
Displaying items 5,061 to 5,080 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. "Buddy" poppy made by disabled veterans

    1. Julius Sussman collection

    Commemorative poppy flower with label identifying it as having been made by disabled veterans (label reads, "Made by Disabled Veterans for Veterans Assistance Programs of Veterans of Foreign Wars on one side, "Buddy" Poppy Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Office "Wear it Proudly" on the other). The flower has a wire stem for attaching to clothing. The flower is part of a collection related to Julius Sussman's military service.

  2. Belsen: Kramer; corpses

    CUs, camp commandant Josef Kramer under armed guard. Canadian military soldier with a cap, Jack Marcovitch, on Kramer's left side. SS men unloading naked corpses (women) from truck into a pit. SS women on truck with corpses, dragging naked corpses to pit. CUs of bodies.

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Von Brauchitsch and Rommel; German troops in action (captured film)

    Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel and a contingent of officers inspect coastal fortifications in occupied France (?). The men walk across a beach toward a large buliding. The camera pans across a line of barricades. Large guns are shown in their emplacements. German soldiers in action: firing guns from camouflaged positions, explosions in the distance. Closer shots of the men using field telephones and consulting maps. Low aerial shot of a group of soldiers; they move out across a field. More shooting. Soldiers advancing through heavy cover and across a river...

  4. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection Bergen-Belsen

    Contains two articles concerning the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The first article, "Belsen Concentration Camp," by J.A.D. Johnston, describes the history of Bergen-Belsen, gives prisoner statistics, and outlines the establishment of the hospital at the camp. The second article by Chris Mitchell, entitled "The Valley of Death, the Armies of Life," appeared in "Moment" (issue date not specified). It describes the role of the British military in the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, the treatment of the SS guards captured at the camp during liberation, and the mass burials of v...

  5. Esther Gitman papers

    1. Esther Gitman collection

    Consists of photographs, documents, and photocopies collected by Esther Gitman during her research into the rescue of Jews in the independent state of Croatia. Includes testimony and copyprints given to the donor by Sylvia Suzana Knoll, who was hidden as a child by Vera Oberiter and Ludvik Valentincic; copyprints and photographic negatives of military officers given by Dr. Stzepan Stainer; and family photographs, postcards, a prayer card and a DP card given by Olga Neuman. Also includes photocopies of personal testimony by Regina Kamhi, and Aleksandar Mošić, as well as copies of speeches ...

  6. Liberating Soviet soldier

    Voice over in Russian. Tank driving up the street as people on either side wave. Soviet soldier with bouquet of flowers gives woman a kiss. She pours from a bottle into the mug of a Soviet soldier. CU soldier drinking. CU of man in uniform smoking.

  7. Max Bloch collection

    Contains a memoir written by Max Bloch (Johanna Marcus's maternal cousin) who in 1938 managed to flee his hometown of Prague to Lisbon and from there to the United States. He served in the US Army as a translator. While working for the US Military Government for Germany, Max Bloch wrote his memoir, starting on February 7, 1947 in Berlin; in German; 208 pages. Includes a photograph depicting General Dwight D. Eisenhower pinning a ribbon on Max Bloch's chest for his service; photo by the US Army Signal Corps.

  8. U-boat officer questioned, "Der Stuermer" photos shown at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 503) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 14, 1946. LS, courtroom. Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence stops the German counselor attempting to read a written statement of Admiral Karl Doenitz. LS, Peter Josef Heisig, a U-boat officer, is questioned by German counsel. MLS, Heisig sworn in and testifies. British prosecutor Col. H. Phillimore questions the witness. Inserts, various pages of Julius Streicher's articles in "Der Stuermer" showing pictures of alleged Jewish ritual murders of boys, men, and women (images are medieval art reproduced in newspaper dated May 1939).

  9. Yugoslavia: railroad yard; bank; villagers; Ustashi prisoners marched through streets; scenes in Belgrade

    Reel 9: Railroad yards in Belgrade, locomotives. Kalemegdon Park, French Military Museum in BG. Pan across old fortified area overlooking mouth of Sava River; Danube River on right. People lined up in front of various banks to exchange old dinars for new dinars. Sign on bank telling people to exchange money. People leaving bank, guard standing by door. Yugoslavians looking at displays of new dinar money. Street scenes showing damages to residential section and hospital. CUs, faces of townspeople. Group of Ustashi prisoners marching under guard to concentration camp; Serbians beating prisone...

  10. Verdicts delivered on Speer, von Neurath, Fritzsche, Raeder, Rosenberg at Nuremberg IMT

    Verdicts rendered on Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg IMT, Nuremberg, Germany, 30 September 1946. Russian Justice, Justice Francis Biddle, and Justice Geoffrey Lawrence stating conclusions of the tribunal on Constantin von Neurath and Albert Speer. Speer: Guilty under counts 3, 4 (only the beginning and end of his verdict are audible). Von Neurath (in French) (sound cut off). Fritzsche: Not guilty under the indictments, because he was subordinate to Goebbels and Dietrich. LS, courtroom as Justice Lawrence states that any appeal of the defendants to the Control Council for clemency must be lodged w...

