
Displaying items 4,861 to 4,880 of 10,858
  1. Stevens & Moffat at Elbe River

    Stevens walking in front of destroyed metal bridge. GI (probably Moffat) going down to river's edge and returning from river's edge. Army Engineers sign reads: "In memoriam to our comrades who fell with the bridge?" then list of names. Shots of destroyed bridge and river. Stevens walking into tunnel. Boys walking along railroad track, river's edge, bombed out buildings. Stevens and Moffat talking. They walk along barbed wire pathway. Stevens in jeep Toluca and weapons carrier behind crossing pontoon bridge and driving past anti-aircraft gun, along riverside and past fortifications. Stevens,...

  2. Harold Burson collection

    Collection consists of 44 typescript and mimeograph texts of the radio scripts authored by Burson, summarizing each day's proceedings of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which were broadcast each evening over the American Forces Network (AFN). According to Burson, most scripts were written in the evening following the day’s trial proceedings and in preparation for a 9:00 p.m. broadcast over AFN. The scripts cover the period between 19 November 1945 and 29 March 1946, and while typically consisting of brief summaries of the day's events in the courtroom, they sometimes also ...

  3. Diary of Nelly Epstein

    The diary of Nelly Epstein includes entries, drawings, clippings, and maps written from January 1, 1935 - January 18, 1943. Nelly began the diary with entries about friends, family, and activities, such as travel, theater, and life in general in Vienna. In the later years, Nelly documented her journey with her husband Emil (Aryeh) Katscher and other young Zionists fleeing on vessels down the Danube River, across the Black Sea, through the Gallipoli Peninsula to the Aegean, and the Mediterranean Sea, and finally landing in Haifa, Palestine. The diary includes illustrations of their journey. ...

  4. Belsen at liberation; Kramer; women jeer at SS

    CU of commandeered German truck driving burial detail to the mass graves outside Belsen, loaded with British soldiers and SS men in the back of the truck with corpses. Corpses on ground in BG. Naked female corpses dropped into grave, carried by two SS guards in uniform. Exuberant, clapping female survivors in crowd cheer and follow truck of British soldiers. CU of various women expressing pain and fury at SS; one holds her hands in prayer. Back to happy reactions of women towards British. VAR CUs of camp commandant Josef Kramer, under guard, with scarred face and untroubled look, speaks. 17...

  5. Belsen Concentration Camp: survivors and burial

    Low pile of naked corpses. In BG, survivors busy, smoke, trees. SS men march through the frame. More captured Germans enter gate. LS German soldiers unloading trucks (out of focus). From above, large crowd of female survivors, some smile at the camera for group portrait. MS of women sitting in compound, behind them is pile of boots and shoes, one woman takes some from the pile. VAR MLS of women hanging around, eating. More shots of corpses, mangled face, eye sockets; VCU, face of female, hollowed, glassy eyed. LS, wall, edge of pit, 10 feet down, shadows into pit. People looking down into i...

  6. Buchenwald; US destroying German weapons

    (LIB 5569) Bridge Crossing, Saalfeld, Germany, April 14, 1945. SEQ: Tanks of 607th TD and 735th Tank Bn move through streets. LSs, rear views, infantry men of 87th Div atop several of the tanks as they pass camera. MSs, Maj Gen Troy Middleton and Maj Gen Frank L Culin question German officer. LS, vehicles pass over steel treadway pontoon bridge. MS, Maj Gens watch vehicles crossing. Head-on shot, tank crosses steel treadway pontoon bridge. VS, soldiers righting caisson which has falled partly between treadways. (LIB 5570) German Railroad Gun, Unter-Steinach, Germany, April 14, 1945. SEQ: US...

  7. Day of German Art: exhibition and parade

    05:54:50 Day of German Art. HAS of Munich. Cables. Banners everywhere. Boys' chorus recital in Feldherrnhall. Steady camera shots thru city, past various statues. Flowers decorate town, festival atmosphere. Hitler and entourage arrive at art exhibit. Road is lined with SS soldiers in long coats. Hitler opens art exhibition, speaking to a well-dressed crowd: "Rarely in German history is one so richly moved in peacetime...everyone singularly great." ["selten in der deutschen Geschichte eine so reich bewegte Friedenszeit...Kulturprogramm von einmaliger Groesse."] CUs of Nazi elite...

