Haas papers

    The Henny Haas papers consist of a passport and travel pass for stateless persons issued in Italy to Henny Haas and her parents, Oscar and Mania Notowicz; a permit to stay in Italy issued to Oscar Notowicz; an exiles identification card issued to Oscar Notowicz by the Allied Military Govt.; and a permanent identification card issued by the U.S. War Relocation Authority to Oscar Notowicz as a resident of Fort Ontario.

  7. Henry Galler papers

    The papers consist of an identification booklet (Deutsches Reich Arbeitsbuch Fuer Ausländer) issued to Szewa Vogel Galler under the name "Katherina Czuchowska" and an identification card for Polish military officers, issued to Henry Galler.

  8. March of Dimes drive; War Crimes Trials: Buchenwald

    16:10:46 The March of Dimes Drive in the 88th Infantry Div, Italy, February 7 (6?), 1947. MS, enlisted man and officer counting money received for drive. CU, Major's hand handling script. Thermometer showing Division progress in drive. Group at American Red Cross: One enlisted man drops money into wishing well. Maj Gen Bryant E. Moore, Commanding General, 88th Inf Div, receiving check from Maj Chirico. CU, sign: "Blue Devils" showing March of Dimes campaign. 16:13:48 (Munich 541) Buchenwald Trial, Dachau, Germany, April 12 (11?), 1947. LS, MS, war crimes courthouse at Dachau. CU, sign: "War...

  9. Edda Treforest photograph collection

    The Edda Treforest photograph collection consists of photographs depicting nurses treating patients at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp after liberation, the canteen that Samuel Treforest opened at Bergen-Belsen after World War II, and Edda Treforest as a young woman. The photographs were likely taken by Samuel Treforest.

  10. Ohlendorf testifies in Einsatzgruppen Case

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case), Nuremberg, Germany, October 15, 1947. Ohlendorf, in suit and tie, wearing earphones, testifies about the number of persons his Einsatzgruppe D killed. Curtained windows behind him. Camera remains on Ohlendorf as he is cross examined by US prosecutor James Heath. 17:02:10 - 17:02:28 side view of Heath. Camera continues on Ohlendorf. 17:03:53 View of Heath & pan to Ohlendorf. 17:04:45 Close view of Ohlendorf in witness box. Musmanno (voice from off camera) 17:06:26 Musmanno and judges on bench. Musmanno rules ...

  11. Eva Biro Slott collection

    Consists of one memoir, written by Eva Biro Slott, describing her experiences in the ghetto and in hiding in Budapest, Hungary, during the Holocaust. Includes letters written to Eva by Jozsef, Sari, and Judit Biro, family members who did not survive the war, describing life in the Mindszent ghetto and preparations for their deportation. Also includes material regarding Arie Kadar, cousin of Eva Slott, including a metal tag from Stalag XVIII A and military papers describing him as a prisoner of war, as well as an affidavit attesting to the role of Endre Szervanszky in Eva Slott's survival an...

  12. Max Burin collection

    Consists of two official certificates presented to Max Burin, originally of Recklinghausen, Germany: one is presented in May 1933, by the Preussischer Landes-Krieger Verband; and one one is presented in February 1935, by the Polizei-Prasident der Recklinghausen. The certificates attest to Max Burin's participation as a soldier in World War I. Also includes a certificate presented March 6, 1936 by the Chevra Kadischah of the Recklinghausen Jewish community, wishing Max Burin luck on his upcoming immigration to Palestine and making him, as the fomer chairman of the group, an honorary member. ...

  13. Ernest Fisch papers

    The papers consist of four diplomas issued in Hungary and France to Maurus Fisch [donor's brother], Jacobus Fisch [donor's brother], Martin Lebovits [donor's brother-in-law], and Adrian Andre before the Holocaust; one letter written collectively by the family of Jacobus Fisch just before their deportation from Hungary and given to Ernest Fisch while he was in hiding; one letter written by Maurus Fisch while he was serving in the military in World War I on the occasion of Ernest's Bar Mitzvah; and seven photographs of members of the Fisch family.

  14. Flemish Hitler youth camp

    Flemish workcamp youths (Flemish version of Hitler Youth at camp). 5:10:15 LS, picturesque mountain and lake. 5:10:19 MLS, boys in uniforms carrying suitcases come into camp. CU, pan right H&S of boys in uniform; CU of armband and other insignia; tilt up to CU of boy's face. 5:10:41 First boy in line shakes hands with young Nazi officer (has swastika over threebar armband). CU, boy with military style cap with design of albatross or seagull. CU, cabin signs, "Nordland, Mifinger, Midufind." LS, low cabins amid trees. Boys come rushing out in uniform toward camera. 5:11:03 MS, Jogging bar...

  15. Oral history interview with Arnold Weiss

  16. Reichsluftschutzbund house marker

    1. University of Mary Washington Galleries collection

    Plaque identifying membership in the Reichsluftschutzbund [National Air Protection League], a civil defense corps in Germany under the Nazi regime. The plaque would have been mounted on the door to identify the home of a member. The membership consisted of civilians trained to assist the public in the event of an air raid.

  17. Erich Priebke extradition files from the Federal Court of Bariloche Erich Priebke extradición files (Juzgado Federal de Bariloche)

    Contains documents relating to the Italian government's request for the extradition of Erich Priebke, including newspaper clippings, documents from the Military Tribunal in Rome, Priebke's arrest, and records from the Federal Appeals Chamber.

  18. Ferencz interviewed by Richard Hudson

    Interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Richard Hudson, executive director of the Center for War/Peace Studies. Sponsored by the Center for War/Peace Studies. Series discusses ways of enabling the United Nations to seek a world of peace with justice. Interview focuses on the Center's proposal of a binding triad system for global decision-making (included in Ferencz's book, "A Common Sense Guide to World Peace," 1985). Ferencz describes two defining elements of his book: a) the bridge to peace involves three interlocking components: law, courts, and enforcement; b) if people are better inform...

  19. US soldiers search houses in German town; capture Cologne

    (LIB 3784) Attack on Meschernich, Germany, March 6+8, 1945. LS, MS 23rd Regt, 2d Div, soldiers move along street in deserted town, rainy. Civilians watch. CU, soldiers break down door of house with guns and enter. VS, soldier directs civilians and German officers by wave of hand. CU, woman unlocks door of house and soldiers enter. MS, CU, German soldiers surrender, being searched by US soldiers. CU, officer speaking with German civilian. LS, rolling hills, village. MS, soldiers crossing field and entering Meschernich. Civilians stand at edge of a square, fork in road. MS, soldiers entering ...

  20. Kaiserliche Reichskriegsflagge (Imperial Reich War Flag) during reign of Kaiser Wilhelm II

    1. Nazi Germany propaganda collection

    Kaiserliche Reichskriegsflagge (Imperial Reich Flag) was the official flag used by the Wehrmacht, the Armed Forces of Germany from 1871 to 1921. It displays an Iron Cross and an Imperial Eagle, crowned with a sceptre,