
Displaying items 4,741 to 4,760 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Postwar Berlin and U.S. airlift; Truman re-elected President

    A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1948 with English titles: "West's worst floods! Thousands made homeless when swollen Columbia River inundates vast territory!" "Raging torrents devastate Canada's Fraser Valley." "Florida lashed as tropical hurricane roars in from Caribbean!" "Holland's new queen. Wilhelmina, after 50 years of kindly rule, abdicates in favor of her daughter Juliana." "All Amsterdam cheers the new Queen and her Prince Consort Bernhard" 01:01:59 "Berlin crisis! World is tense as Russia and Western Powers test strength." Troops at airfield, planes in flight. ...

  2. Ceiling lamp globe commemorating a Romanian pogrom victim

    1. Federation of Romanian Jewish Communities, Iași Section collection

    Glass globe dedicated to the memory of Idel Wahstain, who was murdered in the 1941 pogrom in Iasi, Romania. It was created immediately following World War II and donated by his children, Rasela and Iosef, to the synagogue in Iasi. The globe was retrieved from a light fixture in the main synagogue by the Federation of Romanian Jewish Communities toward the end of the 20th century. In 1940, Romania came under the rule of a radical military coalition led by General Antonescu. In November 1940, they joined the Axis alliance, of which Nazi Germany was the leading member. The Romanians joined in ...

  3. Henry "Hank" Mayer memoir

    Memoir, photocopy of manuscript, 13 pages, written by Henry "Hank" Mayer, of Bridgeport, CT, describing his family's experiences in their native Germany during the 1930s, including antisemitic persecution, their immigration to the United States in 1939, his service in the U.S. Army during World War II, and his post-war life in Bridgeport as the owner of a military supply business.

  4. Refugees

    Magyar Híradó 950. Intertitle reads “LENGYEL MENEKÜLTEK érkeztek a Kárpátok hágóin Magyarországra. M.F.I- HORVÁTH.” The Hungarian landscape from a moving train. Two soldiers ride bikes along the road, and the second one waves. The train moves quickly past buildings. In the yards are various soldiers and multiple horses attached to carts. A large number of horse drawn carts all together on the side of the road. A man sits in a cart pulled by two horses, multiple others trailing behind him. A man in uniform sits on top a pile of items in a horse-drawn cart, looking at the camera as he rolls p...

  5. Henry Hirschmann papers

    Consists of copies of swimming certification books and an Arbeitsbuch, issued between 1934-1936 to Heinz Hirschmann of Grossauheim, Germany. Also includes copies of typed and handwritten testimony and speeches written by Mr. Hirschmann about his childhood, arrest and imprisonment in Buchenwald, emigration to the United States, and experiences in the United States military during World War II.

  6. Luftwaffe officers & Goering's staff tour Mt. Vesuvius & Pompeii

    Scenes of Mt. Vesuvius and ruins of Pompeii in Italy with uniformed Luftwaffe men. Men in civilian clothes include at least 3 Luftwaffe staff or officers closely associated with Goering (they also appear in Film IDs 2548 and 2549): Fritz Goernnert in lederhosen; wavy-haired man in knickers who may be Kattengel; dark-haired man seen in target practice scenes; and the man with dark-rimmed spectacles and photo camera (Eitel Lange, the personal stills photographer for Hermann Goering, who joined Goering's staff in the summer of 1940). 01:01:02 WS with volcano. Priest in long black frock scamper...

  7. Stars and Stripes [Newspaper]

    1. Yasinow and Wurtz family collection

    Issue of US Army Stars and Stripes Mediterranean newspaper with the headline: World Council Plan Okayed. At the bottom of the front page is a handwritten note by Alexander Wurtz marking an article and telling his family that his unit just took over that area. The article is titled: 5th Army Cracking Down on German PWs in Italy with a June 12 byline from the 5th Army enemy concentration area. Over 66,000 German soldiers of 5 surrendered German divisions were sent to this location for processing by the 442nd Regiment combat team. It notes the German's surprise at impersonal, non-preferential ...

  8. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    Poignant shot of two little boys, one little girl, and one woman with her head bandaged holding an infant in her arms sitting on the street surrounded by rubble, the children are barefoot, and they look frightened and confused. This scene was shot in the immediate aftermath of a German air attack over Warsaw. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. 01:05:48:22: MS residents milling about on the street, sitting on chairs, surrounded by the few belongings they have left- several young women, one man. Clear shot of more destruction at 01:05:55:29 man in suit ro...

  9. Croatian fascists

    Pan and CU of posters supportive of the fascist government of the Independent State of Croatia (NHD). One gives the dates 1941 and 1945. MS, Bust and portraits of NHD leader and Ustasa founder leader Ante Pavelic. Men in uniform (Ustasa and German) sit at the base of a statue. Pan down from a clock tower to a busy street scene in Zagreb, including German soldiers and many civilians. Poster showing an antisemitic cartoon (an oversized Jewish caricature standing over a smaller Croat family). Part of the text reads Smrt fasizmu (death to fascism) and Sloboda Narodu (freedom to the people). Str...