  8. Hitler Youth

    The fifteen-year-old Johannes von Redel returns to his father's rural estate in Prussia after his mother dies. Johannes lived with his mother for ten years in Argentina, where he is portrayed as an urban, decadent, and fastidious Auslandsdeutscher [German living abroad] alienated from his German roots. After encountering trouble with his father, he enters a "Napola" [Nazi elite boarding school] where fellow students ridicule his alien customs and behavior. It is only after accomplishing a heroic deed during a military summer drill that he gains the comradeship of the elite pupils and is inc...

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- President & Madame Benes

    Reel 52, 100 feet. Two shots, different angles of the President's Palace in Prague. CU, flag on the President's Palace. CU, Czech officer in Italian uniform on duty at the Palace, this uniform is still worn by certain troops in memory of the Czech legion who fought with the Italian army in the war. CU, sentry. Can 74, 100 feet. Several shots of the changing of the guard at the President's Palace. A Czech army band followed by a company of the Czech Italian legion marching into the courtyard of the Palace, with the crowd watching. VS in the courtyard of the Italian legion taking over from th...

  10. German children in Wiesbaden; Duchess of Luxembourg; displaced persons

    (4/16/1945 slate) In Wiesbaden, German civilian boys digging in dirt pile. German boys playing/rafting in wading pool. CUs, German boys. (4/13/1945 slate) Airplane lands. MS, two GIs arrest two suspected Nazis. Extensive bomb damage. German woman takes firewood out of bomb damage. (2/24/1945 slate) Strafing trains. German prisoners are brought across pontoon bridge on Rhine River. CU, German children in Wiesbaden, on roadside. (4/14/1945 slate) Pan from statue to civilians in Luxembourg waiting for returning liberated prisoners. Crowds as they wave flags for the Duchess in city of Luxembour...

  11. German rockets

    Preparation for the firing of German A-4 rockets by German soldiers, shot in Germany sometime during World War II. Date unknown. Produced by AKS Film Coverage, The Directorate of Army Kinematography. Reel 1: German rocket being launched. Sign: ""Den Hoag, Centrum, Rotterdam 25, Hague Signal"". People on bicycles moving along a street. A deserted street. A black cross on a tree. Several rockets on dollies. Firing ramps being assembled by German soldiers. German trucks moving along a road, pulling trailers. Tanks containing rocket fuel. Diagram of a rocket. Rocket engine. Reel 2: Fuel tanks f...

  12. Goebbels' Total War speech

    List of PK cameramen. Wide shot of the huge crowd in the Berlin Sportpalast gathered to hear Goebbels' Total War speech. In the speech, Goebbels made repeated reference to the Jews and the danger they supposedly pose for Germany and Europe, but none of this language appears in the newsreel version of the speech. The first part of the newsreel has a voiceover that summarizes what Goebbels says, over shots of people in the crowd listening intently and cheering enthusiastically. Excerpts from the narration include (not a word-for-word translation): The Wehrmacht serves as the only protection f...

  13. Milch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 41) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 11, 1946. LSs, rear views, courtroom as German attorney questions Erhard Milch (in German). Milch confirms that the German Luftwaffe had not been prepared in 1939, no cooperation or agreements (ROE, command structure) existed with other parts of the Wehrmacht, at least he did not know of any and he should have been informed. Cooperation within the different departments of the Luftwaffe was "loose," the technical department and human resources worked independently. He defines and explains the "Generalstab" as "Fuehrergehilfen" [young o...

  14. Parade; US Gens meet; Press Conference with Goering

    20:20:45 (LIB 6607) WAC Dress Parade, London, England, May 14, 1945. WACs in formation pass in review at 3rd anniversary ceremony. Short scene, Brig. Gen. Koenig, UK Base Commandant, gets out of sedan. SEQ: Queen Elizabeth steps from car and is greeted by Gen. Koenig. The Queen enters Supply Room and inspects five WACs wearing various types of WAC uniforms. WACs in formation on parade ground. NOTE: There are scratches in this part of the reel. 20:26:26 (LIB 6608) American Generals Discuss Boundaries, Austria, May 12, 1945. SEQ: US Brig. Gen. Holmes Dager of the 11th Armored Div meets Lt. Ge...