  11. John E. Meyer photographs

    Consists of seven photographs taken of piles of corpses at the Dachau concentration camp, as well as a photograph of the Dachau death train with the rail car door marked "Off Limits." Includes a note written by John E. Meyer, a member of the 45th Ordnance Company, which reads "Pictures taken in Dachau concentration camp."

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Lisbon harbor

    At Lisbon harbor, people getting off boats. Ships - US Coast Guard cutter, cargo ship from England. 04:54:13 Swiss boats in port. 04:55:03 Portuguese steamer "Serpa Pinto." Port with sailboats, Portuguese fishermen in FG. Sails on the Paille Sea (in front of Lisbon). Shots of River Tage (which Lisbon faces). Transport barge. 04:56:20 Pier with Portuguese fishing boat. Various shots of seaplane arriving, US flag on side of plane. 04:59:40 Customs officers boarding small boat. Willkie and others arriving, getting off planes into dinghies, coming ashore, late in the afternoon. Men carrying dip...

  13. Łódź becomes Litzmannstadt, reel 2

    Germans build new planned city for German Volk. Łódź being "rebuilt." Reel 2: School. Man painting. Poles in factory. Germans in dining area. Slow pan, eating/smoking in dining area. Sign: Staedtliches Krankenhaus Mitt. Hospital. Nurses caring for bed-ridden. Medical examinations, X-rays. Hitler Youth, drums. Stadium, sports, calisthenics. Track race, soccer, long jump, swimming, women's track race. Women doing calisthenics. Drums. Book: Das Wappen vom Litzmannstadt. CUs, swastika. Unveiling new city seal with Greiser.

  14. Bach-Zelewski testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 488) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 7, 1946. Col. Telford Taylor identifies the witness Eric von dem Bach-Zelewski and asks him to identify himself. The witness says he is a former general of a branch of the SS and spells out his name. LS, Bach-Zelewski takes the oath administered by Justice Lord Geoffrey Lawrence. The witness tells of his background from 1917 to 1942. He is asked whether he gave commands/ROEs to Wehrmacht officers about how to deal with partisans ("...with regard to the methods that should be applied to combat partisans ..."), and he answers "Yes," t...

  15. Soviet partisan units, Ukraine

    VS of a Soviet partisan unit marching in the woods (both men and women). VS of Alexander Saburov addressing the partisan unit. Saburov was a member of the NKVD as well as a leader of the Soviet partisan resistance in western Russia and Ukraine. VS of people receiving honors from Saburov. CU of a man pinning a medal on a female partisan. CU of honored partisans.

  16. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; Jaeger testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 194) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, March 23, 1946. HSs, Camp Dachau. LS, entrance of War Crimes court building. LS, bunker in which defendants are quartered. (Munich 206) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 3, 1946. Justices Parker, De Vabre and Falco. Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Sauckel, questions Dr. Max Wilhelm Jaeger. MSs, von Ribbentrop and Keitel; MP standing at left; Sauckel in BG. Pan, from prisoners' dock to Dr. Jaeger testifying. MS, two attorneys of the Russian staff at table. MS, Jacques Herzog, member of the French prosecution, listening.

  17. Ukrainian crimes against humanity

    Ukrainian Newsreel and Documentary Film Footage about the crimes committed by Ukrainian fascists--bourgeois nationalists-who murdered Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, and Jews in September 1942 near Lake Pisotska in the Vollin area. Shots of criminals and the commandant of Ukrainian police. It is forty years since their crimes, but since there is no statute of limitations for crimes against humanity, the Soviets bring the Ukrainian fascists to trial. Trial footage, including testimonies, witnesses, and shots of civilian audience. Narration argues that Zionists and the Jewish Defense League trai...

  18. Judge Royce S. Weisenberger collection

    The Judge Royce S. Weisenberger collection consists of photographs of men, women, and children being loaded into a train at Buchenwald concentration camp, June 1945; newspaper clippings regarding liberation and the arrest of Dr. Robert Karl Neuman; and a three-page testimony written by Major Royce S. Weisenberger on the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp and its conditions.

  19. DP Center in Belgium; supplies; Polish DPs; nursery

    (LIB 3385-3390) Displaced Persons, Verviers, Belgium, February 11, 1945. SOUND: MS, INT, Capt Peter Ball, CO Displaced Persons Center receives a call that displaced persons are on their way to the Center. He instructs personnel off-screen to prepare for their arrival. SILENT: Sgt gives clothing to a young man; old couple stands in BG. CUs, bags of German grain which bear the Nazi emblem. CUs, other packages and cartons of captured German food (vegetable soup, etc.). Polish displaced persons around a table, some are smoking and playing cards. A man fills in a form for work detail; the form i...

  20. Dodd speaks of mistreatment of Poles at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 436) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 11, 1945. LS, court rises as judges enter and take their places. Rear views only, Thomas J. Dodd, US prosecution counsel, talking to the Tribunal states in part, "...some of the punishment consists of starvation, such punishment results in the workers fainting. Spreading of tuberculosis among the Polish workers is the result of insufficient food rations given out in the camp..." Dodd continues his address telling of the mistreatment, starvation, and disease brought on by adverse conditions in the labor camps of Poland. Pan to priso...