
Displaying items 5,381 to 5,400 of 10,858
  1. Ferencz interviewed by Rev. G. Arthur Hammons

    Interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Rev. G. Arthur Hammons. Ferencz discusses his optimistic approach to world peace and explains guidelines to further world peace (as published in his "A Common Sense Guide to World Peace," 1985). He claims the world should be governed by three principles: law, courts, and enforcement. Such an effective system will enable international law, and thus man's right to live in peace and dignity. Ferencz relates an important lesson learned at Nuremberg: "We are all our brothers' keepers." Ferencz argues that people, not the government, are responsible for effe...

  2. Warsaw after bombing 1939, aerial views

    Low aerial shots of Warsaw after bombing.Warschau 1939 (in German print) Nuer fuer den Dienstgebrauch! Dies ist ein geheimes Gegenstand im Sinne des 88 Reichs Strafgesetzbuchs (04/24/34) [I.e,. secret, military documentation.] Low aerial of city. Buildings some with smoke. Bombed out houses and apartment blocks. Thick black scratch. Facade of big municipal buildings, interior bombed out. Pan up wreckage of brick building, wrought iron balconies, twisted to sky. View down an alley, bombed out buildings. MS and MLS QF, people and sidewalk, deserted rubble of courtyard. Pedestrians. Rain soake...

  3. Kriegsberichterstattung: Von den Stellungen an der Narwa. Nach der Schlacht (version 1)

    Decelith Folie D. War report by Rudolf Becker, SS Standarte Kurt Eggers, 3. Kriegsberichter-Kompagnie. "From the positions at the Narwa After the battle." Dramatic description of the battlefield during the Battle of Narva. Becker describes a young Estonian soldier, looking across the river at the Soviet positions, and how this battle for him is all about Heimatboden [homeland]. Detailed description of engagement between the Soviets and the Germans that ends with the death of the Estonian soldier.

  4. Children refugees; Nazi atrocities

    A War Department Film. Army-Navy Screen Magazine, no. 75 Reel 1: Masses of children wandering in war-ravaged cities begging, stealing, and scavenging for food. CUs mental and physically retarded children. Portraits of the "next generation", comparisons to fascist leaders of WWII. Empty fields marking the site of Lidice, Czechoslovakia. Women survivors of the Lidice massacre at gravesite. Nazi footage of Hitler Youth, Hitler, von Rundstedt speech. CUs starving children. Packed courtrooms at Nuremburg, Germany and trials of captured SS men. Hitler speech (narrated in English). Ruins of German...

  5. British counter-propaganda short

    Cartoon title: Official Films presents... "Schichlegruber Doing the Lambeth Walk assisted by the Gestapo Hep-Cats." Produced by Leslie Winik. Counter-propaganda film made to mock the Nazis by reversing and repeating newsreel shots of Adolf Hitler saluting and his troops goose-stepping from "Triumph of the Will" to create the illusion that Hitler and his gang were dancing to the popular British tune of the day, The Lambeth Walk. Uses reverse, stop motion, and jump cuts. Footage reproduced in rhythmic sequnces by an optical printer. Adds appropriate slide whistle and Bronx cheer sound effects.

  6. Nuremberg Trial - Robert Servatius, defense counsel

    (Munich 195) Sauckel's case was presented on May 28 - 31, 1946 Robert Servatius, defense counsel for Fritz Sauckel, examines Sauckel (Sauckel is not seen). Thomas Dodd sits at the table behind Servatius. The questions Servatius asks and Sauckel's answers are translated in English voiceover. 19:32:09 shots of prisoners in the dock. Several of the defendants are taking notes. 19:34:49 May 27, 1946 Defense counsel Fritz Sauter questions witness Hartmann Lauterbach about his service with Baldur von Schirach. There is an English voiceover, this time the voice of a woman.

  7. Bulgarians commemorate uprising

    A Bulgarian town commemorates the uprising of April 20, 1876, in which Bulgarian nationalist rebels mounted an insurrection against the ruling Ottoman Empire. Men in uniform march a flag into the town square, while rows of uniformed soldiers, a group of men wearing military decorations, and hundreds of civilians look on. Several flag bearers march from different directions toward the center of the square, and the painting of a rebel and the words '20 Apr. 1876,' which adorns the side of a building in the square, is decorated with greenery for the occasion. A group of men (veterans of the up...

  8. Jews in Warsaw, Poland

    Unidentified footage, some in Warsaw. People walking in street. CUs of old man. Men working in street. Soft shots of Jewish men. CU of Jewish man (seen in newsreel). Unidentified footage of large group of Jewish men seated on ground (looks like round-up). Street scenes in Warsaw, Jewish district. German soldier directs people. Title: "Judentypen" CUs Jewish men on street. Shot of Warsaw main station. Title: "Mit der Kleinbahn zum HKD Gora-Calvaria" Flash of footage. Title: "Juden-Getto in Warschau" Street scene, pedestrians with armbands. CU sign: "Rogatschew" (seen before).

