
Displaying items 4,601 to 4,620 of 7,748
  1. French refugees and POWs

    Refugee families with heavily loaded wagons cross in front of camera at end of town. Refugees, including children, push bicylces and baby carriages. Tanks pass by. Camera shoots from ground up toward soldiers atop tanks. The soldiers look and sometimes smile at camera. Germans search boarded-up shops, sprawl around city, taking over town. Brief inerior of soldier, asleep in a chair. French POWs entering and exiting building, being rushed down a street by German guard. A couple of civilians, including a woman, with the POWs. Various shots of POWS marching down road, with a tank and flowers g...

  2. Anti-fascist and anti-racist educational film made by US Army Signal Corps

    An American film dramatizing the destructive effects of racial and religious prejudice. The film was made to make the case for the desegregation of the US Armed Forces. Reel 1: shows a fake wrestling match and crooked gambling games with narration: "There's a good old-fashioned word for people like this. We call them suckers." An agitator addresses a street crowd; he almost convinces an American man in the audience until he begins to talk to a Hungarian refugee from Germany. A Nazi speaker harangues a crowd in Germany denouncing Jews, Catholics, and Freemasons. Reel 2: A German unemployed w...

  3. Siemens radio with Nazi eagle and swastika

    1. Martin Stuler collection

    Nazi radio manufactured by Siemens, decorated with Nazi eagle and swastika. Brought home from WWII by German Jewish refugee Martin Stuler (donors' father) after his service with the US Army during WWII. Martin Stuler (nee Stüler) was born in Ansbach, Germany on October 13, 1921. He immigrated to the United States with his parents in September 1936, sailing on board the SS Berengaria. He completed his schooling at Brooklyn Technical High School, and entered the US Army on October 13, 1943. During his service in Europe, one of his assignments was to help to wire the Palace of Justice for the ...

  4. David Klein document and philately collection

    1. David Klein collection

    Postcards, receipts, work permits, and similar documents from multiple concentration camps and displaced persons camps, collected by Klein with explanatory notes for each item. Includes postcards from inmates at Neuengamme, Struthof (Natzweiler) and Gusen; receipts of delivery of packages for inmates at Neuengamme, Gusen, and s'Hertogenbosch; a tobacco ration card from Auschwitz; a work permit form for use in the Riga ghetto; a substitute shekel issued by the Zionist World Organization to an interned refugee at the camp in Mauritius in 1941; post-war documents issued at the Feldafing and Be...

  5. 120. [Corrispondenza Delasem] - I-J

    1. Lelio Vittorio Valobra
    2. Delasem Svizzera. Corrispondenza ordinata alfabeticamente sulla base del mittente

    Corrispondenza relativa a richiesta di aiuti alla Delasem Svizzera. I corrispondenti si rivolgono a Valobra per vari motivi: per ottenere un lavoro, l'uscita dal campo, un sostegno economico o un aiuto pratico per garantire ai figli piccoli un'istruzione in Svizzera, notizie relative a parenti o amici deportati o scomparsi, proteste per difficoltà cui la Delasem non era stata in grado di ovviare. Il fascicolo contiene lettere di corrispondenti la cui iniziale del cognome è la lettera I-J: Jacchia Enrico; Jewish Search Centre; Irgun Olè Italia; Juna; Jarach Guido; Girolamo Isetta; Jewish Ref...

  6. Rose and Max Schindler collection

    Contains documents and photographs illustrating the experiences of Rose Schwartz Schindler and Max Schindler, Holocaust survivors who met and married in the United Kingdom after World War II. Max’s family was deported from Cottbus, Germany to Poland in October 1938; Max, his father Benjamin, and brother Alfred performed slave labor in numerous concentration camps including Płaszow, Litoměřice, and Theresienstadt, where Max and Alfred were liberated in 1945. Rose and her two sisters, Helen and Udka, were deported from Seredné, Czechoslovakia, to Auschwitz. They survived together and returned...

  7. Records relating to the work of William H. Ramkey with displaced persons in Allied-occupied Austria

    1. William H. Ramkey collection

    Consists of ten documents (photocopies and originals) concerning William Ramkey's involvement with displaced persons programs in Allied-occupied Austria. Among the papers are personal letters to and from the donor and various documents relating to Ramkey's work with the 83rd Infantry Division, the Displaced Persons Advisory Board, and the experiences of displaced persons in Austria.

  8. Records relating to the work of William Ramkey with displaced persons in Allied-occupied Austria

    1. William H. Ramkey collection

    Consists of documents relating to William Ramkey's involvement with displaced persons in Allied-occupied Austria. Among the papers are reports written by Ramkey as a member of the 83rd US Infantry Division, materials relating to the Displaced Persons Advisory Board, and UNRRA.

  9. Records relating to the work of William Ramkey with displaced persons in Allied-occupied Austria

    1. William H. Ramkey collection

    Consists of documents relating to William Ramkey's work with displaced persons in Austria after World War II. Among the topics found in the documents are displaced persons, the situation of Jews in Austria, rationing programs for displaced persons, activities of the US Army in the occupied areas of Austria, and information concerning the UNRRA.