
Displaying items 401 to 420 of 10,160
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. U.S. soldiers stateside; providing first aid to German prisoners; war damage in France; refugees load carts; captured Germans; softball

    (b/w) Amphibious landing drill at Martha's Vineyard (1943). U.S. soldiers stand on a beach and load a small artillery piece and a jeep onto an amphibious transport. The jeep hood is marked with a star, and the transport is marked LCV68. The transport takes off. Another boat marked LCV92 comes to shore and soldiers step off. Camera pans across the beach as similar transports arrive. One very large transport, marked 494, lands and unloads trucks and larger artillery pieces. 01:02:07 (color) Military drill (1943). U.S. soldiers in uniform (not battle dress) stand at attention outside camp tent...

  2. Official documentation regarding escape from deportation - Austria as a transit route for refugees from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to Switzerland

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Official documentation regarding escape from deportation - Austria as a transit route for refugees from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to Switzerland - Arrest of 16 Jews in the city of Felsenkirchen, Austria, who tried to cross the border into Switzerland illegally by smuggling themselves onto freight trains from Slovakia as stowaways; - Letters from the Staatsanwaltschaft (State's Attorney's Office) beside the Innsbruck Judicial Court and the Felsenkirchen Judicial Court.

  3. Correspondence (in alphabetical order) with refugees in various Swiss camps regarding aid and the search for relatives

    1. P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967

    Correspondence (in alphabetical order) with refugees in various Swiss camps regarding assistance and the search for relatives There are two loose leaf binders in the files: I: A-K; II: L-Z. Also in the file: Correspondence with A. Marzer, the artist.

  4. Documentation containing lists of survivors in DP camps in Germany and lists of refugees from Bergen-Belsen, 1944-1945

    1. P.32 - Collection of Hansi and Joel Brand, activists in the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest during World War II

    Documentation containing lists of survivors in DP camps in Germany and lists of refugees from Bergen-Belsen, 1944-1945 - Lists of survivors in DP camps in Germany; - Lists of refugees transferred from Bergen-Belsen to Switzerland by the Relief and Rescue Committee in Budapest.

  5. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the Argentinean, Cuban, Hungarian, Mexican, and Romanian Consulates regarding refugees and immigration

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with the Argentinean, Cuban, Hungarian, Mexican, and Romanian Consulates regarding refugees and immigration Incomplete correspondence with the Argentinean, Cuban, Hungarian, Mexican, and Romanian Consulates regarding refugees and immigration. Also in the file: - Copy of the agreement between the Bolivian government and the World Maccabi Union regarding establishment of a settlement association in Bolivia, 11 September 1939; - Correspondence with S. Tron, representative of the Dominican Republic Settlement Association, Inc. in Zurich regarding...

  6. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the refugees in Switzerland; personal documents belonging to the Weissenberg family from Berlin, 1927-1949

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the refugees in Switzerland; personal documents belonging to the Weissenberg family from Berlin, 1927-1949 In the file: - Various documents collected by Armand Brunschvig, head of the Geneva Jewish community, regarding the return of Jewish refugees from Switzerland including names and testimonies, and regarding treatment of the refugees in the absorption camps in Geneva, as well as in other cantons; the documents mention many instances of antisemitism on the part of those responsible for the absorption of the refugees; - Various documents...

  7. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Articles that appeared in the Swiss press regarding the policy towards Jewish refugees, 1939-1963

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Articles that appeared in the Swiss press regarding the policy towards Jewish refugees, 1939-1963 In the file: Articles written during the war years and afterwards dealing with the question whether, and if so, under what conditions, Switzerland should take in Jewish refugees seeking asylum from the Nazis; the articles appeared in the following newspapers and journals: - "Grenzbote", published in Schaffhausen, of 15 April 1939 (p. 4); - "Der Beobachter", September 1957 (pp. 8-85); - "Der Aufbau", 08 May 1942 (pp. 86-93); 05 November 1943 (pp. 144-151); 12 March 1...

  8. Correspondence of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) regarding relief activities for Polish Jewish refugees in Lithuania and Hungary

    1. M.17 - Documentation of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva, 1933-1940

    Correspondence of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) regarding relief activities for Polish Jewish refugees in Lithuania and Hungary Correspondence of the representatives of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva regarding the transfer of two Jewish children from Bialystok to the United States for adoption; request for emigration certificates for Leopold Sitzmann from Vienna; sending a parcel with basic supplies to M. J. Barlas in Brest Litowsk; Included in the file: - Postcards sent by the representatives of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva to Jews in Germany in the name of their re...