  9. Margaret Murphy papers

    1. Margaret Murphy collection

    Notebook bearing hand-inscribed titled "Dachau Concentration Camp/Nurse Lt. Margaret Murphy A.N.C./116 Evacuation Hospital/Jan-Feb-Mar-April and May 1945," notebook contains post-liberation images [some Signal Corps] labeled on reverse, as well as letter from survivor Jan Vladimir Mericka in the Czech Republic to Murphy in Kentucky, expressing his gratitude, dated 1946; also included is Murphy's Dachau Concentration Camp pass allowing her entry and exit at the camp, a magazine article describing her unit's work, circa 1945.

  10. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 3)

    Scenes of the April 1, 1933 boycott against Jewish shops. The narrator further establishes Globke's responsibility for anti-Jewish measures by demonstrating his connection to Frick and Goering (he was subordinate to them in the interior ministry) and to Streicher. Shots of the Nuremberg Reich Party Day as the narrator talks about the Nuremberg Laws and the announcement of mandatory military duty.

  11. Confiscated art and chart discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 453) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 12, 1945. Robert G. Storey tells of the vast quantities of objects of art confiscated by the Nazis. As evidence he presents 39 volumes listing the seized art. MLS, judges examining catalogs (Justice Robert Falco (France) is the only judge seen). Storey claims that if all art objects seized by the Nazi were cataloged they would fill 350 to 400 volumes. The lights are turned off in the courtroom as slides are shown (presentation not filmed). LS, Storey explaining chart on wall showing advancement from Hitler Youth to SS. CU, chart on...

  12. Liberator clips

    Video clips compiled for screening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance activities in April 2010 commemorating the role of liberators. The videos were displayed in the classrooms on the concourse level of the Museum during the Collections Open House activities. Contents include: Liberation of Buchenwald; white flags; US infantry (April 1945) in color (USHMM Tape HMM108, 01:00:13 to 01:04:56) 83rd Div, Ohrdruf patrols (April 6/7, 1945) in b/w (USHMM Tape HMM108, 01:21:31 to 01:25:59) Dachau Concentration Camp - Star of David, chaplain, horse drawn wagons (May ...

  13. Teheran Conference

    President Roosevelt meets with Churchill and Joseph Stalin at Teheran. Churchill's daughter Sarah is introduced to Stalin. According to UN contents sheet: "Backed by the greatest concentration of military power in history, the Teheran Conference broadcasts its official communique to the world: "We, the President of the Unites States of America, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and the Premier of the Soviet Union, have met and expressed our determination that our nations shall work together in the war and in the peace that will follow. The common understanding which we have here reached ...

  14. Nuremberg trial decals acquired by a US soldier attending the War Crimes Trials

    1. Carter E. Ruby collection

    Two decals acquired by Lieutenant Carter E. Ruby, U.S. Army, at the Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, April-May 1946, War Crimes Trials.

  15. Ferencz lecture: Unitarian Forum

    Final lecture in the 1986 series, Unitarian Forum, San Francisco. Practical Programs for Peace. Benjamin Ferencz speaks about the evolution of the concept of world law, the role of the US constitution at Nuremberg, using law as the instrument for protection of peace, and what people can do today to effect peace. Ferencz emphasizes the need for social justice. He indicates law, courts, and enforcement as critical to the peace process. Responding to a question near the end of the session, Ferencz says, "It's my conviction that if humankind has the intelligence to develop the means of destroyi...

  16. Medal and certificate awarded for service in the Polish Home Army

    1. George Shufflata collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn11551
    • English
    • a: Height: 2.750 inches (6.985 cm) | Width: 0.380 inches (0.965 cm) | Depth: 0.120 inches (0.305 cm) b: Height: 8.380 inches (21.285 cm) | Width: 5.750 inches (14.605 cm)

    Certificate and insignia issued by Polish Underground organization.

  17. Medal with Polish eagle and ceriticate issued to former political prisoner

    1. George Shufflata collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn11552
    • English
    • a: Height: 1.500 inches (3.81 cm) | Width: 0.750 inches (1.905 cm) | Depth: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm) b: Height: 3.870 inches (9.83 cm) | Width: 6.000 inches (15.24 cm) | Depth: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm)

    Certificate with insignia issued by former political prisoners.

  18. Luftwaffe; Flossenbuerg camp

    (LIB 6354) Luftwaffe Wing, Ampfing, Germany, May 6, 1945. VS, group of German soldiers piling rifles, panzerfausts (type of rocket launcher), helmets and other equipment to be turned over to 14th Armd Div. MS, CU, German soldiers are served food from their own field kitchen. MS, troops of Luftwaffe Jet-Propelled Wing in formation. LS, MS, trucks and other vehicles containing technical jet equipment. (LIB 6355) Concentration Camp, Flossenburg, Germany, May 4, 1945. CU, underground entrance to crematorium. MSs, CUs, crematorium in pit enclosed by high stone wall. CU, pile of bones and ashes. ...

  19. SA membership files, Varel (Germany)

    Consists of 43 separate personnel files on members of the Sturmbabteilung (SA) of the Nazi party, from the town of Varel (Friesland), Germany. The files, called "Stammrolle," contain information about a persons membership in the SA, in the Nazi party, their vital statistics, profession, prior military or paramilitary service, and the dates on which they received various ranks in the SA. The files were numbered in sequential and chronological order, based on the date when this form was completed, which could have been at the same time as a person's entry into the SA, or at a much later date....

  20. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) lapel pin

    1. Robert M.W. Kempner collection

    Lapel pin offered to members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) who received certificates commemorating their service in World War II.