  15. Atrocities at Dachau Concentration Camp

    (LIB 6572) Atrocities at Dachau, Germany, May 3, 1945. INTs and EXTs, gas execution chamber with sign over door in German: "Brausebad" (Shower Bath). CU, pan to ceiling, gas vents; two holes on wall. ECU, one gas "nozzle." CU, floor; bigger vent (against wall). MS, pan to ceiling pipes. CU, 2 soldiers (one looks mournful, one disgusted). Piles of bodies in room adjoining gas chamber. SLATE: Marthey. MLS, Dachau train station. CU sign on building wall "Dachau." CU, street sign with cut-out, low relief sculptures. US armed entrance/gate to camp; two story barracks in BG. Sign: "Quarantine. Ty...

  16. 75 mm artillery shell found in the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto

    1. Muzeum Wojska Polskiego collection

    Remains of a 75 mm artillery shell, found among ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto in the 1960s. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and Warsaw on September 29, after subjecting the city to heavy artillery bombardment. Warsaw had the largest Jewish population in Europe before the war. On October 12, 1940, German authorities in Warsaw decreed the establishment of a 1.3 square mile Jewish ghetto and required over 400,000 Jews from the city and nearby towns to relocate there. Between July 22 and September 12, 1942, approximately 265,000 Jews were deported from Warsaw to Treblinka killing cent...

  17. Wisliceny testifies at Nuremberg Trial re.his role with Eichmann's work in Hungary, deportation of Greek Jews. Kaestner mentioned

    (Paris 487) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 3, 1946. LS, prisoners' dock, chart at front of courtroom. Pan to Dieter Wisliceny testifying on the stand. Rear view, Col. Brukhard questioning Wisliceny on incidents dealing with SS and SD and the fate of 50,000 Jews. Wisliceny testifies (in German) that an order came from Eichmann to Brunner about the immediate deportation of all Jews from Saloniki and Macedonia to Auschwitz. The military administration did not have objections or exceptions (except for 3000 male workers for rail works, but they were deported shortly after), Brunn...

  18. Buessing factory; parade in Braunschweig

    People in front of a sign: “Barenberger Hof Goethe Haus.” Ethel with a shawl sitting on the grass next to Hans. They paddle in a canoe. He waves. INT, men in white coats study a metal cylinder. Board with measuring tools. Another man looks through the cylinder. Procession through the streets, led by a man with a sign: “BUESSING NAG.” Buessing was a German bus and truck manufacturer in Braunschweig. Military band marches, followed by others. A man carries a large swastika flag; hand raised in salute in FG. Concessions with signs advertising “Waffel; Butter.” Men in suits stand side-by-side, ...

  19. Daily life in Poland, 1936, scenes of Polish cavalry

    TRIMS not connected by subject matter. EXT, VS, a new schoolhouse in Lowicz, Poland, scenes in the schoolyard, children playing. EXT, VS, three young girls walking down a dirt road, followed by horse drawn carriage, a church steeple is visible in the BG in Lowicz. EXT, MLS, large estate in the Polish countryside. EXT, MLS, group of men at stable, Lowicz, Poland. INT, Zinc refinery in Zakopane, Poland. CU of molten zinc being poured into molds. EXT, MS, young women in peasant dress line parade route in Warsaw. EXT, CU, shop windows in Warsaw. EXT, VS, Polish cavalry on maneuvers. EXT, VS, M....

  20. The Striker, Number 26, June 1934, 12th year 1934 Der Stürmer (Nuremberg, Germany) [Newspaper]

    1. Hans Pauli collection

    Issue of Der Stürmer with the subtitle, Deutsches Wochenblatt zum Kampfe um die Wahrheit, [German weekly magazine in the struggle for truth.] It has the headline, Judenaufruhr [Jewish revolt] and a front page illustration by Fips of Jewish businessman captioned, Im Zeichen der Schlange [Under the Sign of the Serpent]. Der Stürmer was a viciously anti-Jewish newspaper published by Julius Streicher, an early Nazi Party member, from 1923-1945 in Germany. The newspaper's frequent subtitle was "Die Juden sind unser Unglück!" [The Jews are our misfortune]. The paper thrived on scandal and preferr...