  9. Megillah (Book of Esther) from the former Zülz synagogue brought to the US by German Jewish refugees

    1. Donald H. Harter family collection

    Megillah (Book of Esther) from the former synagogue in Zülz, Germany (now Biała Prudnicka, Poland). The synagogue burned down on November 9, 1938, during Kristallnacht. The handwritten scroll tells the Biblical story of Esther, a Queen of Persia, who saved the Jewish people from a massacre planned by an advisor to the King. The story is read aloud on the Jewish holiday of Purim. Historically, the town of Zülz had a large Jewish population, and a sizeable brick synagogue was built in 1774, after the previous one burned down. The new synagogue was one of the largest in Germany at the time of ...

  10. Records of the Religious Society of Friends in Great Britain: Friends Committee for Refugees and Aliens (FCRA)

    The collection contains minutes of the Germany Emergency Committee, which was later renamed the Friends Committee for Refugees and Aliens (FCRA). Records relate to the situation of Jews in Germany, support for refugees, internment, political prisoners, and visits to concentration camps. The collection also includes the pamphlet “An Account of the Work of the Friends Committee for Refugees and Aliens, first known as the Germany Emergency Committee of the Society of Friends 1933-1950,” by Lawrence Dalton, issued in 1954, as well as various other pamphlets relating to the work of the Committee...

  11. Collection of the Commissie-Clevering committee, which examined the attitude toward refugees by the authorities in the Netherlands, 1946-1950

    Collection of the Commissie-Clevering committee, which examined the attitude toward refugees by the authorities in the Netherlands, 1946-1950 Official documentation of the Commissie-Clevering committee, established by the Foreign Ministry of the Netherlands in 1946 for the purpose of examining the attitude of the embassies toward Dutch citizens who escaped to Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal and other countries during the war period: Included in the collection: Testimonies of: A. Cohen E. Elzas L. Flesseman M.H. Gans A.J. Goedkoop E.H. van Hasselt M.H.J. Hedeman-Joosten J.M. Kijzer J. P...

  12. Autobiographical painting depicting a young girl and her parents as refugees in flight painted postwar by a Croatian Jewish woman

    1. Dina Pollak Gabos collection

    Grayscale painting created by Dina Pollak Gabos in 1977, commemorating her family’s escape from Yugoslavia to Italy in December 1941. The Axis powers invaded Yugoslavia on April 6, 1941. Dina, age three, and her parents Otto and Rifka lived in Zagreb, which became part of Croatia and was ruled by the fascist anti-Semitic Ustasa regime. On April 28, Otto was sent by the Ustasa police to Kerestinec concentration camp, but was released in June. In October, the family fled to Italian controlled Ljubljana. They lived in hiding until they escaped to Italy in December 1941. The family lived as con...

  13. Letter from Leo Baeck and Otto Hirsch to George Rublee, Director of the Intergovernmental Committee on Political Refugees

    Consists of a photocopy of a letter, dated March 2, 1939, from Leo Baeck and Otto Hirsch to George Rublee, offering gratitude for his work on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees (IGC) and thanking him on the occasion of his retirement. The letter was written on Reichsevertretung der Juden in Deutschland stationery.

  14. Isaac Bitton collection photographs of arrivals of Jewish refugees in Lisbon, Portugal, and their departures to various destinations

    1. Isaac Bitton collection

    Contains twelve gelatin silver copyprints of Jewish refugees upon arrival in Lisbon, Portugal, and of Jewish refugees at the time of their departure from Lisbon to various destinations.

  15. The Committee of Refugees Print and explanatory page depicting the refugee committee from the Hollandia Regenerata series

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn543901
    • English
    • 1796
    • a: Height: 12.875 inches (32.703 cm) | Width: 9.875 inches (25.083 cm) b: Height: 12.750 inches (32.385 cm) | Width: 9.875 inches (25.083 cm)

    This etching of the Committee for Refugees is the twelfth in the twenty plate series, Hollandia Regenerata. The series was originally illustrated by Swiss soldier and caricaturist, David Hess, as a satirical commentary on the newly created, French-supported Batavian Republic. The images were refined and etched by James Gillray, and published in 1796, likely by Hannah Humphrey of London, England. In December 1792, the French Republic decreed that it would declare the sovereignty of the people in nations it helped liberate. The Batavian Republic (now the Netherlands) was one such country, for...

  16. National Committee for Relief to Political Refugees Comité national de secours aux réfugiés politiques, Paris (Fond 533)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Minutes of the meetings of the Federation of German emigrés in France; proposed revisions to an international convention on German refugees; a paper on aid to refugees in Czechoslovakia; statistical reports and other materials from the Comité national de secour aux réfugiés politques (National Aid Committee for Political Refugees); committee documents, including correspondence with aid committees in various French cities; and letters and information bulletins from other organizations involved in aid including the Parti socialiste (Socialist Party), Parti républicain-radical et radical-socia...