  10. Deportation of Jews

    Deportation scenes in Poland. Quick shot of elderly Jews next to railway car. LS, line of Jews (filmed from behind) walking beside empty railcars followed by a Reichsbahn official. An armed SS man directs the Jewish women marching left to right across the frame. Closer view of a group of Jewish women and children with armbands walking towards the camera beside the train. A man and teenage boy help load Jews onto the train. View from inside the railcar to women as they climb into the car, a SS rifleman supervises them on the platform. On a platform, another group of Jewish civilians files to...

  11. Felix Rosenthal papers

    The collection includes typescript memoirs and essays written by Felix Rosenthal describing his childhood in Germany, his emigration from Germany in 1933, his stay in Italy and eventual immigration to the United States, and his service in the United States Army as a “Ritchie Boy” during World War II. The collection also contains other essays and reflections from Felix’s experiences in the Army, including during his time serving with occupation forces in Germany from 1945-1947.

  12. Trial of Buchenwald personnel; Nuremberg Trial: Milch case

    World in Film. Issue no. 117 (1947) 03:23:14 "Buchenwald Trial, The Sentence." Title: "Prozess Buchenwald: Das Urteil." Entrance to the courthouse at Dachau where the trial is being held. INTs, courtroom showing judges and spectators. Former General of the Waffen SS, Josiah Prinze zu Waldeck, is the first to hear his sentence. All 31 defendants were found guilty. Ilse Koch, the only woman defendant, is sentenced to life imprisonment. CU, Ilse Koch. Herman Pister is sentenced to death by hanging. 03:24:49 "Sun Observatory, Wendelstein, Bavarian Alps," Wendelstein, Germany: LS, the observator...

  13. Surrender of Count Tadeusz Komorowski

    Narrator speaks in English over the German newsreel narrator. German fighter pilot Helmut Lent's death. Lent shown; then his coffin and funeral. Goering at funeral (October 11). Narrator: "The real importance of this story lies in Goering's reappearance. He had disappeared from publicity shortly after the July 20th putsch.... within that one week in October he made three prominent appearances." CUs of men at funeral include Adolf Galland, Josef Schmidt. Further commentary on changing nature of German propaganda. 01:52:27 Map. English narration over camouflaged tanks on freight trains, ident...

  14. 257th Infantry Division moves through Poland

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. “Mit dem Stab der 257. Inf. Div. im Krieg (ein forbfilm)” “Ausbildungsbilder in Döberitz.” Soldiers ride in on horse drawn wagons, bringing in weaponry. Soldiers crawl through a field. More soldiers in wagons bringing in supplies. 10:00:42 “Lübbenau” “Gesprengte Grenzbrucke bei Myslowitz.” A wooden bridge over a small river. A collapsed bridge. Man rides a bike in town. “Im Schloßpark Krzeszowice.” Landscape. Soldiers walk along a road....

  15. Documentation from the Bobruysk district administration, 1941-1944

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 10440674
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1941-1944
    • Application Correspondence List of healthcare workers List of Jewish residents List of livestock owners List of residents List of skilled professionals Official documentation

    Documentation from the Bobruysk district administration, 1941-1944 The Mogilev and Vitebsk regions, a large part of the Gomel region, the eastern districts of the Minsk region and part of Polesye belonged to the outlying area under the control of the Heeresgruppe Mitte (Army Group Centre). The occupying regime established local administrations in the city as auxiliary power. Included in the documentation from the district administration of Bobruysk are directives from the District Director on the following subjects: funding for Bobruysk municipal institutions; commerce arrangements in the c...

  16. Pressed tin cap badge with a Reichsadler and swastika acquired by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Goldberg collection

    Eagle shaped tinnie embossed with Nazi symbols brought back from the war by Harold Goldberg, an American soldier who served in Europe, circa 1945-1946, during and after World War II.

  17. War crimes trials of Ustasa

    Opening Text: Dokumuntarni film o procesu protiv grupe ustasko macekovsko cetnickhi koljaca spljuna I terorista u ovom filmu uvrstene su dokumentarne snimke iz ustaske filmske arhive. [Documentary film about the process against a group of Ustasa, followers of Macek, and Cetnik killers, spies, and terrorists. This film incorporates archival footage from the film archives of the Ustasa.] Narrated in Croatian. Judges enter courtroom. EXT; military guards accompany the war criminals into the courtroom. Each person to be tried is flanked by two guards. INT- crowd of civilians in the courtroom st...

  18. Wehrmacht shoulder board in gray with gold trim acquired by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Goldberg collection

    German Army uniform gray felt shoulder board with yellow gold piping brought back from the war by Harold Goldberg, an American soldier who served in Europe, circa 1945-1946. This is the type of epaulet worn by enlisted men, most likely in cavalary and reconnaissance units, in the Wehrmacht.

  19. Luftwaffe officer's insignia with embroidered silver wire eagle and swastika acquired by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Goldberg collection

    Luftwaffe officer's insignia patch with an embroidered silver bullion thread flying eagle and swastika brought back from the war by Harold Goldberg, an American soldier who served in Europe, circa 1945-1946, during and after World War II. It would be placed on the front crown of an officer's hat or above the right breast pocket of a jacket.

  20. German Army officer's visor cap insignia with a silver wire oak leaf wreath and cockade acquired by a US soldier

    1. Harold B. Goldberg collection

    German Army officer's visor cap badge with a silver bullion wreath and red centered cockade brought back from the war by Harold Goldberg, an American soldier who served in Europe, circa 1945-1946, during and after World War II.